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Posts posted by battlewraith

  1. 1 hour ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


    That you're incapable of seeing how constant compromise towards power creep ends up with a product that's just an I Win button says everything we need to know.

    The game is easy. It has been easy for a long time. People were complaining about it being easy back on live. They did everything they could to make it city of soloists. Which is something you liked because you fancy soloing ITFs no?


    Why don't you make you're rollback suggestion in another thread and see how it goes over? Everyone can lose their early travel powers and all of their Iwin buttons and it will all be great again right? You are fixated on a pipe dream. And the idea that it needs to be harder is farfetched when the hard content they introduced doesn't seem to be that popular. Some people like to farm, some like to build, some roleplay, etc. 

  2. 59 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


    As for this: how many folks have stopped playing because it's all too easy? There's 1300 people online right now. What was the population count on a Saturday night back before the snap at its highest point?


    Change is fine. Making the ridiculously easy even easier isn't. Might as well just grant that clear map button usable once an hour.


    Or people are playing something new. How many people leave because it's the same old thing for years? You can't look at the population numbers and just assume it's whatever you want.

  3. 1 hour ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    I fail to see how popular equates to good.


    It's a game. The purpose is to entertain people. If something is popular, it's an indication that people are being entertained. If you completely divorce your notions of what is "good" from what is appealing to your audience--then you could drive this whole thing into the ground and still pat yourself on the back thinking you did good work. Likewise, you could hold what you have as the best thing ever, ignore any call for change, and just let it be a stagnant museum piece until the remnants of the player base wither away.


    1 hour ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    But power creep doesn't matter so why not, right?


    You still have the the same slots and number of powers as before. Wanna take tactics at lvl 4, knock yourself out.


    Power creep matters. It's just not a convenient excuse to shoot down everything you don't like for whatever reason. There's a middle ground that can found. On one hand you want to roll everything back to the good old days, and on the other you fly off the rails and say well why not get rid of all restrictions. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


    It is true that the rules were tossed when those running the SSPS allowed movement at lvl 4 with no prereq. But we don't have to leave that in place. We can fix bad decisions that occurred during that period.


    Revert all pools to how they were at shutdown including APP/PPP.


    What you're asking for is way more radical than changing the structure of the power pools. Those were not bad decisions, they were popular with the playerbase.

    You wanna tap the game in the knee with a lead pipe and fight power creep by slowing everything down and inflicting...actual creeping. Ain't gonna happen. People would be pissed and it wouldn't be any major improvement.


    In contrast, skipping some more prerequisite powers in the pools would likely result in a couple less power slots wasted in some builds. No one has made any substantial case for how this would be gamebreaking other than the generic hand waving about power creep.

  5. The pools don't all follow the same rules. I thought that was the whole point of this thread. Also, the structure of these pools was established back in the beginning--when fitness was a separate pool. That pool was considered mandatory for most people and it was a drag to have to waste picks on it--so the devs made it an inherent. It was a drag to wait on travel powers, so again they loosened the requirements on that as well. The idea the initial rules are set in stone and cannot be changed due to thematic, progression, or whatever justification that relates to the initial plan of the game is nonsense. It's factually incorrect. And it's ridiculous to say that in a suggestion thread.



  6. 59 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


    It is a game and we should all be able to have fun playing it regardless of the AT or powersets we choose. It becomes very specifically NOT fun when it's fully observable that playing X is not nearly as fun as Y because playing Y means I level faster, kill faster, survive more and thus have more fun playing than X.

    Then you play Y.  You play what is fun for you. It's always been that way. There has always been disparities between classes and builds. Back in the early days on live my dm/inv scrapper kicked ass. My friend's blaster was truly a glass cannon and constantly was drowning in debt. He had fun though, so he stuck with it and when we teamed he had even more fun.

    We should not all be able to have the same amount of fun playing regardless of AT or powersets unless we are all clones of the same person. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    Again, fun has nothing to do with balance. I give two shits about what I or anyone else has fun doing. More power to ya and me. It's a different topic entirely.

    My dude, it's a game. If the point of the game is not to have fun, then what is it? If the pursuit of balance leads to it being less fun for the playerbase, then what is the value of pursuing balance? This strikes me as a fundamental question, not a separate topic.

  8. 1 hour ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


    1: Depends on the content and diff, doesn't it? If we're all running +0/x1 and aren't lacking a functional brain and opposable thumbs, we're all unkillable. Fighting level 54 AVs, tanks rapidly become the only unkillable entities.

    2: Unwarranted by the standard of archetype balance within the game. If it only takes me a few minutes longer to wipe out a map/hard target and I have zero % chance of defeat, vs maybe taking out the map/target a few minutes faster with a vastly higher chance of defeat, seems like balance has been tossed out the window.

    3: Again, bad in a balance way. We're playing City of Tanks now as someone else noted in another thread. It's not bad for those of us that say, fark it, I'm runnin tanks, but it is bad for anyone that thinks some level of balance should exist between and amongst archetypes and powersets within those archetypes.

    I'm not saying you're wrong that balance is off, but I find the complaint hard to really relate to. Like, I don't enjoy the other ATs because tanks are OP? 

    It's bad for people who have that mindset?


    If people are in love with a given AT and it becomes city of (insert fotm), doesn't that indicate a certain excitement and engagement? (I don't play tanks btw) Why should it matter to people playing other characters? They can obviously play solo or assemble their own teams can't they? I think part of the reason I can't relate to it, is that I've been on the receiving end of nerfs so often because of this mentality. Unless you're pvping, there's no real competition. Certain builds will do certain tasks better under certain circumstances. Sometimes the devs introduce something or make a change that rocks, and people like it. To those tanks I say--enjoy your day in the sun before it gets ruined. There's always going to be a meta, especially in this game with so many variables to balance.




  9. 58 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


    The damage buff/aoe buff was completely unwarranted considering their vast mitigation. Of course people enjoy being unkillable while also being able to defeat everything.

    But there are other characters that are essentially unkillable while plowing through content aren't there? When you say this is unwarranted, by what standard? When you say it's bad--in what way that is detrimental to how people are playing the game?

  10. 1 hour ago, Akisan said:

    Seeing as that's at the maximum difficulty too, we should be looking to either reign in the power creep, or find ways to raise the difficulty.


    There are ways to raise the difficulty isn't there? I thought that was the whole point of that recent TF they added. But the impression I get on the forums is that the general reaction to the new content is lukewarm. 


    1 hour ago, Akisan said:

    As far as "wasted power picks", there's a couple of ways I'd be fine going about fixing that: 

    • Buff the mule picks.  The oft-mentioned fighting pool did get some love in that regard, but still suffers from the same problem that, in my experience, all pools suffer from - uncompetitive base damage.  Can't speak for anyone else, but any Pool attacks I take are either for CC or as filler in my attack chain.  They just don't do enough damage to justify using them as a straight attack if one of my AT powers is ready.  At base values, Kick does about the same damage as my T1 and T2 attacks - with an animation that's 50-80% longer, *and* is melee instead of ranged. 
    • Weaken builds in general, especially with regards to global recharge.  Boxing and Kick are valuable for their short recharge (2.5 and 3 seconds, respectively), and high global recharge removes pretty much all of that value. 


    I wouldn't be against a general reassessment of the power pools in general. But again, naysayers are going to be against that on the grounds that it's power creep. I don't think anyone is going to be in favor of weakening builds. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Rudra said:

    It's battlewraith. You can drive a super tanker through the holes in his arguments. Like thinking that a general power pool that does not take into consideration the AT taking it should let the AT ignore its prerequisites because of the AT. As opposed to an epic power pool that is very much designed with the AT in mind. Just don't respond to him. Your life will be much less aggravating that way.

    It's Rudra. He's got real strong opinions about how you should play. Fervent thematic opinions. He can't really support them, so he's going to complain about me instead of actually answering objections. Coddle him and tell him what he wants to hear and his life will be much less aggravating. Maybe. 


    This is a typical Rudra sidestep btw:

    1. Rudra--argues for the current progression on thematic grounds.

    2. BW--points to thematic overlap with other sets and that the current progression is unrealistic, both in real life terms and comic book fantasy.

    3. Rudra--misinterprets/misrepresents the objection as saying that certain builds should be able to skip these prerequisites based on AT (wtf?!?)

    • Thumbs Down 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Akisan said:

    If I restore that build, I'll struggle to make a meaningful contribution to any random PuG running at +4x8, which is a pretty common preference at 50.


    In my experience on Homecoming the biggest obstacle to making a meaningful contribution, especially on pugs, is the fact that things melt so fast that it's sometimes hard to get your shots in. You've got incarnates, IO set bonuses, procs, additional bonuses from other sources, etc. My old builds that were great on live wouldn't do well now either. But I don't see the logic in upholding this one restriction, which is a holdover from an earlier era of development, and saying that you have waste a power slot on something that you don't want and won't use so that.......things won't be OP? Someone's thematic foibles won't be rankled? 


    I don't see it mattering. If you have a strong build now, lifting this restriction won't make it godlike. If you're build is more mid tier, maybe it will improve somewhat. People are arguing power creep on principle. I'm not seeing any particular instance where this is going to be hugely impactful--you have the same number of pools, same number of slots, etc. You could put it on test and let people play with it and see if anything crazy comes out. I just object to the idea of planned waste being part of having a competitive build. If you're not worried about having a competitive build, then none of this should matter to you.

  13. 1 hour ago, Rudra said:

    Current request? I want to be a fighter but I don't want to bother with the basics and just somehow build up the resilience of a fighter and the ability to read and avoid my foes. Without actually learning how.


    The request to skip worthless prerequisite powers could reflect a lot of scenarios. Hate to break it to you, but scrappers, tanks, brutes, blasters, etc. already have hitting things in their primaries or secondaries. And we're talking about superpowers here. Someone that has invincibility goes into the fighting pool for some more resistance--so they need to learn how to throw a jab in order to get it? Whaaaat? 


    You do realize that punching and kicking irl doesn't make you tougher right? And you also don't need to punch or kick to train defensive movement?

    What you're fervently demanding here is that people treat the label on the box as literally and restrictively as you are for thematic reasons that make no sense in a comic book environment. They needed a description for these powers, there's no indication that these power choices are some sort of thematic baggage that gets added along with the backstory of your character. 

  14. 58 minutes ago, Rudra said:

    On the plus side? He did make the point the opposition to this thread was trying to making very well.


    Yep. The whole point of the OP is to not have to sacrifice anything so (s)he can have only the powers (s)he wants. Couldn't have said it better myself. 🤣🤣🤣


    He's not even a good troll. 🤣


    It's weird. It really is. You are so self-righteously myopic that you literally cannot understand and/or relate to the suggestion. 

    There's a situation where you have a power that you don't need, and will never even slot in the tray, in order to take something that is necessary for a build to function at a certain level. 

    The suggestion is to lift that requirement (or maybe make these prerequisite powers less crappy). I think this is certainly less impactful than making the fitness pool inherent was.


    You can have rational objections to this change: you're concerned with power creep, you're concerned with build diversity, etc. Or your favorite--"this is what I think they wanted with power pools back in 2004 and it needs to stay that way until the end of time." Regardless, these objections can be debated. Also things could actually be tested on the test server.


    What can't be debated is these idiotic character aspersions:

    "You just want your cake and eat it too."

    "Get your cheat codes elsewhere."

    "you just don't want to sacrifice and only get the powers you want"


    Piss off with that. It's lowkey flaming other players for not subscribing to your theory of fun.

    • Haha 1
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  15. 59 minutes ago, arcane said:

    Lol, yeah *you* never resort to ad hominem 🙄😆


    Never said that. But I think your bad arguments generally speak for themselves. No need to twist the knife.

    1 hour ago, arcane said:

    The lies are a complete waste of time

    Poor poor fellow. Life's tough on a video game forum. But I have listened and taken note of your whining.

    • Thumbs Down 2
  16. 1 hour ago, arcane said:

    I apologize for briefly forgetting that battlewraith is a forum troll not bound by logic or reason. I need to do better and stop responding to his nonsensical bait.

    Well ad hominem is the last resort of people that don't have an argument. If it makes you feel any better, I don't set out to troll you--I generally forget you exist until a confused emoji shows up in my notifications.

    • Haha 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Rudra said:

    You aren't talking about sacrifice. No one in there right mind would take a power they view is a sacrifice or would skip if could if they could skip it. The point of how the power pools are set up is that you have to take a basic power from the pool to get access to the better powers. Go find your cheat codes elsewhere.

    That is literally what he asked. "Why aren't people willing to sacrifice for their builds?" If nobody in their right mind would do this sacrifice if given the choice, then it isn't really about sacrifice is it? That's the point kiddo.


    "Go find your cheat codes elsewhere." The current iteration of the game is full things that would've been considered "cheat codes" in earlier iterations of development. The judgmental vitriol of these comments in light of the actual history of the game is hilarious. Old man yells at cloud level hilarious.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  18. 1 hour ago, arcane said:

    Yeah “don’t like it, simply opt out” is not the design approach of any competent creator ever sorry. 


    That makes absolutely no sense, unless you think that everyone playing this game is supposed to be doing ALL the content that is available. Furthermore, compare what you just said with what he was complaining about:

    On 7/6/2022 at 2:50 PM, biostem said:

    Why isn't "don't take tough", not an option?  Don't wanna "pay" by taking a prerequisite power, then skip the pool.


    • Confused 1
  19. On 7/6/2022 at 2:50 PM, biostem said:

    Why isn't "don't take tough", not an option?  Don't wanna "pay" by taking a prerequisite power, then skip the pool.  Why is it always "let people have their cake and eat it too"?  Build decisions have been made easier and easier as time has gone by.  It seems people have no patience nor a willingness to make sacrifices for their builds.  Maybe all the whiners should have to take fitness again and wait till level 14 for their travel powers...


    Ok, so let's frame this issue in terms of willingness to make a sacrifice. Assume that the devs went ahead and made a change that allowed people to skip something like boxing in order to get tough. You would still be able to make that sacrifice. Don't change your build, still take boxing even though it's relatively worthless in terms of power choices, and so on. If that's not acceptable, then it sounds like the issue is not "willingness to make a sacrifice." Sounds more like mandating what sacrifices other people are required to make.


    "Willingness to make a sacrifice", if we're going to be righteous about it, is the ultimate answer to the specter of power creep. Think something's OP? Don't play it. Don't like meta builds? Don't play them. Play the game you want to play. Digging your heels in about the status quo is the opposite of making any kind of sacrifice, so you probably shouldn't call out other players for requesting pretty minor changes.

    • Confused 2
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  20. 1 hour ago, Trike said:

    Intriguing combination of elements: Devil horns, angel halo, and a miner’s hat. Sounds like a fascinating backstory in the works.

    Thanks for looking! She's actually inspired by a Tom Waits song called Such a Scream.

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