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6 Neutral
  1. My brain must be stuck in Controller mode, but yea, slotting for hold on a defender doesn't make much sense. And same for damage, really. At least when compared to procs. I'll see what I can do with some of these
  2. http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1460&c=672&a=1344&f=HEX&dc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o, I think I probably need to do something better with the snipe, but so far it is my best attack, and I like getting the bonus range from the 2 part marksman. And I'm not sure what fast snipe even does now. And Neutrino Bolt is probably overslotted given how mediocre it is as an attack. But I'm not sure where all the changes go. And is there any reason to take Paralytic Poison? A single target hold with no damage at 18 seems suspect. If I took it, I have a feeling it would be a 4 slot mule for Basilisk that I seldom use.
  3. Because thematically it matches what a lot of people want to play. Same reason we'd have a ton of flying fire blasters even if the set wasn't good. Or SS and WP are the #2 sets for brute if you don't count farming. And for anyone not power leveling, it's pretty decent for quite some time and is great in 2 person teams. It only sucks in 8 man teams/raids. The real problem with it is the fact that the large number of people playing it means it will never get the balance look that it really needs.
  4. And since it's so simple, it has the effect of making tanks into Brute-lite. A solution being easy is a good indicator that it's a bad solution. If a solution is easy to implement AND correct, then someone would have tried it by now.
  5. I get the increase in AoE targets, but why not an increase in aggro cap to go with it. I mean, if the goal is to pull more aggro, why not let them actually pull more aggro. And, I'm not talking about oldschool full zone, but +50% would really differentiate them on a team. Or maybe make them able to control aggro on 2 adjacent groups (double cap?).
  6. It's the cheekbones.
  7. On Win 10, you can also take a clipped image windows+shift+S. Sometimes in full screen you'll need to press it a couple of times. But this does basically the same as cmnd+shift+4 on a mac. It greys out your screen and gives a crosshair. You can then drag around the image on your screen and get a clipped version which should make it easier if you don't want to do any editing.
  8. Since alpha is mostly affected by ED at lower levels, slotting them varies depending on how you already have the powers slotted. If you're already deep red ED on all your attack powers, the first level of musculature isn't going to do much, but the higher level ones still will - although they will lose a little from the percentage shown. So, if you have all your powers with max damage, but lacking in recharge, that might be better for you. One good thing to look at is whether your attack chain is already all good powers, or if you are elec/shield where you have 2 great powers you want to use constantly. In the former, straight damage is great, but in the later, it might make sense to run one of the ones with recharge to get those great, long recharge powers back faster if you didn't max out recharge already. The same holds for any other aspect. If you have end drain on your attacks, but didn't enhance that, then it can be beneficial to take the radial that enhances that. Anything that hasen't been enhanced already is going to get the full 33% boost from the radials, while a 33% damage instead of a 45 is really only going to be 30 vs 22 (getting 66% of the total with the rest being lost to ED), which might not be as noticeable.
  9. Any reason for the second slot in Physical Perfection instead of Quick Recovery? When I move the slot, I get more End /second. Likewise, putting Steadfast in Tough instead of Mind Over Body. The difference in that one is minimal for S/L, but you get a little more Psionic Resist.
  10. Hey look, someone else who uses homosexuality as a punchline to mock others. Very original and job well done! You should make fun of handicapped people next. I mean, the only thing funnier than the gays are the cripples, amirite? >:( Speaking as a cripple - shut up. Don't use me to lend credibility to your stupid issues.
  11. I don't understand how anyone could look at that, and fail to realize how bad it would be to leave that situation unaddressed. I can't understand the desire to govern how others play It's an easy strawman to claim that a change like ED is just governing how people play, but that's not what it was about. The levels of power players could reach needed to be addressed for the long-term health of the game, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to design challenging new content or further progression systems and keep them reasonably balanced. Yup. Just like hit chance needs to be clamped, max and min power level of characters needs to be clamped.
  12. A simpler way of doing that code-wise (because it already exists with some of the newer powers) would be having adding that power also add a second power. The second power could be self only and unenhanceable. The downside of my solution would be for long recharge powers, but it would be fine for the short recharge area ones.
  13. As long as we're doing that, how about the opposite as well? The ability to use the power with the normal run animation.
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