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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. So, while running Sir Bedwyr's arc, part 4, (doing them out of order) I notice that the npcs are Talons of Vengeance. Beat 100, get a badge. But, when I took out a banshee - no progress on the bar. Curious if that's by design? Doesn't make sense to me. The others give progress, so it won't hold me back - but why wouldn't the Banshees give progress? They are part of Talons of Vengeance. 

  2. On 10/17/2019 at 5:47 PM, Sister Corruption said:

    What... you mean you hadn't already spent 50 million at the tailor by 1000 badges? *embarassed*

    lol. I have no time for foolishness like the tailor. That's even worse than reading what the contact is sharing to get you to do a mission. It's irrelevant. With the new transparent stealth, I can't see my character anyway. 

    I basically did a load costume from my scrapper to my blaster, and back again. Each one cost me 4 million, so I only had to do it 13 times. Now I can ignore the tailor forever. Such a strange thing..don't you people like your costume when you start your character? Why would you ever change it? Makes no sense to me - but it doesn't have to. City of Options and all that. 

    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Razor Cure said:

    Every hostage in the game works that way. You have to get near them, to trigger the rescue.

    Thus, the reason for my post. Playing melee, I don't notice it, as I'm already right there. On my blaster, not so much. 

  4. This just happened - and it's probably my fault for being in a rush. In Serpent Drummer's arc, there's an npc to rescue from the Ritki in Portal Corp. I'm on a blaster, I see the Adept on his knees, blast the intimidating figure away - and am attacked by another nearby Ritki - so having killed the initial Ritki, I move on the the other and clear the map. Still one more adept to rescue. 

    I revisit in the right side portal corp building - clear. Roofs, clear. Parking lot, clear. Back areas behind the buildings, clear. Nothing but Vanguard around. 

    I look, and look. And after about 8 minutes, I just happen to come across that same guy in his knees. Still. Despite having killed the intimidating Ritki that was "holding" him. When I got next to him, then he stood up and mission completed. 

    I have no idea what the code looks like. Even if I had a copy of it that I could look at, I'd have no idea (or desire) to look through all the code to find it - but is there a way to have rescued npc's recognize they're rescued when the captor's are defeated, as opposed to having them defeated and being next to them? 

    I mean, I have low expectations for something like this - it's not a bug - but just thought I'd ask. 

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  5. You know, I'm so glad you posted this! It gave me the idea of looking at the map, instead of at the waypoint door. 

    In the Ouro arc, "Oh Wretched Man", Steal research from the Legacy Chain, the mission waypt. directs to an arachnos base, the same door as the previous mission. But it was a good bit away. No screen shot, as folks can now know to look at their map to find the door, if the waypoint is wrong. 


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  6. 1 hour ago, Bossk_Hogg said:

    So let me get this straight..., you think you should have to farm night and day, for a week, to see ONE? On a casual game where alts are basically the endgame?


    What did fun ever do to you to make you hate it so much? Is it just Stockholme syndrome from early 2000's Everquest that made you think you need to grind your fingers to the bone for a rusty shortsword -1? I'm baffled by this Puritan Play Ethic we keep seeing from forum busybodies. "Whelp, put in my 40+ hours a week, time to log into COH for more drudgery in my leisure time! BRING ON THE SLOG!"


    Note, I'm not really on favor of upping drop rates, but your claims are pure BS. I've got 4 in the past 2 months, including farming several billion influence 

    Look, I didn't mean to bug anyone by what I wrote. I was lucky - quite lucky. But I see a purple at least once every two days. But - I have a farm toon that works while I work. So, it stands to reason it would see more. 

    The characters I actually level up, they're still quite fortunate with drops. I had a scrapper playing at +3 get one at level 45. The next day, got two more. And that wasn't farming, it was just going through the Sig Story arc out of steel canyon in pursuit of merits. 

    The reason I say make them drop less is because they are too abundant. They should be VERY RARE. They aren't. Heck, we have a trial that every first time character can run and get one, guaranteed! 

    All that said - one man's drudgery is another man's fun. I don't consider it drudgery; I would consider it a challenge. 
    It is quite possible that my characters are just luckier than yours. Evidence certainly suggests so. 

    A copy of my petition: 

    September 25

    Windows: Let me start by saying - I don't know if this is an exploit or a cheat. If it were, I wouldn't have been doing it. But, it seems to me FOUR purple recipe drops (times Central US) 6:48, 6:48, 6:52, 6:53 - that seems it would be worth a look. Context: in an AE map, set to +4/8. (Comicon Cave map) Just running through the map like usual. I had just gobbled about 6 medium tier rages.

  7. 15 hours ago, Troo said:

    Do AE farm missions and Portal Missions have the same risk / reward ratio? Honestly curious if anyone here knows?

    My Two inf: Yes, and no. 

    With AE, either you, or someone else can make a mission with npcs that are specifically designed to be more susceptible to your offense, and less able to handle your defense/resistance.  So, it's easier to go +4/8 for a fire farmer in AE than it would be for that same avatar in a Carnie or Banished Pantheon mission, for example. That said, the XP in that fire farm will give less XP than the same difficulty vs a "standard" contact given mission.  


  8. Last night, you announced you were forming up, and I was near the end of Dr. Q. 
    I figured there was only 10-15 minutes left, and tried to lfg "join events in progress" and nothing happened after 7 minutes, so I just figured you guys were already done, or lfg just didn't want to work. 

    The hami raid is also suffering from a lack of attendance, so my guess is it's the halloween thing.

  9. On 7/30/2019 at 11:12 PM, MageAgainstTheRegime said:

    Ok, so can we all agree that the storage management for in-game items is limited? Before when players were running only a few alts it was no big deal, but now everyone is running tons of alts, and the only known way to share recipes amongst your alts is by way of email. Plus it doesn't make sense why only salvage can be stored in your base but not recipes, not to mention you can't even run a /ah command to at least grab recipes out of the auction house while you're in your base - I tried and it's not allowed. Yeah, the game's 15 years old, I get that, but under no circumstances should anyone be emailing themselves anything. We're way past the days of Yahoo. 

    Um..have you ever heard of crafting? Don't make your alts craft for themselves. Each character can grab the required salvage from the storage within the base, run to the crafting table and create that very recipe for your alt. Stash the IO in the base and your alt can pick it up when convenient. 

    So easy! You don't need to send recipes through email. Every day, you should craft the recipes you get. Don't have all the salvage? Check your stock. Still don't have it? Place a bid or wait until you do. Problem solved! 


  10. On 10/16/2019 at 12:41 PM, FullEclipse said:

    I spend all day trying to farm influence and get recipes to sell but end up with No Purple drops at the end of 8 hours of farming +3/8, running Mishes/TFs etc.  What is the drop rate for purps?  Can we increase that rate a bit?

    Hate to break it to you - but if anything, the drop rate should be decreased. I got 4 in a span of 7 minutes. I even sent a petition to see if there was some kind of bug, as even though I like purples and want them to drop - the purples, the reward merits, the influence - it all comes so easily, so quickly, that I'm actually in the hive and saying to myself - why am I here? I already have 10k merits across three of my more-often used 50's; I have transcendant merits stashed for my next 50s, I have billions of influence. There really is no motivation aside from badges and to read silly commentary from the players around me. 

    So...no! I've gotten 60 purples over the past 3 weeks. I just gave away 4 sets yesterday because I have no use for them. I'd sell them - but I don't need the inf, either. And I know some folks haven't made their billions and don't want to tank the prices for those that rely on them. 

    Purples should indeed be very rare. A farmer who farms day and night should only see them once a week or so, in my mind. That said, the reason purples just sit in my base is the bonuses, unless you're chasing recharge...they're next to useless. No defense or resistance buffs in any of them. They should sell for 5M or less. They're just not that good. My ill/rad, Dom - they love 'em. My PB and WS will love 'em too. But the rest of my toons...meh. 

  11. On 10/16/2019 at 11:49 PM, Logansan said:

    It doesn't really relate to recipes or purples, but one of my characters seems to be having a strange "issue". Its my main farming toon and for a couple of weeks he not received a single enhancement drop. Not a single one, despite many hours playing. I haven't change any drop settings with the P2W vendors (and I've rechecked) and he has received heaps of purple and other recipes in that time. In the past he did receive enhancements quite often, it just in recent weeks that none appear to be dropping (which isn't really a bad thing, saves me from having to vendor sell them).


    If I power-level another character while farming (any level, even 50 +3s for inf), they do to receive the normal amount of enhancements.


    I have put it down to just a strange run on the RNG  (but I guess it could also be something that I'm just not aware of yet).


    As mentioned, I'm not complaining in any way, I just thought it was relative to this discussion as it may just show how the RNG can result in long runs of bad/good luck.

    I have this problem on certain maps. Change the map. All fire farms are basically the same npc, just a different costume. 

  12. On 10/15/2019 at 1:54 PM, eldriyth said:

    I could understand completely if I was some nub cake complaining people were getting power leveled. That would be unfair of me. However, I have actually deleted level 50s I power leveled because I just feel like I didn't earn them.. I know this is a strange ass personal feeling and some people couldn't give two shits less. I just overall think the experience of normal content needs to get boosted up big time. Exp is way too slow for a solo player. Where (I hate to say this because I am sick of WOW) games like WoW give the solo player a fast and smooth exp to max level without gimmicks like AE. Of course, some people just buy their level 110s now too.. *sigh*

    I think I understand this. 

    I'm what you might call "goal-driven".  I look for ways to challenge a given character to keep things interesting for me. I seldom use p2w 2xp because 1) it's at the cost of influence & 2) it removes opportunity to discover how well certain powers are slotted and working within the attack chain. 

    This "smoother" experience you're speaking of, it's in the game already. Or maybe I don't understand what you mean by smooth? Your xp per kill goes up as you level up. But, because we have more powers, it stands to reason that the next level requires more xp  - there's more to learn! 

    As for deleting 50's...I've never done that. I just let 'em sit. And I guess I certainly could respec 'em, get out the IOs and then delete them and start over - but each character of mine gets the 4 primary health/end boosting accolades. I don't really want to delete a character that's had that time invested. 

    I think your problem is that you're simply bored with certain characters. And that's fine. You look to AE to get you over certain hurdles because it's effective. Heck, why do you think so many use AE? Because it works! 

    Perhaps you need to consider not looking for levels. Look for badges. This will cause you to seek out content and to stop looking at the XP bar. XP will come! You don't need to seek it out. Now with Vet levels, it never stops unless you stop it. 


    • Like 1
  13. I am not one of those folks who farm reward merits to make inf to go to the tailor at level 5. or 10 or even 50. 
    With the exception of one character that I made too short - none of my characters have ever needed to go to the tailor. It's not like I can really see their costumes anyway. Most are stealthed, and the ones that aren't are buried in a pile of npcs. 

    Is there a trick to this "spend 50 million" at the tailor? I just redid everything, and it cost less than 2million. I have ZERO interest in spending hours on this. I just want to give the tailor 50 million and be done with it. Is there a way to make it more expensive? Not to mention the 50 some odd free tailor tokens that will remain unused...

    What options cost  the most? 

  14. On 10/13/2019 at 2:34 PM, Spider said:

    Good show, Arsonella! Updated!


    One of the Best... reasons to Badge.

    One of the first and most enthusiastic badgers I met through this private server was a man who had played on the Live servers prior to the 2012 publisher sunsetting. He did not actively badge at that time. When asked why he took up this new mantle, he explained that badging allowed him to see all of the content.  To enjoy those things previously left unsung.


    To all the new badgers, welcome and congratulations. 



    In my mind, I always felt like those with high badge counts were simply....better. 
    Better players. 
    Better teammates. 

    Obviously, it's not a 100% correlation, but in my experience in playing, the people that have the higher badge counts know more about the game, the game mechanics, and are almost always willing to help someone else get a badge to the point of near selflessness. 

    Just anecdotal, of course. Opinions will vary. 

    • Like 1
  15. I've played a couple of Sentinels to 50 +3. 

    There's just one thing that doesn't make sense to me about the AT. Scrappers have the same resist cap as a Sentinel, yet Scrappers get to dish out a LOT more damage. The damage output should be pretty much the same for both. One is primarily melee, the other ranged. Other than that, the damage output  should be the same. It really is that simple in my mind. 

    May as well play a blaster. With IOs and the Epic pool, the two ATs are not that different, aside from mez protection, but with Clarion and Rune from sorcery pool, a blaster can work around that pretty simply. 

    Something needs to change with this AT. 

  16. @backfire led this league. I can tell you, Backfire (as Alexander Hamidon) is a fairly clear and fast communicator. There's a discord available, but he doesn't need it. He can relay the information and if he uses macro's, I can't tell. 

    When others were leading for the first time, and not communicating very quickly, others could see @backfire's suggestions/directions if they weren't sure what to do. He certainly does a better job of it than I do. 

    But as far as using pets - that's nothing new. We always use lore pets (and mm pets, etc). As for strategies, same strategy we've been using since the hive re-capped at 50. Not to take anything away, but it wasn't like it was an 8 man team. (which has been done)

  17. On 10/11/2019 at 11:54 AM, Gulver said:

    I'm closing in on the minimum requirement.  I just keep getting distracted by getting those gold star on every entries in the Ouroboros mission list.

     I completely understand that. 

    If it's any consolation - ultimately, damage dealt, damage taken, time spent stunned, influence earned - all of the non-badge arcs still give at least some credit towards those longer term badges. 

    And, it seems like there's a number of badges that require all the story arcs of a given zone. Pretty sure that's an I-25 deal, I don't remember those from before. 

    Mercy, The Hollows, Atlas Park, Faultline - I know those zones give a badge if you do all the arcs in them. There may be more, those are just off the top of my head. 


  18. Well, I appreciate your correction. I had gotten the information from that badge spreadsheet in these forums. The correct information was a lot easier than the wrong info, for sure. 


  19. Since I've already met my goal of 20B, I'll share how I did it. It wasn't really planned, I just knew that I shouldn't put all my eggs in one basket. 

    When the game first came out, Catalysts were seen as more valuable than they do now. They were selling for 4-5M on the weekends. So, that was where I made my first real chunk of loot. After raiding hami for a week, I had 800 Reward Merits, hit the vendor up, and converted to Catalysts and converters. The reason I got converters is this: 

    Whether it's through hero packs or just buying ATOs off the AH, in order to make them superior, you have to slot them. There were more ATOs than I had level 50's of any particular AT. At the time, I had my fire/fire brute, before I learned Spines/fire was where it was at if you wanted to AFK farm. I honestly thought AFK farm meant you could go get a drink, come back and resume playing. I didn't realize it was something you could do for 15-30 minutes at a time. 

    So, you presumably buy from AH the cheapest ATO you can get your hands on. I placed low bids for 6M. Some went through instantly. Others, took a day or so. But, since I didn't have my first billion, I was a bit cautious, stopped at 20 ATOs. I bought them, converted to brute. I unslotted my own superior ATOs, slotted the new ATOs, catalyzed them, then sold the ones I just pulled out. 

    6M (ATO) + Catalyst (opportunity cost 5M) =11M
    Sell for 18.78M. 

    Most of the time, I'd get 20M within a few minutes. There were only 3-5 for sale. I know I wasn't the only person doing this, but with only a few for sale, whoever else was doing it, wasn't doing that much - which was fine by me. Fewer units for auction imply scarcity, which creates the illusion of higher demand and/or value. 

    I got about 140M within a couple of hours, while I just ran the drecks map. Then, I set out to make sure I had a level 50 blaster and scrapper, too, so I could avoid using THAT many converters. Eventually, I got a Corruptor, a Defender, a Tank & a Sentinel to level 50 as well, so even fewer converters were needed to use before slotting & catalyzing. The sales on these were far slower, and the profits weren't as good on the back end, but the investment cost of the ATO was cheaper. Still not as good, but at this time, I hadn't really figured out how to afk farm. Just figured people were exaggerating, as most folks tend to do. 

    I made my first billion doing this. Took me less than a week. Now, I just craft & convert any drops I get. 20B and counting. 

    • Like 1
  20. 14 hours ago, Cobalt Azurean said:

    Oh hey, I was in PI when that happened and saw GM [REDACTED] ask about running that down. Thanks, [REDACTED]!

    Ok, now you've just gone and made me think I should roll an alt called [Redacted] - with the brackets. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  21. Hamidon's Enemy is supposedly a tip mission given automatically to villains when they ding 30. So, I've got a character, currently villain, but is level 50. 

    Do I have to roll a character on an alt account and have them get this mission and invite my alt? Find some other villain that's just turned 30 and ask for an invite - or is there a way to do these through ouroboros? I've looked, and I could be looking in the wrong place...


  22. 37 minutes ago, siolfir said:


    To address a couple of things brought up:


    I've deliberately wandered off into a different direction in a few cases - usually defeat alls - when I'm running my IO'd out Brute and the rest of the team can handle the spawns without me. Let's face it, running a Citadel at even con isn't all that hard, and splitting up just reduces the amount of time that it takes to clear the base(s), whether your attempting a speedrun or not. I also am one of those people that will run into the next spawn once the previous group is down to mop-up duty, although I'll hang around for the bosses and/or try to pull them along with me to the next spawn if I'm supposed to be the primary tank. And yes, I'm also well aware that there is an aggro cap, and I try to grab spillover from tanks that aren't, and try to pull multiple x8 spawns together - but I also expect characters to be able to handle a minion or two while I'm attacking the bosses and Lts to keep them on me.


    As for knockback... my rule is pretty simple: if I'm a melee and you knock something that's attacking me away, then I expect you to take care of it (and yourself). If I knock something away from you, I expect myself to take care of it. 


    Yeah, but it's a Synapse - that's not much of an exaggeration. And even the ones that start off wanting to kill everything on every map usually say "yes" when I ask if I can stealth to the objectives once you get to the part that you can stealth.


    I think you and I are on pretty much the same page. I have zero issues with everyone going off in their own direction if they can handles themselves. This is because I know ALL of my toons, even down to my emp defender, can handle themselves solo. 

    In many ways, I think the problem that a lot of people have with this wandering off solo is they need your ability to manage aggro where they are. Not everyone can handle themselves with a minion or two. 

    I listen on discord to some folks while we play, and I cannot fathom how they managed to level a character up. They seem helpless and clueless about the simplest of things. I just remind myself that a dozen years ago, I was a guy who had no idea what to slot. I thought that the "enhancements allowed" meant I was supposed to put one of each of those enhancements in the power. So every power got as many slots as needed to slot every allowed type of enhancement. While the savvy folks were slotting 1 acc, 4 damage, 2 recharge or similar, I was slotting 1 acc, 1 dam, 1 end redux, 1 rech, 1 slow, 1 range. 

    Then suddenly, about level 26, I have this new power that takes 8 different kinds of enhancements, but I could only fit 6 slots. I thought the game was broken! So, I try not to judge ignorance harshly. 

    Two things lead to disappointment in life: unrealistic expectations and/or unrealized expectations. Let's just do our best to define those before things start. 


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