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  1. I vote electric blast.
  2. Savage is also good since no one else mentioned it.
  3. Sent is the only AT I can make a Blastoise themed power ranger. I can dig it.
  4. Correct. I got it fixed though. Not sure why I had that listed at all
  5. Error listed : "Manifest download error for https://icanhazchzbrgr.com/Manifests/Rebirth-i24.xml The remote name could not be resolved: 'icanhazchzbrgr.com'" Is there a new host name that I need to input?
  6. Error listed : "Manifest download error for https://icanhazchzbrgr.com/Manifests/Rebirth-i24.xml The remote name could not be resolved: 'icanhazchzbrgr.com'" Is there a new host name that I need to input?
  7. I think I found the answer. When the guns spin unsheathing you can cancel from one attack to another. Using Z to sheath will reset that and allow another 2 attacks to chain
  8. moobiman

    Dual Pistols

    Not a build question but rather mechanics. I have noticed Dual Pistols (using sent forums as it's the AT I noticed this on) has animation cancelling on recovery frames. Is there a way to make this consistent?
  9. Devices, tactical arrow are a given. Then energy, ice and martial. Ice mostly for using shiver to kite and martial for the combat teleport that can trigger the buildup without hitting anything and the T1 that sends anything close flying away
  10. I kind of miss defense opportunity. Well for my sonic/nin.
  11. Get my first 50. Which is probably going to be either ice/ice tank or martial/invuln brute
  12. Electric melee for the T9 mostly. That's pretty mystical and heroic.
  13. Does poison have a bad secondary pairing? I feel like most of them benefit from or add to poison well except maybe archery and energy
  14. Attack vitals is legit. Once I got that on scrapper it almost felt like the dps doubled
  15. I was playing around with mids earlier and ice armor looks like it has some good synergy with end drain in elec primary. You will need to be in melee more though as that power has a range of 8. You also get mez protection by lvl 4
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