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Everything posted by tolrick

  1. Ballad of Barry Allen - Jim's Big Ego (( Gotta get this up before DJ Posty. ))
  2. Let us know if it works. I got a few fish around here for him too.
  3. Here are two of my main reasons for liking CoX more. I tried CO as well. the graphics turned me off, but then so did the artwork of the Teen Titans cartton as compared to JLU or Batman TAS. I adjusted and came to love the show. That didn't happen with CO. I enjoyed the freeform powers, but that was just about it. The game had no heart. It was just a hastily slapped on re-skin of a Marvel game with equally no heart. Here, the community, despite the insanity of the average forum, is warm and welcoming once you get into the game. You feel wanted, like you belong, no matter how new you are. No other MMO or multiplayer game I have ever tried, short of the original Neverwinter Nights, has accomplished this. I have more friends in game than I think I've ever had in real life. Many of them better friends than any of my RL ones. That's shifting slightly because I've been talking the game up for seven years, so now they want to try it too. and yeah, the journey. There are still plpaces in CoX I haven't been. Eden, Recluse's Victory, I barely touched the Shadow Shard back then. I took 4 years to get my first 50 and never worried. Never cared "it's taking too long". Conversely, I tried STO at start and made 50 in a week. I proceeded to get very bored with it. In short, there is no "one thing" that makes this game so loved. It's all the pieces, put together just right. And we'll be here forever because of it.
  4. I have no catgirls. Just a ratboy.
  5. Would upvote this a million times. Can we get a statue or something of him in game? Is this a possibility?
  6. How about an AMD6/9 or Ryzer on Win10?
  7. heh. I have an alt (from way back ) named Unchained Malady.
  8. Wait. Win10 doesn't work? How's that possible. People I know are using laptops with Win10 on them and it runs just fine.
  9. I've been looking up stuff on NewEgg.com. Anyone have low cost ideas from that source? Opinions on if this would work? Processor & Chipset Processor Manufacturer: AMD Processor Type: E-Series Processor Model: E2-9000e Processor Speed: 1.50 GHz Processor Core: Dual-core (2 Core) Memory Standard Memory: 4 GB Memory Technology: DDR4 SDRAM Number of Occupied Memory Slots: 1 Storage Total Hard Drive Capacity: 500 GB Optical Drive Type: No Display & Graphics Screen Size: 14" Display Screen Type: LCD Display Screen Technology: BrightView Screen Resolution: 1366 x 768 Touchscreen: NO Graphics Controller Manufacturer: AMD Graphics Controller Model: Radeon R2 Graphics Graphics Memory Technology: DDR4 SDRAM Graphics Memory Accessibility: Shared
  10. I absolutely remember Twixt. He's part of the reason I stopped going into places like Siren's Call. He was a troll and griefer, plain and simple. Social experiments are well and good, I suppose. Someone has to do it... But how much of an experiment is it, really, if the observer (Twixt) has his finger on the scale the entire time? The idea of this stuff is to observe interactions, not manufacture them. I call his entire so-called paper on the topic a pile of BS.
  11. I went to search for the choices WickedBliss listed, and I found desktops and laptops. Maybe someone else would have better luck finding the right sort of thing? However, it's looking -to me-, like option two should work? fuzzy answer? I'm not certain about the integrated video either. I know it's useless on older laptops, but the newest, more expensive ones just blow right past the problem. Don't call it a definitive answer though. Assuming cost is a factor as to why you can't get the more powerful stuff. Meanwhile, salespeople will -always- try and get you to buy the most expensive option, plus as many add-ons as they can manage to foist off on you. It's how they make money. Don't fall for it.
  12. Is your mate trying to run the game on onboard video? That might be a problem. I'll find out, but I don't think so.
  13. MAUS! I have missed you so much!
  14. I don't think that's ever going to happen. The last I heard, about 2015, the EPA had the remaining cases encased in five feet of reinforced concrete. I believe they're being kept somewhere about a mile under the Nevada desert. Oh crap... Don't quote me on that previous comment. I didn't see or hear a thing. I swear. It's all in my head. I made it all up. I heard a similar rumor. Hiyas Power!
  15. I think your group may have been what prompted me to create Shade Girl (my first Virtue alt and Shadow Lass homage), and when I couldn't find you again, I joined the All Star Teen Sentinels and never looked back.
  16. So awesome to see Taxibots again.
  17. I've been frazzled, frustrated, and upset by the tribulations of setting up... But hearing that music, flying the skies and seeing -PEOPLE- moving around. Hearing the chat, reading the silly, and the happy, and the community! I don't think I have ever been happier. Thank you to everyone who made this possible. With every fiber of my being, Thank you.
  18. bump for importance of getting people in game when it's up.
  19. I love and want this idea to happen so much.
  20. One of my SG mates is having nothing but a black screen with music, and a small white arrow in all versions of the Tequila launcher. The video drivers are a late 2009 version apparently, and the company (Intel) stopped supporting it at that time. 2009 drivers should still be sufficient for the game. Ideas on how to workaround?
  21. Who's here from Virtue! Sing out, loud and proud. Unofficial RP server fans everywhere! Edit: Suppose I should add my SGs, but not names. I had 40 to 60 alts. Too many to list. OK, in the interests of claiming my own alt names, here are a few: (anything not listed is, of course, fair game) Shade Girl Eternal Youth Lion of England Gravity Welles Rymefrost Big Miss Proud member of the Gods of the Golden Age, Young Gods, All Star Teen Sentinels, Knights of Camelot, and (briefly) Young Sentinels. One of three founders of The Galaxy Legion (also sole member of Freedom Flight) (I admit to spending most of my first year on Guardian with my roommate at the time)
  22. Tried that a few times already, once I figured out where it was redirecting me to. Each time it logs me out of the forums until I hit 'back' enough times to get to the main page again. Or it says the page is unavailable, or my session timed out. I'm really just not understanding what the problem is with the forums site here. A few people I'm talking to can't even register for the forums, a thing a clogged game shouldn't be affecting.
  23. So.. I'm curious. What's preventing me from even staying logged into these forums long enough to set up a game account? I mean, independent from the game client, as I don't even have that running. Just these forums. Every time I click the "Game Account" link, I either get an unavailable website, or I get dropped from being logged in, though I can hit back on my browser and magically still be logged in. What am I missing?
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