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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. On 8/28/2020 at 12:33 AM, cohRock said:

    Thank you for the official reply.  I guess I get it, especially since you also made Task Forces soloable.  At some point if you decide the population numbers warrant it and developer time is available, please consider undoing this simplification for normal missions, and making it an option on TFs.  I like a design where occasionally some different mechanic has to be addressed.

    I am ...what's the word...well, maybe dismayed. This doing away with simul-clicks was a step in the right direction. There's nothing difficult or challenging about it, other than requiring a teammate - which can often be more difficult for some people than others. Sure, anyone can recruit, or ask for help on the lfg. But there's a number of us who can't always be fair to teammates, due to having to go afk with no notice, and be gone for a moment, or two hours or more.

  2. So...I ran into this today...no big deal. 

    The Just Said No to Supradine History badge. I had already gotten this badge by clicking on two plaques in steel, one in skyway, one in boomtown, and one in Faultline(plaque 3). I was in Echo:Faultline, and also saw a plaque (3) that supposedly is part of Just Said No to Supradine. 

    I already had the badge, so I don't know if these two are interchangeable. Anyone else know? 

    Might make an alt just to see. 

    Also...I notice on the Badger site, none of the plaques in Echo:Faultline are listed for any history badges. Guess I'm wasting my time. Disregard. 

  3. 17 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:


    i don’t think anyone has a trillion, and I don’t think very many people have even a mere 100bn, so I’d put you in rare company!

    I kind of wish HC would come up with a way to actually use the banks in paragon as a repository for the wealth accumulated, accessible by any alt on our accounts. But we already have a badge leaderboard. Too many leaderboards, and folks might get frustrated. 

  4. Given the frequency of hami raids and ms. lib/lrsf  - has anyone done the math and determined how high the micro needs to be going for to determine whether the hami- (or synth-hami) is the better choice over the merits? 

  5. 40 minutes ago, catsi563 said:


    Excelcior is a low pop server but still gets good teams going

    Excelsior is the most populated server. Everlasting has the largest role playing population among all the servers, and they are fairly close to Excelsior in terms of player population. 

    When Excelsior went online, a lot of people took advantage of the server transfers. Sometime around July or August of 2019, there was a steady migration from Torch to other servers. I've no idea why. Still, Torchbearer has some of the more highly skilled players across all shards. Excelsior has some very, very competent players as well. (with a lot of newer players who have never played before!)

    ( I define competency & highly skilled by my own interactions with players there. You may play on Everlasting and be the best ever - but I may be blissfully unaware. No insult is intended.) 

    I have little to no experience on Reunion or Indomitable, so I can't speak about them. 

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  6. One thing I've never understood with this game is the animations certain powers give characters upon zone entry. 

    Tough, from the fight pool, makes characters beat their chest and roar. 
    On a Shield tank I have, the character will make some odd animation like he's opening his chest, much like Fire Shield does. 

    I've never understood why they do this. I do get them doing it when the toggle gets turned on...but when it's already on, I don't see the point. I'd love to visit Null to disable these animations. 

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  7. On 3/23/2020 at 4:53 PM, Pizzamurai said:

    The bigger question, as someone with serious alt-itis, is how do you guys make so much money? Like, 1 billion per week? Are you making it by like fire farming or are you playing the AH and stepping on a bunch of little guys to keep the prices up and your profits large or... selling yourself in pocket d?

    When I was trying to amass influence, this is how I did it, but keep in mind, the market is fluid; the opportunities I took advantage of may not exist anymore. 

    After about 3 months of playing, I made a 2nd account. Primary account lent the secondary just enough to get SOs. I planned on doing certain things for accolades, and the rest through a fire farm. 

    But - before that - 

    I would take merits and get catalysts. Sell the catalysts for 5m. (Well, 4,777,777, but I'd routinely get 5m.)  This is just not going to happen now. Too much competition in the market, unless some crazy person wants to buy them all up - but even then, with all the farmers, they drop routinely, so any hike in price wouldn't last long. 

    Then, I noticed that Superior Brute ATOs were selling for 20m to even 30m! So, as many hero packs as I could afford, I bought. I converted them from whatever the ATO was into a brute ATO. Unslotted my superior ATO,  slotted the new ATO, catalyzed it, making it superior, then listed the superior I had unslotted to the AH. I did this to the tune of several billion over the course of a month. 

    I had never paid much attention to Winter-Os until I had made the farmer on the second account. Before I learned, I was running everything at +1/8, and had heal on auto instead of burn. I did look on the forums for fire farm builds, but those builds didn't look like they'd survive in non-game content. My farmers do; and they can handle the afk-farm at +4/8. They may not clear an asteroid map in a minute, but two minutes if I'm paying attention is plenty fast enough. 

    The other thing I do - and it's where I've made probably the majority of my influence has been in pvp IOs. 

    I started with just active bidding - which means, I'd creep my bid upward until I bought something, as I was eager to make the inf! 
    I'd open up the AH, bid on level 10 PvP recipes, mostly Javelin Volley. For whatever reason, folks listed those more cheaply than others. I'd get them for about 4m usually. Then I'd craft and convert to a pvp proc (glad armor 3%, Panacea +HP/End, Shield Wall 5% res) and list them for 9.7m, when everyone else seemed to be posting them high enough to get 11-12m. To me - 10M was a nice starting number, nice and round, which made the math easy for me. 

    A level 10 pvp IO recipe will craft for about 6k. The level 50...around 500k. So each one, given the odd way the HC devs have the market configured into various buckets, I saved close to 500k for each one I made. 
    On the salvage, I started just buying what I needed. No sense in having inventory taking up space or influence. I wasn't sure how this would go, but it certainly seemed like a good way to make some inf. The procs (unlike now) sold instantly. 
    4m, plus 6k crafting cost, plus 500-600k for a rare salvage piece, 4-10k for two uncommons, and 600 inf for 2 common salvage. All in, just less than 5m, selling for 10m. Double my inf. 

    Once I saw how fast those went, I got a bit bolder, and began passive bidding, in lieu of active bidding. I still had plenty of badges to get on the primary account, the active bidding took too much time. 

    So, I began first to bid on 5 of each type of common salvage in the lower level tiers, 5 of each of the uncommons, and 5 of each of the rare salvage, and would leave them in the AH, with 5 of each in my inventory on my character. 

    Then I bid 4m on each and every level 10 pvp IO. I was able to check in twice a day, craft, convert, sell.  I soon realized that I was losing money by not checking in more often, as there were never any that hadn't sold. 

    No sooner had I opted to check back in 3x a day, I found that none of my passive bids had gone through. As you know - marketers are ebil. They will see past history of 4,000,000 winning the recipes, and they will come behind you and place a bid for 4,000,001. Gradually, winning bids on recipes rose from about 4, to close to 6m. Then the price of the procs rose to about 12-14m. 

    This went on for a bit, but after the higher prices seemed to hold, bidding 6m and getting 12-14m was even better. So, I then put passive bids of 5 of each pvp IO recipe. I then went and started low-balling attuned PvP IOs on  another character that I would check on only once a week. Oddly - some folks pay the recipe prices no mind, and craft them and sell them as cheap as some recipes. Maybe they lacked the inf to get full value, or just listed at 1 inf like a foolish person who only cares about playing the game and not the market at all. Their loss was my gain. Buy at 5m, convert, sell at 10.7m 

    Then it happened. I added up all the inf I had across the accounts and exceeded 100 Billion, which I'm learning lately is more than enough - but not even close to what some of you have amassed. Like not even close. I suspect that some of you more focused folks have closer to 1 trillion than 100 Billion. But that's just conjecture. When I'm spending a lot of time getting badges, many of you are laughing at how foolish I am and making serious bank. 

    So...that's a LOT of damn words, but the question HOW was asked. And this was how. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Bopper said:

    Incorrect. When you boost 3 attributes, it boosts each attribute with 1/2 of an IO that would boost 1 attribute. So in a way, a tri-enhancement is like having 1.5 IOs put into 1 slot.


    A dual-enhancement (enhances 2 attributes), enhances each attribute by 62.25% of what a single IO would do. This effectively makes the IO worth 1.25 IOs.


    A quad-enhancement (enhances 4 attributes) enhances each attribute by 43.75% of what a single IO would do. This effectively makes the IO worth 1.75 IOs.

    Thank you for that correction! 
    I guess I have to admit that I can not read, nor do math very well anymore, if I ever could at all. That isn't the way I remember it at all, but I'll take your word for it. 

  9. The problem I see with this set as being a reward is that it's only going to be useful to a few folks. But it could be there are more than a few powers that I'm unfamiliar with. 



    • Resistance / Heal                                           Okay, maybe a few folks can use this one.  Healing flames was mentioned earlier. 


    • Defense / Resistance / Heal                           What power is going to boost all three of these facets? Off the top, I can't think of any. I don't know every power, but I'm going to say very few.


    • Defense / Heal / Recharge                         I can benefit from Def/rec and heal/rec.... but def and heal? I'm probably coming off as presumptuous, and revealing my ignorance - but what power                                                                               would use these three attributes? 


    • Resistance / Heal / Recharge                    This one could go into healing flames, I suppose, like the first one. 


    • Defense / Resistance / Heal / Endurance     Same argument as the 2nd and 3rd


    • Defense / 15% Run Speed Buff      - We already have two run speed uniques, one in the new end mod set, and the other in Gift of Ancients, I think it's called, a defensive set. But this one is unique in that it boosts defense, too. So, I like it...until I think about escort missions, having to go, stop, go, stop. 

      I like the idea of a new set, but I wonder if it's worth making a set that isn't very rewarding for the majority of the player base. Before I slot anything, regardless of set bonus, I need to know it's going to do something to make my character better in combat. Not just one attribute, but all attributes should be used, unless you've decided you like the set bonuses so much, you can call it a mule. That wouldn't be the case for me with this set. 

  10. That's a nice stash! Silly me, I've been using my merits to help my farmers convert so they don't have to spend any inf on them. They're much too busy to actually do content, silly farmers. 


    I am curious about one thing - that I'm too sissy to experiment with. 

    If you have a hero merit and go rogue or villain..does it convert? or does it disappear? 


  11. 2 hours ago, Apparition said:

    I was told by a GM that for broken events, you can send in a support ticket during off peak hours asking for a new zone, and they’ll do it.  Just send a support ticket in saying that the zone event in Brickstown is broken on x shard, and ask for a new Brickstown map.  As long as there is a GM available, and it’s not 7 to 11 P.M. or something, there should not be a problem.

    Eh, I feel it's a bit much to intrude upon a volunteer staff when I can just wait until Tuesday. Besides...then I'd be sitting in Bricks..not really having any idea how long it would take for them to show up to do whatever it is they do. 5 minutes? 10 minutes? 30 minutes... I'd go a bit crazy just standing around, not knowing how long to wait. 


  12. On 7/29/2020 at 3:19 AM, tidge said:

    I can offer a little encouragement for folks frustrated by the Brickstown event. Every so often when I find it 'stuck' (because the Freaks have wandered off) it is possible to find the (even level) Freaks just outside the 'event area'. I usually draw them back into the area to defeat them; I'm not sure what would happen if they are defeated out of the area. I think the record number I was able to (eventually) track down this way was 3 missing Freaks. It does take some searching to track them down... I've found the fliers hovering between the towers to the south and 'jumpers' hopping around near the warehouses to the south and the prison yards to the north.

    Hmm...just taunted a -1 freak into the area...and no dice after clobbering him within that area. My dilemma I guess is that there are no level 40 Freaks in bricks. (even level)

  13. On 7/21/2020 at 10:53 AM, Yomo Kimyata said:

    I can rarely bring myself to buy converters with merits, simply because I feel that I'm always better off using the merits for something else, even though I never do.  Like I said, i have the hoarding disease.

    What else would you spend them on? Just keep them forever? I know you're not going to buy recipes, given the value converters offer which give a greater return. 

    That's all I spend my merits on, is converters. Now, if my farm character is out of merits, and I can't be bothered to trade them between alts & accounts, then I'll buy them. But otherwise, use the merits. That seems to be the best value to me. 

  14. 11 hours ago, Ura Hero said:

    Soul Drain really looks like the way to go using "View your Future Memory".   I added "Player is debuffed" to the mix and I am getting 1.85M damage an hour (calculated), which should get me the badge in around 33 hours with the progress already made.  Best case with Judgement was around 378k an hour.  Quite a large improvement.  This is what I am going to go with.

    That is truly brilliant. Even if it ended up not working, it was quite clever to think of it. 

  15. The issue for the transporter is the destination is the train. If it weren't the train, it'd work fine, regardless of alignment variation within the group. I always ouro out of the mission, take FF and hop to the train. (Don't think I've ever done MC on a villain, so dunno what I'd do. ) 


    I don't know why the TT has an issue with the train as a destination...nor why the original Devs uses trains as destination points -  we couldn't just go to a given zone or portal? <shrug>

  16. 9 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

    I mentioned in my original post that I tried both Judgement T4 of Cryonic and Pyronic. I also mentioned that they did less damage over time than the method I explained.


    Edit: I also mentioned I use the "View Future Memory" Ouroborus mission. 

    I knew you used the same mission, but I didn't see anything about you using judgement of any kind. Yet, I look at it now, and there it is. Sorry about that. 

    One thing - maybe gather more than 7 if you can. 

    Another thing..when you find a power is doing too much dps to let the avs regen, you have options - which you hinted at using a second build, but you can also simply unslot a given power's enhancements, and leave 'em in your tray for when you're done. As you've no doubt discovered, if you dish out too much dps, the AV's die. While I can't say there are no better methods, when I look through the badge forum, this seems to be the one most people use for farming damage. 

    If you get it done in 111 hours, that's like 5-6 days. Which is fine. Just play on your alt account in the meantime. We get to have 3 accounts, may as well enjoy the game while the primary account does the grunt work. 

  17. The "View your future memory" - the first alpha unlock mission from Mender Remiel is a good way to go. 

    I think the issue is you're using the wrong power to dish out the damage. Use Judgement. 

    What I did with my blaster, was blast each AV with ice blast, and do my best to get them to follow me, and group them. I was able to get most of them to the entrance of the building, and just put judgement on Auto. It really didn't take that long compared to the damage taken badges. 

  18. 12 hours ago, Captain Valiant said:

    Show me where "I" say I'd quit in mid tf/trial. Don't presume to tell people how to enjoy the game just because they don't play it your way.

    If their enjoyment of the game is to play their character in such a way to as prevent the completion of the task force, then I will certainly point out that their method doesn't work. In context, from my original post - I tried it the leader's way, even though I knew it was wrong. Thus my reasoning for the initial post - when do you step in and suggest corrective action. 

    And I never said that you'd say you would quit. "I play to entertain myself. If I'm not being entertained, no amount of arguing with the person causing that lack of enjoyment will make it more entertining."

     You are responsible for making your words understood, if you want to deliver a clear message. The way I read it, it was clear that if someone isn't leading the tf/trial in a way that's fun for you, you won't argue because it's not going to make things more entertaining, you'll just bail. Perhaps I was wrong. A lot gets missed in textual commentary. What is clear is you think I was telling someone how to play. I wasn't. I was telling someone the mechanics of the trial. They can use their attacks anyway they see fit. But there's a time and a place for the attacks. 

  19. That may be true, but I don't want to make work for the HC team. If it's something in place, like our character's rename tokens, or server transfers, that's something else entirely. But, given the number of people I've run into who I'd make a base for, it could be a hassle for them. 

  20. 4 hours ago, Captain Valiant said:

    To reiterate, it's a game.

    I play to entertain myself. If I'm not being entertained, no amount of arguing with the person causing that lack of enjoyment will make it more entertining. Neither will "taking over" so that they'll play MY way.


    It is clear that we don't view the playing of a game with the same degree of seriousness; which is fine with me.


    That would seem to be the case. Fine with me, too. Just don't team with anyone for a tf or trial if you're that nonchalant about the commitment. 

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