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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. If I had a nickel for every player I ran into who didn't belong to an SG, but seemed to be at a loss as to where to stash enhancements, but didn't want to take the time to build an SG base...I'd have at least a dollar, I'm sure. 

    But- if SG's could be renamed, I could build them and just give them away. Nothing fancy, just a base with TP beacons to all zones, tailor, trainer, workbench, insp storage, enhancement storage bin and empowerment buff stations. 

    • Like 4
  2. For a time, I would level a character of to 50+3, t-4, and then start again. While in the hive, a friend who led the raid would explain his very minor annoyance in having no idea this new tank in the hive had tanked Hami repeatedly before, but he hadn't bothered to check the global. 

    So, I opted to start making some of my characters more recognizable: 

    Ukase Fire
    Ukase Max
    Ukase Frost


    etc, you get the idea. Ukase is an old Russian term, an edict from the government or a king. I stole it from Doctor Doom in the Secret Wars series. (Doom to Ultron 5 "Ukase Rex!")

    An alt account does the same thing, name stolen from a race horse an old girlfriend owns. 

    Apache Fog
    Apache Mist

    Apache Fire


    I'll still look for names that are a bit silly - like Zombo, my ill/rad controller, or Patmos Pete, a dual blade/invuln scrapper. In my head, I see a civilian exclaiming, "Look, it's (hero name here)!"

    And if the name I come up with doesn't sound right, I don't use it. It's annoying that we can't use "The" as part of a character's name, but it is what it is. 


    So, if you're global is fairly unique, you can simply add a word to take some of the burden off the naming difficulty. 

  3. There's not much that irks me more than being in a battle and not having enough end to execute an attack. I monitor end recovery and end usage, and aim for a net of 3. I don't always get it, but it's what I'm aiming for. About the only time I run out of end is in the underground iTrial and someone gets confused and drains my end. Sappers barely make a dent, Mu are ineffective and I don't even notice Freaks and clocks with their minor sapping attacks. 


    Because of this - 95% of all my 50's will go Agility, and half of them get Ageless. Some will get the other destinies as well, but Ageless is usually made first. 


    While leveling, I tend to be sure I've got the end mod IOs & procs slotted before I go too toggle heavy with fight and leadership.

    • Like 1
  4. On 8/13/2020 at 8:12 PM, Captain Valiant said:

    It's a game. It no longer costs anything real to fail and, therefore, take longer in real time to achieve a desired goal. If you don't like how someone else is enjoying themselves, don't play with them.

    You do know that when you start a trial or task force, that although you can quit, you shouldn't, right? When you start something, you finish it, and there's no exceptions to this when it comes to task forces or trials. You don't just quit because someone isn't playing your way, even if it's wrong. At least, I don't. If you do - well, that's not my problem. Just don't team with me - like, ever. 

    When you're on the task force in question, yes, you make a note to not team with them again if they're obtuse, dense, or just a jerk. But - it's too late when you're on the trial or task force. You're committed. There definitely is a cost to failure. Lost time. Can't get that back, ever. Not even in ouroboros. 


    Granted, things in real life happen - elderly parent or small child takes a bad fall, an urgent phone call, etc. But in the literally hundreds of task forces I've done since I started playing CoH, I've only had 2 people beg off because of something out of their control. 

  5. On 8/26/2019 at 12:52 PM, PaxArcana said:

    Okay, okay, new idea:


    Make it a power you get only at, say, Vet Level 100.  🙂  You click the power, the passcode prompt comes up.  No more exploit potential ... and, 'cause it's something you gott a work toward for a loooooong time, the "bypasses other stuff" part won't really matter anymore, either.  🙂

    I like part of this idea. 

    How about making it only available once you have all badges available in game?  (not counting bug hunter - if a lot of folks had that, the game would have to be seriously infested). And, only by character, not account. 

    This way - nobody's doing a Master of TF or PvP for badges - they're doing it for fun/challenge and wouldn't likely use it as an exploit. 

    Granted, this raises the bar for a lot of folks who aren't into badging...

  6. I think there's still room for some disclosure, but I haven't read the NDA, nor do I understand the reason behind having one for these "talks". For now, I'm just going to take the stance that it's none of my business. If it were, I wouldn't see the harm in saying "We met today for a few minutes and only have a few more obstacles to overcome" 


  7. 14 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

     It's not proof of progress in any way except to show that NCsoft is actually negotiating, but it is a promising sign

    It's an indication of something, but it's certainly not proof of NCSoft negotiating. I don't know anymore that we need proof, although I don't see the harm in coverage of the process. To this point, as far as I can tell, HC has been transparent in every area, except this one - which is probably due to reasons I know next to nothing about. Still, what's the harm in saying, "We spoke to NCSoft Rep. Joe Blowhard, and he said, "Blah, blah" So, we have to do X and Y, then see where we're at." 

    I just see no reason, other than an aversion to typing why we're not seeing it. Perhaps it's none of my business. I'd just like to know.

  8. On 8/9/2020 at 2:25 PM, Argent Aegis said:


    1) I would love to see the Crab backpack be available to all AT's, clipping be damned.  (I really liked the look and powerset combination I made).


    I'd love to make the SoA without the backpack, but apparently, that can't be done either. 

  9. I don't know if I can ask this without sounding like a spoiled brat, but I'll try. 

    The first thing I read in the original post of this thread spoke of the discussions with NCSoft...but then proceeded to not say anything about the discussions with NCSoft. 

    Is there a time line? Are you seeking an operator's license or IP rights?  Or just a "leave us alone and we'll stop sending you capes" kind of deal? Or something else entirely? 


  10. Update: Apparently, when you reach the 1000 points, you have to remain in the zone for full 5 minutes and maintain those 1000 points. 
    There was no one in the zone to take them from me, but previously, I just left. I stuck around for the full countdown and got the badge. 

    So perhaps a note should be added that in addition to earning the 1000 points, you have to maintain "control" of the zone for 5 minutes. 

    • Like 2
  11. After reviewing this guide again, I think an adjustment can be made with perhaps, some time saved. 

    The original post stated doing an additional arc with Siege in the third mission.  You could do that...or you could simply complete the arc Maria Jenkin's gives you, and then ask her for another mission. 
    There are more than a few that she'll give you - which you can simply abandon without penalty, and ask for another mission. Sometimes, they are the same mission, and sometimes, they are not. Eventually, maybe after 10 to 15 times of accepting/abandoning them you will get a single mission to defeat Siege. Additionally, if you can wait until level 50, there's always a BAF iTrial. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 34 minutes ago, Mezmera said:

    I never understand why there's so many Mind/Psi doms comparably.  It's like everyone sees what's the top made powersets for the AT and jumps along like lemmings. 

    Truth be told, I made my mind/psi after seeing you literally dominate in MoTPN. In fairness to the AT and the powersets, there are a number of non-dom AT's and powersets I've tried that had certain nuances that discourage my forward progress. 

    Like in Super Reflexes, the status protection for my stalker was a click, not a toggle. Fine if you struggle with endurance, but with a perf shifter +end, Panacea +hp/recovery, Numina +hp/recovery, Miracle +end ...not to mention ageless and agility...was never a problem and would never be a problem. 
    In Shield Defense, same thing with Active Defense.  Certainly a minor issue, but they tend to point me towards paths where I'm not so click happy. 

    Dual Swords with that silly set of combo attacks - which would make sense if they did more damage and the next attack was always recharged and ready to go..

    And Bio armor with having (or getting) to choose which armor to go with...some think that's fantastic..I don't want to think about that. I just want to mash a toggle and forget about it. Probably why I like invuln a bit more than rad armor and Will power. 

    But these comments are a bit off-topic, just wanted to illustrate that it's not only the Dom AT and mind/psi that I found less than ideal for my style of play. 

    • Like 1
  13. For fun, I'll chime in, as my experience with doms is limited. 

    I've played an elec/elec to 27 before shut down...it was interesting and at least cool to watch with the electricity visuals. 
    I've got a mind/psionic at 49 now, but it's just not fun to play, so I've decided to let it sit. 
    I swore off of them because of the pure misery it was to play that dom. 

    After further review, I was encouraged to try a different powerset, so I went with Earth/earth. Certainly better, but what I'd like to change is this: 

    • More HP. The blaster, which is supposed to be the "glass cannon" does the highest dps, although that will always depend on build, powersets & choices and player expertise. Yet it has 200 more hp? That seems out of balance to me. 
    • A scaling ability to fill the dom bar.  At lower levels, anecdotally, at least, it took me forever to get domination. And when I did, it never seemed to last long enough. I think it should fill slightly faster at lower levels, tapering back to normal as you approach 50.
    • Ease up on the end cost. True, with "perma-dom", endurance isn't an issue as much, but without, it's pretty bad, and I slot with the usual procs, and end reducers before I get IO sets. But if you can't get to domination until the mission's almost over, the entire mission isn't really fun, at least, not for me. 
  14. On 3/13/2020 at 1:02 PM, VV said:

     Remember that the Red ATs were designed to be better soloists and not designed around the holy trinity of teaming, wall/support/damage.

    I don't remember this - and I'm no authority about doms, but I thought doms reached domination faster when teaming? As if they got credit for teammates' attacks when building the dom bar. 

    An MM or brute or stalker, no question, they're more solo friendly. But the dom? Nah. They have woefully low hp, with low 1600's as max HP - which I can't imagine how you do that AND go for perma dom. They have to build domination to get to perma. Like controllers, the pets have no idea what to attack beyond what I imagine is "targetcustomnear" somewhere in their code. And that's if you chose one when you got high enough. 

    Not saying it's impossible to solo one, just saying I don't believe for a moment the original devs thought this AT was designed to be a better soloist. If that's what they thought, ...I dunno what that says about my take on the dom. I'm trying to like my earth/earth, and it's certainly better than the mind/psi I have, but soloing with them is quite tedious & slow. I could get behind it if it were methodical. But the dps is marginal (sorry, I play brutes, blasters & scrappers mostly -- so anything else IS marginal) but fortunately, the low hp at least gives it some challenge compared to the other ATs I normally play. 

  15. On 3/13/2020 at 9:53 AM, Redlynne said:

    The solution is keybinds.

    You set up keybinds for all of your attack powers (the ones you click) such that they (reading from left to right) execute the attack power and execute domination in a format of "attack$$domination" (overly simplified).  That way, if Domination is recharged it automatically takes priority for casting over the attack.  You then set Hasten on autofire (as normal).


    Or you do it the other way around ("attack$$hasten") and put Domination on autofire.

    Either way, you invoke the "second perma power" in a way that is linked to the keybinds for your click powers you use to attack with.

    That's clever. I will be honest, since I made my last dom, a Mind/psionic, who's been sitting at level 49 since I decided I just hated playing it, I swore  to not play a dom ever again, lumping all the powersets into one trash can. However, @shotty mario gave an honest attempt to share how much different other powersets would be, such as earth/earth, so I've given them another try. 

    I'm not to 50 yet, but it's certainly more enjoyable than the mind/psionic I quit playing. It never occurred to me to make a macro or bind for attacks in such a manner. Love learning things like this, and I thought I already knew most of what there was to learn. 

  16. 11 hours ago, Razor Cure said:

    That hardly helps you find a ninja hostage on a huge map. Just having the name is little use at all, unless you also happen to know how to create a macro to search for him, and even then, it reduces you to running about spamming the 'find person' button.

    Everyone, including you, if you read this thread, you either know how, or know where to look to discover how to make the macro. I posted how, in one of my previous replies in this thread. That's based on the assumption you read it, of course. 

    As for running about spamming the "find person" button - that may not seem heroic, but it will get the job done. Crude, yet effective, if not efficient. 

  17. 32 minutes ago, ninja surprise said:

    I do that normally, but there's a lot of hostage rescues where you don't know the person's name and they can't be targeted as a friendly.

    For instance recently someone called for help in /LFG finding their last hostage from a Carnie arc. I have a standard bind to find non-enemies. He'd been hunting around the map for 30 minutes before asking for help. Another hero and I joined, and we flew around the map looking for the hostage, finally deciding to just start clearing around the Carnie tents and surrounding roads. Eventually we came across 3 Carnies standing by a fence post and after we defeated them the hostage popped out and ran away.

    Hostage had some random name we wouldn't have known to make a bind for.


    Would have been nice if some NPC dialog bubble popped up "Help they are kidnapping me!"

    Here's what I would call a pro-tip: 

    When you have one of these missions, refer to the paragon wiki, er...rather the HC paragon wiki. I think it was simply ported over with folks making changes as we play where things differ. 

    You look for the contact in the wiki, and generally, it provides you with all the dialogue between the contact and the player, and the dialogue within the mission, and tends to give the names of special npcs. 
    One of the rwz contacts gives a mission where this would apply - had to rescue a few folks, and destroy some ritki bombs, but I had no idea who to rescue or where they were. The wiki stated who the npcs were. Since then, I've learned that it's very rare that the wiki doesn't share that info. It's worth a few seconds to do a quick search for the contact and look things up. 

  18. 1 minute ago, Omega-202 said:

    May I suggest having multiple viable endgame characters to address this issue?  


    I've encountered exactly what you're saying while in the middle of a solo Ouro arc and instead of bailing to run a trial, I parked the character I was on and just swapped to a different one.  After the trial was over, I just switched back and kept going.  

    I have 30 or so "viable" endgame characters - but I'm speaking of badge opportunities, not any old task force or something. When I see someone who I know is a solid player looking to do a master run and I need the same badge on the character I'm playing...logging out to play some other character doesn't get the character I'm playing the badge. Surely I'm not expected to pursue all 1531 badges with every character, am I? I already question my sanity doing it on a second character after reaching 1531 on the first. 

    • Like 1
  19. 1 hour ago, Glacier Peak said:

    While I agree that PvP isn't particularly popular in this game, the suggestion wasn't to add zones, it was to change existing and underutilized zones in to ones which supported and incentivized player visits. 


    I believe there is a Level 11 cap for using the Ouro portal, (and Level 15 for the Ouro flashback content). That is in line with my suggestion of Echo: Galaxy City being a Level 15-30 zone. 

    For use of Ouro, it's level 14. Level 15 to actually do any ouro arcs. To get the portal (and progress on the day badge) on HC servers, it's level 1. On live, you could try to get to ouro via Echo:Galaxy as a sub level 14, and it would port you back to Atlas within a few seconds. 

    As for increasing traffic in the zones, let's keep in mind what they are: relics of the past. 

    Echo:DA does see a fair share of traffic for Adamastor. 

    It could be that Echo:RWZ could stand to have a drop ship or Ukon Gr`ai make an appearance from time to time. 
    Echo:Galaxy could stand to have some gigantic Shivan plague the area. 
    Echo:Atlas...honestly, it makes no sense to me why Echo:Atlas even exists...dunno what you'd put there. It's only slightly different from the regular Atlas. Maybe I missed that bit of lore. 

  20. 2 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

    This is a suggestion, based on my opinion. I expect people to disagree or feel strongly about this suggestion, so I look forward to the discussion.


    I love the look of these old zones and enjoyed them so much back on live just as much. It was surprised to see them tucked away in the back Ouro portal (or base porters) when I started playing on HC. Since they don't have contacts or system functions (tram to other zones, arena, AE, auction houses, etc.) they would be easy zones to switch with little time or resource investment. They could all be switched to Player versus Everything zones (including other players, like Warburg).


    I'd say Echo: Galaxy City would be a great Level 1-15 zone. Echo: Faultline would work with Level 15-30 (imagine those huge drops off the sides of the tall cracks with a knockback!). Echo: Dark Astoria Level could be 30-49 ( imagine that awesome zone with the music and ambience!). I say cap at Level 49 to give a high level PvP zone without Incarnates.



    • "New" Zones for PvP
    • Gives players another reason to visit the zone besides gathering the exploration and history badges. 



    • ???


    Let's hear it!

    Reality: Volunteer development staff. 
    Priorities: Functionality & maintenance & server stability

    Truth is, next to nobody uses Siren's call. Except maybe to hunt boss Warriors for the defeat badge, or get the explorations. I say this because when I'm there getting these things done, nobody is there. Ever. Never. Obviously, I'm not there all the time, so it could be that a few folks go there for actual pvp, but I highly doubt it. Despite how easy HC has made it to have an exemp build, a max-boosted build and a pvp build, rarely anybody uses the pvp zones we have, except maybe on indom. The only reason folks go to bloody bay is for Shivans, and explorations, and maybe to kill shivans instead of doing that ouro arc that's got nothing but shivans in it. 

    Warburg and RV may see an occasional fight here and there, but most of the time it's a pvp-er getting excited about seeing a badge hound in there and they pounce. Given the chatter, it's rarely any kind of contest for the pvp-er and next to no fun for the badge hound. 

    IF we saw that 10% of the player base was routinely using the pvp zones we have for non-badge activity (sorry folks, pill boxes are a badge effort, and not pvp) I could get behind it. But CoH is not a game that has an high pvp player base, because pvp in CoH is stupid. Diminished returns are stupid. Having to make a special build to participate is not making folks any more eager to participate. Feeling you have to have a special powerset combo for a given AT isn't helpful either. 

    I don't know what the solution to pvp is for CoH  - but it's not more zones. 

    • Like 2
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  21. So, I came here to suggest that there should be a badge for completing the cape & aura missions...but thought I'd go one further for the folks that are just beginning their hero/villain careers and lack big stacks of inf. 

    Free costume change for completing a mission for Serge, or the Facemaker (whomever that is). 

  22. 4 minutes ago, Mister Mass said:

    Ukase, it is times like this that make me wonder if you have no sense of humor. 😉  TraumaTrain was making a joke, son!


    But it is worth pointing out that the markets are shared across factions & servers.  It wasn't that way originally, & not everyone knows that it changed back on Live in Issue 18, over 10 years ago.  😮

    Um...how do you know he/she was making a joke? No offense to Trauma, but how would I know? I've seen some crazy questions! 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  23. On 8/9/2020 at 11:03 AM, d4verman said:

    If players can basically have their own SG and a base do they form coalitions still?

    Yes, they do. I don't know what the limit is, but it's reasonable. 

    There are still some super groups - Cosmic Council being one of them. They do pretty good work and have helped my alts get some of the more challenging badges. I think they're also the SG that put out the first "open" transport hub for anyone to use. 

    Like others have stated, I have my own base, and use it to go from zone to zone, to craft, or to buff (empowerment buff stations) as much as I do to stash salvage or inspirations. While I'm not really adverse to joining an SG...I have no idea how I'd manage without a ton of room to stash salvage and inspirations I'd want to use with an alt.  I could afford to buy what I needed, but when you just toss influence around like that, over time, the pile of inf you have becomes a smaller pile. Can't have that!

    I have one character in an sg that's not a solo group. But the character's already 50, and t-4'd out. So, no real need to stash stuff. Still annoys me that I have to log in a 2nd account to hand off catalysts, but them's the breaks. 

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