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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. Oddly, I feel that over the long term the inf supply is going to go up (*) and drive prices up.

    Well time will tell but I think if we do see inflation it will be pretty slow. The thing to keep in mind is that the market itself is a pretty large inf sink so for every 1 million inf farmed you get a maximum of 10 million worth of market purchases. So in general the market will tend to stabilize at a point where the amount of inf it's sucking out of the economy is about equal to the amount coming in.


    Now over time we'll potentially get more people farming and becoming more efficient at farming so we might see some inflation from that but I think it will be relatively slow. If you think back to the market behavior on live, prices were in general reasonably stable, large jumps in prices tended to be associated with the devs making changes to the game (such as AE, introducing alignment merits, or fixing the Hamidon slotting bug) rather than a gradual inflation.


    +1 inf for showing proper knowledge of the multiplier effect.  1mm farmed means you can spend it in the market.  The person you spent it on can spend 900,000 inf on someone else in the market, who can spend 810,000, etc., summing up to 10mm potentially added to the economy.


    The question remains, however, if inf aggregation will be faster, slower, or the same as item aggregation, i.e., drops.  I dunno.  Gaining 1mm inf on a 50 is trivial.  Does that 50 also pick up 10mm worth of items in the same run?  I'm starting to think that there is going to be so much inf around, but very little demand for anything but the very best items.

  2. War Mace is good.  Very good.  I’m currently running it on a brute, a scrapper, and a lowbie tank.  When you get a full attack chain, things just melt.  I actually think the AoE is some of the best around.  The 1-2 of Crowd Control followed by Whirling Mace will keep everyone on their butts.  Throw a Force Feedback proc in CC and you can keep chaining those two.  Extremely satisfying.


    I don’t like staff as much.  I think it would pair better with a more offensive secondary like fire.  I like the animations, but things seem to take significantly longer to die than they do with WM.

  3. I have a bad case of altitis -- don't even have a 50 yet.  But I try to make each character self sufficient.


    Generally, I don't bother slotting until lvl 12, when I go to the University and kit out with lvl 15 generic IOs.  Then I will add sets on the 2s and 7s.  Example: at 17 on a targeted AoE I will buy an attuned set of Positron's Blast, then not worry about it for a while. 


    I work off the attitude that if I want it, other people probably do as well.  So my rule of thumb is that if I want one, I buy or make ten and try to make a profit off it.  It's pretty much how I've gotten into most of my specific niches.

  4. You can definitely sell between two characters on the same account.  But generally I will bid at the low end for an attuned on the character who needs the item and offer at the high end with the character who has the non-attuned.  Generally I’m able to cross the trade within an hour (overnight at the worst) at a decent-to-very-decent profit.

  5. I predict that over the next month, we will see two secular trends.  One:  people will spend more time on their 50s, either doing incarnate stuff, or farming.  Two:  people will become more aware how the market works.


    The first trend leads to a lot of influence generated, but also a lot of uncommon/rare supply generated.  I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that mid-range things like rare enhancements will drop in value, while truly limited resource items like purples will increase in price.



    I predict that prices on most items will rise slightly as more people will have money to spend and learn how to use the market and converters.


    However, the most expensive items (purples, ATOs, WinterOs) will go down in price as their supply will increase.


    So kind of the opposite of this!

  6. ...they were selling at those prices last weekend. 


    I think the market is cooling off noticeably.  Starting two days ago, I saw the "magic" starting recipes (guaranteed to flip directly into rare) skyrocket in price.  Since then, my sales have slowed.  A few of my asking prices look too high now, and many others in the 2M range that would have been quick sellers at the end of last week are sitting around.  Many IOs show ~100 offers and ~20 bids.


    It looks like more and more suppliers have caught on (or read this thread).


    The very top-priced sellers (for our purposes, not purples, PvPs, etc) are holding their value pretty well.  There may be an avenue for the more aggressive crafters-- those willing to gamble more and more converters to get that Miracle +Recovery or Luck of the Gambler.  Not sure if I'll be in the market over the next couple of days or just keeping an eye on it.  Don't want to wind up on a streetcorner selling converters out of a cup for a penny each.


    Some of that is going to be weekday v. weekend effect.


    I also feel that over the long term, prices on almost everything are going to go down.



    Barely related question:  What does everyone here do with rare salvage now?  Just sell it for as much as you can?  Do you still craft 50IOs out of it for your own use?


    Rare salvage I would usually sell, unless you want to trade it.  I "rarely" need it and when I do, I know I can buy it in bulk.

  8. Yeah. There seem to be huge inflation spikes during the weekend. I was buying "Brass" for about 500 each ... a few minutes later the search shows that the last few "Brass" went for 10.000 inf. So I tried and listed some of mine for 9,500 inf and they sold immediately. An hour later they were back at 770 inf each.


    This sounds like a bug.  I believe that the 10mm seeded common salvage are listed at 5,000 each, so you should not have been able to sell brass at 9,500 until all the seeded common salvage have been bought.  Which is something I dream about.

  9. Thanks for all the contributions in this thread.  I've been lurking along all week and trying to get the hang of this.  But like a 90s Learn to Line Dance video, I've had to keep pausing and rewinding and peeking back at this screen.  :D


    I've been modestly successful.  Here are two questions and observations from my side.


    1.  Is 5M inf kind of the gold standard of sell prices we're looking for here?  Like, if I get a 5M, my work is done, if not I need to look at what my current IO is selling for and do a little risk/reward on further conversions?


    2.  I tried an (expensive) experiment in the confuse sets today.  I found a L50 Perplex uncommon recipe that require no rare components.  I did a 50 in hopes of getting a category conversion into a purple (1 out of 3 sets in confuse that go to L50.)  I think I did 8 category conversions and it kept flipping back and forth between Perplex and Malaise's Illusions.  Are the purples locked out of category flipping?


    3.  Shinobu, if you get a Miracle, do you always power through to a +Recovery?  If I'm mathing good, it seems like a about a 30% chance to whiff in 5 tries trying to get a +R.  I figure that at a cost of (15 converters x 100K) = 1.5 Million.  How much premium on the sell price of the +R do you want to see?  May or may not be asking because I have a Miracle in my inventory.  RIGHT NOW.


    Cheers, everyone.


    That's three questions...


    One of my crafting toons, Ditch Digger (he digs ditches), has a very simple approach.  It may not be as efficient as a lot of niches, and it can be very random, but it's profitable and easily replicated if you want to try it.


    He buys cheap lvl 30 yellow recipes and crafts them.  Call that cost 50,000 inf. 


    He converts by uncommon until he gets a good category (usually one conversion) or a good enhancement.  Once he gets a good category, he converts by category until he gets a salable rare.  In a few cases he will then convert by set until he gets what he wants (like a karma def/end into a knockback).  I would say on average, that's 3-7 enhancement converters, sometimes more.  Let's call all-in-cost on average somewhere in the 500k range.


    For your question 1, I will usually target anything that will sell QUICKLY in the 1-2mm range.  The travel stealths are a good example of high turnover that I can make sales at over 1mm within a few minutes.  I don't bother with melee rares anymore, since you may be able to get 1-2mm for one, but it may take a long time.


    2. Shinobu covered it.


    3. It depends on my mood at the time.  Usually I will convert it to the +recovery, but not if the +recovery is selling for under 5mm at the time.  It also depends on how many converters I have on hand.  I always try to buy those at a discount (hey, he digs ditches, remember?) so if my bids haven't come through I'll put whatever I have on the market.

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