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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. It varies from AT to AT. 

    But - typically for my ranged characters: 

    Influence   (Naturally!)
    Max HP  (my current working theory is blasters can benefit from HC's elevated HP for blasters. A lot!)
    ToHit  (Only on blasters with a snipe)

    Damage Bonus (I don't pursue it from bonuses, but I have a chance for build up proc and want to see when it goes off)
    Stealth Radius (pve) (I won't kill all unless I have to. I like my xp from mission completions and story arc completion bonuses.)
    Ranged Defense (Some blasters die a lot. I don't - and monitoring these tells me if I've been debuffed more accurately than the debuff icon in the buff bar)
    Smashing Defense  

    Energy Defense
    Smashing Resistance (This is just on to remind me to re-toggle after exemping, really. It's not like this changes. ) 



    Farm brute will have the same except no worries about stealth, nor ToHit. I check fire defense and fire resistance - but since they're only in a farm ,I don't monitor these once I know them. 
    Tanks I don't really worry about the numbers once I notice they're capped. 


  2. On 7/27/2020 at 1:37 PM, Xcillion said:

    i disagree with the team itself. sry @Jimmy but they had to have changed it be it knowing or unknowingly. I felt the impact as well. *influ being disregarded in this. Recipe drops salvage quality yes. those are for sure reduced. even if it's rng it's been reduced. I used to max out after 2 runs on recipes and salvage now it takes 4 or 6 to max. not saying your wrong intentionally but if this wasn't a planned thing then it might be a new bug or glitch.

    Look around other players are having this problem as well.

    Anecdotally, I've got to disagree. I'm farming much less, simply because I already made a good bunch before the nerf. And the nerf was minor. What did sway me to stop was that the prices people were paying dropped, so 1) the inf I have is worth probably 10% more than what it used to be and 2) seeing smaller sales numbers just doesn't make it worth the time for me, even if I add 10% in my head to the total. 

    But, I did do a farm run on the traditional asteroid Comic Con map - 2 purples, a rare, 3 yellows. In one tiny asteroid map. And, I was on my fire blaster. I popped barrier, my hybrid assault, munched some reds, and 90 seconds later, the map was mostly clear. All I wanted was to get one inspiration drop - but the badge won't award unless you do a ticket run, (found out later) so I clicked the glowie and did some searching here on the forums to learn just that. 

    Purples, rares -  they are very rare and rare, respectively. If they dropped frequently for you in the past - you were simply fortunate. 

    When I was afk-farming all day and night - I did get a purple or two a day, pretty much every day, although some days I got none. 

    But in my recent re-visit - based on these complaints, I haven't had an issue. I still get 3-5 recipes, some rare, some uncommon, occasionally a very rare. So - from where I sit, there's no issue. I honestly see no difference. 

    Something to consider: 
    Anecdotally - my drops improve if I change maps every two to three runs. 

    The first run of the 5 is usually pretty dry. 
    The second and third are usually much, much better. 
    I don't usually do the fourth, but when I do - my salvage caps if I forget to craft while in mission 3. Most of the time, I'll pick a different map. 

    But that's just my experience with the rng. I've also gotten a royal flush well over a dozen times in the past dozen years living close to casinos on the Gulf Coast. It could be luck - or it could be the frequency of attempts.  I don't think it's superior strategy in farming, as it should make no difference in drops as long as bosses are in the mission. 


    Your experience will certainly vary. I just share those things because they might be helpful. I doubt it - but I've never seen the code. Even if I knew where to get a copy, I'm sure in the zillions of pages of code, I'd have no idea where to look for it. 

  3. Looks like there's more than a few of us. 

    As mentioned earlier - the Swiss Draw, which requires 8 folks, 3 rounds per, a total of 24 rounds - it will take some time. Tomorrow night at 7pm central is when we said we would try and get that done. 

    If there's not enough, I'm sure we have some folks with 2nd or even 3rd accounts that can fill in, and if there's too many - some can work on Gladiators and the the duels for various "weight class" badges (which are basically level ranges)

    If it ends up being me setting things up - it will take some time as I've never done it before and will have to tab out and read through Spider's notes. 

  4. Overheard on my way through the hollows: 

     [NPC] Fallen Gunner: No, I didn't call you stupid. I said your comment was an oxymoron. It's a rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are put together. Am I the only one who reads the books we swipe around here?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Alimorel said:

    If I think the lead might be unsure of what to do, I'll often send a tell. That way it shouldn't hurt their pride, if they care about that, but I can basically be like "well, I'll type to you here, and you can copy paste for the rest of the team if you want" so they can still look good. I ALWAYS think going to tells is a better way to deal with things. Fighting in a public chat is often not the best idea. Plus, I'd rather say it in tell because then hopefully I can help someone who may not know as much. I wanna believe that it'd help them at least.

    I appreciate this bit of advice. Candidly, it didn't occur to me. Not the idea, nor the concern about the leader looking good when they're clearly not good.  But I guess they'll never improve if someone doesn't share the knowledge. And I'm sure your approach would go over better than my "Are you nuts?!" exclamation that I wanted so much to type out this morning. 

    • Haha 2
  6. So..I was listening to YouTube in the background while I was playing. Got on a PUG for the Abandoned Sewer Trial, and in the midst of a fight - I could no longer target any rikti. When I tried, I would target the nearest teammate instead. (thankfully, it wasn't any kind of confuse, because my attacks didn't go off) 

    I mention YouTube, because I was about to log off and re-validate, but figured I'd close YouTube first - and suddenly things returned back to normal so I didn't need to do anything. 

    This had happened before, but when I was running a second account - I figured some pixel wires got crossed, and it went away when I shut down the 2nd account. 

    I suppose this could be a memory issue on my end, but only because anything is possible - but I don't think it's likely. 

  7. You've seen it, I've seen it. 

    You're on a pug, and it's clear that the leader may have some knowledge, but not enough to convey to everyone else what to do. 

    At what point is it okay to "take over" and give direction? 

    I feel so badly for the others on this team. They tried hard, but the team lead gave no direction - and when he/she did, it was clear to me at that point, they didn't understand how the abandoned sewer trial worked - or their tactic was clearly too advanced for a team as inexperienced and squishy as the rest of the team was. 

    I was the only one, a blaster, who didn't die. I could go into details, but it's really sad to think of how many times that poor dominator got chewed up by hordes of ritki and hatched krakens. The MMs fared no better. Only the brute did decently, dying only once. 


    Curious to know when you folks would take over and start giving instructions. I waited too late, forgot all about server maintenance. Saw the message after we first started, figured an hour would be plenty of time. 
    And it should have been - if everyone knew what to do. They did not. When the leader finally quit, then I took over - and we had the head down to half before the ritki repaired the gens, and we knew we wouldn't have enough time. A shame, really. 


  8. First - I really want to apologize. I missed this post! I just asked about these on the badge forum and was referred to it. It should be a sticky! 

    Sign my new fire blaster up. And today is Tuesday...I'll send you a tell in game to see if you're on before hand. 

  9. I was curious about the Swiss draw tournament badge called Tournament Victor. 

    I've gotten this badge once before, but either someone else was dealing with the match set-up, or I've forgotten how in my old age. 

    Tried to get 8 folks, but only got a couple of others, and with 3, couldn't seem to get it to set up right so we could actually start it.  Am I right in saying 8 people are required? I know 8 are required for Pentad. (though it seems like 5 should be enough with that name). 

    Can someone refresh my feeble memory? 


  10. Welcome back. Have you learned/relearned about Ouroboros? No need to stop XP, you can revisit pretty much 99% of that content through Ouroboros. If you're not familiar with it, simply ask someone in the help channel, they'll break it down for you. 

    In short, it's a zone where there are several crystals, contacts, where you can click on them, go in tf mode, solo or teamed, and be automatically exemped to the cap of that contact's arc. 

    You can get there via someone else's ouroboros portal (temp power), Echo:Galaxy City, (via SG beacon) Echo:Dark Astoria (also via SG beacon). For those with villains, you can only access through Echo:Dark Astoria. 

    You can get there on HC server at level 1, but can't do any content within until level 15. (on live, you had to be level 14 to make the trip.) But you can get there on HC, as stated, at level 1, and work on day job badge if you like. 

    You can also go via someone else's portal and get the exploration badge on top of that arch, which "entrusts you with the secret", and gives you the portal. There's also a few missions that will give you the portal upon completion, but the only one I know on top of my head is the initial contact out of Faultline, Jim Temblor. 

    • Like 3
  11. 15 hours ago, EmmySky said:

    Should I continue to incarnate according to creation date (oldest first) or maintain my original idea of one of each AT first then diversify into multiples of each AT?

    I suggest you start with the oldest character. 

    Have a set of distinct ATs - ranged, melee, support, and cycle through the three of them as needed by the group you're in league with. 


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  12. I have no characters on Reunion, but I'd make one to participate. 

    I've actually been successful in getting to level 50 twice on a blaster with no defeats. And when I did get defeated eventually, 1 was during a hami raid, which was my fault for hitting inferno before the tanks jumped in  the GM scrum to get aggro. The other time was on some crazy No inspiration, MoITF for time, challenge. Speed kills. And I could have lived if I'd waited 20 more second for my barrier to come up. Or had the option of munching a luck. Them's the breaks. 


    I should add, that I would up the difficulty gradually as I leveled. 

    +1 at level 10, +2 at level 20, +3 at level 30, +4 at level 40. 

  13. Some interesting thoughts. 

    I posted...sometime during this year that it would be good if we took better advantage of AE for story driven content, since the content we do have, other than those new vig/rogue arcs from...page 3, I think it was, are the only new content we've got, outside of AE. I even suggested a contest, promoted by the HC devs. 

    I think one thing that would be more easily done is to simply make AE story driven content more rewarding in terms of XP/Inf, along the same lines as non-AE content. 

    So, how to distinguish from the farms - let the devs make a ruling on every story that gets 50 votes with 5 stars, or something like that. I would think flagging a given AE arc as "standard reward amount" would be easier than porting the arc to some zone. 

  14. Another thing you can do is to bring out your HVAC and lore pets. The lore pets will fade after 5 minutes, but the heavy will stick with you overnight - and if zombies or nemesis come out in a zone event, odds are your rebirth will keep you alive, as will your HVAC. 

  15. 4 hours ago, nihilii said:

    Playing for a couple of hours without selling, or crafting more than 80 recipes at once... I guarantee you if the maximum character storage was 800, I'd find a way to hit 800/800 without trying.


    There is of course ways you can interrupt your play session at the cost of time to make current limits perfectly tenable. We have to play the game with these limits so all of us in this thread, whether for or against the suggestion, are obviously using some or all of these ways.


    Nonetheless, increased storage would be useful to some of us. It is convenience. It is quality of life. I'd rather manage my inventory in one bulk session of 20 minutes whenever I feel like it than in many more quick sessions of 2 minutes.


    Mind you, for me a quick session only consists of selling all white recipes to vendor and deleting white/yellow salvage by stacks. If I were to run to my base and mess with storage racks and craft, what takes you 3 minutes would likely take me 10-15 minutes. I'm simply not that quick or organized, and that flow would itself force me to reorganize things because all storage slots in my base are used for enhancement chests.


    Storing through the AH is often not realistic. I use most market slots for marketeering, whether that's for profit purposes or to bid on IOs I will use.

    So, it'd be a huge quality of life addition for sure. It's not a need but it's something that can improve my experience.


    Character recipe storage pales, of course, compared to character salvage storage. I don't think the usefulness of salvage storage would stop before 6 digits, if at all. If I could accumulate salvage endlessly so I'd never have to manage it and could craft my also ludicrous recipe storage as salvage is finally available for it, this would be perfect.

    Fair enough. I appreciate your perspective. 

    I think the reason the number isn't as high as some would like is because the original devs were concerned about the market. 

    Let's say that we could hold 800 recipes. I'm sure, most would wait quite some time before they dealt  with their inventory. In that time, I am curious as to how that would impact the availability of various recipes/salvage/invention enhancements in the market. I think this unknown, or the predictable scarcity is what kept the initial number lower than what you might hope for. 

    Another reason has something to do with the servers ability to track everything. I haven't been through the code - wouldn't even know where to look or be able to follow the logic trail without some pointers along the way (unless the internal documentation is far better than what I'd expect), but I suspect if they multiplied character inventory storage by 10, then server storage would be impacted in some way. Nowadays, it's likely less of a concern than at the time of initial release. But if I were forced to guess, I'd think that's why. 

    With the new HC management being on a volunteer basis, I can't fathom what kind of precision this might take. Is it as simple as finding the initial storage capacity of a level 1 character and adding 720 to that number, or is it simply finding the number 80 upon leveling 50 and adding another 720? I've no idea how they'd do it. If they did, they'd probably just start off simple by doubling initial character storage at level 1, then doubling the increase as we leveled up. It wouldn't get to 800, of course, but it may be easier to implement. <shrug>

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  16. How in the world? Why would you EVER need more than 80 recipes to store? 

    Just craft 'em and stash 'em, or sell 'em. How hard is that? It should be a habit you develop as you level. You park your character in Ouro at level 1 to get the Chronologist day job badge, so at level 10, you start getting rare recipes to drop after each completed mission. At the beginning of your next session, you head to your base, you pluck out the salvage you need from your storage racks, and craft and stash, or sell. Takes...3 minutes. 

    I don't get it. If you can't be bothered, just stash 'em in the AH. We get over 100 slots there. 

    • Like 1
  17. Clearly, since someone can join an AE arc in the midst of a run, they have the ability to do this for TFs and Ouro. No question about it. 

    As for Task Forces that give badges - no badge unless you were in each mission. Merits could be meted out in a slightly front heavy fashion to reward the commitment. 

    For example - a 10 mission TF that gives 50 merits might give 7 merits for each of the first two, 5 merits for each of the next four, and the last mission gives zero or 1. 

    It's a really good idea and should be considered. 

  18. Interesting thoughts. Was discussing the Superior Winter-Os with a newer player earlier today. When I mentioned that Avalanche, made Superior gives 5% melee defense, they were stunned. I always thought it was that 5% that made them so valuable to most folks. 

    I rarely...wait..I've never used Entomb, except in early levels. The Frozen Blast set isn't really anything special, except to a farmer. Same with Winter Blast. Blistering Cold isn't too bad, but I'll use Kin Combats more often than not, with two crushing impacts. 

    What I'm surprised at is how cheap the Hero/villain packs are. 

    I don't have the memory I used to - but weren't the ATOs costing like 350- 400 reward merits EACH, plus 25 million back in live, from a merit vendor? (the proc and the quads usually cost an extra 25-50 merits) Or am I confused? 

    I completely understand that many players if they lack the resources have no joy in marketing or farming. I do understand it gets tedious. But why is EVERYTHING so cheap? 

    In one year, I have more inf than I made in 3 years in live, and things cost ...1/10th of what they did. (So maybe I should have 10x as much?) 

    We need things to work towards, and other than badges...we don't have that. 

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