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  1. if I had to guess, since the possibility of adding more auras was established awhile back, I'm guessing that there's no desire to go forward with the idea. Maybe because it would render many of the extra aura options gained through prismatic aethers pointless and no one would spend 250 of them for each aura obtained.
  2. So should we also get nonspellcasting options for the sorcery pool for people that want the powers without ruining their tech, natural or science theme also?' Ideally everything should have alternate options because more options is always better.
  3. Yes, please, for the power buffs. But only for those can fight. The noncombat NPCs should not be able to become uber-monsters just because they were hit with a tomato. I'm pretty sure most NPCs can't be targeted with snowball, but trainers can and it would be lots of fun to see them hit back with a fury that dwarfs the power of the well itself. For those other NPCs that can be targeted, let them be taunted and turn into moderate threats but be unable to be targeted as hostiles while they slowly whittle a tomato-thrower down. The only way to get them off your back is to run away.
  4. Obviously to put them on global ignore so that they can never be invited again. Also possibly ridiculed later. When are we going to get a throw tomato action to show our disdain for an individual? It would be like the snowball but available year round. It's effectively harmless, but add a strong taunt effect to it for when it's used on enemy NPCs. No, in fact, let it also taunt friendly NPCs into being a temporary enemy. Would be nothing funnier than seeing Ms. Liberty put the smack down on someone throwing tomatoes at her. Showing disdain for the police drones? **ZAP**
  5. The winter event starts 2 weeks before winter begins and ends 2 weeks into winter. The Halloween event starts a month before Halloween and usually persists a few days after. The summer blockbuster used to be a summer event but was made an all-year-long thing. Why should spring be any different by making sense?
  6. Asking if anyone higher level is not bait and switch or even an issue. It's offering the option for higher level people to retain more of their powers. If you are one of those higher level people with the mentality that if you wanted to lead you would have recruited, then don't volunteer. Unless the star is forced on you, I don't see an issue with the recruiter asking.
  7. The only wind control will be the gag on the person saying such nonsense.
  8. Every power can be acquired in a variety of ways.
  9. Psychic is a mutation, the individual's mind has deviated from the normal evolution, or perhaps the deviation is that the normal evolution happened too soon. Psychic is magical, both an indicator of the individual's mental discipline and a manifestation of the arcane forces they're capable of tapping into. Psychic is science, using chemicals or radiation to unlock the potential for mental powers possessed by the individual. Psychic is technology, specifically psi amplifiers that help an individual channel the power of their thoughts into tangible effects. Psychic is natural; everyone of the individual's species possesses these abilities to some degree, though some might not be as talented or even aware of it.
  10. Psychic is a mutation, the individual's mind has deviated from the normal evolution, or perhaps the deviation is that the normal evolution happened too soon. Psychic is magical, both an indicator of the individual's mental discipline and a manifestation of the arcane forces they're capable of tapping into. Psychic is science, using chemicals or radiation to unlock the potential for mental powers possessed by the individual. Psychic is technology, specifically psi amplifiers that help an individual channel the power of their thoughts into tangible effects. Psychic is natural; everyone of the individual's species possesses these abilities to some degree, though some might not be as talented or even aware of it.
  11. Not at all; just quoted the OP for the reference showing the double adjective titles in use rather than making some up to make a point
  12. I find the overuse of titles to be a disturbing trend. Like, sure go ahead and use a title if it suits your character, but when I see characters with doubled up titles like what you're showing, such as The Famous Fabulous Ice Minstrel Showstopper, I'm generally not thinking, "Ooh, someone put thought into their character," I think that's someone overthinking the process. The Legendary Mythic Heraclea? Which is it, legendary or mythic? Even if it is both, is it both in equal measure? I remember reading The Amazing Spider-man and The Spectacular Spider-man comics... but they never made The Amazing Spectacular Spider-man for a reason.
  13. Other plays on the Terminator name to try: Turninator - use with the super speed power of Whirlwind Germinator - plant controller Kermitator - frog theme Blastinator - any blaster set, but guns seem like a good fit Demonator - demons MM Illusionator - illusions control/dom Smasinator - super strength or war mace Slasinator - broad sword, claws, dual blades, katana/ninja blade, savage melee Zappinator - electric
  14. You just can't save some people, especially from themselves
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