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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. On 9/12/2020 at 1:14 PM, ShaDoxxx said:

    Hi all, i have not played since beginning June 2020, 

    Whats new?, any major changes to powersets or any other? 


    Welcome back. I guess I have to be the one to tell you. You're not allowed to stop playing on a daily basis. Aside from deployment, your own death, or major injury, daily play is required. 

  2. I am sure soloing the CoT is no longer a big deal, given the ability to click obelisks one at a time, instead of simultaneously. 

    I also know I'm not the only one soloing these to get that partner badge for doing the weekly 50 times after you've done it once. 

    It's fast. 3 minutes or so, or a touch less if you're super speedy. 

    But - for those of you that solo these, have you noticed you get a medium inspiration each time you click? 

    And have you also noticed that they are always blue? 

    Well, not always. Of the 35 runs I did yesterday, I got one medium yellow. All the rest were blue! 

  3. Opinions are going to vary, for sure. But differing opinions is what makes life interesting. 

    If you want an argument to keep them - it's simply an inf sink, and given how filthy rich anyone who wants to be can become, we need more inf sinks. 

    If you want an argument to remove them, it's simple: There's a reason why squishies don't come with mez protection. I have no idea what that reason is, but I have to believe there's a decent to fair reason for it. Is it "over-powered" to be protected from being mezzed? I'm not sure. I don't particularly enjoy being perma-held by a CoT mage. I think most of these issues are overcome by a team, and that's probably why the amplifiers are available at p2w instead of as random drops like they used to be. Because not everyone is able to team. (and still contribute in a meaningful way)

    I wonder if the removal of them would impact some of the Master TFs/iTrials. I am thinking in some cases, they would. 

    • Like 1
  4. For me, there are a number of things that make a character irritating to play. 

    Slow animations. Like TW. I don't care how awesome it is at 50. It stinks at level 5, so why play a character that stinks? I don't want to PL - although I will for a particular event like a super team. 

    It's like dating. She may have all the traits of a great wife - but if she's a miserable date, I'll never know and the joy at the end I am unaware of isn't worth the misery on the front end to risk it. 

    This is probably why I liked blasters. With the proper IOs, and experience playing them - you simply do NOT die very often. If you do - you learn from it, maybe delete the character and reroll it, depending on the synergy of the primary and secondary. 

    Scrappers are good, as are stalkers and brutes. The 4 ATs come out of the gate with good damage. I'm certainly glad other folks like to play all the other ATs, but I prefer these 4. 

    I have more than a few characters that are not level 50. They ranges from level 1 (good name, holding for my next character) to level 47. The level 49 Dom, I just finally said, "This is just not fun. I can't see grinding through the content to get the requisite vet levels to t-4 it. So, I stopped playing it. Haven't played it in ...200 days? 

    Got a Dark/Cold Corruptor at 49. I just don't care for it. I much prefer the fire/rad, the fire/time, the Fire/Sonic, and water/time corruptors. It just stopped being fun. I can't really pinpoint why. I think it was because I pl'd them to 17...and from there, despite having a build already in mids... the attack chain just never developed organically. And that's a big part of the reason why I don't like to pl my characters. Playing them needs to be a learned experience, and if I miss those "formative" levels, the rest of the character never really quite develops with me. 

    The PB I have is level 15. I only rolled it because of all the game's content, it's Sunstorm's and ...Shadowstar's arcs that are the ones I'd like to play, having only done Sunstorm's arc once. But even though I've got Dech Kaison's build (for the warshade) from way back when, I remember having to really be on my toes to play it well. They're a fair bit of effort to play and be effective. I just don't want to put that much effort into a game. I know it's just a matter of getting used to it - and I will one day play it more - just not today. It's been idle for 5 months. I'm sorely tempted to just fully slot the Nova and the Dwarf form and let the human form get zip. However, the lure of 85% resist cap and all the photons dishing out damage...hard to turn your back on that, too. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:


    To be clear, those times I quoted were the time it took to process 100 blocks of ten.  A single block of ten usually takes at most a few seconds.  If that block of ten is one order, it processes much more quickly than if it were ten orders at ten different prices with ten different counterparties.

    Yeah, I became aware and re-read your post when I tried it myself. 3 seconds for a stack of 10. Still, I think patience is rewarded when bid-creeping. Gotta give the servers time to work when dealing with large volumes.


  6. 17 hours ago, RageusQuitus2 said:

    Considering the stigma pvp has, how could we get some of the anti crowd to try it? 


    My preference is zone play.  I know the arena crowd has tried super hard to get more involvement.


    Just curious what might make someone try it.

    If I'm in the right mood, I'm okay with pvp. That said - as soon as I get there and see that my build is for pve and that my build isn't optimized for pvp - I lose interest. The best thing that could happen would be for the stats in pve to work the same in pvp. 

    Now, I know enough about it, if that were to occur - there would be a terrible imbalance. So, that won't happen. 

    But - a couple of other things I find annoying:

    Hibernation. You finally catch up and do enough damage to just about defeat the other player - and they hibernate - giving them time to call in reinforcements. Then I get suckerpunched by an ally of my foe that I wasn't even aware of. Lose the hibernation. Take your licks.

    The attacking player often underestimates me. Not all the time, sometimes I get whipped, and soundly. But often - they'll attack ...and when they aren't winning - they run away. You wanted to fight, so why run? I get no thrill out of playing chase. It's one thing if I start it, yeah, cool if you run. You may not have wanted to do any pvp. But if you attack me and run - what happened? Change your mind?

    The profanity. The filter catches most of it - but some folks are deliberately creative in getting around the filter. Why name call in the first place? 

    Lastly - there's no reward to it. Maybe a badge here and there. But no merits. No ginormous amount of inf. What's the point? If it were fun, that'd be one thing. But where's the fun in it? You're taking risk, but there's no reward. 


    • Like 1
  7. I've never tried to PL a character to 50 like that. I just park the character in the map, and let the afk farmer do what it does. I can tell you - as far as time actually spent actively playing the farmer, it comes in at a lot less than 2 hours! Like ...10 minutes? 5 minutes? As long as it takes to click the glowie, hit exit on two characters, and reset and re-enter two characters. (A minute?) 

    Nothing wrong with measuring your time and competing with yourself. Sometimes that's the best (or only) competition. 

  8. On 9/6/2020 at 11:18 AM, Yomo Kimyata said:

    4:36.  It took over 4 1/2 minutes for the AH simply to match up buyers and sellers in the system. 

    This is part of the reason why so many people over spend! They haven't considered the time it takes for Homecoming's tiny gerbils to turn the wheels in the cage! 

    So...bid creepers...(You know - you folks that bid 1 inf, then 10 inf, then 100 inf, etc. ) now you know you have to wait about 4:30 for your bid to actually be processed. 

    Or do you....

    I just put a bid in for 10 alchemical servers at 10k..took 3 seconds, give or take a fraction. So, the gerbils may be better fed than I thought. Still...I think patience is probably a good idea when dealing with the AH. 

  9. 20 hours ago, Saikochoro said:

    I would suggest that you start running some task forces. It is pretty easy to accumulate ~100 merits per week running task forces. Especially if you run the weekly strike targets.

    I second this - but given the time you're able to play - you should be able to squeeze in 1 merit every 5 minutes, taking your sweet time. 1 merit every minute or better if you're speeding, which from my understanding you're not. The exploration badges give 5 reward merits visiting each badge site, 8 of them per zone. If you can't do that in 5 minutes with vidiot maps patch....that's a merit per minute easily. At level 28: 
    Kings Row
    The Hollows

    Perez Park
    Echo:Dark Astoria
    Terra Volta
    Striga Isle
    Steel Canyon
    Sewer Network


    180 Merits there. I didn't even include Siren's Call or Bloody Bay because a lot of folks prefer not to enter those zones. Not repeatable, but a good way to accumulate some reward merits quickly, no team is needed, either. 

    The Sig Story arcs are all mostly about 4 missions, and give 20 merits. If you did nothing but SSAs once a week, you'd have a nice stash of reward merits. 

    If you just did the hamidon raids (once you level up) that's 160 merits per night in less than an hour, usually. 


  10. So  I am dabbling into this a tiny bit, having come up with a silly notion to make a character that will only use macros to communicate. 
    Picture a walking Magic 8 Ball kind of thing. 

    Admittedly, quite silly. 

    Anyway - I thought I would write just a couple of expressions, load them in and just see if I could get it to work. 
    My dilemma is that word won't save the document as .mnu 

    (I'd have put a period to end that last sentence, but it would look funny.) 

    It saves it as filename.mnu.docx
    I added the mnu after the file name thinking it would save in that format. When I looked at Save Options - it listed about a dozen different file extensions, but none of them .mnu


    Please don't tell me I need to upgrade my copy of Word. I'm cheap, and this version up to this point has done everything I've needed it to. Would Open Office work, or Google Docs?

  11. I talk a fair bit with my work, doing interviews over the phone, communicating with work teammates across the country - throughout the work day. The last thing I want to do when I play is use discord and talk more. 

    But - I have headphones and can listen in. I tend to only talk when I'm actually leading a trial. And I posted just the other day how Discord helped us immeasurably get master of underground when Excelsior crashed on Sunday night. (right after the bombs)

    The only reason to use discord for a task force..is if you want to. Task forces are mindless and simple. There are no difficult game mechanics that require talking. At least, I can't think of one, and I've done them all. They're all easy to do. That said - a lot of folks like discord and prefer to talk over typing. I get it. 

  12. On 9/7/2020 at 7:32 AM, Diantane said:

    If a tank is not concentrating on his job, part or all of the team could wipe. You name me any mmo where a tank can go off and kill stuff like a DPS without wiping the team.


    LOTRO, WOW, etc. A tank is a tank - period! (unless just solo leveling)


    The tank must keep other defenseless characters safe (blasters, PB, MM, defenders, controllers, etc. Plus melee that put most into their DPS (no defense)).

    Impatient fool that I am - I wrote about a full page - and then...scrolled back up and saw that Nemu and InvaderStych told you the same things I wrote. What they didn't tell you is that there is a player 
    called @Yomo Kimyata on these forums who has more influence than everyone else put together. Well - maybe not EVERYONE, but he's pretty well off. He has a post here https://forums.homecomingservers.com/search/?q=Yomo&quick=1

    where he states if you email him, he will send you 20 million inf, no questions asked. That would get you started. He also has written several guides on how you, too, can make a lot of influence, quickly, and fairly simply. In game, you can reach him at @yomo. 

  13. There are a number of things I understand. There are things that "I get", or make sense to me. 

    There are many things I don't get, or understand. 

    If you expect players to be competently equipped, you probably shouldn't be powerleveling anyone you've not teamed with before. You should have some idea about their knowledge of the game so that they aren't level 50, with no influence to slot their character due to p2w buffs. 

    That said, I do get that for certain group events - like a super team or an SG sponsored PvP or Hami Raid, there may be some power leveling and suggested builds to help out lesser experienced players get a character to meet the requirements for certain content. No problem with that - as those players are getting mentored, and they have a friendly support network to answer questions. 

    I do understand that some people may lack the maturity or patience to experience the lower levels to learn and understand various game mechanics, and/or tactics and/or strategies. Not to mention the overwhelming math behind ED and procs to go along with all the information about IO sets. But to have NO slots for a master run? That's just nonsense. 

    John Cleese, British Comedian/actor has been quoted to say, "Those who have no idea what they are doing, genuinely lack the ability to understand they don't know what they are doing." 

    Their ignorance has given them bliss. They simply did not understand how challenging it is to not be defeated for the average player. They lacked the understanding that a lot of people can only play for a limited time, and to invest that time for a master run and have it not work out because someone wasn't playing well - for any reason - can be quite frustrating. Especially if you learn a player lacked the respect to be at least minimally slotted. 

    I get CoH is a game - that we're lucky to be able to play again! I get that some of you have a real life outside the game and that making a build isn't much fun for you. You just want to smash stuff. By all means, play the way that brings you joy. 
    But - if playing the way that brings you joy brings other people you play with misery and frustration...you may wish to re-consider who you're playing with. Probably not a good match. That's the best thing about CoH. There are groups of players that are super chill - and have no issues with you dancing next to Dr. Vahz while everyone else is fighting for the lives of their pixels. There are also groups of players that create a build for a specific task/strike force just to finish it as fast as they can. 

    And there are even badge nerds that spend billions of inf on their builds - just to do ouro badges with the setting "enhancements have no effect".  Evidence that we're all a bit crazy, for sure. 

    I just feel for the OP in this case, because he's already a mission into the tf, and it's too late to uninvite someone, and kicking them would be a jerk move, as we never really know what's going on the other side of the monitor. 


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  14. So..we were running an MoUGT on Excelsior and had to that point gotten through the first part of the bomb badge with no issues. 

    I had typed out the explanation for the staggered bomb section - hit enter - and nothing. 

    Fortunately, we were using discord, (except one player) and I had already relayed things through Discord. Some thought we should wait for the impending crash - as I wasn't the only one whose league chat didn't work. But - one player determined that Local chat did work, so I used that to relay the instructions to zerg the bombs, as well as over discord. We got them all, without incident. 

    Then - the crash happened. 

    Much to my surprise (and relief) I was able to LFG queue back into the event, already in progress and relayed such to the league. We got to pick up right where we were when the server crashed! 
    Moments later, we got our Master of Underground iTrial! 

    I seriously doubt we'd have been able to do that without the use of Discord, (or some other voice service)

    I know many of you would prefer not to use it. And before tonight, I was in that camp! I talk a lot during the day for work. I'd rather not have to talk when I play. And, a lot of folks will swear, or react to things in game ...almost hysterically, with rather unpleasant pitch. Unfortunately, seeing that people listen far better than they read - I'm now a believer in using Discord when going master runs. 

    Also unfortunately, I think it's the use of Discord that has led to some people being unable to read league chat. But, whatcha gonna do? 

    • Like 2
  15. 2 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    What I'd love to see (and I'm not willing to do all the clicks) is someone lifting all 10.5mm in the market at 10k (the seeded price).  Who's in?

    Given the limit of transactions in the AH, that's what...150*10, 1500 per character, with 1000 characters - 1,500,000 total salvage in the ah, plus at MOST 282 per character, (vault storage beyond the characters normal salvage cap of 100) which is 282,000. 

    Unless we are deleting stacks of 10 as we pull them in...I don't see it happening. And I, for one, have better things to do, lol. 

  16. I don't know if the reason would fit in your case - but I find if a team or league window is "behind" the badge progress list, the percentages won't display. If I click the league or team window down, so it's not behind the list, it shows. 


  17. On 9/2/2020 at 12:26 PM, Ironblade said:

    As he pointed out, any mission that grants a badge itself, does *NOT* count for Ouroboros challenge badges.

    Well...that's a summation I could have used last year! I knew the one mission "arcs" from ouro didn't count. It never occurred to me to make the connection on badge arcs not awarding ouro badges. 

  18. So..not sure if I should mention this here, but figured it couldn't hurt. 

    I have two accounts. Primary, and secondary. On my primary account, I had transferred a tank from Excelsior to Everlasting for a hami raid. After it was over, (like an hour, maybe 90 minutes) when I transferred back, the name was unavailable. Serves me right for not securing it as I left, right? 

    Wrong, apparently. I had been retrying to get my name back about once a week since then...for the past 6 months, maybe. While on my secondary account, it just happened to be more convenient for me to try it from there. And it was available! 

    So, I log in my primary account and ...it's not available! 

    I go back to the secondary, try again and it's still available, so I figured I'd better save it and made a character with that name. 

    I went to the discord, sharing essentially these details. But, while I was waiting, I thought to myself..if the name was available for my secondary, why not my primary? Then I remembered that in one of the posts about transfers, a dev had stated that there were no guarantees, anything might go wrong. 

    So, what I figured happened was even though my character did transfer just fine to Everlasting, Excelsior never really figured it out and kept the name allocated to my account, somehow. So, what I did next was to try a long-shot and delete the newly made character on my secondary account. Then, I went back to my primary account and was able to make the character and get the name back where it belongs! 

    Turns out the name has been available (I think) all along, just not to me, due to the server not being able to figure out what happened in the transfer. 

  19. I actually have a clear memory of one of my classmates telling me they were doing the beta for CoH and asking if I wanted in, as we were both in the masters program for computer science at the time. But, because I had more than just computer science in my mind when I was with her, I passed, not wanting to get in that friend zone. She ended up transferring to Georgia Tech and is actually part of a game design team. I ended up doing something with nothing to do with gaming and very little, if anything, to do with computer science. Should've done the beta! 

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