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Everything posted by battlewraith
Connecting my statements, made at a later date, to his and saying that I am defending his ideas is lying. You are not showing context, you are stripping away things that were actually said in the discussion. And I've made it clear elsewhere that I have only been speaking for myself. Saying that a gap closer could be cool, look cool, and could free up a power slot is not the same as same saying that a power needs to be changed so that somebody can get all their desired pool powers. In that post I talk about jumping around like Batman with no other travel powers. Of course that doesn't help your narrative so you're ignoring it. The only basis for the perception you keep droning about is utter lack of reading comprehension and dishonesty, now that i'm pointing at what I actually said. You got this wrong. Stop with the bullshit.
No you are a liar, The quotes from myself alone don't say what you and Stych are claiming. They are not defenses of his ideas, they me arguing for the type of utility I see possibly coming out of this change. That's why my first quote you list is what, 2 weeks after his? Unbelievable. Didn't think my opinion of you could be lower champ but you did it. You broke through the floor. This was my first post in the thread, which you downvoted: It makes no reference to his posts. It only deals with scrappers. And it doesn't have anything to do with optimizing for the "big 4 powers." Liars. Don't know why I'm surprised.
You're assuming more than I am. I have a hard time thinking that makes your position stronger. I also think this tendency to speak as if one knows the minds of the devs or the overall health of the game is irrelevant for the purposes of discussing ideas. They will do what they want anyway. Posters shouldn't have license to talk out of their ass and deride other people's ideas because they are secretly roleplaying the devs.
Except you're lying. I never insisted that I wanted a power and access to 4 pools of choice. You're inferring that because it's part of this "big 4" conspiracy you've got going on. I just said that a perk would be more build varieties. That might involve builds that take fewer power pool options. This is a simple point, yet seems impossible for some people to understand. The proposed power DOES NOT exist. The point of this thread should be to ideate what that power would be. Yes gap closers already exist. Other things also exist. "I want to propose a new scrapper set. It has attacks." "No." "Why?" "We already have a bunch of scrapper sets and they have attacks." Also, faulting this suggestion because it doesn't evolve builds away from the "Big 4 pools"--who stated that this was a particular goal of this change? Again, you're projecting on to the proposal. Sad. Really disingenuous. Two sentences later I said this: "I'm not going to ask for a change to a specific power, of a specific AT in order to get the general flexibility I want." You are truly desperate to not engage honestly and hear what you want.
No, not really. I think you're stifling discussion based on a set of assumptions and pre-drawn conclusions. So you and others could maybe put together a group document that lists all the ships you think have already sailed. That way people who get fired up about an idea could read it and have their enthusiasm immediately squashed without putting in the effort of trying to pitch something to an unsympathetic audience. For example, I went back and forth a bit with arcane about this idea. Then after some exchanges, he mentioned that he didn't want anything that would buff scrapers in terms of attacks or utility. Well that would've been good to know from the outset because the specifics of the provoke argument are irrelevant to his overall stance on the AT. I don't have a specific build in mind. I've often had issues trying to fit in everything I need in terms of pool choices in one build, but that's a general concern. I think there should be more options in general. I'm not going to ask for a change to a specific power, of a specific AT in order to get the general flexibility I want. I'm generally interested in a replacement for what a see as a generally useless ability (taunt) on the scrapper. AND I'm curious to see what kind of build options open up as a result.
I thought it was funny lol. Sure, maybe you could give me a list of all the other things that are not to be considered for...reasons. Thx. 1. Quote away if that's your thing. Just only quote me, I'm not responsible for other people's comments. Saying that it would be nice to not dip into a power pool is not the same as saying this change would be good with respect to easing build restrictions. There is a lot more to unpack in the latter. 2. The cottage rule was coined by Castle back in 2007. He made plenty of boneheaded decisions and is no longer a developer for this game. So it might be your preference to adhere to this philosophy, but that's all it is. It's a bad dogma in light of gaming in 2022 imo.
1. Wrong. My position is that confront is lame and something cooler could be there as an option. If the option in question is a gap closer, that could free up some build options. 2. I have over and over again reflected back the same "you can just pick X pool" argument back at you. You and others fail to see that it cuts both ways simply because you are used to things being a certain way. 3. Well you have to understand. I think you just have such an ingrained status quo mindset that you don't really get the point I'm trying to make. I also really really couldn't care less what you think my look is. Also: get Bill's dildos out of your mouth. This is a family friendly forum.
No that's the thing. It's not about combat teleport. People just assume that and say "well take combat teleport." That's how stupid this conversation has been. What exactly this gap closer is and does has not been really adequately been fleshed out. In an ideal world people would steelmanning this idea and maybe coming up with some interesting suggestions that, if not appropriate for this case might be added elsewhere. Instead you get naysayers just defaulting to a known quantity (eg. combat teleport) and just trying to kill off discussion because they apparently think that's the ideal contribution.
This is you being a drama queen. That is the objective truth. Pretty much everyone has to take pool powers to do things and this entails limitations in building. The idea idea of doing something to a power that is very skippable to make it a more attractive pick and free up build options seems like a good suggestion. For the devs. IN A SUGGESTION FORUM. Supporting a suggestion like this is not "expecting the game to change to suit my whims." I don't expect anything. And sidestepping the shrieking harpy who lacks the capacity to see how anyone could actually reasonably want something like this is not me being arrogant, entitled, and selfish. It's just Thursday on the Homecoming forums. Lighten the hell up lol.
Well that's your exaggerated and judgmental hot take. Best to shoot down an idea you don't like by casting aspersions on the people suggesting it. The idea here is that there is a scrapper power that is generally skipped in builds, and is described by adherents as niche but useful. The suggestion is to change that into a gap closer. The proposed benefit is a possibly useful less niche power and expanded build options. The downside is that players who like having a single target taunt in their scrapper builds would lose this and have to go with a pool option. How many people would that be? Would the benefits outweigh the drawbacks? Those are questions for the devs. It's a suggestion. You don't like it, fine. You stated that. The fact that you think people are throwing temper tantrums over this (though maybe Greycat did) makes me suspect that you don't get enough pushback on your ideas.
You have a history of powers being taken, used by players, and then changed throughout the history of this game. I shouldn't have to details nerfs and changes that have transpired in the game. The simple fact that players might be using a power does not make that power sacred and immune from future changes, That has never been the case. The comments about the status quo relate to the sense of entitlement people have about their builds. You might like the way things are structured now. That doesn't mean that there isn't a better way to structure things-one that may be blocked by how things are structured now. Improving the game should be the number one priority. That should take into account how players feel about the current mechanics, but development shouldn't be stymied by people who basically only care about what they want and don't want to be impacted by ANY change. Yeah...when I said "it doesn't affect anyone's current build" I was referencing something he said. Maybe go back and read it. No, not necessarily. It will be worthless as a taunt. Depending on the implementation it could be a cool power option. Some people might skip it, others might (gasp) adapt their playstyle. Is there a reason I should be trying to convince you? My impression is that you like to hold court over the suggestions thread and give people grief over their ideas. Remember the "monkey themed mastermind" thread? Where you kept saying things like "pass", "hard pass", "no thanks", etc. until the poster was so disgusted they swore off their own post and had it deleted? That was you wasn't it? People get all excited about an idea, come here to share it, and get shot down by the usual suspects. And you never leave, despite getting people's hopes up:
It's not about, for me at least, getting a gap closer. Obviously, everyone has access to that. The part of the initial post that resonated with me related to replacing scrapper confront with a gap closer. The taunt is generally speaking worthless in the current state of the game. YMMV. Indulge me. Let's assume for the moment that it's worthless. The idea is then to make it into something more useful/interesting/etc. The OP suggested a gap closer. Now even if that revamped power is just a copy of combat teleport, it would free up certain power choices and allow an increase in build diversity. And it could potentially be different in some way that be better/funner/etc. than those pool power choices. Scrappers would still have access to taunt via pools. The counter argument is "leave the power alone because some players still like using it." That could be said about anything. People are saying to just take the pool powers--well scrappers could take the pool taunt. The vitriolic response against that is a tacit acknowledgement of the OP's general concern. Taking a pool you don't want for something you think you need is a drag. My hot take is that there would be more overall benefit to scrappers in general from a revamp/replacement of the taunt power than keeping this outdated off-tank feature. The two perspectives are not equivalent and the way things are now is more restrictive and frankly boring.
No. To make it *objectively different.* It doesn't affect anybody's current build. The change is aimed at potential builds. The devs could simply not change anything ever again. That would also preserve your current build. What I'm hearing is that the OP needs to stop worrying about what they want and spend more time worrying about what you want.
So first off, what I'm supporting in some way is replacing a power with basically the same power. None of your examples are equivalent. Aim is not tactics. The T9 powers from sets are not available in pools. Nevertheless, I'm certainly open to re-evaluation of things like T9s, tier one pets, etc. Why would I not be? Because some players, despite what the general consensus of the community might be at this stage of the game insist on playing their characters the same way they have been for over a decade? This is the part you don't get. People are already negatively impacted by the status quo, regardless of what the status quo is. There are things that are possible and impossible under the current state of affairs. So some people use their scrapper to taunt, which dates back to an era of the game when characters in general were far more squishy and taunting was more necessary. The general proposal here is to replace scrapper taunt with something more interesting--the specific proposal is a gap closer of some sort. This would open up build options and scrappers could still get the pool power version. It's up to the current devs to evaluate the pros and cons of enacting some sort of change like this. But it's not cavalier to want or expect things to change over time. Shooting down ideas based on their impact on niche playstyles--might as well not take suggestions relating to things like powersets.
Again. Something maybe much less useful to YOU. The arguments about a gap closer being redundant are also completely missing the point. If I take this power or this power or another power, I can get there faster than a teleport. What if I don't want to take those powers? What if my build doesn't have vertical mobility and the gap closer fills that hole. What if I legitimately have some issues moving my character in other ways and want something to allow precision placement (again without being committed to the teleport pool)? I have a character with no +perception. If the gap closer was an aoe attack of some sort, it would help me deal with hidden targets. As it stands, confront does nothing for me. What if you found out that 95% of scrappers skip confront? Would you still be making this argument? I read you prior post. I think the actions of the devs in that beta and the reaction of the players then is pretty irrelevant. This is a proposal to change (not remove) one power option.
The OP's suggestion is: (A) Obviously wanted by someone or else they wouldn't have bothered posting it. (B) Maybe not helpful to you? I could see uses for it. (C) Duplicates functionality. Sure, with benefits that you are ignoring. And the idea that someone can just pick up a power pool is true in your direction as well. If you lose your taunt, just grab one from the pool powers. The crux of the issue is not about defending the status quo so that "nobody's playstyle is changed." You're defending the status quo so that your build preference remains unchanged. Nothing about this suggestion means you can't taunt on your scrapper. I haven't taken taunt on a scrapper in years. I can't remember the last time I teamed with a scrapper that was taunting. IMO to a lot of people, confront on a scrapper is a worthless power. So do you change it into something more interesting that frees up some build options or keep it the same for the faction that wants to keep things the way they have been from the onset. My vote is the former. That's me stating my preference. I get what your preference is. I don't fault you for wanting to have things your own way. But be honest about it. Don't crap on the idea and cop this attitude like it's somehow objectively bad and not worth discussing. If you don't want to discuss it, then don't. This game has gone through waves and waves of buffs, nerfs, and changes. Some were good, some were bad, and many were player driven. Some of these changes ruined the enjoyability of certain character builds for me. I didn't then park myself in the suggestions section and start pissing on ideas I didn't like. Not that you're the worst in this regard. On the contrary, I think you're one of the more reasonable posters on this board, but I think you're being very myopic here.
If this change went through and you lost your taunt, you would have options. You are rejecting this idea because it runs contrary to what you feel is essential to YOUR playstyle. And you are doing exactly what you are asking them not to do--you are forcing your preferences on other people who would like to have other options. Now if the idea of your scrapper having to take taunt from a pool is horrible and somehow detrimental to your build philosophy--well is it that hard to relate to people who feel saddled with a worthless taunt power that could be something cooler like a gap closer? I definitely have builds that could use that. But it's not worth consideration because someone wants to taunt a grate?
What Can Be Done to Recruit Players?
battlewraith replied to Apparition's topic in General Discussion
Same. I feel like this is the obvious outcome. Frankly, a lot of the content that people are skipping just sucks. It was engaging back in 2004, not so much now. I did a Synapse TF the other day. I was the only one on the team actually in the appropriate level range. And good thing for that because I only had a few weak attacks as we spent close to 2 hours clearing out warehouse after warehouse full of clockwork. Most of the mission content is like this--clear a map, talk to a contect, click a glowie, clear another map, etc. For a lot of people I think the magic of the game is not the content, but seeing how their character ideas play out in different conditions. Traditional slow, dutiful leveling is largely antithetical to this. -
What Can Be Done to Recruit Players?
battlewraith replied to Apparition's topic in General Discussion
Homecoming needs to partner with a larger organization that has extensive connections to the types of people that would find this game and this community relatable. https://www.aarp.org/