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Posts posted by SwitchFade

  1. 2 hours ago, Completist said:

    That is a reasonable excuse for why Melee ATs, especially Tanks shouldn't have ranged attacks. But is there a reason to disallow Defenders and Corruptors (and Blasters, perhaps) from having access to Melee sets?


    I want to buff my friends and punch people. (To satisfy my demands) is it necessary to come up with a new AT? Or could we just super-proliferate some melee sets into previously Ranged-only ATs?

    Stand in melee and all your ranged attacks are melee.


    Blapper do it all the time.

  2. 7 hours ago, blue4333 said:


    If more people are putting recipes, purples and LOTGs on the AH, regardless of activity (farming, TF/SFs, PI missions) wouldn't prices drop as a result of the supply?


    Then making farming less desirable would reduce that supply.

    I'm sorry, that's not how economics works.


    The determinates of supply and demand do not operate in isolation, as you are implying. Price fluctuation is not solely driven by one determinate.

  3. 2 hours ago, blue4333 said:

    is it just me or I'm getting the feeling that the ex-Score players are shook by the difference of opinions on certain matters? I think years of being an yes-man must have not made them ready for this.


    i mean even making a thread crying about downvotes?


    Pot, meet kettle.

    • Haha 1
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  4. 2 hours ago, blue4333 said:


    meanwhile me with an Empathy/Energy Defender in a Crater AE Mission is just grinding i guess.

    No, you thumbs downing every single post you can, regardless of what it is about, from people you don't like, is farming.


    Amusing thumb farming.


    Where's @Troo?

    • Sad 1
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  5. 1 hour ago, The_Warpact said:

    I keep seeing the same minority of people doing the "thumb down " stuff and commenting on anything closely related to farming. These players make it very well known their position to everyone. 

    Which in turn has the same opposing group of players arguing with them. Yes, it is an argument there is no debate. One side wants it removed and doesn't care about repercussions from those actions.

    The other side has stated just leave it alone, it's going to have ill effects, don't tell me how to play, etc.


    Both sides have their reasoning on why it will mess everything up or is messing everything up. 


    Yes. There are other things in this update which no one has been focused on as much as this argument from the Beta threads to General. Nothing is getting solved other than threads getting locked and bad feelings all around.


    I came to a conclusion because initially I was pissed when this all started. But, now I don't care, it's a fucking game. If it changes in a way I don't like, so what I'll move on to other things. There are other servers, MMOs, console, etc out there that I can go to if I don't like this. 


    Because, really all this shit is drama, petty fucking soap opera drama on a video game.


    Yes but...


    Will bill wake up from his coma?


    And does Betty know June had a child with the milkman, who is secretly Bret's uncle?


    When will the colonel be back from Montana and how will this affect the wedding between bret and panelipe?


    ALL this and more, on next week's SOAP!

    • Haha 1
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  6. 2 hours ago, Coyotedancer said:


    'Not the first time someone has decided I'm a troll for not agreeing with the direction something seemed to be going... 

    Heh, I have an image of a cartoon bridge troll in my head...


    "Can't pass lest ye pay the toll, my lovelies!"

  7. Also, I fully expect, after this goes live, that there will be a commensurate adjustment to typed exotic defenses in various ways that will be a small buff.


    I would wager that io sets and defense powers that are exotic types to be increased in various ways, thereby increasing build diversity and allowing for balance.


    Until a codebasher chimes in we cannot know, but this is my educated wildforkingguessing.


    Weeeeeee. 🥧

    • Thumbs Up 3
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  8. 5 hours ago, Marbing said:

    All you have to do to get a bunch at once is disagree with some people and they will literally go through all of your posts for the past couple of days/weeks and give them all 👎 all at once. I know, it has happened to me more than a couple times from a couple of individuals on these forums. 🤣





    Did you thumb your nose at them?

    • Thumbs Down 1
  9. 5 hours ago, battlewraith said:

    Yeah that happened to me after I posted in  this thread. Someone gave me seven thumbs down in a couple of threads from two or three months ago. Lol.


    You did what to people?

    • Thumbs Down 1
  10. 14 hours ago, InvaderStych said:

    Wait? We're farming 👎nao?


    What's the going rate on the /ah for 👎?


    I gotta get in on this action, let's see ...



    .... DS9 is the best Trek and Sisko was the most interesting Captain!



    Am I doing it right?

    I hear AE is the best place to farm Tab and Jolt.

  11. 7 hours ago, Ukase said:

    You're right in that it's a lie. I really don't pay much attention to any of that. But if I notice a thumbs down, I am more inclined to return the favor. 

    Well at least you're kind enough to reciprocate.


    Some people are so selfish, they won't give a good thumb, even after you buy them a Shasta.



  12. 1 hour ago, dtj714 said:


    Before you had 170% recharge. Now, at MOST, it’s Hasten only? Maybe the 170% was an “outlier” (you didn’t represent it as such at the time), but so is Hasten only. If you’re going to take Hasten, then recharge is important to you, and you’re going to get as much it as you can. 


    I think I’ll take Luminara’s maths.


    JC on a stick.


    As I SAID, that is one build I have that is an outlier.


    The follow up post was because someone asked for MORE DATA.


    So I said sure, and then tested and posted more builds I have, specifically SO BALANCE POINTS.


    I mean really, read all of it before you jump off cliffs to conclusions.

  13. On 7/31/2022 at 7:31 PM, Bill Z Bubba said:

    Gets even worse when changes happen that you off-handedly asked for thus proving the devs listen to everybody. Cuz we know devs hate all scrappers.

    Nerf Regen?

    • Haha 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Ukase said:




    I have about a week and a half of pics like this, mostly from early July. Your premise of inflation is very faulty. There simply isn't any. And you can probably thank the panic farming for it. 
    Farming of any kind, AFK or otherwise is GOOD for the game. It drives prices down. No evidence of anything but. 

    This talk of bots and macros is simply talk, from everything I can gather, because if it weren't, we'd see the impact of it in some negative fashion. And if it's bots and macros that are driving the prices of these down, maybe it's for the best. 

    The premise is sound. That picture shows activity within a specific time only and only one IO. What is necessary to reduce sampling bias is a data point like this at set intervals thought the day, say 6am, 10am, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm and midnight, then every day of the week, for 30 days on all IO.


    Those could then be tabulated and we would have enough to run a regression analysis.


    By the way, I didn't say farming is bad, I specifically said it is no different than any other mode of play, it's just a specific type of play where the most efficient return for the time invested is occuring. I have no opinion or data on botting, as I haven't researched, but botting is automation and automation of currency generation will magnify the deleterious effect that outlying activities like AE already possess; this is what automation does, it increases efficiency. We could discuss supply chain and production process if you like 😅


    I did say that there should be boundaries so that there is no outlier like AE, and all content is equal within a set standard deviation about the median. This includes story content.


    So yes, farming is great... Rampant inflation is not. The reason you don't see it is the devs stepped in early and it helped. It's creeping again.

  15. Troo, what have you done?!


    Oh and, I thought I had you all beat for hate, because of the obligatory "I'm sorry, that's not how economics works," that I text bomb.


    Sadly, it appears I can't even touch @arcane @MoonSheep


    also, I haven't a clue how to attach or imbed pics, and I only post from my phone.


    Also, I like pie 

    • Haha 1
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  16. 8 hours ago, dtj714 said:

    Based on one specific example that just happens to have results exactly in line with the currently proposed change?  Sounds like reverse-engineered justification to me. Care to try something with less convenient maths?



    SO builds that I have with additional data points for comparison


    Live stun to run is recharge+animation

    Beta to compare to all below is stun recovery average at 2s + 5s lockout = 7.5s


    -darkest night with no recharge SO, recharges in 10 seconds + 3.4s animation = 13.4s

    -darkest night with 1 rech SO, recharges in 7.5 seconds + 3.4s animation = 10.9s

    -darkest night with no rech SO with hasten, recharges in 6s + 3.4s animation = 9.4s


    -Rad infection with no rech SO, recharges in 8 seconds + 3.3s animation = 11.3s

    -rad infection with 1 rech SO, recharges in 6 seconds + animation of 3.3s = 9.3s

    -rad infection withbno rech SO with hasten, recharges in 4.7s + 3.3s animation = 8s


    -enervating field with no rech SO, recharges in 8s + animation time of 1.7s = 9.7s

    -enervating field with 1 rech SO, recharges in 6 seconds + animation of 1.7s = 7.7s

    -enervating field with no rech SO with hasten, recharges in 4.7s + animation of 1.7s = 6.4s


    -hurricane with no rech SO, recharges in 10s + animation time of 1.7s = 11.7s

    -hurricane with 1 rech SO, recharges in 7.5s + animation time of 2.2s = 9.7s

    -hurricane with no rech SO with hasten, recharges in 6s + animation time of 2.2s = 8.2s


    -beta decay with no rech SO, recharges in 9 seconds + animation time of 1s = 10s

    -beta decay with 1 rech SO, recharges in 7s + animation of 1s = 8s

    -beta decay with no SO with hasten, recharges in 5.5s + animation of 1s = 6.5s


    For all builds noted above, typical SO slotting never includes a recharge SO in a toggle, this was posted for data comparison only


    Hasten is up only 120s of 265s, less than 50% of the time, so all above hasten builds will be half of the time with hasten half with no SO and no hasten. This is why no SO and no hasten was included as a data point.


    These are real toons I have. Comparing every single build variation live to beta, in all cases, every build here is a net buff on beta.


    SO builds are the balance point for all changes as I have mentioned before. I chose an extreme outlier with 170% recharge and the longest recharge toggle as a comparison of an outlier.


    And AGAIN, as I said I prefer a further adjustment to the lockout to 4s, but as it 5s is a net buff for builds noted above from controllers, defender and tankers. An 8s toggle on a toon with 170% global recharge is an outlier and cannot be the median balance point.


    This doesn't even take into account 2 and 3 toggle builds on SOs or even IOs, as the build permutations are vast. I assumed everyone would be thorough and proactive enough to math and test this before dogpiling, MY BAD, I guess I had to do the text wall for you. This is a net buff for most builds, as I have said. It still needs to be 4s, but I did mention 5s is a good place to test and tweak from.


    I'm typing all this on a phone, for those of you machine gunning replies without patience to wait for a response 😊

    • Thanks 2
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  17. 2 hours ago, ForeverLaxx said:

    Play-testing tells me it's still a nerf. You can already take care of the "problem" with animations by utilizing a joust/kite technique but in the reverse direction. Jump backwards around a corner, hit your toggle debuff while at the peak, and be protected from return fire while you wait for a 2 second cast animation to finish.


    That's two seconds to get the absolutely necessary for survival toggle back on, which is the only one I care about, vs 5 seconds to get that toggle plus less useful ones on all at once.


    I think I know which I prefer. This does not pass the play test and I'm tired of the devs pretending that getting to fire one attack while running away justifies it.


    I think you're missing current toggle recharge in that equation.


    As I laid out, I have hotfeet down to 6 second recharge from base 20. Once stunned, the toggl drops and the recharge begins, then break free 2.5s later. I still have to wait 3.5s more, the remainder of the toggle recharge, PLUS the 1.7s animation.


    That's 5.2 seconds from the time I break free from stun to retoggle and go. Toggles do not instantly come back up when you break free, they have a recharge you have to wait for.


    Beta is 5 seconds from break free to auto up, no retoggle required.


    Live: 7.7 seconds stun to run, retoggle required. This is incontrovertible, because the recharge is 6 seconds and the Retoggle is 1.7 seconds.


    Beta: 7.5 seconds stun to run, NO retoggle required. This is incontrovertible, because the lockout is 5 seconds and the stun was 2.5.


    That's not a nerf. It does pass the math and play test.

    • Thanks 1
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  18. 49 minutes ago, Ukase said:

    It's not my intent to nitpick, but I keep tabs on certain IOs - not really routinely checking the prices, but literally listing 3 specific IOs at a price just above where they're selling at to see if the price is creeping up. For over 30 days, I've had the same 3 LotG 7.5% listed at 6,777,777. 

    They haven't sold. The prices of these are not creeping up, or, if they are, it's not by enough to meet a noticeable threshold. Otherwise, these would have sold by now. They have not. In 27 days, they've not sold. And, frankly, I'm glad, as it means prices (for this anyway) are lower than they have been, and so far, are remaining lower. 

    There is no inflation issue on HC that I can tell, except I do see an upward push, which I always see on the weekends of: 
    Kismet Accuracy, Steadfast Protection 3%, Achille's Heel Chance for resistance debuff, and few others, that are not generally dropped on level 50 farmers. 

    Once a month or so, when I farmed more often, I would run for tickets to pursue these and list them. But, since the last patch, there's been more to do, so I've farmed less, and well frankly, farming is tedious sometimes. (all that converting can be time-consuming!) 

    You may think there is, and you're entitled to believe it. But I've seen no evidence of it. Prices for me have been the same for just about the past year or so, since they nerfed the 2xinf/noXP. 



    The last 4 I have sold all went for between 7 and 8 million million, I listed them at 6. Granted this was in June, but that is pretty recent. Haven't played new toons since then, always on 50s looking for exemp lowbies to help, so no marketing since then.

  19. 1 hour ago, WindDemon21 said:

    Stun breaks free. (Toggles rech already) cast time of toggle.. even rad now can get ef and ri out in 3 seconds, with ri being the most important generally in 1.5s, not 5.


    Other factors can play, not always a useful attack to do instead. You have to look at the lowest possible need too when averaging.


    Given max that toggle time should be at 1.5s, lets say the average is 2, still 3 seconds (with one being applied by 1.5s already in use)


    There are yet even other detrimental factors like the toggled enemy moving or dying etc. 5 seconds is too long.

    Um, sorry I can't follow this at all, could you perhaps review and reword? I think maybe there are some typos and errors here.

  20. 3 minutes ago, Ukase said:

    Not to nitpick, but that is not the literal definition of inflation. I do understand that for some folks, having a huge stockpile may cause them to spend more, as the value seems to be worth less, since they have so much. But, I'm the son of an economist. I know full well what utils of satisfaction are, and I believe I know the influence value for a given IO, because I know how to make them. Or, alternatively, convert something into a specific one. 

    The literal definition of inflation is a rate of increase in prices over time. Funny, the more influence I make, the cheaper things in the AH seem to get. So, no, while I can understand a stack of inf like mine could be problematic for a day or two in the hands of a savvy, but ill-intentioned marketeer, any disruption would be short-lived due to actions by other marketers. 

    Now, if you take away the emp merit to reward merit conversion, you're just leaving the casual player at the mercy of the more sinister, selfish player. 

    It's a bad move. In fact, it's a horrible move and will not resolve any issues with the alleged bot/macro players that do not exist as far as I know. 

    A better move would be to list emp merits for sale on the AH, or better yet, as an inf sink at the merit vendor. Then I don't think I'd ever farm again, and finally have something to spend my influence on. 

    a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money:


    That's the literal definition, where simple Price increases over time are not necessarily inflation, they may have many causes, such as demand increase of a articular good, even in a deflating economy.


    Price increases here are largely driven by the devaluation of each unit of currency, as more units are being created, be ause the units of currency are not fixed, they must be balanced between creation and destruction.


    A person stockpiling vast amounts of currency, if they are the only one, is not the issue, it's that everyone can do that, creating so much that it rapidly causes hyperinflation if the rate of creation is too high. Such is the case with emp conversion to merits.


    This happened before here on HC. For example, LoTG 7.5s were climbing from 4mill to 10-11mill.


    The inf faucet was shut off post 50, and it reduced and stabilized at 7mill for a time.


    It's now creeping up again. Why? That creation of wealth continues at a rate that is too high vs destruction. Equilibrium price is climbing.


    The difference between creation and destruction is still too high, though not as high as before the post 50 change, and it took a bit of time to shift equilibrium prices up again.


    This change will bring the ratio to a more reasonable level.


    That said I don't think removing emp to merit conversion is best; best would be a lockout timer, 1 emp every 48 hour limit, or maybe even longer.


  21. 9 minutes ago, WindDemon21 said:

    It's actually a nerf in most but a few circumstances even with the tradeoff at 5s especially for those that NEED those toggles on and don't have a better click power to use, which aren't as affected as it is now anyway.


    The idea is there, but 5s is still too long for those that need this the most (or even don't)

    It is now not a nerf, as the math in the post I just made details. And play testing.

    • Thanks 1
  22. 18 minutes ago, dtj714 said:

    What is the 5 seconds based on? All the “testing data” from the previous 8 seconds, or some new assumption (e.g., 2 toggles instead of 4), or is it just an arbitrary reduction due to all the grousing on this forum?


    Again, you’re taking agency away from the player in a situation where it should not be. If this is going to be put in, then there should be a way to opt-out (“Null the Gull” it), so those who feel the need and desire to maintain control over it can.

    I posted math and various situations that speak to your query.


    Basically, let's say you get stunned... Offensive toggles drop...


    You notice it and hit a break free, let's say 2-3 seconds elapsed from stun to break free, this is a really solid reaction time from a lot of play testing.


    Now, on live, your toggles have been recharging since they dropped at time zero. Let's use a fire/kin controller with hot feet, 20 second base recharge, reduced to 6 seconds on my build with 170% total recharge


    So, of that 6 seconds from time zero, 2-3s have elapsed during your stun to BF. You now have to wait 3-4 more seconds for the power to come up.


    Now you have to retoggle, 1.7 seconds more.


    Averages: 2.5+3.5+1.7 = 7.7 seconds from stun to run, on LIVE currently.


    During that 7.7 seconds for a one toggle build, there's a tiny window to do one action, such as fire an attack, or use an insp. After that, you're retoggling so no attacking, no insps, no running... Nothing but retoggle.




    You get stunned, you notice it, you but BF.


    Same math as before, you are free in 2.5 seconds.


    But NOW, your powers will auto retoggle in 5 seconds. Total time from stun to run, 7.5-8 seconds. Exactly the same as live, but NOW you do not have to retoggle and can fire other powers during the 5 seconds between BF and autoUP. You can attack 1-2 times, or 1 attack and an insp, or toggle up a travel and jump back and insp.


    That's a 1 toggle build. 2+ toggle builds get a buff.


    So, this reduction from 8 seconds to 5 is now changed from a nerf to a net buff for all and QoL as well. I personally would like 4, but 5 is solid.

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