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One IV All

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Everything posted by One IV All

  1. Thank you for this Linea. Invuln and SD are ones I'm messing with, as well as Rad Armor. What are your thoughts on Electric Armor for a Tanker or Brute?
  2. Hear hear! Excuse me now while I work on some Rad Armor concepts haha. I could see Katana pairing well, and I know SS is a classic pairing. Dark Melee I think could have some nice synergy to create a very sturdy unit of a Tanker.
  3. You and me both my friend 😂
  4. Great points, and I appreciate the insights. I wouldn't consider myself a very mechanically gifted player in any sense, or a master builder. I guess that is why some sets that are easier to build (Invuln, Shield, Elec) might suit me better. Haha probably the same reason it's nice to me to take a secondary with a tight attack chain thank I can't screw up 😂 It is always interesting to hear though how some sets might really come into their own if piloted by a good driver.
  5. Seems like Invuln/Shield might be the way to go for pure unkillable Tank in HM content (outside of granite for Stone).
  6. Fair enough! I just always heard Fire was a bit less Sturdy than the others. Electric seems to have the most tools and Rad seems more offensive minded. Invuln and Shield seem like Ol’ Faithfuls 😂
  7. Yeah, Invuln and shield seem to be the best layered options. On a good team pumping out the defense buffs, I could see the resist sets shining. Which is your favorite of the resist sets? I know Rad Armor gets a lot of love, but I’ve been seeing a lot of people hopping on the Electric Armor train lately. Maybe because of the endurance drain protection? I know Fire Armor has changes recently. Not sure how that impacted it/made it better in anyway.
  8. What is, in your opinion, the ultimate Tanker in the game? The one that, when all the chips are down, is the last one standing? Even in incarnate/hard mode content. A couple combos come to mind for me: Shield/Martial Arts: Can hit incarnate defense levels. Decent AOE and also brings utility to the team. Ultimate team tanker. Secondary could also be Dark Melee, which brings a heal and -tohit, but loses out on defense. Rad/SS Tanker: Proc city, and the more offensive choice. Still has a lot of defensive options and mitigation. Invuln/Energy Melee: Could be Invuln/SS as well, but just thought I’d switch it up. Invuln is easy to build and so layered. Can stand up to most anything in the game. I also hear Electric Armor is amazing endgame on either a Tanker or Brute, but I haven’t gotten one to high levels yet. Not sure what would pair best. Maybe Savage Melee or Street Justice? How about you? What do you think is the top tanker combo?
  9. One IV All

    MA Secondary

    I'll look around for it! On paper, it seems crazy strong... Only really lacking a heal. I wonder how something like Shield/Dark Melee stacks up to it. Brings a heal, but can't stack the defense. Continuing that though, I wonder what other Tanker combos could even stand up to Shield/MA. Maybe Rad/SS?
  10. One IV All

    MA Secondary

    Hasn't a Shield/MA Tanker done some crazy things in this game? I could see if being a pretty good combo for all the new Hard Mode content.
  11. Was going through some combos and I feel like I have a pretty good concept for this one. Additionally, it seems like it’ll be a very good “Jack of all trades” combo that could even do well in the HM/Aeon content. That being said, idk if I should run this one on a Defender or a Corruptor. Does anyone have suggestions/the positives of running it on one archetype over the other? Thanks!
  12. Hi all, So I have a concept for a Hard Light/Shadow Control type of hero. Seismic Blast, at least to me, seems to really shine on a Sentinel (even if it's just because the T9 blast will be up faster 😂). I've played one Sent before, a hovering Elec/Elec/Elec sapper. This will be my first Sent since the revamp, and I have some questions: - Is Seismic Blast best played on the ground? It seems to have a passive that only works on the ground. I'm guessing it wouldn't make a great hover blaster. I'm not married to the idea of hover blasting, I'm just curious. - What are some secondary suggestions that are synergistic? Stone Armor seems like an obvious and good choice. Tough across the board. Bio Armor seems like it could push the damage. Rad Armor has a lot of tools and a great T9. These are just ones I noticed, but I'm open to suggestions either way. Thanks in advance!
  13. After throwing the build together, how do you feel Kinetic Melee pairs with Elec Armor on a tanker? It seems you have a nice mix of procs/standard tanky build. I guess I'm wondering how KM sticks up to the other tanker Secondaries.
  14. Someone on reddit was actually saying Kinetic is one of the better performers on TANKERS, since it can leverage procs/FF. What are your guys thoughts on that? @BrandX Electric Armor mixed with Kinetic is a cool concept.
  15. This was all super helpful and you gave me a lot to think about, I appreciate you taking the time Fox!
  16. Thanks for the info, and for narrowing down my Rad Armor choices. That makes sense. Couple follow ups: - Between Dark/Shield and Claws/Rad, would you lean one way or another? - I can see what you mean about the cast times for KM. I wonder if they'll lower those in the future. The first 3 attacks seem quick though. - Someone on Reddit mentioned Street Justice. Do you have any experience with that set?
  17. Howdy all. Long time lurker, first time poster. I saw someone post something similar on the Defender thread, so I thought I'd do the same thing for a Scrapper. Coming back to COH and I'm looking to run a "do it all" Scrapper. Something that can role with anything this game throws at it (heck, maybe even PvP). A couple combos I'm looking at/come to mind: Dark Melee/Shield: I remember this being good on live, and it seems like it'd still be a classic here. Just a ton of synergy, with DM bringing a heal to Shield. Psi Melee/Shield: Shield Charge and Mass Levitate seem like they'd be *chefs kiss*. No heal here, but Psi is a less resisted dmg type, right? Claws/Rad Armor: My first Scrapper on live was a Claw/Regen. This would kind of be the 2.0 I feel. Rad seems to have a lot of tricks and is pretty layered. Dark Melee/Rad Armor: This one seems interesting, mostly because Beta Decay provides a -tohit, which I think goes well with Dark Melee and it's -tohit. Just an extra layer of defense. I also think Kinetic Melee looks pretty sweet, but it seems like it's an under performer? Anyways, does anyone have thoughts/suggestions on the best combo above? Or, in your opinion, what is the ONE SCRAPPER TO RULE THEM ALL? Thanks!
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