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ZacKing last won the day on December 19 2024

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  1. Wakanda Forever completely and totally destroyed the character of Namor and the Atlanteans. I agree that Shuri was awful and the role should have just been re-cast instead of trying to pass Shuri off as the hero.
  2. No, it really isn't. lol
  3. What's even more entertaining is reading comments like this that are so off the mark, it's hysterical. People don't care about Disney's bottom line or whether or not they're making or losing money. For those who aren't getting it - ^ That. Hollywood could learn a lot from international films that are making excellent films for a fraction of the price tag. Throwing hundreds of millions of dollars at a MCU movie doesn't equate to "quality".
  4. Not against the idea, but I don't think the lack of power customization is the reason that Peacebringers and Warshades are the least played archetypes. I don't think coloring the powers will move the dial at all in terms of an increase in number of people playing them.
  5. This sounds like trying to stave off any investor panic type statement. Star Wars isn't the powerhouse it used to be. It's not bringing in the money for Disney, and she may not want to retire, but she absolutely can be shown the door. Best thing to ever happen to the Star Wars IP will be the day she leaves.
  6. I'm sure Disney would love for this movie to have only cost $180,000,000 to make. That budget would make it among the cheapest MCU films made. It doesn't add up when it's reported to have gone through at least 3 extensive re-shoots and doesn't include any marketing.
  7. I think it's safe to say they're using the standard "creative accounting" when reporting on numbers for this. Here's an interesting video on the topic of how Hollywood reports if a movie made money or lost money. I could be wrong, but as I understand it Universal still owns the film rights to the Hulk, so Disney/Marvel can't make any solo movies with the Hulk. As far as She-Hulk goes, they'd have to reboot the character first and find a different actress. The D+ show was a complete bomb and the actress hasn't been endearing herself to anyone at Disney or Marvel as of late.
  8. Right so the accepted source used in schools all over the globe that defines the meanings of words isn't correct... but you are, and everyone else is "misinformed". LOL! Do you even know what a dictionary is? Dictionary dic·tion·ar·y /ˈdikSHəˌnerē/ noun noun: dictionary; plural noun: dictionaries a book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language (typically in alphabetical order) and gives their meaning, or gives the equivalent words in a different language, often also providing information about pronunciation, origin, and usage. It seems to me that you could use some back to school time because you appear to be struggling with the concept of words having defined meanings.
  9. You might want to familiarize yourself with the meaning of that word too. That's not Bond.
  10. LOL! What? Allow me to introduce you to something you may not know about. It's called the dictionary and it tells you what words mean. Misogynist /mɪˈsɒdʒɪnɪst/ noun noun: misogynist; plural noun: misogynists a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women. "a bachelor and renowned misogynist"
  11. No real surprises here, there's an 82% dropoff from last weekend. https://www.boxofficemojo.com/release/rl2597421825/?ref_=bo_hm_rd Safe to say at this point, this is a flop. Let's hope FF performs better.
  12. No, it has not beaten the opening weekend numbers for Winter Solider. Winter Soldier - $95,023,721 BNW - $87,800,000
  13. Isn't that what the UI scale is for? They could resize the UI to close trays if this happened.
  14. No, it's not doing well. 100 million is about 1/10th of what this movie will need to make just to break even. It's done better than The Marvels (which honestly isn't hard to do), but worse than Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania. Given the very lackluster reviews, we can fully expect the box office numbers for CA: BNW to crater the following weekend. No way this film comes close to breaking even.
  15. Forgot to log into your GM account before posting this. 🤣
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