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Everything posted by macskull

  1. There are far better options to use your power pool picks on. Going 3 powers deep just to get some +end from Aid Self is sort of a waste and if you invest a modest amount in IO set bonuses you can make yourself pretty damn tanky. Steamy Mist is really good for boosting defense and resistance.
  2. To this point, buying recipes directly with merits is almost always the least-efficient way to do it. Granted, if you've got merits coming out your ears you might not care about that, but I'd argue the players who complain about not having inf probably don't have that amount of merits either.
  3. Yeah, the way the bolded part was worded was real professional. eyeroll emote here I feel like this is one of those "wait and see what they come up with" things but I'm sure just like the "we are banning RMTers" phase from last fall I'm sure it'll catch up a bunch of unrelated activities/accounts but everyone will be happy because haha the farmers got screwed. Still haven't got a few accounts back from the RMT thing, by the way. If anyone from the GM staff is reading this I'd be happy to help you figure out why whatever algorithm you use to find RMTers is shit.
  4. The arena interface is all kinds of broken. You can't see scores of completed matches, for instance.
  5. Re: number 4, under the old flat-rate proc rules PvP IO procs had a 20% chance against PvE targets and 30% chance against PvP targets. Under the current PPM system they have the same proc rate in PvE and PvP but do the same damage as purple procs against player targets (107 vs 71, roughly).
  6. The autohit -75% range and "can't attack anyone else haha" isn't enough already?
  7. He's referring to the size of the PvP population as a whole, and An easy, casual-friendly game like CoH is going to by its very nature attract the type of player who wants that, and that type of player does not always overlap with the type of player that enjoys PvP. Most of the "acrimony" back on live came from someone stepping into a PvP zone, getting stomped on, and coming to the forums complaining and asking for a nerf, then getting upset when people basically told them "learn to play."
  8. Sure, but of all those things PvP was the only one stated from the beginning as a feature the game was going to have. In fact I'm looking at some early alpha gameplay on Youtube right now and the demonstrator specifically mentions the arena and player versus player as one of the game types CoH is going to feature.
  9. Yeah, that's why "this game wasn't designed for PvP!" is a shitty argument. This game wasn't "designed" for a lot of things.
  10. I don't think the implementation was that haphazard. They probably had bigger fish to fry re: bugs and balance issues before getting to PvP since that required some new assets and systems to be added, but considering how long some things took to see the light of day in this game a year isn't that bad. I mean, it took them five months to add the respec system and teleport/rez prompts and almost nine months add difficulty sliders and cross-server chat. It took longer to add supergroup bases to the game than it took to add PvP.
  11. Yeah I'd be 100% okay with making Field Medic an auto power with no other modifications, though that would mean it loses the ability to slot any enhancements. I wonder if it's possible to make the +heal/-res(heal) enhanceable with heal enhancements/sets. It's an extremely niche power as it stands and the only place I've actually seen it used is a few specific PvP builds.
  12. I'm pretty sure enemy local/broadcast chat is disabled by default. You have to intentionally enable it.
  13. I would argue that those who are seriously interested in PvP will not give up after a few bad experiences because they understand they're starting off from square one and they're not going to be any good for a while. Likewise, those people going into PvP zones for badges/temp powers/whatever and complaining about being attacked were probably never going to be interested in PvP in the first place. I think it's less about the mechanics of the game and more about this game's population as a whole. While a common argument against PvP in this game is that the game didn't originally have PvP and PvP has been responsible for many nerfs and powers changes, the fact of the matter is that it was stated from before the game's release that there was going to be PvP, PvP was added only about a year after launch, and there's only been one time ever where PvP was the sole reason a power got nerfed or changed in PvE and I guarantee you don't even know about it. CoH is a very casual-friendly MMO. It's very easy to pick up and have a rudimentary understanding of the game, it's not particularly challening by any means, and there's no "grind" that you have to keep up with a la WoW. To the majority of the playerbase, these are positives, but the types of players who are attracted to that sort of thing are also probably not the type of players that would have a serious interest in PvP in any form. That being said, there are many resources out there for players who are interested in learning about PvP and the PvP community as a whole is relatively welcoming of new people coming in with questions.
  14. This is categorically false and this line of thinking is far more toxic than most PvPers. Some of the most knowledgeable and helpful players in this game are PvPers.
  15. I know all these things but what you're overlooking is that unlike every other melee attack, Assassin's Strike is interruptible. I can't queue it up and then have it go off as soon as I'm in range. I either have to find a target that is moving predictably enough (or not at all) and get the AS off then, or I have to be able to figure out where and when someone is going to land and be waiting at the exact right spot and moment. You'd be surprised at the number of zone Stalker players that can't even get an AS off on a moving target when the target is only moving in two dimensions, let alone three. Part of dealing with that is being mindful about the attacks you're using and where you're using them so you don't predictably plant (or use one of the several methods available to not plant at all).
  16. I would somewhat agree with your first bit here. There's not necessarily much skill involved on the part of those Stalkers but that's because you're making yourself such an easy target that there doesn't need to be any skill on their part. Complaining about Stalkers was extremely common both in broadcast and the forums when the game was live but a decent player knew that the best counter to 90% of the Stalker players out there was (and still is) to be continuously moving in all three dimensions. Stalkers can't AS what they can't hit and only the best Stalker players could reliably AS moving targets. That being said, it is players attacking other players, which is by definition PvP. Is it high-quality PvP? No, but that's not the point. I don't think PvP is dead here. I'd say as far as high-end PvP goes it's been more active more continuously than it was back on live at any point after I16 or so, and that's with an overall playerbase that's a fraction of the live population. This game's PvP population took a huge hit when the I13 changes were rolled out against the protests of nearly every PvPer and it never really recovered but that's a different story. It's also worth pointing out that the types of players that tend to exhibit the behavior we're discussing are also pretty bottom-of-the-barrel PvPers who aren't taken seriously by the PvP community at large.
  17. I wouldn't. I'll let the people who find that interesting spend their time on it for me.
  18. Based on the GM reply after my last post on that topic which said "Yes, you can PvP people who don't want to be PvP'd" I would interpret that as not harassment.
  19. Some of the PvE vs PvP powers changes depend on the target of the power, and some depend on the type of zone you're in. A single power can have multiple effects if it hits multiple combinations of targets - for example if I use an AoE on a player standing in a group of NPCs, the normal PvE effects will be applied to the NPCs and the PvP effects will be applied to the player. Not every player-affecting power follows the same rules though. Another example: if I get confused in PvE and hit a teammate with, say, Fossilize, it'll deal PvP damage and the hold will only last for a few seconds (if the player had no mez protection, otherwise it would not mez the target at all). If I use Clear Mind on an ally, it will give mez protection in PvE but if I use that same power in a PvP environment it will give mez resistance instead. Melee armor set mez protection toggles/clicks/autos also use zone type to determine their effect. Because of the way some of the PvP/PvE differentiation is done, it's not really possible to have open-world impromptu PvP because you'd end up with a mixed bag of PvE and PvP effects.
  20. Ugh that definitely wasn't a thing on live. You'd figure the warning entering a PvP zone would be enough but...
  21. I've got the OP ignored for myriad reasons but based on the replies I've read so far I'm guessing the post was something like: I want to be able to flag myself as non-PvP in a PvP zone because other people are mean and keep killing me when I'm trying to get badges or temp powers but I also want to be able to flag myself as PvP in non-PvP zones because I want to be able to have open world PvP a la Champions Online Regarding item one, if you don't want to engage in PvP just... I dunno, stay out of PvP zones? There's nothing that's required for the game in those zones, and for the most part the badges/temp powers offer a reward commensurate with the risk. Plus, y'know, unless you're in RV on Indomitable the odds you're going to run into someone who's there for PvP and not badge hunting like you is pretty low. Regarding item two, the game's PvP population is small enough as it is (the Homecoming PvP Discord has, as of this post, 1314 members) and spreading that population out even further reduces the likelihood you'll ever find someone to PvP against. The game already has mechanisms in place to PvP from anywhere at any time, and because of the way PvE/PvP powers separation works, it isn't actually possible to enforce some of the PvP-specific mechanics changes in non-PvP zones. EDIT: Apparently after reading the last shitstorm thread that got locked, you could potentially interpret some of the posts there and here as saying if a player is in a PvP zone and has said they want to be left alone (aka not engage in PvP in a zone existing expressly for that purpose) then you cannot continue to PvP, even if you're trying to get a PvP IO, and even if that person is the only other one in the zone. That seems a little ridiculous to me. Is that what @GM Widoweris saying? EDIT 2: Just for clarity, because I'm sure I'll be accused of being one of the types that sits in PvP zones and waits to gank someone over and over again... no, I won't do that. I'm like the majority of players who tend to go into PvP zones mostly for badges and accolades (unless it's RV) but if I see another player I will probably attempt some PvP. I might kill you a few times but I won't continually follow you around over and over and over.
  22. I don't think the animations changed when fast snipe changed. They were all 1.33s (some were 1.67s I think?) and they're still all 1.33s/1.67s.
  23. Apple has never been "actively hostile" to video games and game developers, what on earth are you talking about?
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