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Yomo Kimyata

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Posts posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. You're gonna blow this out of the water!


    The only speed bump you might run into is waiting for buyers to come in.  One thing I've noticed about the enhancement market is that there are very few "low and patient" bids.  People are rolling in inf and want to buy when they want to buy, and as a seller you have no control over that.


    Early morning update before work:  my IO finally sold (it hadn't when I went to bed).  I've also bought 30 recipes so I can start crafting and converting in earnest, but for now I'm limited by the fact that I haven't earned more merits for converters (although I probably could buy from the market by now if I wanted to).


    In any case I crafted two of my recipes and, after a few conversions, I have another stealth IO and a Kinetic Combat IO to sell.  Tonight I'll have to join a Posi TF or do something else to earn more merits.


    This is what I'm trying to get my head around with respect to the market for enhancement converters.  Let's say for the sake of argument that they trade at 100,000 each.  I understand that many/most people feel that they are the most efficient way to convert merits into influence, so each merit translates to three enhancement converters to 300,000 inf.


    At the same time, I can spend 1mm influence to buy a merit, or to buy ten enhancement converters in the market.


    I call this "The Curious Case of Enhancement Converters."  I totally get the bid/offer spread, but frankly I have a hard time with the idea of converting merits into enhancement converters.  It seems like a real waste of merits, but at the same time I may have nothing better to spend merits on.  I know that if I want ten enhancement converters, I can raise 1mm in the AH a lot faster than I can earn 3-4 merits.


    So I believe that enhancement converters are both wildly underpriced and wildly overpriced at the same time.  I know I will always be willing to buy them, and I know that hundreds/thousands of people will be willing to sell them.  I expect that sellers will gradually outnumber buyers, but who knows.


    I do know, however, that I refuse to flip them.  I haven't observed a bid enough gap in bid/offer, and the dynamics certainly feel that sellers are more motivated than buyers.


    my two inf

  3. I’ve never tried axe, but I’ll echo what is said here re: broadsword and war mace.  I love broadsword.  It’s my main and it was my main back in the good old days.  But it definitely underperforms war mace in just about every way.

  4. Great start!  You'll get there in no time.


    I like to see other people's strategies.  Every time I start a new toon I go through Outbreak, level to 2, kill one Hellion for the posting fee, and sell my two large inspirations.  That gets me the seed money to start flipping to get my first 5-10mm.  That might take a half hour, or overnight, but it's generally always there!

  5. I believe that if there are multiple equivalents then the sales are random.  Example:  I put up a handful of offers of common salvage at 5.  I find that I’ll sell one or two from each block of ten rather than the first ten selling first, etc.


    This is in respect to what happens when there are TIES in bids or offers across characters or accounts.  And I'm changing my statement to "I'm not sure" based on my experience with common salvage.


    Often I'll have lots and lots of bids out at a low level that happens to be the highest outstanding bid, so when someone comes in to dump salvage, I'll have the best bid.  On a single character, I've noticed that bids get filled in what seems to be a random fashion.  A few here, a few there.  When I use the same bid across characters, I notice that sometimes one toon's bids fill entirely while another's don't.  That may be a timing issue or an observational error though.


    On the sell side, I will frequently dump large amounts of common salvage at 1 inf.  Since that, by definition, is the lowest outstanding bid and guaranteed to be at or below any outstanding bid, I would expect them to sell instantly or close to it.  However, sometimes the system doesn't process my offers instantly, and I'll often wait 10-15 seconds between sales, despite the fact that there are plenty of outstanding bids.  I am guessing that is because there is at least one other person selling at 1 inf at the same time, and that the system is somehow allocating our offers in a manner that neither seems random nor in order of when the order was placed.


    It's curious.

  6. 1.  Enter Outbreak.  Change mouse settings.  Add two power bars.  Drag temporary powers onto power bar.  Hit Sprint and finish up the tutorial.  Exit to Atlas.  Level and drag Rest to the right spot.


    2.  Kill one Hellion for the inf.  Type “/ah”.  Post my inspirations at 1 inf each.


    3.  Take proceeds and trade them to 5-10mm.


    You would want to buy an IO at 2 million and sell it for 5 million, if that was something you could reasonably do because the price fluctuated that much.  Which might happen if there aren't a lot for sale at any given time.  I've never done this but that's how flipping works, and it seems to me that you should be able to bid low and sell high without any problems.  I suppose I could test it to be certain.


    As a market maker, I can speak with authority that you certainly can have outstanding bids and offers on the same item at the same time.  (In fact, it's particularly satisfying to buy and sell things at the same time -- it tells you that you are in the sweet spot!).  You cannot, however, buy or sell from yourself.  Pine, that may have been the case that you would have been selling to yourself and so the system didn't put it through.

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