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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. 13 hours ago, Olly said:

    Before I get into my 2 cents, I'd like to ask you to see things from a different perspective: that in CoH, *Solo* is the end game, and *teaming* is for relaxing and having a good time.  Hear me out:


    I've ended up playing solo more times now, just because I find it more challenging. That is not to say I don't enjoy groups. I like the laid-backness I can play when I'm in one as compared to when I *choose* to tackle +4/*8 content. In doing this very many times, I realised an amazing thing about CoH. The solo content can actually be *a lot harder* than group content and be equally rewarding.

    Interesting. For me, it's the complete opposite. I solo for a more laid back time because I can stop, speed, kill through, kill all, stealth - whatever I want to do. On a team, I find myself torn between finding the boss at the end and helping the inf-poor teammate who somehow has never managed to slot a celerity:stealth despite them being quite affordable for a level 50. But not everyone does things the way I would. But, I digress. 

    Solo content is as easy as it can get for me. Teamplay is far more difficult for me, as it requires I pay a lot more attention to teammates, rather than just my avatar. Not only that, because my builds are as good as I know how to get them, and some of my teammates lack the time/resources/inclination/knowledge to make a solid build, I find myself having to do more than I would if I were solo. 


    Should all archetypes be able to solo?   All AT's and powerset can and do solo. All of them. Some are more efficient. Some are more survivable. But they all do. 

    Should all archetypes be able to solo at +4/8?  They don't? The only folks I know that don't are chasing merits and doing speed runs, so they reduce difficulty for more efficiency. Not saying a level 12 Controller can do this; or any AT at that level. I'm assuming level 50, but at that level each AT/powerset has all the tools they need to do +4/8, if they're inclined to take that amount of trouble. Not saying it's easy. Not saying some aren't defeated more often than other AT/Powersets. But they can all do it. 

    Is there a difference in performance expectations for content below level 50 versus level 50+? Of course there is. Why would anyone expect the same performance expectations with fewer powers and slots? 

    Should players be using Invention Origin enhancements by a specific level or range?  While it's optional, I see no reason why anyone would use SOs after level 30. The only reasons would be 
    1. Challenge concept characters
    2. Reluctance(or inability) to take time to earn inf through the market/farming. Yeah, they're expensive for these folks. For the rest of us who market/farm, we can buy anything in game we want, anytime we want. 
    3. Inability to understand or general apathy towards a somewhat convoluted IO system. I know it now - but when it came out, it was confusing. There's a learning curve. Some folks just don't care that much. They know the SOs, the SOs worked in live, they work now. No sense fussing over the IOs in their minds. 

    Do players who can solo +4/8 at level 50 have an outsized impact on teams or other players? Maybe this is as intended?
    This varies. When you have a team of folks who can solo +4/8 --- which is pretty much everyone who uses IOs and has incarnates slotted - it's a basic steamroll, with the only real slowing down is for AVs. But when you have someone without IOs, it's certain they're likely to be defeated more often and dish out less damage and rely on team buffs more than those with Set bonuses. 

    As intended? yes and no. I suspect the original devs knew that the community was large enough for folks who didn't want to fuss with IOs to find each other over time, or rely on the community to carry them to an extent. It's really not that big of an issue in my mind. I'd love it if all were IO'd to the gills, but I completely understand why some are not. 
    They may not have the time. They may not care. They may lack the resources or the knowledge. 

    It's a game. What they do doesn't really impact my fun that much at all. Play how you like, slot how you like. Go. Hunt. Kil Skulls. 

    • Like 3
  2. Strife, you'll need to elaborate. This doesn't sound like a matter of an extra trailing zero or two. An uncommon should pretty much be an instant purchase at 2k. If you bought 10 at a time (the max) that's 20k. Let's say you went 4k each, for 40k. 
    That's 4 extra zeros? 

    I'll say this - I look at uncommons as trash, and vendor them if I don't use the ones that drop to craft. So I didn't get your influence. The person that did could be on any server. The AH is linked across all shards. 

    That said, what's your in game global? There's no way to give it back if we don't know who you are. (Forum handles are often different than in game)

  3. I did a test batch of winter-o's, selling 10 of them for pre-sale price. It took 9 days, but they all sold for more than my asking price at 26M (superiors). They all came from the 10M winter packs, so it was a nice, warm & fuzzy feeling. And the display suggested that someone had listed some for far less. I couldn't even see the ones I sold in the history. 

    Also, I didn't make a note today, but for 3 days, I did. 

    Winter pack count  3-Feb-21 3498
    Winter pack bids 3-Feb-21 2479
    Avg. Price   19.5M
    Winter pack count  2/4/2021 3269
    Winter pack bids 2/4/2021 2480
    Avg. Price   19.5M
    Winter pack count  2/5/2021 3203
    Winter pack bids 2/5/2021 2470
    Avg. Price   15.3M


    Thought some of you might find that interesting. The "count" doesn't include the seeded 10M packs the devs seeded. Those are player packs listed for resale. 


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  4. 2 hours ago, Grindingsucks said:

    Here's what I wish we would do:  Set up the regular play servers like the Beta server for a month or two and make all enhancements available for free.  Make it known that this is a temporary test to see how it affects game play and player retention.


    If the player base drops off, reset to normal, with the future goal of fixing the market bugs.  If it remains largely the same, and the player base remains and everyone is having a good time, then just have done with the buggy-ass player market and good riddance.

    Interesting. It's like that on the test server, and it remains largely empty. Granted, they may wipe characters from there on a whim, but if you get insta-50 and everything's free...only the badgers would be overly concerned, right? 
    I'd be curious how that would play out, but my suspicions are that 90% of the folks would quit after a week or two because there'd be fewer carrots to chase. But, again, I could certainly be wrong. 

  5. On 2/2/2021 at 2:34 PM, BurtHutt said:

    Cuz this is a GAME. It's not real life. I don't farm and just try and play the game. However, I want to make more high end builds and have made some uber builds but that costs a ton. I blame most of that on high priced enhancements. So, I put my enhancements on market for less than half of the recent averages. The casual player who just plays content cannot make the uber builds if they have altitis - yes, I have altitis...le sigh...


    I really don't get the greed in this game. Don't you get enough of that in the real world? I see threads where players have so much INF that they want new ways to spend it. I once suggested giving it away to friends and SG/VG mates etc - that suggestion was pretty much ignored. 


    Ah well, to each their own.  🙂

    I agree, to each their own. But let me share a few anecdotes about giving influence away. 

    Friend: Yeah, would love to find time to do some more hami raids. I need another winter set to finish this build. 
    Me: I can help you with that. What winter set you need? 
    Friend: The Avalanche set..they're so expensive! 
    Me: I got you, check your email. 
    Friend: What?! Thanks! You didn't have to do that! 
    Me: Small thing to a giant, lol. 

    So...a few days go by...he stops logging in. Been over a year now, he comes back in for issue 27. I ask him what happened, he tells me that he didn't have any more reason to play. Once I set him up with the winter set, he lost his motivation to play. He no longer needed merits. He no longer needed influence. He'd "finished" in his mind. 
    Now, sure, people are different. They stop playing for any number of reasons that may or may not have anything to do with getting a pile of inf or some expensive sets. 

    I can count on two hands in game friends who I've given 100M to 1B to that have stopped playing since I gave them influence. Yet, I can only think of two players I've given inf to that have continued to play, and one of them paid me back after 4 months. 

    I've thought about giving away my influence to various SG mates, etc - but I don't want to take away the reason for them to play. Sure, I can hear it now, "I won't quit, give me a billion or two!". But, I don't know that with any certainty, particularly if I don't know you now. 

    The idea of crafting things to sell them at a loss to reduce the cost for newer players, I get it. The SG I belong to has a base FILLED with Purples, ATOs, Winter-Os, and various pricy IOs. A few pick them out, replace them with various goods when they can. Some folks just dump dozens of purples because they have them. But most of the SG never touch them. I ask 'em, they tell me they'd feel funny taking things from the SG bin. I get it. Nobody wants to be seen as a leech. Your way let's them feel like they might have finally caught a break. 

    The thing is - you have no idea who's getting the break. I can almost guarantee you that it's not the newer/poor player that's getting your bargain, but an "ebil marketer". You're subsidizing and enabling the very greed you're against. 
    True - there might be one to two players out of every 50 or so items you put up that go where you'd like them. But if you've read through this section of the forums, there are dozen of players with low-ball bids on the goods you're selling. So, by all means, carry on! Just maybe think about it - I know it would take more time, but maybe if you sold the items for what most people seem to be willing to sell them for - you could help your friends/sg mates, etc even MORE. 

    I also grasp that if players like you don't sell cheap, the prices may creep upward. So - maybe I'm wrong. Certainly possible. Just thought I'd share a different perspective. 


    • Like 2
  6. Opinions will certainly vary. Some builds lend themselves to aiming for max recharge for a permanent power, like Dull Pain, Hasten, Domination or Overgrowth, etc. 

    But I'm inclined to agree with Yomo's comment above. When you first start your character, clearly you "need" everything - more hitpoints (health), more recovery, more damage, more defense, etc. 

    As I play, with the attacks I have, I notice when I want to start my attack chain if a power isn't recharged. I make a note to get more recharge. 
    I notice if I'm running out of endurance, I make a note to find a way to either reduce the endurance I use (end reduction enhancement in a power that uses the most, or pursue a set bonus that will either increase endurance points or increase recovery, or gives an endurance discount) 

    If I notice I'm dying or taking more damage than I think I should (it is rarely the case early on. Only when you get greedy by setting the difficulty too high, too soon, or are on a team with a team that isn't playing well together should this happen in the early levels) then I think about defense. Or, if not defense, then something that debuffs ToHit on the npcs, so I get hit less, which is the same as defense. 

    Mids is an excellent tool. But often a newer player sees a build and wants to try it - but the build is meant for a level 50, complete with incarnate powers. And it may be an excellent build at level 50 +3, but at level 16, it may truly suck, because the player that made the build had no intention of ever playing it at lower levels. Perhaps they didn't take a travel power until level 49, and it was an afterthought even then. What's worse, is some builds on these forums are for someone's unconventional playstyle and may be great for them, but for most other players, they're not so good. 

    I've a buddy in the sg - he uses recovery serum from p2w during his character's entire career. Even at 50+3, he uses that temp power. He doesn't want to waste a slot in stamina. That's him. But if others were to use his build and not use the temp, they'd be suffering and likely not having much fun. He's not wrong to do this. Nor does my not doing it wrong. 

    It's just different. There's no wrong way, but there are agreed on optimal ways to build a character - but those ways vary greatly. 
    Some make it a rule of thumb to always fit a Glad armor 3% def (all), a steadfast Protection 3% def (all), a shield wall 5% res (all), an unbreakable guard 7.5% max hp, kismet 6% accuracy (really it's a toHit bonus) and a perf shifter +end, Numina +regen/recovery, Miracle + recovery and Panacea +HP/Endurance. 

    Some aim for all of those and at least one winter set. Some aim for all of those and 5 purple sets, and 5 luck of the gambler 7.5% global recharge. There's a zillion ways to make the same character! Make one organically, and adjust your slots as you go. Respecs are fairly easy to get. For free every 10 levels. Can buy them from the AH for 1 million, or possibly less. Experiment. Enjoy the puzzle. 

    • Like 1
  7. I have never seen a hamidon reward table with 4 shards. I've seen 3 choices - random Hami-O, 4 Emp Merits, 80 reward merits (the first time, 40 each time after) 

    I get why a lot of folks don't "get" shards. For me, the game drops them, I want to use them. Get probably about 4 shards for every 20 threads from the RNG. Seems about the same drop rate for what's needed as the thread stuff - and since I can only use them in Alpha, it makes sense to use them. 
    I can easily t-4 a fresh 50 with influence to unlock all slots and burn through 400 emps to complete a characters incarnate path. But that wouldn't be much fun. 

    I see absolutely no reason to waste a perfectly good collection of Emp Merits on the t-3 and t-4 when I have plenty of shards to use. I rotate my characters a good bit, so it's not a headache for me to wait until the next weekly to get the next notice. So, the shard system for Alpha works for me and is far more efficient and practical than using threads which are best served by being saved for the other incarnate slots. You'll fill those much faster not using parts for the alpha, be assured. Once you get a t-3 in Alpha, it just doesn't make any sense at all to use threads - unless all you do is incarnate content. Not the case with me. Other than a few badge iTrials, I try to avoid it. It's just dull to me. Boring. Done it so many times already, I can't bare to do it that often unless doing a favor for someone. There's a lot more tf variety than iTrial. 

    But thanks for the list. Curious as to where you got it. 

  8. There are a number of components that can be crafted from shards. Without getting into the overdone debate on shards vs. threads, I'd like to determine which tfs grant which shard component. 

    For example, I know I can get an Ancient Nictus Fragment from an ITF. 

    Ancient Nictus Fragment - ITF
    Dimensional Keystone - ? 
    Essence of the Incarnate - ? 

    Gr'ai Matter - Vanguard Merit purchase (once per 18 hours) 
    Hero 1 DNA Sample - ? 
    Penumbra of Rularuu - ? 

    My guess is I can get a Hero 1 from completing the Lady Grey TF..but it's been so long since I've done one of those...and never really paid attention to any other reward besides merits..if there even is a table that pops up like after the ITF. 

    My "Search-fu" has proven inadequate. For all I know, this was just something in live that didn't make it to HC.  Anyone with insight? 

  9. Well...I'm not sure who thinks it costs anything to stash items in the AH. It doesn't. You aren't charged anything for placing items in the AH. We are charged a token fee for placing an item up for bid. If we priced it to high, we can remove it, place it for a lower price and pay a fee yet again. 

    That's the whole point behind the fee - to encourage the seller to place the item at a price it will sell. (in other words - reasonably priced or cheaper) 

    So..what's to be gained by removing the fee? 

    Struggling players wouldn't have to earn a certain amount before selling a generous gift. So that's useful. 
    Well-off players would become more well-off because they wouldn't pay fees. 

    Eh, for me, 6 in one hand, half dozen in the other. Doesn't matter to me. I would prefer not to pay the fees myself. But I'm sure everyone would prefer to not pay the fees. But, I'd rather pay the fees than find some buyer outside the market, so it's worth it to me. 

  10. Soo...how do I put this...
    Sometimes, I want a story arc from a contact. Sometimes, I don't want the arc. 

    Case in point - Maria Jenkins or Tina MacIntyre. 
    I might want Multi-Dimensional from Tina at level 41, but she is sure gonna have me take on some psychic Clockwork EB - no matter what. Fine. But the next mission - if you wanted multi-dimensional, there's a chance she may offer it. Or, she may offer something else. Or - she offers the arc. I accept, then abandon, ask again, and 20 times, always the arc. So I go and do it. 

    Maria Jenkins is the same. Infernal is first, regardless. That's fine. But when I ask "what else is going on" - why can't she cycle through the missions? She'll do that - but once she offers the arc - there is no choice but to do a patrol, or the arc. I don't want the arc, I want the shrouded mission. I know I can do the arc, and she'll eventually offer it. But what's the point of asking what else is going on, if she never does anything different? 

    Mind you - I'm fully aware I can get these missions through ouro. But on occasion, our SG does Accolade runs, and if they are too low, they can't participate. Also, if you're doing an ouro arc, and something like a Rikti raid happens, you're locked into the team you're on and it's a bit awkward trying to do miscellaneous things like that while in an ouro arc. 

    Would love it if there was a way to get these two contacts to yes, offer the arcs - but also offer the other missions, much the same way the two mayhem and safeguard mission holders offer theirs. Give us a list, please. 

  11. 11 hours ago, parabola said:

    This right here is where there is a huge difference in perception driving the two sides of this argument. People who view the game as primarily a solo game with an option for teaming are of course not going to be all that concerned about balance issues affecting teaming. They just want to be able to 'solo all the things'. But those of us who see CoH as an mmo first and foremost and who view teaming as the bedrock of the game (or at least feel it should be), tend to be those expressing concerns about how the team experience is being affected by powercreep.


    And don't misunderstand me, I play at odd times and really value being able to solo well in this game, but as far as I'm concerned soloing absolutely shouldn't be the balancing point. If the soloability of my characters takes a hit in a balance pass so be it, in my opinion the game would be healthier as a result. No one is suggesting that soloing is removed as an option, just that if people can solo at maximum difficulty it doesn't leave much room for teaming.

    I want you to know I do appreciate your perspective. When making decisions in the real world, I try to think of what the best choice is not only for me, but for my family. And not only for today, but next month, next year and so on. 

    As someone who's an officer in an SG, I completely understand that our community has a relatively large number of people who really, really want to team up doing...well, just about anything. They are almost thirsting for it. The pandemic may have some small measure of responsibility for that, but by and large, I think many people enjoy teaming with others more than doing content solo. If you have some amusing teammates, they can certainly make things more amusing than going the solo route. 

    But, I have to ask myself how I would feel if soloing were no longer as viable. But, ultimately, I have to cede the point that it doesn't matter how I would feel. What matters is the health of the game and the community as a whole. I'm afraid I don't have a solution beyond me not really seeing a tremendous need for any changes. 

    I do recognize there's a large spread between our speed runners and our "noob" or "newb" players. Heck, even a casual player is light years away from some of our speed runners who seem to flawlessly navigate through "cake rooms" (those bluish/gray cave maps) without muss or fuss. Some can't be bothered to improve to that level. Some can't approach that level due to just slow eye/hand coordination, and some lack the computer system to load pages fast enough to even think about speeding. And some just have fun hopping/flying/speeding/teleporting all over town and don't even try to kill anything. They take a free farm to get high enough to travel and are quite content to stay in Atlas and chatter for hours. 

    I just don't see how changing anything with IOs will change that gap, because it seems to be that mindset of the players is what's responsible for that gap, not the IOs they're slotted with. But what the heck do I know? Not much! 

    • Like 1
  12. On 11/22/2020 at 8:15 PM, The_Warpact said:

    So...I have a build for everything in game, GM killa, team player, solo, farmers, merit farmer, pvp, etc. I figured what better place to ask than here in the Badge section. 


    BUT, I don't have an AT in mind for a badger, and I seriously want to start one.

    I know you need heals, good aoe for defeat badges, survivability especially against AV/GM, pvp, etc.

    What do you use for your badger, I had a Demon/Therm MM in mind but, I'm unsure.



    You do not need to have ANY heals for healing badges. A rebirth destiny can handle those, either in an MSR, getting the badges organically, or camping on the marching soldiers in Mercy, effectively farming the badges. 

    In fact, you don't need any specific AT for badges. None of them are going to fare better than another for every badge. While something like a fire brute might be great for something like Tankbuster, most defeat badges aren't so easy to herd up and burn down. 

    I have an ice/ice blaster with all of them. 
    I have a fire/fire blaster that will have all of them, once Luna starts selling the anniversary badges in May. 
    I have a shield/mace tank that will have all of them in May as well. 

    My best advice is to find the AT powerset combo you like playing the most. Because you will have to play it a lot to get all the badges. 

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  13. I have a thought about this and feel it's worth sharing. 

    Let us assume (because we can) that HC had the resources to invest in the game and "balance" the game around IOs. What does that even look like? Does it assume everyone has IOs? Which IOs? 

    It's common knowledge that there are multiple options for slotting most of the powers with various IO sets. Some franken-slot, taking 2 IOs of one set, 2-3 of another, etc. 
    Some IOs are available at level 7, others not until 32 or even 50. 

    So what does "balance" mean in this context? All players shall be able to handle 3 NPCs at +0 difficulty? 

    I think some are forgetting the human part of this equation: Player skill level. 
    Yes, we all know there's the guy who takes a blaster that's kitted out and solo's ITF at +4/8 in some reasonable time frame with no temp powers or inspirations. 

    But have you thought about the guy who despite having the most optimum build he can get who can't get out of his own way? There are players who play this game so badly...it just boggles my mind how these folks are able to function in society - if they even do function. Maybe that's why they play this game, because if they go outside they might die from not looking both ways when they cross the road. Yes, and we also have players who may be quite smart, but lack the manual dexterity, the reaction time to mash their heal in a timely fashion. They lose the mouse cursor and can't execute the power fast enough. Some people use fingers on the number keys, others use a mouse. Boggles my mind how many options there are!

    We could have the most balanced game in the world, across all levels, across all ATs - (because we'd all play Spines/fire brutes, with identical builds because nothing would drop again and all powers would be automatically slotted with the same thing in the same order.) 
    Even if this happened and people kept playing for some reason, there would still be some players that could solo at +4/8 and others who would die at -1/1 in the same map and mission. 

    Some play this game better than I do. I play this game better than others. 
    How are you going to balance that? 

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  14. My framerate is usually about 60 fps...nothing spectacular, but certainly not worth complaining about in MSR. I know most everyone plays on different systems, and every system bottlenecks somewhere...but my guess would be this is a user-side issue. But with that many people having an issue...I dunno. 

  15. There is a command on beta to get you to 50 instantly. But a button or power to click on, instead of a user having to sift through the forums and finding the macro to do so would be useful. 

    And, candidly, it would be useful on regular servers as well. So many players just PL past 1-50 for whatever reason. I see no reason to not just let them do so. That would certainly remove a lot of characters out of the AE, and if need be, free up those resources that I hear AE uses up. 
    I don't think I'd use it that often, but it would certainly be useful to a lot of players. 

    • Like 1
  16. Even cheaper still! More profit for the farmer. My point was it is indeed worth crafting every uncommon and rare recipe you get. Craft, convert & sell (or keep if you can use it).

    I have been using Emp merits for converters so, other than doing courtesy buys of converters for sg folks, I haven't bought any from the AH in some time. It's so easy to make influence in this flavor of CoH once you know how. 

    • Like 1
  17. On 1/21/2021 at 5:10 PM, tidge said:

    Thunderstrike is an Uncommon recipe, so I don't think your example is proving that it was worth consuming Rare Salvage to craft Rare recipes.

    Sure it is; absolutely. Rare salvage is costing 400k now. And it's not like any farmer has to buy it. It drops freely in the missions. Perhaps not the one you need, but eventually it will. You can just craft what you can with what drops. You need never buy any salvage. 

    But let's say you did buy it ...500k because it's artificially cheaper than normal now at 400k "get it now" price. 

    Cost to craft:               490,400

    Rare salvage:              500,000
    Uncommon Salvage:     2000
    Common Salvage:           500
    Total:                         992,900

    Converters (costs can very): 70k per converter, average 15 converters per attempt to get something decent. 
    70,000 x 15 = 1,050,000 + 992,400 = 2,042,900                 

    Perf shifter + end = 3M, less 10% fee = 2,700,000 = 657,100 profit

    Granted, not a killing, but it's worth while especially if you're crafting and converting all your drops. And when you consider no smart farmer is buying any salvage because they all drop during the missions, it's even more profit. The only cost is the 490,400 for crafting, and the opportunity cost of converters, that you could sell for 70k each. 

  18. 5 hours ago, tidge said:

    I have never joined an AE farm to get XP, but here are my thoughts:

    • Lvl 50 Orange (rare) recipes have relatively little value compared to Common recipes. There are very few Rare recipes that are worth crafting, as opposed to crafting Uncommon recipes and converting. Presumably the request is being made about PVP recipes, see next bullet.
    • The request for PVP/Purple recipe drops I could almost understand, but I don't have much sympathy.

    My observed odds of these pieces dropping (for lvl 50+ characters) are approximately 1 per hour (either PVP or Purple) of near-constant x8 content. It feels like PVP recipe drops are slightly more frequent than Purple recipe drops, but that could just be personal observation bias. Increasing the level of enemy mobs above 50 does not increase the chance of drops.


    I have gotten Purple drops on characters below level 50, but this has only happened on characters where I could turn up the number of enemies prior to level 50 and I was running (solo) a lot of arc missions relatively close to each other (basically, Portal Corp missions from Unai Kemen or Maria Jenkins)... and running such content usually ends up with a level 50 character PDQ, so there aren't many hours of this activity below level 50.


    So.... since AE missions aren't going to get more spawns, I can sort of understand why a farmer would "beg" for any PVP or Purple drops, because the "one lucky drop" might go to a different player. The reasons that I'm not so sympathetic are:

    • "Purple drops are not guaranteed"
    • Any level 50 player can run non-AE content for merits and/or a (better personal) chance a "lucky" drop
    • I expect that typical AFK farmer builds are unlikely to be doing that much in an AE farm mission anyway, so just how much reward is expected for so little effort?

    If the farm build is fully kitted with enhancements, why even ask for a PVP/Purple recipe drop as payment? It's not as if there is supposed to be an arbitrary limit on the amount of "paying it forward" there is by letting people door-sit for XP and/or Influence. If a newly leveling toon gets a good drop, let 'em keep it.

    I think you are underestimating the value of a rare (orange) recipe. 
    Sure, they vend/sell for only 10k at level 50, and they cost 490,400k to craft. But they are worth far more than the piddly 100k you get for a common. They are worth essentially as much as someone is willing to pay for them. 
    In my experience, once I convert them from uncommon to rare, then to a better selling one. 
    (Thunderstrike: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge successfully converted to Devastation: Damage/Recharge) and then from
     Devastation: Damage/Recharge successfully converted to Performance Shifter: Endurance Modification
    Performance Shifter: Endurance Modification successfully converted to Performance Shifter: Chance for +Endurance. (sells for about 3m)

    My farmer does this for every uncommon drop. And for every rare drop that doesn't sell well. Yes, it "costs" me converters, but converters are free for any farmer, as emp merits drop freely. When you hit a vet level where they don't drop in high enough numbers to keep up, you re-roll a farmer. Very simple. (1 emp merit = 30 converters - can get 400 emp merits from vet level 3 to 99 = 12k converters) 

    That said, it sure isn't for everyone. It's not even for most farmers. Most just vendor/sell that stuff, and go on the next map. To each their own. 
    When I do "recycle" a farmer, they all get a couple of purples in their run to level 50. I can just about guarantee it. 

    So to me - it's why I don't share a farm. But if I were, I think handing over the good drops is a fair deal, even though I would never charge it, as there'd be no way to definitively know if they got anything. And it is kind of a cheesy thing to do. Certainly doesn't seem heroic. But, it's not like I'm under the delusion that my thoughts are typical. 



  19. The towering inferno badge stumps me to this day. My understanding was one of the original devs had stated that there was no place a character couldn't get to with whatever travel power they chose. With no jet pack, and having combat jump and SS, I've yet to get to the top of that building. I'd thought I could hop up, maybe catching a foot hold or two on the window sills, but no such luck. 

  20. Opinions are definitely going to vary. My thoughts are - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Last I looked, it wasn't broken. 
    There's a reason the cap was put in place. Respect it. 

    There is no reason to raise it that can't be refuted by some philosophical argument or another. (and the converse is true) 

    I say that not to be contrary, but imagine this: 

    Assume no obstructions. 
    Two ships on a parallel path north, side by side. If the ship on the west (left on your imaginary map) takes an ever so slight turn of 1 degree to the west, it's barely noticeable at first. 

    After a time, though, the two ships are quite far apart. 

    So why this nautical tale? I picture the ship on the left to be HC CoH, and the ship on the right to be the CoH from shut down. We keep these changes up, and the game is drastically different from what it was. It's already changed so much, and some of these changes while fun in the short term for some, have led to disappointment for others. 

    Fortunately, the game is still free for us to use. And we have the right to see if the way others servers do things is more to our liking. At this point, for me, I have a lot of time invested in HC CoH already and prefer not to go elsewhere. But I don't want to see all these changes taking place, just so a tank can herd the Eden trial into one room and a blaster can go Nova and explode a small fraction of the hundreds trying to eat the inedible tank. Sure it's fun, but it's only fun a few times, then it's kind of dull. (but that is likely just me)

    Do we really want to go back to a time when the only viable ATs are those that can herd and those than can nuke? I don't. 

    Some may argue that a tank should be able to grab aggro off of a wayward teammate that gets into trouble. I respect this view - but isn't it time we placed responsibility on the shoulders of these careless players? Pay attention people! If the team splits because some of you aren't following the tank - it's not the tank's fault. They are not responsible for you anymore than the defenders/corruptors/controllers/MMs are to heal/buff you. (or those with incarnate destinies). You have inspirations in your tray for a reason. Use them if you can't pay attention.  //end  rant. 

    Thank you. I feel much better now. 

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