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Sir Paladin

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Everything posted by Sir Paladin

  1. I very much enjoyed the show; was it great? No but had me vested and that is what matters. Cast was great and agree with the post that having in a different low-key setting was a breath of fresh air. Also looking more forward to Born Again.
  2. I have the same issue and really annoying to check to see what badge your missing.
  3. Big Godzilla fan and very much looking forward to seeing this. Ss for Apple+ program I must say I enjoy bunch of shows. Silo and Foundation were great; See is also entertaining though I need to watch the last season. Yes while season 3 of Ted Lasso was not as strong, over all I very much enjoyed the series (huge soccer fan). Though if it was not for MLS I would cancel my subscription and treat like Netflix which is only subscribe every so often for a month at a time.
  4. What I would like is the option to start at say level 22; personally, I am tired of the low-level game. Majority of players have been around for years and would probably enjoy starting at a higher level especially in trying a new powerset combo; in seeing if you enjoy the new character or not.
  5. Great; handle is Hunter Paladin and will hit you up when next in game.
  6. Hi Emerald, your SG still active? I am seeking a group to team with. Also you might remember my cousin from back in the day, Valkarye.
  7. I very much enjoyed the season while not perfect I was satisfied and want more of the Rebel characters. Ahsoka and Andor are by far the best Star War shows in my opinion. Only real issue I have is that the title character really is not the main part of the story while more of a continuation of Rebels, Also very sad that Stevenson passed away as I thought he was great as Baylan and would have like to seen more of the character (bit disappointed that he had a small part in the final). Will there be a season 2 or we need to wait for this movie that Filoni producing to wrap up the Thrawn storyline?
  8. Any SG around? Looking for a group that is active for teaming. Not really a RP player but can go with the flow. PST time zone and on far to often;)
  9. I came back to the game about 4 months ago and started solo mostly but now I prefer to team; mainly because I want to get to 50:) (The second time around I want to level as many different powerset combo as I can while I am still able to play). I transferred to Everlasting just because it is a more popular server and have acquired three cool people to global friends. Pretty much all my teaming is from TF's or PUGs (which no one really talks). I have solo base but those are mostly just for vaults and teleport pads. I do like to find more players to regularly team up with, idle chit chat and cruise though missions. I have no life so currently in Paragon a lot at the moment (which will change and evolve over the coming months). So anyone on Everlasting looking for someone to team with at times give @Hunter Paladin a poke.
  10. Having originally played COH was launched I was sad when the game closed. Though couple days ago I came across an article about old games and was very excited that COH is still around. Created an account and began running around Paragon with a new scrapper. Memories began to resurfaces and excited to try all the new features. Main issue is I am playing on an older Surface so lag is a big issue most of the time. Going to play for a week then decide if want to keep playing (have time, ETC.) and if so will need to get a new laptop while contributing/donating funds. Appreciative to those that are continuing the only MMO I very much enjoyed so I can indulge more of my superhero love.
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