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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. 3 minutes ago, ShardWarrior said:

    I did not know where Peregrine Island was when I first started playing the game.  There are many reasons why someone may not know it and it is a bit of a presumption to assume someone who does not know where a particular zone is automatically means they are a bad player. 

    Sorry to offend. 

    Reasons why a good player might not know where PI is: 

    1. Only played redside and switched over at 50. 

    2. Really just loved ITF and kept doing them repeatedly. 
    3. Loved MSRs and did those and other mission contacts in RWZ. Maybe did an ITF, too. 

    4. Loved doing Numina, various shard TFs and just never got around to PI. 
    5. Always used mission tp, so never realized there were ferries that went to PI, Talos, IP and Striga. 

    While all of these are plausible, they just aren't terribly likely. And candidly, if you are a new player, it stands to reason that you have much to learn and probably aren't that good of a player yet. There's a learning curve for everyone. I still learn things that make me a better player, every day! 

    I do confess that my attitude towards such a player stems from a time when folks would HAVE to go to PI just to get level 45 and 50 enhancements. That's where Ghost Falcon was and is. You'd have to do a quick mission for him to show you his SOs available. So, before IOs came on the scene, anyone who was level 50 that didn't know where PI was had to have been powerleveled or running around without ANY enhancements for at least 7 levels.  (aside from various drops - but no converters back then.) 

  2. The argument (philosophically) about the harms of PL'ing folks to 50 is not new. Who doesn't at least figuratively raise their eyebrows when a level 50 gets an invite to PI for a mission and they ask how to get there? 

    There is a cost to having someone else - that's not your alt account - in a fire farm mission. It really is that simple. You get less inf, period. When I bring my alts in on my farms, almost routinely - the lowby is the one that gets the purples! Since it's my alt, I don't mind, but if it were some random person I was being nice to...I don't think I'd like to be THAT nice. The game mechanics suggest that just because that person was in there and got lucky doesn't mean that I would have gotten that drop if they weren't in there. I understand that. But, it wouldn't make me feel any better. 

    But, that's just me - and that's a whole 'nuther can of beans, so to speak. For me, I have no beef with someone charging for a PL. My beef is with the people foolish/impatient enough to pay it. 

  3. I'm by no means a historian, but I thought the whole reason of adding the extra servers was because with all those players, the zones were having a lot of lag, and in some cases, causing crashes of not only players, but the servers themselves. 

    But - you bring up the social aspect. I thought I was teaming less because I was soloing more, not that I was soloing more because I was teaming less. I completely agree with you on the overall disappointment in having to wait to form a team or a league.  I just don't think merging servers is necessary. At least, not at this time. 

  4. The truth is, if you give Corruptors a buff, then what? Then, nobody has a reason to make a defender. So they give defenders a buff. and so on. 

    The truth is it all depends on how you play and slot them.

    I am very biased in favor of blasters, so I won't say anything about them. 

  5. Thanks to both of you. I did figure out that Drain Psyche has its benefits. The problem was finding large enough mobs. I am one to chase the merits from story arcs, so I was zipping through them at +1/1, so there were never many mobs to get much use out of it. But, on an MSR and a Market Crash, I saw I could max recovery without even slotting any end mod in it. So, the preventative medicine will stay. 

    I think I'm going to forgo the leadership pool as I will most likely only be teaming for iTrials, and there are plenty of buffs in those. Clarion might be the choice for a lot of blasters, but I if my defense is softcapped, I much prefer Ageless. Not that I have to limit myself to one. 

  6. Below is the unfinished build of Zorba, a fire/mental blaster. Level 47 at present. Normally, I build a character, get the IOs, before I even create it. But, because I wasn't very familiar with the mental manipulation secondary, I've learned some things that lead me to believe I've picked some dog powers. Like confusion. It's a true turd for my style of play. Mental probe was useful up to about level 20, but haven't used it since. Subdual must be taken, but stopped using it at level 20 as well. Maybe earlier. 

    It annoys me to no end to take fight and have boxing remain useles. The leadership pool has more utility, but there's no resistance layer of protection with it, and all those toggles...a blaster has to have endurance to dish out the punishment. Influence is no object. 

    If some of you have some suggestions as to better ways to improve this build, I'd welcome the feedback. Sometimes, you get in the habit of doing things a certain way, and you lose out on different perspectives and ideas. 

    The one thing is - I love Super Speed & Combat Jump. But it pains me to take Combat Jump and lose out on another power pool. If I had my way, I'd take Leaping, Fight, Leadership, Speed & Sorcery. But, the only reason to take Sorcery is to get Rune of Protection. It's an excellent power for preventing perma-hold/stun situations that would otherwise lead to defeat if you don't have a break free. But, we can only choose 4 pools. 

    If I put an extra slot in hurdle, would it be about the same as having CJ when it comes to hopping up to the second floor? Guess I could toggle Ninja run...


  7. On 1/2/2020 at 11:59 AM, Hedgefund said:

    I hate discussing a statistical topic without using any actual data, but I have NO doubt that the VR drop rate is > 1/30.  Maybe significantly so.  Not sure if the P(R) > 1/8 but I'd guess it is.


    So when building up incarnate abilities, always select random salvage over emps.  Sometimes I'm able to build up t4s without spending a single Emp.  Other times when I'm just left with a VR needed to craft a T4, I'll spend the 30 emps, but I almost never do that twice.  Emps are the one currency in game I hoard to use at a more advantageous time so I spend them only out of "necessity".


    I do e-mail a trans to a newly minted 50 so I can get insta t3 alpha after taking care of the Ramiel business.  One could tell me that's not efficient but... I don't care.

    I do the same thing...except, sometimes when I grow weary of playing a character, I'll just burn the emps. I have a second account, so sometimes, I'll just let a "finished" character sit in just to get vet levels to get the emps. Most characters get t-4'd by vet level 9. Some sooner, some later, depending on the RNG. 
    That leaves me with several vet levels to get 20 emps, and 15, etc. It adds up. 

  8. Leading iTrials is something I used to do weekly back in live. 

    I don't know when it happened, or why, but it seems I've lost some of the patience I used to have for forming these things. With the Dark Astoria arcs, I don't get all the threads like I would in iTrials, but I can finish Heather Townsend's arc in less time that it would take to recruit and fill a UGT. (about 10 minutes)

    I logged in a new-ish 50, needing some commons, and some incarnate xp, and Lambda is one of the first iTrials, geared for newish 50's. I'm quite aware that some do "SLams", a speed lambda - ignore turrets, ignore street spawns, just clobber the required amount of npcs, kill the EB, get the temp powers, smack down the AV. Simple enough. 

    Certainly not all - but this morning, a leader recruited for a lambda, not a SLam - yet upon entry, a SLam is what it was. 

    And here is where I feel like I've failed the server: The leader had no idea it was a "SLam", nor did he have any experience ever clearing the streets or the turrets. This was all he knew. Maybe he/she was one of the new players that never played in live, I really don't know. 

    So, I want to apologize for getting too impatient in my older age. I thought I would get more patient as I got older, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I am hoping that realizing how I've failed, I'll focus on being more patient and leading more trials with clear, concise instructions that aren't done by frantic typing in all capital letters. Macros are a great tool. All leaders that type less than 30 correct words per minute should use them, or if they absolutely must, use discord or some other voice service. 



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  9. On 1/8/2020 at 9:17 PM, SeraphimKensai said:

    Not sure about Excelsior, but Everlasting does usually a minimum of 2 raids a day most if not everyday.

    You neglected to mention a time. I know they do two on Saturday's in the Abyss at 3pm Eastern. But I haven't figured out why they don't do this in the hive, given the higher number of monsters. The spawning of hami takes a lot longer in the abyss, due to the way all the monsters are spread out. 

    They also don't give very clear instructions, unlike Excelsior. At least, that was my experience. Still got it done. 

  10. I wouldn't sweat it.

    Like most, I think quitting a tf is a major no-no, to only be done in extreme circumstances - which I've yet to encounter. That said, when you have the knowledge that you have about your character, and familiarity with dealing with CoT, you already know that the issue was at that low level, you simply lack the slots to have enough protection in those circumstances. The only way I imagine you'd have come out of that would have been with a couple of savvy defenders/corruptors/controllers that had complementary buffs/debuffs. 

    Here's a pro-tip: if you're a savvy player, go to p2w, get a summons pet and envenomed dagger. Do posi 1 & 2 solo. You'll finish almost as fast as a decent team, and faster than a lousy one, regardless of AT. (hit your sg base for an invis buff so you can stealth for an hour - you'll be done in 40 minutes easily.)

    Teaming can be fun. Likely a lot more fun with a good team - but it's hit or miss if you find it in LFG. After a time, you recognize certain globals and gain a small understanding of their in-game knowledge by their comments in the help channel. Then you'll know who to team with and who to avoid. That said, I'd rather team with a nice person who's new and ignorant than a savvy jerk.


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  11. I am not sure how to express my thoughts on what I'm seeing with regards to the Winter IOs. 

    The price points just defy logic (to me). Just a couple of days ago, anyone with the time, inf and willingness could have gotten as many winter packs as they desired. Now, I see the IOs from those packs being sold for more than 2x of the sale (Chrismas) price of the pack itself. I'm not complaining, but I am wondering if some of our player base are just uninformed, or if one of you is playing a longer game and looking to buy up everything for 18-22m, only to resell them for 30+ in the future. 

    I am hoping it's one or more of you playing a longer game, because if not, I just can't wrap my head around the crazy prices I'm seeing for things that simply should not cost as much as they're getting on the market. 

  12. 21 hours ago, macskull said:

    Not a bug, that's diminishing returns.

    Those returns diminished too much, imo. 

    I've never pvp'd in any other game, so I think it's fair of me to assess PvP from a fresher set of eyes. 
    Travel suppression...I don't like it, but I know why it's there. 

    There simply isn't a good reason to have enhancements behave differently in the two zone types. At least, not in my mind. But, hey, what do I know? I was there for the Phalanx Heroes, not for pvp. I wanted all the resistance I could get. 

  13. On 12/28/2019 at 10:00 PM, srmalloy said:

    Sometimes it can take a while. It was just a couple weeks ago that I learned that the pool room has a _fifth_ level to it: the one you enter from, the level up the stairs, the platforms above that, the level below the entry level -- and a fifth level at the bottom, where if you go to the far left (as viewed from the entrance) of the lower level, you can jump down away from the entrance and get access to a pair of intersecting passages under the walkways of the 'bottom' level. I had a mob spawn down there on a defeat all, and I was close to filing a petition for a stuck mob until I figured out how to get down there. I managed to make it through eight years of live without ever knowing that space was there.

    Interestingly enough, although I have no way to clearly describe it, there's one map where you go up a ramp, then up some stairs about 3 flights, then to some observation deck that those below would never know was there. If it weren't for the map showing a collection of red triangles (NPCs needing defeat), I'd have never known it was there. Even when I saw the triangles and was on the same space from the map's perspective, couldn't see them anywhere. It took me a moment, but I finally found this elevated room. 

    The only thing that went through my mind was sincere appreciation for the creativity in making all these twisty-turning pathways in these mission maps. Yes, they can be frustrating and hard to navigate, but those devs sure did make an interesting place to play! 

  14. Myself, I tend to solo more than most, I imagine. Yet, often, I'm finding comments in lfg and the help channel where newer players are in the midst of an ouro arc, come across an NPC they can't handle and ask for help - but alas, there is no help available. They didn't realize that they couldn't invite others once the story arc started. So, occasionally, these folks end up quitting after spending who knows how much time, and suffering who knows how many defeats. 

    In AE, it's simple to invite mid-arc, mid mission, whatever you like - but not in Ouro. 

    So - let's fix it. There's simply no reason I can think of that it should be like task forces. Yes, the player should be tethered to the arc, but I see no need to limit team size should they feel the need half way through. 

    • Like 1
  15. I monitor the help channel, as well as other channels. I look for people who complain about prices, then look on the /ah to see what's going on. 

    There's a set called Cloud Senses, I think. I know what it looks like, but can never remember what it's called. Anyway, there's a proc in it that goes for 5 million. I have no idea why people like a proc that gives a "chance for X-type damage" when an generic damage IO will give guaranteed damage, and likely a lot more. Maybe they think a tick of psionic damage will do more damage than a regular dose of smashing. There's probably just something I don't know about those procs. In any event, saw one player complaining that there weren't any for sale on the AH. 

    So, I proceeded to buy the uncommon equivalent, convert to that type, and put a dozen or so on sale and sold 'em all for 5m each. And they sell. I stopped, but on a low level that was starting from zero, found my way back to them and it's just one of those IOs that folks are either keeping for themselves, or converting to something else, or it just rarely drops. 

  16. On 12/11/2019 at 5:26 AM, Bionic_Flea said:

    I averaged 1.26 WIOs/pack on my first 50 packs.


    I was surprised at how quickly the prices of individual WIOs went down, but I think that's good news.  To me it means that a lot of people had the same idea and a lot of other people got cheap(er) things to polish off their builds.  Win-win.


    I'm not sure if the prices will go up as fast as they came down.  My expectations is that the price will go up slower, but then again I was surprised at the speed going down.  Soooo . . . 


    Oh, and just about every character I make has between 2 to 5 sets of WIOs.  They give crazy good enhancement value, some really good bonuses, and then both go over the roof once you make them Superior.  I'm just banking all these WIOs for now.  And leaving them in character e-mail makes it easy for a new level 10 to grab a set while waiting on the next DFB or Positron TF to start.

    I think only a couple of the sets give good bonuses before they're superior. I only use them in my 50's, because frankly, the bonuses just aren't that good compared the the uncommon and rare options. Reducing slows by 10%? I rarely encounter that debuff, and the only thing I'm after is the defense. So it's all or nothing for me. 
    I don't see 1.88% as meaningful when 3.13 is available for a cheaper price. 

    I know that there are some who never read the HC forums and literally have no idea what they are doing when it comes to buying stuff on the AH. Spend 20 million on a winter IO, or spend 25m and get a winter IO, maybe 2 of them and maybe get 25 to 100 reward merits as well. It's a gamble, but if they've got the inf, buying 10 or more at a time moves the odds closer to your favor. 

    So, in a couple weeks, when this sale is over - wonder how many will just bid 25 million...while some of us have put them on sale for ...6 inf? 1 inf? Or 10m, 12, 15 or 20m? Should be interesting to see. 

    This is an additional comment after I have considered the winter IOs more carefully, sleeping on it. I'm rethinking their value. One of the things I detest about the lower levels is Training Origin & Dual Origin enhancements. Even the lower level sets reek in value compared to an SO below level 25. I think that may be where the Winter IOs carry more value for me. I don't think that an Avalanche is any better than an oblit set, when it comes to bonuses - but Oblits simply aren't available until much later. 
    It may cause me to burn some unslotters, but that's what they're for. Use the Avalanche in the low levels, when I can slot the oblits, slot them. Then, at 50, I can look at the Superior Avalanche with the better resist and defense, or go with a purple set for better recharge if that fits. 

  17. On 12/17/2019 at 1:39 PM, Yomo Kimyata said:

    I tend to follow a system when I start a new alt:


    1-2:  Outbreak.  Level to 2, sell enhancements to vendor, sell inspirations on AH, start marketing.  Turn on double xp.  Turn notoriety to as many as I think I can handle, usually +0/x3.

    2-5/6:  Initial contact missions.  Two or three missions gets you to KR.

    5/6-9/10:  Pick up radio, run three radio missions and bank job for travel power.

    9/10-15:  Pick up Hollows contact, teleport there.  Run Hollows arc.  It is really easy to outlevel this, so manage your double xp.  Great merit bonus for finishing entire arc.

    15-18:  Pick up Montegue contact, teleport to SC, run Midnighter arc until "Cure Lost".

    18-24:  Pick up Jim Temblor, teleport to Faultline.  Run Faultline arcs.  Doc Delilah unlocks at 20, and grants Ouro portal at completion of her arc.  Finish up with Agent G.


    From here, I tend to branch out.

    I do a similar thing, but I get my ouro port at level 2 or 3 by visiting Echo:galaxy via base beacon. Need the reward merits to get converters to subsidize my character's purchase of ATOs at level 10. 


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