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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. If memory serves, you can run an SSA the first time on a character for 20 merits, then run it again for 20 more, then wait a week, run one for 20 merits once a week thereafter. 

    However, many are not thinking that redside has their own version of the SSA...the first one is almost the same mission, and you don't even have to fight the CoT boss, but agree to work with him. (but you will have more than just Echinae to deal with in the last mission) 

    Why not run both? An easy matter to see Null and switch. 

    But for me, the best bang is Apex/Tin Mage. 80 merits in 20-25 minutes. 30 if your team isn't quite up for speedy runs. 40 if they are a bit sluggish, but still competent. 
    Second is the hami raids. 3 runs for 160 merits, in less than an hour - discounting the horrible wait for leagues to assemble. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Appreciate it - there is a Settings button for HC launcher. I clicked on it, and it gave the Install Location, and I found what I needed there. Popmenu changes are now working. 


    Now, I can zip right towards the Chasers, the Security? and the vines in this week's weeklies a bit faster. 


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  3. The macro I used before is nothing like that. 
    It's simply /macro TAR popmenu Target

    Which makes no sense to me why it works, I just know it works with Tequila. And it worked with HC Launcher, until I changed it. Well, it still works, it just doesn't reflect the changes. I even deleted the .mnu file, and yet it still works without the changes, presumably because HC Launcher copied it to some other place. 

    In any event, thanks for the replies, I'll hunt it down.


  4. So..I got a new M2 hard drive, because my other SSD is about 5 years old, and only 250GB, so I wanted more space. No issues with installation of the drive. So, the first thing I installed on the new drive (which is just more storage for my system - not doing anything special with it, like making it a boot drive - at least, not yet), was the new HC launcher. 

    Works fine. 
    But when I went to make changes to my targeting popmenu...I look in my new drive and ...all I see is the launcher. No idea where any of the other game files are. 
    I would have thought the launcher would have installed the game files it needed into the new drive location, where the HC launcher is. I suppose I can always uninstall it, re-install it and pay closer attention. 

    But, before I do that - is there somewhere else I should be looking? When using HC launcher - if I change the pop menu file - no changes occur. It's still accessing the old popmenu file. I even deleted it - and apparently it copied it over, because when I logged off, re-verified, and came back on, it still found the old popmenu file, but not the new one. I log on with tequila, it found the new file. 

    So, gonna run with tequila until I can find where HC launcher is stashing the copies of the popmenu. 

  5. 3 hours ago, AsbestosBill said:

    I was today years old when I learned this macro is a thing, I've been playing the game wrong this whole time. 

    Did you also know there's this thing called "Popmenu"? Not only can you make a target macro - but you can make them "on the fly"! 

    You should be able to copy this file down in the C:\Homecoming CoH\CoH\data\texts\English\menus folder and log off, close the game, re-log and then access the pop menu with this macro: 
    /macro TAR popmenu Target


    It's by no means complete - I'm still working on some of it. A friend helped me get it to this point. But, for now, it does function, and it does make a macro on the fly, and if it's not the target I need, I can edit it a lot faster than making it from scratch. 


  6. 8 hours ago, Shocktacular said:

    What have YOU learned the hard way?

    To not buy rare or very rare incarnate salvage. So many tabs in the incarnate management windows...I never thought to click on Emp Merit rare or very rare tabs to use 8 or 30 emp merits for the respective pieces of incarnate salvage. 

    I didn't screw up and buy the very rare once, mind you - but twice before someone told me of my mistake - just by happenstance. I wasn't even smart enough to pose the question, just happened to read someone else's question in the help channel and saw the answer. I can laugh now...but last year, 100 million was a LOT. I even sent a petition because I had no idea where my inf went. I never even noticed there was a cost! I just had the rares, but needed a very rare, and clicked the button to get it. 

  7. Not sure if this is the right place..but, if not, feel free to move it. 

    Regarding the HC Launcher - I believe the size of the widgets for download (the down arrow) and the submenu (the 3 dots to get at Verify/Settings/Uninstall) should be larger. I barely noticed them. 

  8. Thanks, Jacke. The "buttons" to click on to get the Beta downloaded was smaller than I would have expected. 

    It's not very intuitive to me to figure out how to get into the game - though I did figure it out. The little arrow on the right should probably be larger - but I am more than a bit off with my eyesight. 


  9. On 10/28/2020 at 10:16 AM, Grindingsucks said:

    Everything on the market except white salvage is overpriced, IMO.  I post everything I get for 1 insp, because it's the most efficient way to dump and sell my items and get out of the market (a task which I find indescribably boring, sucking my time from other parts of the game) quickly.  If that happens to lower overall prices to a reasonable level (which I highly doubt), so much the better (from my perspective).


    Other people feel differently, of course, and they're entitled to their opinion.



    You say you find it boring and a time sink. Opinions definitely vary. I find kill alls to be dull and a time sink. Because I market well, I don't have to do them. We both win! And guess who just bought that rare recipe you sold for inf for 3k? Me! I crafted it, converted it, and sold it for 5M. And I can do this all day. I'm so glad you find it dull. Guys like me would probably quit if you charged a reasonable price for the items you unload on the AH for 1 inf. 

  10. 10 hours ago, Snarky said:

    I am running a solo all Redside project and have rounded the corner from 10-14 to 15-19.  woot.


    Maybe i am just getting lucky but I seem to b getting s lot good recipe drops, like 10 so far.  


    Am I just really getting RNG love, did they increase the drop rate, or have I judt forgotten how often this stuff drops?  (been gone a few months, international spy biz and all)

    It could be Ouro day job, or it could very well be you've forgotten. And some characters are just luckier than others with the rng love. 

  11. On 10/31/2020 at 11:00 PM, fitzsimmons said:

    Born in Battle requires the Ironman badge, requiring you to take a million points of damage.  This only promotes damage farming.  By the time I hit 50 I often have less than 500k points of damage taken.


    Can this be lowered to 100,000?


    For your consideration.




    I'm not a mind reader, but I suspect the old devs had imagined those few players who didn't alt much, if at all, and would play their characters so often that they would eventually get the badge organically. 
    Then players began to really like the badges, and pursue them, making it almost a game within the game. A somewhat healthy competition ensued, having some badge characters really think outside the box, like longbow wardens in the arena giving them credit for healing badges. 

    Yes, farming for damage, or heals, or anything is repetitive and tedious. This isn't up for debate. It's a fact. But is it really a bad thing? Back in the day, a villain would have opted to do the tip missions and change morality, and get that accolade on blue side; it's easier/faster now with Null the Gull - if it's just the accolade your after. A team of 8 can start at villain/rogue, end up as vigilantes/hero and get all 4 passive accolades in an hour easily. 

    Let's also consider the players who may have gotten those badges organically. I can't imagine who they'd be...but they are out there. And how would they feel, knowing you just got the same badge for doing 1/10th of what they did? Let's also consider those who have farmed the damage before you. Suddenly, the time they spent farming damage is wasted; yes they still have the badge, but they had to spend more time than you to get it. Is that fair? I think not. 

    Go blue side, get your accolade. Get t-4'd in your pursuit of great power. Work on ALL the other badges (if that's your thing) and see where you are when nothing is left but the big ones - Damage dealt, damage taken, inf earned, recipes rejected. The heal badges- with the soldiers at Mercy are trivial now. The stun/mez badges are also rather simple, once you determine the method best for you. 
    You'll find you have to farm a lot less from having played organically. 


  12. This is interesting to me. For the first time, I've made a corruptor with dark secondary. Or anything dark, really. It's just so ...yucky. The sound effects, the graphics. They are all less then pleasant to view, imo. Anyway, I finally decided to take the time and do something at character creation and change some of the colors, even if the sounds are still less then pleasant. I can always turn the sounds down. 

    Anyway - I would open with tar patch and Howling night...and find despite level 12 SOs, and the "beginner's luck" and my kismet 6% toHit IO slotted, I still miss a lot more than I ever did on my fire/rad corruptor. 

    I completely get the inherent bias I likely have - where I remember the misses more clearly than the hits. But man, it seems this ice/dark corruptor is just a whiffing machine. Miss, miss, miss....

    I miss so much I feel like I'm in a diner and and the server is deaf and doesn't hear me. Miss, miss, miss, MISS! ...I still miss. 

    No, I don't miss 5x in a row, but anytime I debuff, I miss more than when I don't, and that is a fact. I stopped using tar patch and howling night, and I fare much better. Perhaps it's just anecdotal and perception bias. I imagine that's what it is. But, man, it's a stinker secondary so far. I don't see the attraction. It's certainly true for me. Debuffs make me miss. (yeah, I checked - those two powers don't impact the npc's toHit, but they certainly seem to impact mine!)

    I start off with freeze ray...and miss! lol

  13. When I would go downrange (when I was in the service) we would have an awful lot of down time. I liked to read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Destroyer_(novel_series). The dialogue by Chiun used to crack me up. They went a little off track some time after issue 100..but I'm thinking it was because the co-authors stopped working together. Maybe one of them died, I forget, it's been a long time. 

  14. If it is helpful to you, I'll pay 70k a piece for 30k converters. Whatever server you like. (though I may need to make a character on Reunion or Indomitable if that's where you're at)

    I can get them cheaper, but it would save me a lot of tedium of bidding and collecting. Pm me here, or in game @ukase

    After further review, it may have looked like I was offering 70k inf for 30k converters, so I fixed that. And this goes for anyone. You have up to 30k converters, I'll buy them for 70k, each. May take some toon swapping as I think 10k is the cap we can hold. 

    I dunno if I really want to hold on to more than that, as we never truly know what changes the devs have in store for us. My hami tanks still have a ton of reward merits, and the winter packs will certainly add to the stack, should they go on sale as expected. 

    I should also add - the offer expires on 11/7/2020. No telling how long folks might try to hold me to this, particularly if the bottom drops on them and they start selling for 50k.


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  15. I've been sifting through the PPM spreadsheet, and I have finally made a character with a dark servant. 

    Thing is...it doesn't take pet IOs, so I'm guessing it's classified as a psuedo pet. If that is the case, then what would be the radius? Mids doesn't give a value for that in this case. 

    Is it still a case where every 10 seconds it will have a chance to proc? Thanks. 

  16. 3 hours ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    You left out "because it's more fun slaughtering all the things."


    Also, I don't think you've actually done the math.

    Fair enough to think that. And you'd be right, except for the merits. I did tally those up. Even with the diminished returns running multiples in one day, it's more than the 26 you get for 1 run. 

    lol, I don't even like hearing the screaming loonies in the speed run, let alone taking the time to listen to all of those crazy legionarii folk. 

    Fun is subjective, so yeah, go ahead if that's your idea of fun. I'll be on to the next tf while you're having your fun. 


  17. Here's my two cents: 

    Never do a kill most. Even if you need XP. Just do more speed itfs. The math is clear - you get more xp in doing 60 minutes of speed itfs than 1 kill most itf. You get more drops. Why? because the lts, bosses, elites have greater chances of dropping than minions, and in speed runs, you defeat a higher percentage of the higher ups. (overall - some runs may vary). You certainly get more merits. 

    These folks that do kill most itfs are either doing it for thematic/rp reasons, or they just haven't done the math. 

    That said: 
    Speed Run ITF - sub 10 minutes - but that's a Team of dedicated speeders, with powersets/ATs optimized for ITF. 

    Speedy run ITF - 10-15 minutes. 

    Casual Run ITF - 20-30 minutes. 

    Kill Most ITF - Cut yourself. Wake up, do some math. But if you must, 45 - 60 minutes. 

  18. 6 hours ago, Elmyder said:

    Sounds like this is about Synapse? I soloed Synapse in 29 mins (screenshot in the previous page). A team of 3 beat me by about a minute or two iirc. So sub 30 is possible. I personally expect a duo to achieve the best possible time. Getting into the low 20s should be possible. When I review my video, I can add up all the tiny mistakes I made an estimate what an ideal run could have looked like. It's at least like 3 minutes faster.


    Thing with Synapse though, is that map rng is big. Some of the kill all maps are much smaller than others. I restarted the tf like 10 times in a row the night I did my sub 30 run.

    This is why you are a genuine speeder and I'm not, lol. I'm not concerned with getting the fastest time ever - I just don't want to waste time. If I had 100 dollars for every time I clicked exit instead of using the sg macro or an ouro portal...I couldn't retire, but I could eat a lot more steak! 

    The very idea of resetting because you got a bad map....

    On a solo Dr. Q, ( I think it was Dr. Q) I had cleared the map I thought - mission wouldn't end. Had to be a spawn there somewhere. I spent more than 20 minutes looking in every possible place I could think of. Finally, I just logged off to reset it - completed it. My next run through, on a different character, the map was half the size. I think it's the first time I noticed, outside of the Rescue the Fortune Teller mission that maps may be different for some missions. 

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