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About pesterchum

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. The real alien is probably the dude that kramers into this thread thinking saying all that is normal
  2. A lot of people here confusing tedium for challenge.
  3. If we're going to spend a bunch of time changing a bunch of powersets I'd much rather them look into things like trick arrow where some power combinations have single digit amounts of players than things like hasten where people use it because they feel it makes them more effective.
  4. Last I checked the answer to 'everyone is taking health/stamina' on live wasn't 'let's give them a way worse version of health/stamina.' Maybe you should start from there, workshop it a bit and maybe you'll get a bit more traction.
  5. Are you just being cocky because you know you'll never be popular enough to be nerfed from the game
  6. Yeah, it's no good unless you're trying to really get into the character of galactus from fantastic four 2: rise of the silver surfer. Which no one should ever do. +1
  7. I don't really care if a set makes me feel "too" strong in a superhero game, especially in one where incarnate powers can make anything incredibly strong anyway.
  8. It's already a punchline
  9. Feel free to make a villain group, the game could always use more variety. Pick a better theme, though. You don't see americans making like, a boris johnson or brexit villain group. If you want an easy target, go after like... Mutants. Or kheldians or mages or whatever. At least then there's more layers of fictional hate.
  10. I too have so many close friends that I have to constantly remove many of them.
  11. I will let you tell me how I'm allowed to play the game but only on the condition that I get to dictate how you play the game as a fair trade. I'll be writing up a dissertation on what's expected of you.
  12. I love comics. They don't usually end up making a whole lot of sense, even from issue to issue. Then you have all the reboots and all the ways the characters and their attitudes just kind of arbitrarily change depending on who the author is and you don't end up with a whole of consistency. It's good for sparking the imagination, though. If some dude resonated with say, the guy who served superman a whole lot of hamburgers that time he got real fat and ate a lot of hamburgers, you know what? More power to him. He could come up with whatever burger time story he wanted, really flesh out the character. Still, could you imagine if burger guy did all that and then A: Wrote some paragraphs about how other people make and play characters wrong and B: Followed it up by telling other people they were getting worked up? That would be really weird. That was rhetorical question, but you will find that it has an important implication lurking within it. Burger guy would need some sort of introspection about the whole thing. Don't be the guy hung up on burger lore.
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