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Posts posted by battlewraith

  1. A whip set would be awesome. A version based on Indiana Jones would be...really lame. Worse than Hawkeye level lame. Keep it superpowered, something that would not be laughed off by a super powered enemy.

  2. 1 hour ago, Luminara said:

    The irony here is that you're playing on these servers while implying that playing on said servers constitutes copyright infringement.  No-one's forcing you to play this game, but here you are, showing the very moral decrepitude which you attribute to everyone else.  Willingly.  Knowingly.  Eagerly.


    Judging from the way you're overreacting, I'd say that dig must've hit you hard.


    I didn't see anyone accuse you of moral decrepitude. Complaining about copyright infringement while on the forums for a renegade game is hilarious and it isn't hypocritical to point that out. Assuming that NCSoft approves of this in any way is flat out silly--probably they just don't feel it's worth their time to pursue the issue when the game would just go covert again.



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  3. 1 hour ago, Rudra said:

    I found the comments because I went looking for them. All you provided was a video of players doing PvP in AP without reference. (Edit: The Youtube video in your forum post is just the video. No comments or links if you just click play.) Also, thank you for commenting that it was a joke. I took your comment as meaning you wanted it until you said it was a joke.

    If you'd actually paid attention, I had a long post on the previous page explaining why this proposal is a bad idea. So no, a video of people using an exploit to attack lowbies training up in Atlas Park is not me suddenly changing my mind. You are beyond tedious.


    Regarding the embedded video, people can simply click on the title to go to youtube and see the description. Or if they don't understand that, they could ask questions in the thread about that incident. It's moot because tone deaf Sherlock was on the job to preemptively belabor the obvious.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Rudra said:

    When the linked video does not include the comments, yes.

    It says it right in the description that you copied. You are literally that guy for which every little detail needs to be spelled out.

    If you got it, I'm confident that others can figure it out as well. It's a joke anyway FFS.

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  5. 59 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    "3 people got a 72 hour suspention from doing this. In RV a controller was confused, and then zoned into atlas park. He then confused another waiting controller, who did the same. They went around slaughtering noobs. The GMs were not happy with their actions."


    You should include the referencing data too.

    Is it too much to assume that people can read? 

  6. On 5/31/2022 at 12:45 AM, DougGraves said:

    Had it on the ipad but the ipad stopped working with an update from apple a few years ago.


    Finally got a new tablet - an android.   And I have Marvel Unlimited again.


    I just love reading comic books.  I'm not sure why.  They are not great.  But they are fun.  And it is the combination of the pictures and the text that just make it magic for me.


    I do only like the older ones.  I tried Fantastic Four from 1998 and while the art was fine the pacing was just too slow.  And the newer comics I find to be crazy slow pacing.


    But I have the comics from 1961 to about 1990 to read, so that will keep me busy for awhile.  I don't know which of the old ones I 've read so I'll just re-read them all probably.

    Just out of curiosity, how do you like Mike Mignola's pacing on Hellboy? 

  7. 3 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    So if a Rikti zone invasion, or zombie zone invasion, occurs, and I don't want to be a part of it then "just leave the zone for 20 minutes" is an answer that people have given and is generally viewed as acceptable.


    But when it's PvP and the answer is "just leave the zone for 20 minutes" then (to quote a certain joker) "Everyone loses their minds."


    Doesn't that seem just a tad bit hypocritical?


    If you want to make an argument that relates to inconvenience, I think a better example is badging (which was also a major factor in stoking up anti-pvp sentiment). I have absolutely no interest in badges, apart from the ones that are necessary for accolades. Yet it's very common to have to spend time in pve doing things more slowly and in a manner that involves more hassle in order to help a group get a badge. Certainly I could not join teams that are doing badge runs, or I could be the lone person that objects when a group decides to pursue a badge on the fly, but that means I lose the opportunity to run that content and would have to wait for another group that doesn't care about badging to come along. The overall cost of waiting is probably more than just sucking it up and having to deal with the hassle of getting the badges. Obviously, badgers don't give a damn about that because--who doesn't want badges? Amiright?


    Having said that, I don't see this idea working out for a number of reasons:


    1. If people who didn't want to pvp actually left the area for 20 minutes--the zones would probably be empty for the duration of the event, more or less defeating the purpose.

    2. If anti-pvpers did not leave the zone when this happened--some of them would die. Sooner or later a competent person would show up and people would die. Not only that, but competent pvpers might show up and actually clear out the zone. And these anti-pvpers would lose there minds. They would be raging on these forums about getting defeated, and they would likely then avoid these events which would return us to #1.

    3. Best case scenario is if individuals or groups take it upon themselves to try to police these events. So for example people could just bring a bunch of unkillable tanks to the zone and have them hang out taunting aggressive players. The problem with this outcome is that, if it's successful, it kind of defeats the purpose of this being a pvp event. 


    My SG had a saying back on live "I squashed your pixels, I didn't slap yer mama." Dedicated pve-ers in this game are built different. Some of them would still be complaining about this on their deathbed. While I derive a certain schadenfreude from this, I don't think this plan would pay off. If it was gonna work, I think the existing zones would've had more appeal for more players. If you want to mix it up, offer some sort of non-deathmatch option. A huge racetrack appears, an easter egg hunt, etc.

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  8. If the devs saw fit to address this issue, I don't think it would be on par with burning down the Ferris wheel or outlawing cars. 

    My understanding is that the current devs are a volunteer team who are doing this out of love for the game and goodwill towards the community. If those are the kind of values by which you're motivated, then I would think that a priority would be addressing aspects of gameplay that make people sick and/or prevent people from experiencing the entire breadth of content. Addressing it could also prevent similar issues from arising further down the developmental road. The fact that the actual number of people might be relatively small doesn't make it a waste of time or less laudable.

  9. 58 minutes ago, biostem said:

    What are you talking about?  I was discussing the difference between "Open PvP" and "Closed PvP".

    I think he's confused because it's a meaningless distinction. The league, for example, was open to anyone. Now that it's underway, you can't join this round. A TF has slots for players to join. Once it fills up, those slots are gone. I've never heard anyone in PVE describe a full team as "Closed PvE."


    1 hour ago, biostem said:

    Did you miss where I said way upthread that I don't care what you do in a PvP zone, since consent is explicit in you going there?  It's non-consensual PvP that's at hand here, since the OP was discussing a PvP event that would be sprung on players in a PvE zone.


    If you wanna discuss that proposed event, you can do so in the actual thread. The OP was commenting on the anti-pvp crowd and their attitudes not really making sense. But of course people keep circling back to the original thread. Par for the course.

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  10. 1 hour ago, biostem said:

    I guess you don't understand the difference between PEOPLE and NPCs, then.


    People think and adapt. They will change their tactics in order to win. That's the core distinction here. I don't attack people in a pvp zone because I don't like them, any more than I attack a pve mob because of it's personality.

    1 hour ago, biostem said:

    There's a reason there are things like weight classes other other such divisions in sports.  I guess you're having a problem understanding the distinction between PLAYERs and NPCs...


    So if there's a player in a pvp zone, despite the actual design/narrative justification/stated purpose etc. of the zone I should tailor my activities to what random individuals in the zone want. Is that what you want? Do you tell other people in pve how to play their characters?

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  11. 1 hour ago, biostem said:

    Because there is no referee to make the call, such as "X is not in the spirit of PvP, even though the game engine/systems allow it", then it'll either devolve into playing the meta-game, or players forming tight-knit, closed communities that strictly regulate themselves.  YOU may be an honorable PvP-er, but short of some external authority to enforce fair play and mature attitudes toward it, it'll just be about what AT or powerset is the FotM or who has the biggest wallet, (most inf/most time to farm, etc).


    That being said, it would be interesting to see some sort of test event that locked out IO set bonuses, accolades, Incarnate abilities, temp powers, and so on, so it really came down to build strategy and player skill.


    This is an MMO. The core activity, which people do pretty much nonstop is grinding in order to get stuff. People want those set bonuses, accolades, incarnate abilities, etc. so that they can feel badass and easily tear through content. There's no referee that shows up on behalf of those poor mobs and says "hey, back off. You burned these guys down before they even were aware that you were there." 


    Enter pvp. That same drive to leverage abilities and gain whatever advantage possible is used against other players. Now all of a sudden there are complaints about people being dishonorable because they have better gear, or the same group that gathered together to take down Lord Recluse are gankers because they focused down an individual in a pvp zone (who didn't go to the effort of getting a team). There's an obvious hypocrisy here. It's not about the other person doing something dishonorable. It's about the aggrieved not being willing or able to easily get what they want, so they vilify the people in their way. 


    As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter whether people agree with this assessment or not because pretty much all  of the anti-pvp sentiment relates to one type of pvp: deathmatch.

    Coh offers two types of deathmatch: arena and zone. Arena is under-utilized and zone is an inherently unbalanced situation that people bumble into. These modes can be improved, but what the game really needs is other types of pvp that are not deathmatch. These game modes might not even involve characters directly affecting each other, or only being able to affect each other after completing a pve objective and earning some sort of temp power. There are tons of things that could be done. But any time "pvp" is mentioned, you have to wade through these rehashed traumas of people getting mocked in a zone by some twat 10 or 15 years ago. And yes, that is a gross simplification but it's close enough to get the point across.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Glacier Peak said:

    Edit: Oh, I should add that the team I was selected for was generous enough to help me farm up characters and handed out BILLIONS of influence to ensure everyone on our team was well prepared. Very positive experience so far, recommend anyone interested in trying out PvP in an organized way to take part in the next season sometime after June when the current season ends. 

    Which team are you on?

  13. 1 hour ago, srmalloy said:

    So you have the skill and knowledge hurdles, then you need to grind farmer(s) to 50, then accumulate the inf reserves to provision a PvP character. But, tell me... Which vendor sells the slots that let a character with three-slotted powers compete on an equal footing with characters that are five- and six-slotted with purple and Superior sets? Or lets the character skip around the requirement of reaching 50 before they, too, can slot purple and Superior IOs? It sounds as if there's yet another requirement -- that you have to get a prospective PvP character to 50 before you able to effectively start learning how to play them competitively... at half that level. A character exemp'ed down from the level cap to any given level is going to be inherently superior to a character naturally that level both from the additional slots and the additional powers past the reference level the exemp'ed character gets to use.


    Practically speaking if you've got the skill and knowledge to be competitive, you've most likely got farmers and whatnot. If for some reason you don't, then yeah, you need to do some grinding. But even then it's probably less hassle than it would be in some other games. A major part of the reason I stopped playing SWTOR was that every time they raised the level cap I'd have to regrind the damn augments for all of my armor pieces, for all of my characters. 


    Pvp generally starts at lvl 50. Most people want most of their powers. On the other hand, you can arena at whatever lvl bracket you want--at whatever level of enhancement you want. That's an agreement between you and the person you're doing a match with. The prospect of facing an unfairly exemp'ed down person is, again, related to the implementation of zone pvp. 

  14. 59 minutes ago, Krimson said:

    I'll be waiting for the legions of PvPers to come explain why dropping a billion INF for an unpleasant niche is somehow a good thing. I'm sorry but your opinion is the MINORITY, especially in this game where PvP has been hot garbage since the 00s. How many PvPers are there that are comfortable enough in their opinion that they would be willing to foot the bill for builds? I speak as a farmer who HAS handed out billions to players as well as making custom builds. 


    I think you farm way more than I probably do and yet I can scrape together enough for a build. I think maybe you're overestimating how much a decent pvp build costs.

    Yeah, my opinion is in the MINORITY of a game that YOU often point out is dying. So maybe close mindedness on the part of the MAJORITY is part of the PROBLEM?

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  15. 1 hour ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


    And many others went in fully researched, prepared, had PvP builds when that became a thing, did quite well with them and still walked away with a pretty set opinion on PvPers in general that over the years was often only ever strengthened by forum posts from the PvP crowd across multiple games. So, I will happily go into any thread asking to push PvP into PvE zones and quite loudly proclaim my distaste for the idea and continue to explain why when needed. In other words, PvP, historically, brings in a certain type of player and more often than not, it's the type of person I wouldn't hang out with in real life. There are, of course, exceptions to the rule but they're the minority.


    You do you. One thing I learned from almost exclusively pvping since I4 was to get over petty grievances. Some of the rivals I hated the most later joined one of my sgs and became good friends. 

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  16. 2 hours ago, Krimson said:

    Maybe instead of reaching for a false equivalence, you should ask WHY so many players have had the exact same shitty experience with PvP.


    It's summed up in the part you quoted. I don't know why this is so hard to grok. Many people went into zone pvp unprepared and undergeared and had a bad experience. That's fine. I'm not arguing that they should change their mind. The problem is that some of these people thus argue against ANY kind of pvp. I had shitty experiences on some task forces. I don't do them again. But I don't go on the forums and argue against the creation of new task forces. I don't go into threads about new task forces or task force proposals and say "I don't like task forces. I don't think this should be in the game. etc." There's no false equivalence here.

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  17. 2 hours ago, KaizenSoze said:

    For example, in one game with very open PvP, a large clan would sit outside a low-level city and gank any newbies that were trying to get PvE experience. There was no challenge here, just ganking.


    Due to this I am completely burned out on PvP. PvP could completely disappear from CoX and I would not miss it.


    This speaks to the frustration the OP voiced in his first post. Any discussion of pvp on these forums gets bogged down with anti-pvp sentiment, and when this sentiment is phrased in terms of actual gameplay experience it generally boils down to anecdotes about people getting ganked in some sort of zone pvp encounter. 


    Imagine you went to a Winter Olympics. You stood in line for a certain event, say ski jump. And it turns out to be a shitfest. There were delays. The snow melted. The judges sucked. People wiped out. So you go home and say "the Winter Olympics suck." 


    And you keep saying that, year after year. The Winter Olympics suck. In fact, I don't want Summer Olympics either. I don't want ANY Olympics. And then some other person says "Yeah I don't want them spending money on the Olympics. I want it to go towards something that I would enjoy."


    That's a typical pvp discussion on these forums. And it was like that from day one.

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  18. 2 hours ago, srmalloy said:

    But PvP is inherently biased toward the people who do it. There is no 'learning curve' that will teach you how to overcome the fact that your character who just reached minimum level to enter a particular PvP zone is inescapably significantly inferior to the tricked-out max-level character exemp'ed down to the zone level who is crammed full of purple, ATO, and winter sets, who has spent several orders of magnitude more inf on their character than you could have even with a bottomless pocketbook, and has spent the time to learn the differences from PvE and where all the tricks and corner cases are. You can learn to minimize your inferiority, but skill will only get you so far -- Mario Andretti is never going to win a NASCAR race driving a Smart ForTwo.


    I disagree. I think at this point in the evolution of the game getting geared is the least significant problem in the equation. Anyone can have multiple accounts with farmers, you can buy what you need on the market, and you can even get the accolades from the pvp vendor. The material requirement for entry has never been lower. Skill and knowledge are the biggest things, particularly working in the context of a team.

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  19. 1 hour ago, Luminara said:

    These things happened.  And they made bad first impressions.  First impressions define perspectives, and this isn't a movie, there's no time travel or memory wipe to give people the opportunity to experience a second first impression.  We might not have an overabundance of assholes in PvP now, but now isn't when the first impression was made for most of the veteran players, it was fifteen years ago.


    My first impressions were arena, which was added in Issue 4. Prior to the introduction of zone pvp, I ran regularly scheduled kickball events that were well attended. We also had arena events on test, to allow cross server participation, as well as server vs. server battles which were problemtatic because there were so many people that wanted to take part. There were tournaments, leagues, etc. 


    I did a ton of zone pvp as well. If your first impression is going to define your perspective--then you probably shouldn't pvp in any game. Because you're going to hit a learning curve and you're going to lose. And it's probably going to involve putting in some practice before it becomes enjoyable. Nonetheless I had a lot of good times just fooling around in the zones with friends. 


    Is the implementation of pvp in this game good? no. Can it be fun? Absolutely, in some cases more so than games with arguably better systems. So what should be done about it?

    Continued development, regardless of what the haters say because those people would probably continue playing this game indefinitely even if the dev team did nothing in terms of updates. And 9 out of 10 particle physicists agree that the most objective definition of bo-fucking-ring is playing the same static pve content over and over again, ad nauseam, for years.

    That is worse than watching paint dry--except that nobody actually watches paint dry, they hang out on the forums instead.



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