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Everything posted by Dragone

  1. I would love this too
  2. AT - Controller Set - Earth/Electric affinity Bug - I have 3 +4 prot vs KB totaling 12 mag protection. However when I check under combat attributes status Effect Protection it shows mag 0. It doesn't matter what set I use or where I place it the number doesn't change from zero.
  3. Ok, I re-validated the regular patch manifest and was able to log in. I logged out, re-validated the beta manifest and was able to get into beta HOWEVER I cannot use the beta manifest to log into the regular game I have to re-validate the regular patch to do that.
  4. I re-validated the Beta manifest and can log into Beta but cannot log into the regular game
  5. I have posted this in bug report but no responce yet so thought I would ask in here. Is any one able to log in? I have tried, repatched, validated, rebooted my computer and I keep getting this error " Wrong game version, run patcher and reconnect, server 20200229_844, client 20200218_775"
  6. I am getting the same error. Is there a new patcher to put in the launcher ? this is the error I am getting " Wrong game version, run patcher and reconnect, server 20200229_844, client 20200218_775"
  7. Thank you guys for all your hard work 🙂
  8. Thank you I will check all these out 🙂 Robots have -reg?
  9. I am wanting to try and build a "foe -reg" character. Want is a good power set/combo for doing this?
  10. You are correct, that is what I had tried. I just now tried again to rename him and was successful so I think what Frostbiter said is right, there is a delay 🙂
  11. I had a toon with a name I wanted on a different account. I deleted the first toon and tried to rename the other one. I keep getting the message that the name is already taken. I logged back into the other account, remade the toon and was able to get the name. I then went to character select and renamed it to something else. I then logged into the account I want the name on and STILL get the "The name is already taken" message. Is there something going on with the naming server?
  12. Thank you this helped tremendously! My list is now how I wanted it 🙂
  13. I try to move my characters on the list so my highest is on page one at the top. I tried to do that with a new toon but when I log off and back on it is back on the last page at the bottom. None of the toons stay where I move them to. Is this a known issue or is a setting been changed I need to correct?
  14. I try to move my characters on the list so my highest is on page one at the top. I tried to do that with a new toon but when I log off and back on it is back on the last page at the bottom. None of the toons stay where I move them to. Is this a known issue or is a setting been changed I need to correct?
  15. Sweet thank you 🙂
  16. My question is this. I know it will teleport the whole raid to me....will it also work on just a team or does it only work on raids? In other words, can I use it like Assemble the team?
  17. Seems there are fewer players on in the last few days. Is it just my imagination or has anyone noticed this?
  18. I just thought it strange that it can draw more agro than a tank using taunt
  19. It seems Fulcrum Shift pulls more agro than a tank. I had a stone tank in the team spamming taunt and I hit fulcrum Shift and pulled all the mobs onto me and instantly died. I thought this was a one off fluke, however we tested it the rest of the night and this happened 100% of the time. I earned 5 of 6 debt badges in 2 hours that night. Is this normal or is something not working right with FS?
  20. I do have a problem with the nerf to DFB. I love making alts, I love running them, I DON'T like having to run the same missions over and over again to level up "the normal way". Who cares if Bob the builder over there is leveling to 50 quickly using DFB. It doesn't take away from YOUR enjoyment of the game. I keep seeing people say it's not right that DFB has that much exp in it. News flash folks....no one is holding a gun to your head and saying you must run DFB until your 50. You don't want the exp then don't run dfb. I hate when gaming companies do this. Someone complains that Bob is getting too much exp and leveling too fast so the company nerf's those missions. Again....why? Why can't you let other people enjoy the game THEY want to instead of forcing them to play it YOUR way! Here's another news flash folks....we have no idea how long we will be able to play COX. I would rather see everyone running around with a lvl 50 than feel the heartache again of losing a character because it will take a month or more to level to 50 only (GODS forbide this happens) to have the game shut down. Please....stop telling me how I have to play the game, just let me and others enjoy the experience OUR way. Would you like it if the way you play was removed so you were forced to play it a way you didn't agree with?
  21. They are a non profit. At most NCSoft would make them stop and sue them for the profits that were made which (assuming they are running the non profit correctly) is 0. They, NCSoft, could add in their losses. Also 0. But I'm not even an amatuer about legal stuff. Just a guess. if the guy from titans network succeds with his negotiations and they have to pay a monthly fee for there licensed fan server, NCSoft could even claim losses If they do come to an agreement, couldn't Homecoming then lease a licence from them?
  22. Words fall woefully short in expressing my wifes and my gratitude for all the hard work you and your team are doing! Thank you for bringing our City back to life!
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