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Everything posted by macskull

  1. Hold on a second here - I disagree with the OP about whether Barrier needs a nerf, but PvP wasn't even brought up in this thread until I mentioned it. Most PvP-related issues can be dealt with with either some forethought or some teammates but a response like yours is nothing short of toxic (and people call PvPers toxic).
  2. It will show up in your combat attributes under Range Bonus.
  3. So your point here has nothing to do with Barrier and everything to do with Greater Psi Blade (which yeah its PvP damage is overtuned). Like I said though, the best counterplay is to keep moving to at least give you a window to do something. I don't remember the last time when I was randomly whacked out of nowhere while I was doing something other than 1) standing still or 2) planting in animations and not being conscious of that.
  4. The only thing a Psi/Bio might be able to one-shot with that combination is a squishy with no HP bonuses, and that's a real big might. The Stalker has to be in melee range to use that attack which means as long as you are moving you are making their job much harder. If this is actually an issue (it's not) bring something to counter the Stalker - something with -stealth, something with a higher perception cap, whatever. Again, you can effectively ignore them for the 10-30 seconds where Barrier is most powerful. Are Stalkers annoying? Sure. Are they a threat? Not if you play intelligently. On an SO-only build, Barrier provides excellent survivability... for about 30 seconds. At best you're getting 1/4 uptime on the largest portions of those buffs. It doesn't need to be nerfed.
  5. Apparently it is a stated-by-Captain-Powerhouse-on-the-forums-but-not-stated-anywhere-in-game design change that long-duration +special powers do not affect defense buffs. The only existing powers this applies to are Adrenal Booster (which additionally doesn't buff healing) and Amp Up.
  6. Entomb/Superior Entomb +Absorb is bugged in the same way.
  7. Streakbreaker will force a hit after a single miss with a hit roll of anything above 90. The list in the wiki can be read as "the number of misses you are allowed before streakbreaker activates."
  8. This was fun. Will be interesting to potentially see some footage once the streaming/video policy goes away.
  9. Worst case if you really don't need it you can break it down into threads and use those threads to buy T4/team T4 inspirations from Luna as the poster above me said, and sell those to make a little extra inf on the side. I'd really like Incarnate salvage/threads/shards to be tradeable on the same account but I doubt that'll happen.
  10. Realistically Barrier's only really good for the first 30 seconds and the remaining 90 seconds is okay. It's sort of redundant on a well-balanced team since most people will already be running around with softcapped defense and solid resistance already, so much of the "really good" portion of Barrier is complete overkill. I'd argue that outside of specific Incarnate content Barrier is possibly the least useful Destiny buff. You could make a PvP-related argument that Barrier is too good and you'd almost have something there but diminishing returns on resistance and defense for non-melee ATs means Barrier is next to useless on ranged ATs and if someone sees a melee AT pop Barrier they should be smart enough to just ignore that person for the next 30 seconds or so.
  11. The PvP damage formula takes activation time into account and honestly from a balance standpoint it makes sense for PvE as well since the idea of recharge being the driving factor while completely ignoring activation time is bonkers. The issue is that it would completely change the game and a change that has such a huge impact on literally every character is probably something that would be better saved for a hypothetical CoH 2.
  12. Sort of. Weaken does -special which will cause the target's own buffs and debuffs to be less effective, but it doesn't change the target's resistance to control or debuff.
  13. That they are toggle or location is an important distinction because as a result they require allies to either: 1) stay within a small radius of the person running the toggle or 2) stay within the location patch of the buff, both of which are substantially different than "90 seconds of mez protection for everyone no matter where you go or what you do." You could make the argument that Clarion exists but non-Incarnate content isn't balanced around Incarnate powers and so much of the game happens at levels other than 50. That being said I don't see why at the very least the secondary effects of Antidote shouldn't be AoE.
  14. We couldn't even let the last Hasten thread die before making another one?
  15. When players bring up issues like this my reply is always "combat logs or it didn't happen" and one of four situations results: Player is unable to produce said logs, leaving the question up to a matter of confirmation bias since there's no data to back up the claims Player produces said logs and a review of them indicates the game mechanics are functioning as they should, though from a small data set the numbers may seem wrong Player produces said logs and they appear to show a situation that should be impossible but I am unable to replicate Player produces said logs and after review and testing there's something actually wrong Numbers one and two are far and away the most common in these cases, number three happens sometimes, and I can count on one hand the number of times number four has happened. Since this game's combat is basically dice roll-based, there's always a bit of statistics and probability going on at work here. "I am missing all the time with a 95% chance to hit!" is one I hear all the time, but the more attacks you fire, the more likely you are to miss any one of them. As an example, if I fire ten attacks with the aforementioned 95% chance to hit the odds of all ten attacks landing is only about 60%. If I fire one hundred attacks with a 95% chance to hit those odds drop to 0.6%. Yes, you're going to notice the misses because missing with a 95% chance to hit is frustrating and you don't like it but you're forgetting about the 95% of attacks that do hit. The best way to prove something is or isn't working is to test it yourself but you have to ensure you have a large enough sample size. A few months back I had a discussion with a user on the Homecoming Discord server who was pretty sure a proc was not firing as often as it should, so I set out to get some numbers and figure it out one way or the other. After a few hundred test attacks, I was surprised to see that the power was actually firing off substantially more than my math said it would, so... I kept attacking more, and wouldn't you know it, after roughly 3000 casts the number of times the proc fired was almost exactly the number I'd have expected. Another thing I noted over those 3000 attacks was that the total number of attacks that actually hit was 95.02%, almost exactly the expected 95%.
  16. Self-heals are flagged in such a way that they shouldn't be affected by Incandescence (they're flagged as unresistable which means +/-res(heal) from sources like Incandescence doesn't affect them). Healing Flames is working as intended, Warmth shouldn't be flagged as unresistable which means that's probably a bug.
  17. Yeah you have to get the global name of the character in question using /getglobalname local_name_here and then use the /playernote command to either create a new note if none exists, or open one that already does. The player note function works by saving an entry in the playernotes.txt file in the install directory so it doesn't validate whether a global handle actually exists.
  18. I think it's also likely that recipe storage isn't offered because recipes didn't exist at the time the storage items were added to the game.
  19. The IO doesn't change the way fast snipe works, it just tells the game to always use the fast snipe version, complete with damage bonus from extra tohit.
  20. So I think there's a fundamental misunderstanding here with: When the Experienced Marksman set was added to the game How the current snipe mechanics work How snipe mechanics used to work Snipe attacks pre-change (tohit-based): Always fast snipe if you had >22% tohit bonus, with the fast snipe being a lower, fixed damage Always slow snipe if you didn't, with slow snipe being a higher, fixed damage Experienced Marksman IO made no difference because it literally didn't exist Snipe attacks post-change (combat status-based): Fast snipe if you've been in combat within the last 8 seconds, with the fast snipe being a lower damage attack but its damage scales based on your tohit with the maximum boost provided at >22% Slow snipe if you haven't been in combat within the last 8 seconds, regardless of your tohit bonus, with slow snipe being a higher, fixed damage Always fast snipe if you have the Experienced Marksman IO
  21. Yes, I know the slow snipe version does more damage, my point was that the fast snipe with no interrupt is probably more useful save for problem targets and in that case why slot the fast snipe IO in the first place? The poster I was replying to seems to think the IO should trigger fast snipe but with slow snipe damage which makes zero sense from a balance persepective, hence my "can't have it both ways" comment.
  22. Entering draw distance does the exact same thing but it is useless unless you can either see them or have a power which can drop their stealth down to Hide-only levels.
  23. It's not broken. There are two versions of every snipe power - fast snipe and slow snipe, and the game uses your combat status to determine which to use. The Experienced Marksman proc just tells the game to always redirect to the fast snipe version. I'm not sure I'd consider it a "nerf" since a high-damage fast-animating power that is always usable is better than a higher-damage slow-animating power with an interrupt time that can only be used as an opening attack. You can't get it both ways.
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