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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I've been giving this a go with The Anesthesiologist, Mind/Electricity dominator. So far so good!
  2. I'm pleased that this topic has struck a chord, at least with a bunch of the forum regulars! I'm very hesitant to suggest any sort of power creep, because that's something that I am not in favor of (although, let's be honest, that's how we got to this stage with the SO promotion). And I actually like the system as it is with its weird level restrictions and sometimes overlap and sometimes not; sure, I cannot recall ever having bought and slotted a piece from Smashing Haymaker, but that doesn't mean we have to buff that set or extend its level range. Above, people have described their personal play styles and what kinds of changes would work best for those play styles. But none of those playstyles are universal and there is a big population that isn't describing their playstyles. I'll be honest, what I'd really like is for building to get more complex with more tradeoffs. Now, I'm definitely biased as well, partly because I don't care about upgrading my SOs every level or buying a full set of ATOs for my level 10 characters. But I find it boring, and it would be sweet if I could, for example, frankenslot three pieces of Smashing Haymaker that would get me some sort of debuff resistance at the cost of losing other set bonuses.
  3. This is true, but I personally find it to be well less than a big deal. Let's say you are a tank with 90% resistance to everything, which seems about normal in Homecoming. You get hit by five opponents that have a -10% resistance debuff for 10 seconds. Each of them is 90% resisted so you end up with 85% resistance to everything for ten seconds. Honestly, I don't see the value play of trying to get to 100% in order to take 5% less damage when fighting debuffing enemies.
  4. Out of pedantry, there are still some interesting bugs for some sets. Some of them enable you to slot an attuned IO at a level where you would not be allowed to slot the lowest available leveled version. The most useful example of this is Performance Shifter, which has a minimum level of 21, but you can slot it at level 17. Technically that should be 18.
  5. I've got a good-sized presence on all five, but I've got the most bodies on Excelsior.
  6. Ever since SOs were made available at low levels, the raw enhancement power has made them the go to for those who choose to afford them. As a result, low level invention sets have mostly become irrelevant, in my opinion. Sure, there are plenty of useful set IOs still, but for the most part those are procs or from a very limited number of sets that have good set bonuses. That's fine and good, but I'd love to try to come up with some ideas to: 1. make those recipe drops something more than vendor fodder; and 2. maybe add some diversity in builds. I don't doubt that I'm one of the only people who cares about this, but hey, that's where I am today. Ideas: - revamp some of the set bonuses. Slip in a little more +def, or +res, or +recharge? That's all I've got for now. Anyone else have any ideas?
  7. I'm going to add: everyone who invites a full team before the final mission of a patron pool unlock mission!
  8. You got to be in it to win it!
  9. If you want to follow Diantane's lead, I'd suggest buying SOs. Lots of them.
  10. Yup, that was a game changer
  11. I have opinions, and the party is not as wild as it once was, but Packs are still reliable. When you open a 10mm inf pack, you will get 5 items. Booper did an analysis a while back, and I don't have it on hand, but the important part is that you will get, on average, 1.2 ATOs per pack and a bunch of other stuff of probably lesser value. You could get 1, you could get 2, you could get zero, but on average it's 1.2. Now as you say, some ATOs are more valuable than others and you could get lucky, or you could help your luck by using some of those converters that you will probably get as well. It shouldn't be too hard to extract a 20% profit after fees I would think, but it's going to be more diversified the more packs you open. And then it becomes an issue of opening and managing a boatload of things in your Character Items menu.
  12. Personally, I'm not a big fan of using temp powers to survive or thrive, but to each their own! I'd much rather have it a core part of my tool box.
  13. One thing about Sleep powers I've been focusing on is the Call of the Sandman % to Heal Self proc. It's a 2PPM proc with a chance to heal 15% of your max health (not 5% as it is listed some places). When used with an AoE power, the probability to proc at least once (it will not double or triple proc as far as I can tell) can be basically assured. For my play, a 15% heal up every 90 seconds (and a lot quicker with local and global recharge) is a game changer.
  14. Fun. And slow resist.
  15. Never tried them on scrappers and I’d like to check it out but I don’t particularly enjoy setting up on test server, so thought I’d ask here.
  16. This is clearly a set up for someone's heart to grow three sizes later in the holiday season.
  17. As of now, I have 50s with Kinetic Melee/, Battle Axe/, Stone Melee/, Spines/, Radiation Melee/, Psionic Melee/, but I recently started an Electric Melee and I'm pretty sure he's gonna be my fave.
  18. I'm enjoying this thread, thank you! I don't generally play tanks, but for some reason Ice Armor is one of the only defense-based sets that I enjoy on scrappers. Now, of course, this is going to play differently on scrappers and tankers, and that's not just because of the incredible power that is Icy Bastion. I've been working on a base template for what I would want to slot out of Ice Armor, and I'm still working on getting over my bias towards positional defenses rather than typed defenses. For end game builds I will focus on: Frozen Armor, Glacial Armor, Weave: attuned Lotg +recharge, 2x lvl 53 cyto. No set bonuses, but lots more endurance help than I would get otherwise. Hoarfrost: 5x Panacea 50+5 (all except proc). Chilling Embrace: 2x D-Sync Deceleration lvl 53. I've no objection to putting damage procs in there if you have room, but I usually don't. Wet Ice: 50+5 Endurance Reduction IO. Energy Absorption: Shield Wall Def, Def/Rech, Def/End/Rech, all at 50+5, 2x lvl 53 D-Synch End Mod/Rech, Energy Manipulator %stun. This is certainly overtuned. Permafrost: Glad Armor proc and Glad Armor Res, Res/End, Res/Rech at 50+5. Icy Bastion: Glad Armor Res and Res/Rech 50+5, Panacea Heal and Heal/Rech 50+5, 2x lvl 53 D-sync End Mod/Rech. Also: Combat Jumping: Lotg Rech, Kismet proc, Shield Wall proc, Reactive Defense proc Tough: attuned Steadfast Protection +def, 4x Unbreakable Guard (Res, Res/End, Res/End/Rech, proc). Health: Panacea proc Stamina: Perf Shifter proc With no other set bonuses, I am working off a base of: With one opponent and Energy Absorption active I get an extra 5.3% defense and more with more opponents, and when Icy Bastion is active resistances are basically maxed for all except psionic (which is admittedly awful at 17.7%). That's a lot of room to have to play around with set bonuses from my offense! I'm looking forward to continuing to learn more on how to build for Ice Armor.
  19. It's pronounced the same way as Ptsoo.
  20. well in that case, I would corner the market in them. Muahaha*cough*ha
  21. I don’t care a flying flughaven about taunt most of the time, but I would guess this is a combination of duration and magnitude. Is it possible or probable that specific taunts from one player are able to stack to very high levels of mag? A long duration of a mez power gives you a long time to stack mag.
  22. I’m not a fan of damage procs either (my solution is to cut damage on them) but there are powers that are made to proc and there are powers that are made not to proc. I’d like to add some diversity to this in theory. Like take a short recharge st ranged attack. Procs are generally useless on something like this. But what if you could add a -recharge enhancement (maybe even to offset set recharge!), use up a slot, and get something that activates a reasonable amount of the time? Not a hill I’m willing to die on for sure, but I thought it was interesting enough to mention
  23. I have noticed a lot of quirks in the mail system but rather than post in a bug thread I will put it here. Especially when I was doing my giveaway, I noticed that email was not consistent across servers. For example, if I had been playing solely on Excelsior for a while and addressing all the email requests, if I switched to a different server like Reunion I would get a back log of unanswered emails from days/weeks/months earlier. It’s the same global, but I’m not sure the mail is sent or received the same way across all servers.
  24. That’s right, I’m suggesting enhancements that will extend the recharge rate of recharging powers. And yes, this is to enhance proc probabilities at the expense of one or more slot choices.
  25. Very early on I did this because I wanted the same character on different servers since I was feeling out which server I preferred (all of them it turns out). Then there have been a few times I accidentally created more than one character with the same AT, primary, and secondary because it fit a concept and later I realized I had already used those choices on a different concept. One thing I do recommend, if you really like the look and feel of a certain set or matching of sets is to try it out on a different AT. Early in HC I made Staff/Bio as Stalker, Scrapper, Brute, and Tanker and all played a bit different and I enjoyed taking all of them to 50, but some are definitely more enjoyable than others.
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