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TheMoneyMaker last won the day on March 4

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  1. Tried to make something with an epic sound. "Science & Tech vs Mutation & Myth": https://suno.com/song/466b67c9-42cb-4e54-bd23-74d65329a2c9?sh=usQqViLrW8cWSjH1
  2. A heavy metal ode to a sewer trial. "Death From Below": https://suno.com/song/468503ff-8bdb-4d0e-869a-3c011b6516ce?sh=1cj0sgWHKihmRceq
  3. Side note: you can edit your song details to add notes and upload your own image to replace the AI image created with the song.
  4. Something not character-specific for everyone. This one goes out to everyone looking for a team. "Team Up or Shut Down": https://suno.com/song/dbbf224a-59e7-44d2-95db-6d43d62833b9?sh=Bbd7jgAOCW4VXfIp
  5. Everyone has ideas on how to fix regen, but there's only one thing really wrong with it. Other power sets let you resist or avoid damage, but the point of regen is just recover from it, and our favorite comics regenerator embraces getting hit and knowing it's going to hurt because it lets him get in close for those brutal claw attacks. Regen doesn't need more resistance or healing or absorb.....it needs a damage buff. Your damage mitigation is increased ability to take down your foes faster.
  6. I do think there is such a thing as mildly obsessive, just like some people can be mildly insane or mildly murderous or mildly satisfied. I do understand the word, but I think you lack imagination and perceive things as all or nothing extremes. Are we done making broad judgements of each other's ability to comprehend ideas?
  7. Is there a comprehensive list of abbreviations for all the TFs, trials, mission arcs, and other content that people broadcast in LFG, General, and other channels that actually explains what they mean?
  8. Half of this game is city of villains, so I just wish things could be a bit villainier from time to time. Technically more than half when you account for the praetorian side of things with neither resistance nor loyalists being especially heroic
  9. I'm kind of unhappy with the lack of it, hence my bringing it up
  10. I never assumed anyone plays like me. I said that the way I try to experience all content is to spread it around on different characters and that I don't understand the people who are obsessed. Merriam-Webster definition of obsession: a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling broadly : compelling motivation That seems to define a good deal of people who go out of their way to pack as much content experience into a single character as possible. There are different levels of obsession, from mild to all-consuming. It's also a tad rude of you to assume that someone doesn't know the definition of a word just because they used it in a way that you're not happy or comfortable with.
  11. That's not the sauce code, just an image of the sauce code. There's more layers than what you see on the surface at a glance.
  12. Chuck Norris also has unique IO enhancements, like Roundhouse Kick, Intimidating Stare, and Beard Fist. Each enhancement in the sets acts as every type of enhancement all at once, so the Roundhouse Kick set is effectively 6 Acc, 6 Dmg, 6 Def, 6 Resist, 6 Heal, etc. and they all grant pre-ED levels, so you don't have to worry about 6 slotted powers. Each set is Unique, but Chuck Norris can slot them in every power, ignoring the one of each limit on unique enhancements, and the set bonuses stack beyond the normal limit of 5 of a given type. What are the set bonuses? They are insane, that's what. Everyone is a proc the proc rate is at will.
  13. I'm more of a smelfungus, and maybe a little bit of a slubberdegullion. But my favorite insult among those lists is mediocrist.
  14. Anything other than casual play borders very close to or very plainly is obsession. Badge collecting? Obsession Level 50 goal? Obsession All the content? Obsession Farming? Obsession Multiple similarly named characters with different AT/power combinations to represent one character having many forms or more powers? Obsession Costume contests? Obsession Base building beyond basic functionality? Obsession Level to 50 and avoiding debt? Obsession Accumulating perma-debt to stave off level 50 as long as possible? Obsession Trying to get upskirt pics of Ms Liberty? Obsession Clearing the fog of war on every map without using the Reveal power? Obsession Defeating every foe on a map all the time even when the mission is not a Defeat All? Obsession Look, there's nothing wrong with your chosen obsessions. I'm just saying that I don't understand some of them.
  15. I am eagerly awaiting the Chuck Norris. It's basically a single AT that can access every powerset available, and each slot in a power is amplified 6 times over. Also set bonuses are inherently tripled, you can respec on the fly by swapping out a power as needed.
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