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  1. I prefer Fire/Poison but out of the box Fire/Rad will be more forgiving to a player new to Controllers IMO. TLDR Pick /Poison for skippables and PROC builds. Pick /Rad for better utility and new player friendliness. From an overall effects standpoint they will be similar (not the same) even if the mechanism of delivery is slightly different. Fire/Poison will require slotting EndRedux in the splash debuffs to mitigate the biggest downside. If stack your ST debuffs with Splashes and your Poison Aura it will edge out /Rad in debuff magnitude at the cost of more casting. /Rad has a bit more of utility than /Poison Fire/Rad has some desirable +Rech and +Recovery powers and you get your second aura earlier but /Poison gets the Poison Trap which can be PROCed out. The /Rad Hold aura has a wider PBAoE than /Poison as well. /Rad is a little more fire and forget.
  2. Interesting findings. Was LN recast at any point in this sample log?
  3. Several good builds posted over the years. Smoke, Cinders, Blackhole are typical skips. Worth checking Camel's Fire/Dark guide to get you started:
  4. TLDR Enhance for Slow at minimum. Slow PROCs seem to be your best chance if they work at all. The quickest answer for you is pull data logs from your combat chat (most likely pet chat) regarding PROC damage for your current configuration. @Carnifax has a web based parsing tool in his signature that will present the PROC data in a chart and a table to determine what is currently working best in this power. I think someone on the Dom or Open Beta board tested out and logged the best Arsenal/ PROCs in a post somewhere and LN didn't perform well from what I recall. Can't find the post for the life of me. It may have been in the general AT board. Min slotting: As a Controller, since the set lacks an AoE Immob to keep things in patches, I think the Slow enhancement others recommended is the minimum essential option for this reason. Potential PROC Slotting: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=controller_control.arsenal_control.liquid_nitrogen&at=controller What I think @tidge is likely pointing out is the power's long recharge gives the initial hit a high chance to PROC even though the follow on checks are on 10s checks/cooldown. Through this lens you can treat the power as a standard AoE power for this evaluation since you only care about the initial hit; the follow on hits are just gravy. Now I could be wrong but I think the Slow (Movement Snare) is the only component of the power that isn't conditional on KD event; probably doesn't matter since the Slow effect is "100%".. You will still want Accuracy in the power if you PROC it out for the PROC(s) to hit. In this case the Slow sets PROCs are likely to be the best option for this set up. For discussion I think this is the best way to look at flat AoE damage PROCS as I understand them. If I am wrong please correct me. The LNs AoE Damage can only occur after the 8% chance to KD occurs (the exclamation point in the CoD entry states only after .5s KD). So AoE PROCs only trigger after KD and AoE damage occur. So under normal situation for an standard AoE attack (no patch) the PROC rates are determined by the quality of the PROC (higher PPM is better), the power's modified enhanced recharge time (higher recharge is better for higher chance) and the area of the powers effect (smaller is better). So lets say a 45s recharge power grants a 70% chance to PROC. In our case it would be 70% after the 8%. .7 X ,08 comes out to 5,6% per tick. So this power ticks twice after initial giving you three checks total for the life of the power. So in this example the AoE PROCs would only have a ~16% chance to PROC at least once per target over the life of the power. Since the Slows aren't conditional I would expect the Slow PROC of the same quality to have a very high chance to PROC at 70% the PROCs each check which means you are all but guaranteed to hit each target at least once during the life of the power.
  5. I leveled mine before the last Ice Control buff and before they power availability changes. It performed well enough but at the time I committed to my Ice/Poison build just for the snorts and giggles. I could see Ice/NA aggressively played with the sets improvements.
  6. No worries. My pleasure. I think your assumptions are correct. Fire/Marine is one of the smoothest 1 to 50s I've played recently. Elec/Rad seems pretty rare and you might cook up a build that performs well for you. My Elec/Rad basically turned into a meme build when I made the odd design choice to go all in on the Fighting Pool. I dipped into all three attacks for the synergy and the -End Fatigue effects; nothing to write home about but this is how I entertain myself these days. Your choice of /Mu over my /Fire is probably the better choice to neuter end out of the gate and increase survivability. I certainly think Elec/Rad has some potential with a proper build. For me the baseline performance didn't wow me enough to cook up a build for it and take it to the next level of potential.
  7. Depends on the role you want to play. Any of those work since you don't care about damage. For me I've been happier with any Fire/ > Elec/ and any /Marine > /Nature > /Rad. There are some situations where that ranking will be changed and favor a different order outside of general play e.g. /Rad is great vs hard targets. IMO any of the /Nature builds have the highest potential to serve a team as the sole support character. Fire/ choices are all fine with Fire/Marine being very strong out of the gate even without sets. It is a well rounded pairing and has some +End to support use of HF early. It was a fairly smooth ride and can handle packs of +4s around the midgame without breaking a sweat. Fire/Nature works surprisingly well with the two auras rewarding melee range play with many great team support powers. /Nature is just a well designed set IMO. Fire/Rad is a classic but the squishiest of the bunch. If you are trying to work in pool powers this is probably your best option since the other secondary sets have fewer skippable powers IMO. /Rad has many throwaways. The big sell with this is AM and the two toggles that significantly weaken hard targets. Not a big fan of Elec/ in general but Elec/Rad and Elec/Nature are your better options for playing in melee. Only matters if you plan to build for -End and leverage your aura in a -End layered approach. IMO of the two Elec/Nature is your better option if you want to lean into your primary more since you can buff up before fights and control during the engagement. Elec/Marine had the best overall control feel since you are gaining slows and more KDs which brings a touch more synergy to the pair. After applying your -RES via Whitecap you can play mostly at range if you wish where the other two Elec/ pairs felt like a waste of potential not playing in melee with double control auras. Ultimately I vote for Fire/Marine which gave me the best play through experience. This pair earned a spot in my main Controller rotation, The other Fire/s are ok pair but didn't give me the wow factor like Fire/Marine did. I think Elec/Rad has some great potential as does Fire/Rad but you basically have to commit to a good Defensive IO build to squeeze the potential out. You can always run over to Brainstorm and trick out all six builds to see which you like.
  8. Area pulsing patches have a low chance to PROC as they check on cast followed by a check every 10s all modified for area. To my understanding the KD effect has a cooldown which is a prerequisite for the damage component of the power.
  9. I agree it is a top tier set I just really dislike the general mechanics of it and that /Energy feels like an obligatory pick for my expected performance. I wish it had some special interaction with the Elec/ Controller primary as it does with Elec Blast. Yes I like the set more on my MM than any other AT. I probably like it more because henchmen are a walking DoT and I play it using a minimalist stance dance approach which allows me to lean into my secondary more. I'm reluctant to roll another Controller but I suspect I will like the set more paired with Arsenal/ or Earth/ since I can throw out persistent patch effects which open up cast time for my secondary.
  10. Well thanks for pointing this issue out. Unfortunately this is likely still true and applies to Controller pets as well. I checked the combat logs on two different **/EA Controllers and the -End% component nor KU isn't showing in the logs. The -End% certainly isn't triggering. Now I am skeptical the Powerboost-like portion works at all on pets. /EAs release was in Issue 26 Page 5 March 31st 2020 so I doubt this is a bug considering the set has been around for a while. For pet classes this is lame if it is working as intended.
  11. That's a fair comment. There are a few components to the power. The bonus to healing and +Recharge are registering in the pet combat attribute window. The +Recharge is the only component that shouldn't work on pets and henchmen. The rest of Amped Up is basically a Powerboost Other power + two parts to the Shock Therapy buff. ST grants a -End% and the chance to KU PROC as far as I understand it and that is delivered via electric bolts when in proximity of the target. Now if you are saying none of the buffs work despite showing in the window it is a possibility but I would probably have to figure a way to test it.
  12. You can make one on Brainstorm to test. I recommend trying the pair to see if you like it. I have one at 50 which I shelved for a rework at some point. It was one of the better pairs with /EA but didn't wow me like other Controller pairs I've discovered and enjoyed. It wasn't terrible it just didn't address my issues with Grav/ in general. I paired it for the same reason for a boosted Singy but also was attempting to squeeze out some End Drain from Shock and Galvanic for some added control. I also dislike /EA mechanics despite it being a strong set in certain configurations. In a nutshell my preference for Grav/ is added control from the secondary and my preference for /EA is a primary set with fire and forget persistent controls which open up opportunity to buff/heal. The pros: AUed Singy works and is pretty tough and can have some fun interactions when the Shock Therapy PROCs trigger KU on a boosted Lift; it basically launches mobs off-screen when the effects stack. The added lockdown duration are noticeable as well, tough bosses aren't moving. Grav/ has some skip powers while /EA has less hard skips. The set up lets me select more pool pick ups than I would have with my other /EA Controllers. The cons: My gripe with Grav/ is it has a ST chain but sacrifices high uptime AoE controls (I don't mess with DS and I skip the AoE Holds unless they pulse and persist), When your primary set mitigation isn't enough you tend to lean on your secondary a lot more. On a Controller /EA doesn't feel like a strong set for me. When your team is getting hammered you are working those chain heals. /EA didnt really shine for me until I paired it with the /Energy(Primal) Epic pool. PBed Buffs and heals are uber and the set doesn't feel as great without it based on my expectations. The Enegry Epic feels obligatory. I hate the mechanics of /EA and the rotation of having to constantly recast Faraday as you incrementally move to the next mob. The set has a very spammy feel to it especially if you are chasing the recharge buff. I also worked around trying to get -End/-Recovery to work from Shock and Galvanic. With some EndMod slotting you can get some draining going but more so for tough longer fights. Other than that -DMG from those powers are more useful at the lower levels IMO and are completely skipable for late game builds. You may enjoy the pair, for me it was one of several experiments to find interesting combos. Mine is on the docket to get reworked so it sits in the pile with the other 100+ Controllers.
  13. /Poison is an acquired taste.... just don't taste too much of it before building up immunity. It hasn't gotten any love since your experience on live. I think it could use some tweaks to make the throwaway powers more compelling and desirable IMO. On the flip side the throwaways can make room for more pool picks earlier. Of the ATs that currently have access to it my best experience with /Poison has been with Defenders and Controllers and I wont touch the set again on an MM. The biggest drawback is surviability gets squirrely vs larger mob groups especially if they are spread out. It is geared for hard target killing. While it is true the main hits don't stack and nor do the splash effect, you can stack the main hit with a splash for ~1.5x effect. Getting the most out of your Tier 9 requires getting in melee range.
  14. Premise sounds interesting. How much stick time do you have with each AT, Defender vs Controller? So how are you picking what to pair with your support sets for each AT? How about power pools and Epics? How are you selecting powers to keep or skip within a build? Are you tracking the maturity of your teammate's builds (IOed and/or Incarnated) as a variable?
  15. I think it is a fair question/concern and a noticeable effect with certain combos, especially when you are leveling up and aren't IOed yet. Yes. IMO some combos can get very very busy but it varies by team composition and the difficulty settings the team runs. The lower the number of support on the team the busier you will get. From my observations this effect is generally noticeable in pairs with little to no persistent controls (e.g. no pulsing control patches) combined with heal based secondaries. These combos tend to get pretty busy under harder content and/or weaker teams that have no other forms of mitigation. IMO the best you can do is buff before battle. control and debuff first during combat and heal as opportunities present themselves. In other situations where this isn't enough you'll lean on healing considerably.
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