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Everything posted by CienFuegos

  1. shoves a piece of toast with vegemite into hugbert mouf
  2. What's bad about Vegemite? Vegemite is high in sodium — one teaspoon contains 5 % of your daily recommended value. This can negatively impact blood pressure and increase the risk of heart disease.
  3. @HugbertTHE US has banned Vegemite, even to the point of searching Australians for jars of the spread when they enter the country. ... Kraft spokeswoman Joanna Scott said: "The (US) Food and Drug Administration doesn't allow the import of Vegemite simply because the recipe does have the addition of folic acid.
  4. pounces fedor and includes him in the vegemite toast mosh as they begin rolling down a hill.....they turn into a toast ball...
  5. mmm toast .... noms his way out btw @SoylentPlaid its * ninjaFairyKittybadPunWhatBadPunVanish*
  6. noooo not me furance,,,soooo cold...turns into a puppysicle~
  7. its chilly today it almost 55!...collects rooks feathers and begins making a down feather blanket turns on oven and thermostat to 75 sends bill to @Hugbert and @rookery.
  8. would you want him for Mr fantastic? he looks like reed richards to me more than black bolt
  9. ty for all the donators and the people who work behind the scenes for keeping prices about the same
  10. very good information ty @Nerva and @Hugbert
  11. Puppeh lifts one ear and looks confuzzled a whatis?
  12. how do you remove them and where do you look ?
  13. ya i dont getthe bad reviews i think it great im looking foward to spiderman im hoping to see it this week
  14. OUCH!!!....calls the ninja fairy kat nurse Becky
  15. grabs a trick arrow and shoots a net at his feet
  16. does this work for picking the purple Krow?
  17. puts a little santa hat on becky and a beard
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