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Everything posted by macskull

  1. They've been bouncing from 30-50 million for a while now. I remember seeing them north of 100 for a while, I think they were as high as 150 last summer.
  2. I'll take "Words I never thought I'd read on the CoH forums" for 400, Alex.
  3. Can confirm, this is how it works. Poison Trap is an excellent place for the Entomb proc because it'll fire almost every time you use the power.
  4. The power you use that affect NPCs will have PvE effects against PvE targets even in a PvP zone, but powers that affect you or other players follow the PvP ruleset. PvP diminishing returns is always present regardless of what you're doing which is why about the only inspirations that matter in PvP are greens and sometimes blues.
  5. I like the idea of it but I have never found a build where I could acceptably drop enough things to fit it. If the origin pools were an exclusive pool pick and didn't count against the four picks you get, I'd probably take it but right now my four pool picks are almost always Speed/Leaping/Leadership/Fighting.
  6. The cap on mez resistance is 10001.01% (not a typo) which results in about 1% duration but outside of PvP there are very few powers which give mez resistance vice protection so it's extremely unlikely that you'll ever hit more than a few hundred percent even in extreme cases.
  7. Yes, that's correct. Generally speaking it's not worth building specifically for mez resistance. You'll usually get a modest amount as collateral while you're building for other things (especially damage resistance as damage resistance set bonuses also provide mez resistance). The best way to avoid mez is to have the defense to prevent it from hitting you in the first place, and carry along a few extra tools just in case you do get mezzed (I tend to carry a few breakfrees with me when I'm running mez-heavy content).
  8. It's not a reduction - the second poster was correct in the way they described it. It has to do with the way the game calculates and displays things like this and you'd see the same sort of results if you were looking at recharge or endurance reduction. Having 100% mez resistance means a mez lasts half its original duration, just like having 100% recharge reduction means a power recharges in half the time, just like having 100% endurance reduction means a power costs half as much endurance. They aren't straight reductions because otherwise you'd have things like 100% mez resistance meaning mezzes would have no duration, or 100% recharge meaning powers recharged instantly, or 100% endurance reduction meaning powers cost no endurance. Some math, using the examples in @Patti's post: Let's look at damage first. We'll use some arbitrary values for this, so let's say our base damage for a given attack is 100. If I have 33% damage enhancement, that becomes 100 x 1.33 = 133 damage. Likewise, if I have a 100% damage debuff applied to me it'd be 100 x 0 = 0 damage, except the minimum value for damage is 10% so you'd actually deal 10 damage. Most enhancement aspects work like the way I described above, but because I don't want to be able to have 100% mez resistance equal no mez ever, or 100% recharge to mean powers recharge instantly, or 100% endurance reduction to mean powers cost no endurance, those enhancements are figured differently. The math for these three enhancement aspects doesn't use the base x enhancement = result formula, it uses the (base / (100% + enhancement)) = result formula. For example, if I slot a power with 33% recharge reduction, it doesn't reduce recharge to 67% of its original value (the first formula), rather it reduces recharge to about 75% of its original value (the second formula). The same thing goes for mez resistance - if I have 20% mez resistance it doesn't mean all mezzes last 80% of their original duration (the first formula), it means all mezzes last 83.33% of their original duration (or 16.67% of their duration is removed). So yes, in a manner of speaking, you could say there are diminishing returns applied to mez resistance, or recharge reduction, or endurance reduction, because each 100% of those you have only reduces the value by 1/2 of the current value (i.e. 100% mez resist means a mez lasts half its duration, 200% means it lasts 1/4 its duration, 300% means it lasts 1/8 its duration, and so on), but those diminishing returns are only due to the mechanics of how enhancing those attributes works and not because of some artificial limitation. Is it a little bit complicated? Yep. Is CoH pretty wacky and complicated under the hood considering how casual-friendly it purports to be? Also yep.
  9. Anecdotally, most of my builds don't use Mace Mastery. Mace might be the most attractive option for many Defender/Corruptor builds because it's the only defense armor you can get, but it's far from the only one.
  10. Location-based ("patch") AoE abilities got a huge quality-of-life upgrade with the "powexeclocation" command. Normally you'd have to click on the power icon (or press the button) and then click where you want the power to fire, but the powexeclocation command (Wiki article here) makes it a lot more flexible - you can drop them automatically on yourself, on your target, or at any other of the parameters the command allows for.
  11. IIRC the reason hamis aren't convertible is because they aren't power-unique like set IOs are, and if they were made convertible you wouldn't be able to slot more than one of a given hami in a given power.
  12. I'm confused. Are you talking about actual time, server time, or ingame time? If you're looking for ingame time it's /citytime, if you're looking for server time it's /servertime.
  13. FWIW the store-bought enhancements (i.e. the ones you had to pay actual money for) were using the PPM system - albeit slightly different - as early as Issue 21, over a year before the game shut down.
  14. The arena interface allows pretty much exactly what you're looking for. You can go to an arena in-game (Peregrine Island, Pocket D, St. Martial, or Port Oakes) or use /arenalist from anywhere.
  15. Powerhouse has said on a few occasions that he wants to revisit procs in one way or another. Honestly I'd rather they just go back to the old flat-rate system or be left alone but that's me.
  16. If you're gonna go the Bio route I'd probably do it on a Tanker because of their higher values and higher HP pool.
  17. I mean, we can't know whether it's intended or not without a comment from the dev team, but considering they explicitly changed some procs to prevent multiple instances in an AoE it wouldn't surprise me if this was intentional and was simply left out of the patch notes.
  18. I don't remember seeing that in any patch notes. AFAIK it was just the Call of the Sandman proc that got changed.
  19. Also Tar Patch is currently bugged and is way more effective than it's supposed to be which is probably helping here.
  20. To be fair that's been its primary use since it was introduced so it hasn't really changed at all.
  21. Oh no I didn't mean to take them out of the AH, Sure you get that 10% transaction fee acting as an inf sink but even if your catalyzed winter O sells for 40 million that's still 4 million inf eaten in fees which is less than a fifth of what disappears when you buy a winter super pack (assuming you buy a seeded one and not one someone has listed).
  22. IIRC ATOs and winter O's did come as drops on a certain other I25-based server but it changed to the current version to put inf sinks into the game.
  23. The rez ability also has the dubious distinction of being the longest-animating power in the game (short of P2W teleport powers) at 7.33 seconds with a 4-second interrupt period at the beginning you can't get rid of.
  24. Both times I've run the MLTF in the last two days I've crashed to desktop with no crash dialog or any other warning while on the map for the last mission, just after reaching the spot on the map where you fight the final four AVs. The most recent time three members of our team experienced the crash. I don't have any crash logs unfortunately so I can't provide more information.
  25. I think this (the price difference between super packs on the AH) is on purpose because of how insanely good the winter enhancement set bonuses are, specifically for farming characters. I know this because Homecoming is the only I25-based server where the super packs don't all cost the same amount of inf.
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