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Everything posted by TerroirNoir2

  1. Ah, old school! I remember doing this a lot back in the day!
  2. Do you have an Ouro portal? That'll get you out. Ask for a temp team up with someone if need be.
  3. Has been fine for a while now. I watch Mollymauk76 - Twitch sometimes on Sunday nights/Monday mornings because they try to do runs of AE SFMAs. It's interesting to see teams do things that (a) I haven't done yet or (b) I may have solo'd.
  4. Beyond me I'm afraid. I just play these things!
  5. Oh jeez! Just hit 263 missions played in this long set of review-plays!
  6. Arc 17 from our first author on "TerroirNoir's Cable Channel of AE" Reviews is @Ankylosaur's All That Glimmers 2.2: Banished in the Spirit Realm. Mission 1: The Thinning Veil. Well, look who it is! My old friend Nadia. We chew the fat and catch up. Well, I do a lot of listening but she's up to speed with the events of Croatoa and the Hunt and Arachnos. There's magic infesting the entire zone of Astoria and Desdemona/Vanessa has shunted off to the Spirit Realm to investigate stuff. Time to return to Astoria and give a hand. So off I go. Here I am again in Rami Arcade. And there's Tsoo to deal with. Those guys are usually up to magic shenanigans, I mean check out Talos where they're known for swiping relics and so on from people. Noble Savage is here somewhere, so team up with him and deal with whatever is going on. AH! I've run into someone BEFORE I found Noble Savage. Okay, I'm still going to Rad Blast you in the face because you're trying to kill me, BUT I get why you're here. Looks like the Carnies and friends are kidnapping (Ghostnapping? Spiritswiping?) the Tsoo's Ancestor Spirits! I can see how that would rile them up. It can't be Nadia's friends though. So trudging around past tents and so on, getting hit by Tsoo and aiding the Astorians, I finally meet up with Noble Savage. And then Engineria and Noble Savage look over the nearby fence and whaddaya know? That's convenient. Let's go get him! He, like Scorpion earlier, is convinced that the Praetorians are thieves. Have to get to the bottom of that. Apparently spell components have been stolen, and then he mentions waxmen, which have to be the Drudges. Ok, back to Nadia to report in and see what the hell is going on. Having dealt with the Crocodile and the Scorpion, Nadia goes all a bit voodoo. Noble Savage has gone to visit the Tsoo for a chat. Not sure I'd want to be on the other side of that "chat"! And Nadia is thinking Astoria is more trouble than it's worth. Come on! More trouble than a Hamidon infested ruined homeworld? Exaggerate much? [Mission 1 = Back to setting the scene in Astoria and building up the refugee community of Praetorians and their attempts to fit into their new lives on Primal Earth. And the conflicts with elements within them being unsatisfied as well as conflicts with the locals continue. I suppose the Drudges are "elements". I'm still not sure how they got here.] Mission 2: Beyond the Veil. Well, Nadia has the skinny from Noble Savage, though we'd figured out most of it already I feel. The Tsoo thought the refugees took some sort of magic dust from them, not to mention that ghostnapping thing, as well as some sort of Oranbegan pillar item left in one of their warehouses. Nadia is thinking it's the Harbingers, and as far as Engineria recalls those are one of the cult gangs who were partaking in an End of Days Doom Competition. Rightfully though the BIG issue is the Ancestor Spirits being taken. The Drudges never went that far in First Ward/Night Ward. Nadia thinks the Veil here is a lot thinner though. So the Midnight Squad, the Tsoo and the Carnival are crossing into the Spirit Realm to find out what happened. And little ol' Engineria is going with them. Hooray! While I'm over there I'm to look for Desdemona too. She's been gone a while now. No pressure at all! And there's Noble Savage. For a powerful ally he gets caught flat footed a lot. Maybe some sort of refresher course or something. Then again, it's not like he's the most stealthy of people so it is probably easy to ambush him when he's alone. Ok, that's you rescued Noble Savage. And Des is in the sewers. Sewers? Wonderful. Just wonderful. Ok, and we rescue some spirits? Check. There's one! Let's get him! Her! It! They! And as we head down to the graveyard we find another trapped spirit, one of the Tsoo Ancestor Spirits. Turning around in the graveyard Engineria spots a Mystical Beacon. And an enemy. Well now that seems interesting. The Banished are bringing the Night Ward to Astoria. Unpleasant. I suppose that's an understatement. Time to get jiggy with it! Noble Savage and Engineria deal with both and move on. The plot thickens indeed! And we have recruiters to deal with. First one here! With that one down we move to the second and then go on the hunt for the third, releasing trapped spirits as we go. So that's the Wizard of Frost and the Prophet of Storm. Let's see who is the final threat. OH! There's a Field Marshal Weldon here too! And he's a hefty guy powerwise. Not sure what his deal is but with the combined might of Noble Savage, Engineria and the allied spirits we take him down. Not fast but we do! Along the way looking for the final recruiter we run straight into a Drudge called Taskmaster Burroway, and he wasn't fun at all. But here's the final Recruiter! Anca, Mistress of Sorrow. With Anca down we free the last of the trapped spirits so it is time to return to Nadia. She's intrigued that the Harbingers are now going by the name of the Banished and hiding out in the spirit realm. Nadia thinks they've been sucking in the power/mojo of The Banished Pantheon, explaining the name. [Mission 2 = Slower paced but filling in a lot of the corners and edges of the plot. World building galore!] Mission 3: Plots Upon Plots. Ok, Nadia lays it all out. Noble Savage is unhappy. You know, the sort of unhappy that equates to "you wouldn't like me when I'm angry", yeah. Desdemona is in the hands of the Banished/Harbingers. And we don't know where. Noble Savage is going full JW and door to dooring it in the spirit realm. Everyone has their assigned place to go to, and Engineria just got handed her location. Time to find Des. There's chests literally everywhere. Let's crack a few open and see what we can see. A full set of Circle of Thorns robes. Ok. Weird. More magic stuff I get but these guys need to settle on a theme I think! I open about four more of these with the same result. Then I run into Lorena the Mistress of Magic! Seems Engineria is insufferable! Well, it's nice to be wated I suppose. Or not. Let's go with not. This is her chance to show off her new magic, which she does to a tremendous set of OWs from Engineria! OW OW OW! And furthermore, OW! OW OW OW OW deaded. Hit the old TP and boot myself into the hospital to be force healed and jacked up on adrenaline and sent back into the building. Oh lovely. Now, where were we? Ah, about here! Pop Red insps and hit her with all I have! Not to mention ripping her Endurance out with Kinetics. That'll slow her a bit. I HOPE. JEEZ LOUISE! Will you just die? I mean what the hell? Finally. After much chugging of inspirations and stealing health from her minion to keep me alive, they're done. Whew! Staggering away from the fight with Lorena, Engineria now has to find several whiteboards. Hopefully without running into any enemies beforehand, because I'm low on insps and so on. Ah, found one. Three more of these and they reveal a set of workshops for renaming, stealing magical obelisks, controlling demons and testing one of the obelisk thingies in a warehouse owned by the Tsoo. That anchors in the Tsoo being hella pissed at them/us/whoever. Ok, the Tsoo ALWAYS seem pissed at someone, but this time they were directing it. Now THIS thing looks important. So important I'm going to crack it open with radiation blasts and see what happens. The "scientific" method! The thing is filled with the "waters of transformation". I'll need to talk to Nadia about this, it's all magic nerd stuff to me. Getting back to Nadia she goes through the list. [Mission 3 = TOUGH FIGHTS! And further filling out of the plots (upon plots) as we go along.] Mission 4: Plots Upon Plots. (@Ankylosaur, this mission has the same subtitle as the previous one) Nadia is fired up now. Talking about landing a big catfish or something. I dunno, I'm not big on gumbo voodoo. However, she informs Engineria that Noble Savage is intent on finding Desdemona and is heading into the spirit sewers (I didn't know that was a thing and furthermore I'm not particularly happy it IS a thing). So he's off there. Ah, I luck out. He wants me to investigate a cave (not a sewer!). So off to a cave nestled up against the War Wall. Well worn, huh? Looks like our enemies are embedded in here. Dammit. Cold cocked to the back of the head! Not cool! She's not a happy lady. I sense issues. Maybe some therapy or a sort of aromatic bath to relax in? Or I could just rad blast her until her molecules vibrate? Last option it seems! Oh, there's a lot of obelisks here. A hell of a lot of them. Magic stones ahoy! A few more caverns filled with these things. And finally out to some sort of base...with Arachnos! Mu'Lokutchun. I dunno, did their mothers not love them? Who gives them these names? Bit ironic saying that to me just as I burn your nervous system out of your floaty body, Mu'Lok-whatsit. Is that irony? Whatever. He's sucking floor now. I proceed to examine several devices after taking out the Mu and his Mu'Nions. (HA). Transformation Goo, a terminal for tracking the obelisks (Ok, so who stole them from the CoT then? Arachnos? Or what's going on here?) There's mention of a stray woman in an email from Mu'Lokwhatsit to someone. Apparently this woman is taking to to the Mu magic like a duck to water. And mention of a submarine going to Nerva. Time to get back to Nadia. And she's not pleased to hear about the spidery ones. She knows nothing about Nerva other than the CoT have a big tree there. Well even I knew that! But she's going to contact Jaena of the Midnighters to see what's going on. [Mission 4: Some definite tough fights in here. Some nice gloaters too, LOL. The plots are definitely plots upon plots. The Mu are using the Banished, who may not know they're being used, or maybe they do but don't care. And the Circle of Thorns are being blamed for this, I think? Anyway, on to the finale!] Mission 5: Stray Plans. Nadia says her heart is thumping because the Loas in this world are the spirits of the masks, the Banished Pantheon masks. (I wonder if that makes Vanessa DeVore a sort of Loa then?) But the Loas are telling Nadia that Vanessa is free of the mask and free from Desdemona somehow. So, time to investigate that! Time to enter the spirit realm. Of course it had to be sewers, I mean where else would it be with my luck? It's nasty in here and I figure I'm gonna get ambushed so I call Buddy in. I do not ask how he got here. Probably learned this from Hellewise way back I suppose. What do you know? We found Desdemona! Now Noble Savage can calm down a bit. We run into the Ancient of Frost and Buddy gets flung in the air! Armor will protect him. And where is that knife coming from? Who threw that? We wrestle her down and then do the same with Chris, Ancient of Sorrow. After that my little ragtag band find Noble Savage AND ... dun dun dun! Vanessa DeVore. Not sure how that works but go with it. So, the gang's all here. Desdemona, Noble Savage, Buddy, Vanessa and Engineria. Time to find this Stray. HEY! HEY! I know you! You used to work with Hellewise in First Ward doing the shunting thing to Night Ward. How did you end up on the other side? Suckered by Arachnos by the sound of things. The Stray is TOUGH, but we have the numbers and she eventually drops. Or so we thought! She's in the wind, gang! This ain't over yet. We all head back to the real world, well excepting Vanessa. Here she gets to have a sort of "life". Nadia is tsking all over the place. She knows who the Stray is too, and tells Engineria that everything is leading back to Nerva. Nerva's a big CoT/Mu place. Looks like this definitely isn't over. It's time to call Pendragon. [Mission 5 = Will the world building never end? Sketching out and around the entire Praetorian resettlement on Primal and their attempts to craft a normal (hahaha, normal) life there. Just like before the war when both Primal sides were stealing Praetorian tech to boost themselves, it continues here with even more manipulation. Interesting stuff!] Verdict. @Ankylosaur loves to fill in all the nooks and crannies of the possibilities they're exploring in these post Praetorian War AEs. I'm just surprised Engineria hasn't been invited to a traditional Praetorian Sunday dinner! But it pays off and we see such a lot going on here, with seemingly incidental characters from before gaining importance in the new world. Good stuff all round. Next up from @Ankylosaur is All That Glimmers 2.3: Incursion in Oranbega. And next up on the schedule in TerroirNoir's Cable Channel of AE Reviews is @cranebump's Potter's Field.
  7. Something else to check! So much to play!!!
  8. Damn it! I forgot to wear my Runesoldier outfit in that last Praetorian arc!
  9. Well my journey through them is listed and linked here if you want to have a look. Although there will be spoilers! Starts from Bridge of Forever and goes to The Eve of War (so far).
  10. I have just completed the first Loyalist trilogy and the first Resistance one, they cap at 25 to match in with entry to First Ward. Can recommend! Hoping @Darmian has the second Resistance trilogy finished by the time I get around to it on my long ass review/playthrough. I suppose you could do those and THEN into First Ward.
  11. I just want it to move a little faster with me.
  12. Much kudos to @Zhym for keeping this updated, despite me slacking off!
  13. Ok, got the message @Darmian. Intrigued now. So, I'll swap that out and do Noble Mettle after. Can you change the listing please @Zhym?
  14. I'm hoping to get a better or faster flow of play throughs now having sorted some work times out.
  15. Arc 16 from our third author on "TerroirNoir's Cable Channel of AE" Reviews is @Darmian's The Eve of War. (Caveat. I have played these before but never reviewed them. Although it has been a while, considering the number of other AEs and stuff I've been getting through!) The Eve of War is subtitled "(Neutropolis Warden, Ch. 7)" which means it is meant to follow on directly from @Darmian's "Damnatio Memoriae (Neutropolis Warden, Ch, 6)", which follows on from "The Spark of the Blind (Neutropolis Warden, Ch. 5)" and that follows on from the in game "To Our Health (Neutropolis Warden, Ch. 4)". Once more Belladonna Vetrano gives Engineria the old call to arms. Things are getting fliggety now and we're moving to actualization of the REVOLUTION. I think. The B.A.F. is the first target. Vetrano herself thinks Lambda should be more important but apparently intel has revealed a plot that needs the B.A.F tackled first. Primal Earth allies will be porting in to Praetoria and assaulting the B.A.F. However, to do that we (and that means me!) need to access the exterior doors. So, Engineria is being tasked with some rendition work. I'm to kidnap/retrieve several members of the PPD who guard the doors and deliver them to the Resistance. Then they'll be mind probed and access codes extracted before they're returned none the wiser to their jobs. So Engineria has to get in, stick a mind control disk on them, upload a virus to the building's security system as a cover for what's actually happening so it looks like a "normal" Resistance attack, and then get the hell out. Off we go! Interesting. So those are Monitor Spheres. Oh cool! I have a little robot friend! Seems if they take damage they will summon cloned T.E.S.T. guys who work with them. Let's see if that happens. It does! AND AND AND, they're on MY SIDE! (Not like when minions attack a Confused Mastermind) And I now have ANOTHER TINY ROBOT PAL! (Ok, I'm not even out of the first room and I love this mission.) Ok, time to use the localized security console. Using s thing Beholder built the command goes out for officers to gather in the rear of the building. Then I pick them off. Let's gooo! (Look at my little doggies! They're so cute!) So we move through the building dealing with PPD as we go. I say "we" because my Monitor Spheres are pulling more allies in for me. I may not need to call Buddy in on this one. That's my new troops appearing there! Engineria and her troops! (so far!) I find a terminal and upload the decoy code and then go looking for the door guards. However, the upload will be detected (I think it is supposed to be) and the Security Commander will be summoned by an alarm and he will have to be dealt with. I've got an army though, so let's see how tough he is! LOOK AT THEM GO! And we get the first B.A.F. guard and stick the disk on him. He's compelled to leave so we can get to him for code extraction. And there's the second one. There we all are, almost saying to that guy "Try it. Come on. Try it." ROFL. And then we get the final guy. So it is time to deal with the Security Chief. And there he is at the bottom of the stairs. Now he thinks we're traitors! Confusion rules! And Engineria's Army is successful! (I wonder what that mission would be like on +8 team size!) Off to see Vetrano I go. So the guards have been psychically scanned and the needed intel extracted. That is being couriered to Apex who will pass it on to his side for the attack. All good so far. The Vetrano tells me we have two major obstacles ahead of us with that attack. Siege and Nightstar. [Mission 1 = Ok, that was a LOT of fun. I think I've only seen the Monitor Spheres in one mission in game before. I'd pretty much forgotten they existed. But having those little bot friends was sooo much fun. Like I said above, I can't imagine what a +8 team size version would look like.] Mission 2: The Dust of the Past. Right, here's the "plan" according to Vetrano. The combined forces of Primal Earth are assaulting the BAF, and they'll have to take down Siege and Nightstar. Sheer power should do it but if we can help that would be good. Turns out we know where there is a warehouse of original SPECTRA and RAM clockwork stored, and Siege and Nightstar originally were based off these sort of robots. Soo, go check out the warehouse and see if I can find any useful intel on their specs. Piece of cake. Supposedly. And try not to off the caretaker apparently. Vetrano may be getting soft in her old age. Ok, into the warehouse and...oh boy! WAIT! Ok, that's odd. I can go right up to them and they don't do anything. Interesting. These SPECTRA around the corner in the main area of the warehouse are not so shy though. THEY do not LIKE me. Not one bit. But nothing a little bit of radiation blasting can't fix. Ok, not fix. Unfix? Break. Everything's a nail when all you have is radiation. I know what I mean. Shut up. Ok what's in here? A whole lotta nuthin' is what's in here. And there, and there. Hmm. One set of files to find and not get mangled by antique Clockwork. I've had worse missions. I've jinxed it. I can hear the caretaker around here somewhere! And he sounds a bit cabin fevery. There he is! I'll leave him alone. For now. He tries anything though, well that's on him. OHO! Now THAT sounds interesting! (Is this a seed for something else you've planned @Darmian?) And there's more of those static robots. THEY'RE NOT STATIC ANYMORE! RUN! I run and fire and run and fire and use Kinetics to heal myself, steal power and slow them down while speeding me up! And turn and blast! And I'm ...still alive! Whew. Ok, back down that corridor to find...TWO sets of filing cabinets. Make that THREE. There's another one in the little alcove/nook place at the end of the hallway. I'll check that one first then move back to the others. BINGO! Right first time! And then I turn around. Not my day, is it? I KNEW I'd jinxed it. Knew it. I make a run for it and they activate and shoot me in the back. I stagger to the turn in the corridor and there awaiting for me are more of the SPECTRA Clockwork. Antique they might be but they're still very very nasty. I mean Nightstar is based on these apparently. So lovely floor Caretaker Denby has here. Well maintained. I'd write a good Yelp review. (Does Praetoria have that?) I get back in and proceed to repeat my run and jump and fire and turn and use Kinetics and ...OH! Repel! I stick on Repel, so that the RAM boss can't get near enough to me to beat my head in! Just gotta keep using blues to keep my endurance up. And run and run and... they're down! I stagger out of the warehouse and make my way back to Vetrano. Ow ow ow ow ow. Ow ow ow ow. And so ow. Vetrano is pleased with my success. The specs are handed over to Splice to analyze and then Apex will receive a copy for the Primal forces. Unfortunately Engineria's little mission is the only good news today. It seems Virgil Duray is alive. Again. Still. Mainly the little bastard is not dead. Argh. [Mission 2 = Deceptive! I mean it's almost like an anti Stalker mission, or an anti Blaster mission. You can't sneak attack those statue types at all, or range blast them. They just don't register. You have to get close enough for them to activate before you can fight them. Loved the idea while still swearing at it. (I wonder do Mastermind pets "see" them?) And on to the next one] Mission 3: The Sky is the Limit. Duray Duray Duray. Will we ever be rid of that man? Bleh. Even Vetrano is fed up. She says it's like trying to eat soup with a fork, trying to kill Duray. The BAF attack is imminent but there's a build up of troops near Neuron's Tower, and Duray's IDF 2nd Battalion, has been seen massing in a nearby facility. Soo, Engineria isn't going on the BAF attack, she's to find out what is going on with Duray and his gang. Engineria will be linking up with an independent called Disconnect in this mission. So, off we go. Time to infiltrate the IDF 2nd Battalion's facility and retrieve whatever intel I can. Wish me luck! (Buddy is on speed dial if Duray is around) Get in, meet with Disconnect, grab the intel, call the extraction team and get the hell out. Simple, ya? SURE. Ok, looks like new ally Disconnect ran afoul of some Seers. Then again, Seers. And the T.E.S.T. guys are not the only ones baffled by Duray. Right, that's a rendezvous with Disconnect done. Jetpacks? T.E.S.T. don't use jetpacks. And a safe to find. And Disconnect and Engineria run into a Provost McKibbin and his goons almost immediately. But we deal with them. Disconnect lances them with electrical power. I suppose that makes sense given his name. We battle our way through the facility, meeting waves of T.E.S.T troopers. Then we run into the jetpack goons that Disconnect was talking about! (SKY RAIDERS! WTH!!) After dealing with them we head into the back of the place and find that wall safe with Duray's plans inside. Of course I'm expecting it to go wrong! Doesn't it always? We've been far too lucky so far. And I'd love some Monitor Spheres as allies right now, no offence Disconnect. Although he is hella tough. And there we go! Hang on! FUSION! (Oh @Darmian! I know when this is! Or at least I think I do. This is just before the Sutter TF!) And Duray isn't here. He's somewhere doing something more important. (Meeting up with his Primal version and planning whatever. No sign of Jane Temblor that I can see though) Fusion is damn tough! Fortunately there's two of us and Disconnect is blasting Fusion with electricity constantly. And he's down. (Though for Primal peeps you'll see him again in the Sutter TF, along with TWO Durays!) Ok, we grab his passkey to unlock the facility. time to meet with the extraction team, well I say team, looks like Vetrano herself has come to collect me! Ok, that's the base unlocked, come on, Disconnect! There's the boss! Whoo! And she looks pissed. Of course she instantly takes the lead and drops several T.E.S.T. along the way! Then we're heeling and toeing it for the exit! Job done! Engineria and Belladonna Vetrano reconvene in the Resistance base while Disconnect vanishes to wherever. Vetrano goes over the stuff Engineria found in the safe. Ship manifests. Some sort of huge floating barge thing. Several names attached to this thing. Riptide, Fusion, Jane Temblor and two Durays. Vetrano seems to get a little testy when she receives news that the B.A.F. attack has just completed. Scott signed off on it as soon as she went in to extract me. She's gonna have words with him. The B.A.F. attack was a success though. With one snag. Any non Incarnate (nope) that accompanied the attack is currently dying from some sort of energy poisoning after Nightstar's destruction. [Mission 3 = Well, that was FULL of lore and various other things. This is playing out like DLC for the iTrials! Loving every minute of it. On to the next one!] Mission 4: Eternal Darkness. And now it gets weird. Now, she says. Sigh. Ok. Vetrano is pleased the B.A.F. assault succeeded and Siege and Nightstar were destroyed. However we did just visit a warehouse where earlier versions of those two exist, so "destroyed" for a mechanical foe may not be permanent. And in destroying Nightstar some dark energy was unleashed that dropped all the support teams. We have to cut it off at the source. Nightstar, despite being a built creation, used to claim that her power came from "The Black Shroud Dimension". Turns out our Primal friends tell Vetrano that's a real place! So I'm going through a temporary portal to it and I have to shut off the links to the Nightstar contagion. Huzzah. Go Engineria. Oh well. And through I go! Several node things to destroy and get home. Well if that isn't just hella creepy I don't know what is. Ok, found one of the Node things! Let's take it out. And BOOM! And a few more BOOMS! Yeehaw! One down and four to go. Eazy Peazy! Ok, this place is just weird. I mean creepy and weird. I mean, WHERE are they going? OH! This is not good. Not good at all! That thing is monstrous. Literally. And VERY close to this node. (Also, Shroud City? That's cool!) So I manage to take out the node without getting murdered by the GM. Barely. Barely. Whew! Only 3 more to get, which I scoot around looking for. I found a sort of monolith stone thing. And got attacked. But I got over that fast. It's not like they're the previous thing I ran into. And an inscription! I finish off the remaining nodes and get portal jockeyed back to Praetoria to speak to Belladonna Vetrano. It worked. Even as I was transitioning through the dimensions the infected troops were coming out of whatever ailed them. We some normal meds they'll be fine shortly. However, Vanessa DeVore has gone AWOL. [Mission 4 = Short mission but very very atmospheric. The creep factor was high. Liked it a lot. ( @Darmian I spotted a typo, but I think that it being a Dev Choice you can't do anything about it, yeah? Something the GM said.) On to the finale!] Mission 5: Prelude. So Vanessa DeVore is missing. That seems like a bad thing, especially now that the REVOLUTION is in full swing and people are overthrowing the regime here. It's up to Engineria and Disconnect to find her. Vetrano says the Carnival of Light need her in First Ward. Vetrano is also puzzled by this because First Ward is a ruined waste. But it's still up to us to find the missing woman and get her back safely. Vanessa was attending a meeting in the Underground and hasn't returned. She's powerful but anyone can be got to, so says Belladonna Vetrano, ace assassin. I reckon she might know a thing or two about that! So rescue Vanessa and Disconnect will then escort her to First Ward. Ok then! There's Disconnect. What has he got himself into now? Ah! I hadn't spotted these two on the far side of the energy barrier! But I deal with them and Disconnect joins me in the hunt for DeVore. On we go. Lots of bodies along the way. Seared by psychic energies. Not surprised. There's a lot of Seers, or Awakened or whatevers down here. All intent on frying us alive. Or possibly dead. Now that doesn't sound good, does it? NOPE!!! Sheesh! I had used my Kinetics to Speed Boost Disconnect, and the Subjugator does NOT escape him when she makes a run (float?) for it! ZAPP! On we go ever down into the Underground. Through more Subjugators and Awakened and Psychotics, until we finally find Vanessa DeVore. So we rescue her and she takes off, giving Disconnect his orders. We only have one last thing to do and that's defeat Augur Sonoir. Found her! And Held. Oh no. No no no. Not good. And thrown over the railing where I land beside Disconnect who had been dealing with some Hench-Seers, or whatever Sonoir's minions are called. And Disconnect just flies at her and starts lighting her up with electricity! I join in with a couple of Rad Blasts and hurt her but she blasts me back! Take her out Disconnect! Dunno how much more of this I can take before I drop! And he does. Time for me to report to Belladonna Vetrano and Disconnect to head to First Ward. Vetrano is pleased to see me. There's several options open to me, and all this while an attack on Lambda is being prepped. I can take a Rift Portal to Primal Earth and show them that we're REALLY not all like Tyrant. OR I can follow Disconnect to First Ward and see what Vanessa DeVore and the Carnival of Light are up to over there. In the mean time, I need a bath. [Mission 5 = Small mission that just wraps up the whole arc nicely.] Verdict. Honestly, there's a level of story craft (No, I don't know what the technical term is!) in this particular AE that's just great. Really felt like a parallel part of the Incarnate Trials, because obviously the Level 20s and so on were not just sitting around waiting for the 50s to show up and do all the work! Wonderful stuff. Next from @Darmian is Spirals: Part One. And next up on the schedule in TerroirNoir's Cable Channel of AE Reviews is @Ankylosaur's All That Glimmers 3.2: Banished in the Spirit Realm.
  16. Awesome! Looking forward to these. Just about to start "The Eve of War" so having some more Resistance stuff in the pipeline will be cool!
  17. Several future arcs will be entirely transmitted via mime.
  18. Hopefully I'll get some more traction going here.
  19. Between this and @Darmian managing to give us a nearly likeable Darrin Wade, I'm impressed.
  20. Ah, that may be a thing, using Infiltration. Hadn't thought of that.
  21. Finally got some more of the playthrough done. Everyone has been nice but I have been delayed doing all this, apologies.
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