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Uncle Shags

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  1. Maybe Poison/Sonic! I think there's a mod that allows you to change the sounds of powers. That would be hilarious.
  2. I love it. Excellent name. Although with the water blast set, especially tinted greenish brown, wouldn't it be more like Prof Oopsee Isharted? I have a Poison/Water that I love. So good. Super tanky (like actual TANK tanky), super support, lots of cc with poison trap and KD, and surprisingly good damage. I still enjoy playing it. Actually, I might give it a spin after writing this! Our builds are pretty dang similar. I went for the Fold Space tree and a bit more damage. Procced out, enhanced Water Jet is amazing. I went with Aqua Bolt instead of Hydro Blast because it's faster for building tidal power. AB->Dehydrate->AB->Enhanced Water Jet repeat is a really good ST chain. My build isn't perfect, I'm sure, but maybe it'll give you ideas. Defender (Poison - Water Blast)2.mbd
  3. Is it worth the slots? I see some builds with, some without, some with only one. My understanding is that only the Phantasm would benefit, not the PA? How about Spectral Terror? And I've heard some folks say that the phantasm is impossible to keep alive anyway, so why bother trying? I'm building my first Illusion and this is what keeps me up at night. JK. Kind of. Thanks!
  4. Alternative perspective: Synapse is a horrible tf. It's long, boring, repetitive, and made worse due to lack of access to many powers. Most people who thought "OK, I don't need to speed..." are going to be smashing their face into the keyboard by the 1.5 hour mark, screaming "When will it end?! Please, God, can it just end?!" I only ever do it for the accolade, and hate it every time. Also, take a deep breath. The sky isn't falling.
  5. I'm pretty excited. I've got a ill/time at level 4, ready and waiting at Richards. I got all my keymaps, and bindings set up, xp boost, ouro portal, long range transport reward, and goofy back story written. Pretty excited!
  6. I'm taking a leap here because I've never played WM, but my impression is that it has a lot of mitigation via knockdown? Fire has zero mitigation. For large groups of normal enemies that can make a huge difference. Although, if you're talking AVs that might not matter because I don't think knockdown works on them?
  7. I suppose since it's so versatile you can slot it to fit your needs.
  8. Not too sure about brute. I've got a TW/Bio scrapper that I love, but feel guilty playing because it's so OP. If I were you: Drop defense sweep and replace with crushing blow. CB completes your ST rotation and is the fastest power you have to gain momentum Drop SJ and replace with titan sweep. You already have combat teleport and teleport. TS completes your aoe rotation and hits hard. Drop the enhancement chase for +regen and replace with global -rech and -rech in your heal/regen/absorb powers. Getting your click powers up as fast as possible is the key to Bio. Consider scrapper. The crit ATO goes reeeeally well with TW. Let me know if you want to see a scrapper build to compare to.
  9. Good luck with your poetry. "Whenever the literary German dives into a sentence, that is the last you are going to see of him till he emerges on the other side of his Atlantic with his verb in his mouth." - Mark Twain
  10. To me a major factor is Blizzard vs Inferno. In theory, Blizzard does a lot more damage, especially considering scourge. But personally I found in most fights most of the damage was wasted on corpses. If you plan on drawn out fights, blizzard is better. In quick fights I think inferno wins.
  11. I'm sure you've all run Posi 2. How can you think badly of Vahzilok?! Dr. Vahz: "The people of Paragon think I'm a monster... But my work here will usher in a new age! An end to sickness... An end to war... An end to death itself! Task Force Shags will NOT stop my new age!" Poor Dr. Vahzilok is just a humanitarian trying to make the world a better place! And when we ruin his plan? "I was to build a Utopia! A place where all would live, free from disease, free from the grip of death! Is such a world...truly impossible to obtain...?" Is that evil? Insane? Of course. But evil? His aim was Utopia! Maybe it's the actions that matter, not the intention?
  12. We need a statistician! I think you're right that eventually, over time, given the randomness from multiple missions and teammates, the numbers will start to be clear. Speed, safety, etc. My concern is that it would take more than 5 missions to reach the randomness you need for good data. Maybe a lot more than 5. But I don't know. Paging the statistician!
  13. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Make a character. Try it out. Solo. Teams. See how it feels. Be ready for confusion. That's normal. Get creative. Try another. And another. Go back to the first and see how it feels now. The beauty of this game is there is a nearly incalcuable (smart people have tried and given up) number of ways to combine power sets, archetypes, powers, enhancement, play style, backstory, etc., and in the end, almost anything can turn out to be super. With a little bit of skill and practice you can go into a mission where you're vastly outnumbered and come out wildly victorious. You can go into a mission with 7 other people and every single person walks out the door feeling like THEY were the one that saved the day. The other 7 did fine, but it was their specific actions that had real meaning, and made a huge impact towards the success. This game is crazy, complicated, and confusing. But the good news is, it allows you to focus on what YOU find fun. No matter what that is. Go with that. The fun.
  14. I loved it! In particular: 1. I soloed it and went right for objectives, which was great, but I could tell the enemy composition and density would have been challenging, fun, and fruitful for a full KM team of 8. 2. You somehow took my costume colors and flipped/mirrored them! That was an awesome touch. 3. The final bosses mechanic was great. Even as a invuln tank it had me...flailing. Thank you.
  15. I have one stalker with it and one without. On one the build was too tight and couldn't fit it. The other one used it for the crit. If you time it right you can get some nice burst. I suppose it's good for survival too, but I found on teams I never had survival issues. I just never got much aggro, and what I did aggro was gone quick.
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