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Everything posted by CienFuegos

  1. ok...tuesday puts a ear out is this any better? sips coffee
  2. combs his hair and one hair stands straight up...yep monday
  3. i been VORPED@@! ( havea good day at therapy Crystal 😃 )
  4. eep! takes to kitty hospital.....shave all the fur off
  5. I wuz framed look....feeds bottle to Becky nutin happened
  6. fills a bowl with chocolate donut holes
  7. Exits returns with 100 chocolate doughnuts
  8. sets up camera facing donuts adds extra sprinkles
  9. comes in with 100 pink doughtnuts... puts them near fedor
  10. gnaws on the milkbone while reading a book on deadly poisons to put in donuts
  11. come back after being splooshed by hazmat team... ill get my revenge fedor
  12. fills a bathtub with frosted flakes and milk 2% jumps in
  13. how about a riddle on where to find the yellow duck ?
  14. yay kites.... turns on rookery air conditioning system to windy high
  15. ya she aint a bat... follows becky in the kite
  16. Ouch Bat Sack! ..bonks with a rubber mallet giggling madly
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