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Everything posted by Abraxus

  1. Very true! There were very real consequences to be considered, which is easy to overlook...unless you were the one(s) affected. I appreciate the risk he/she/they took at the time. On a side note, I'd really like to see us move beyond what already happened in the past (which we cannot change), and concentrate on the present, and the future, which are still somewhat in our control. Recriminations by those who feel the old score server, NCSoft, or Leo personally did them wrong, seem to hold on to those fixations like a vendetta. I'm not saying deny the past, but I am saying we should put in it's place as something that informs the future, and doesn't dictate it.
  2. Those calling me out for remaining a member of the FourChan/Thunderspy/CoxG discord, and observing the distasteful content that is circulated around there, then so be it. I'm fine with that. I believe in knowing, rather than speculating, or jumping on a bandwagon. I have seen the racist, misogynistic, and conspiracy-minded things that get posted over there regularly with my own eyes. I prefer to know these things myself, so I can speak from fact, rather than conjecture. Call it whatever you like, petty or whatever. But, while you apparently question my motives, nothing I said can't be proven by just perusing their Discord. As unpleasant, and distasteful as I find much of it, vigilance is what I would call it. You can always stick to the safe bubble of what suites you. But, if you are to know the real landscape, one must occasionally venture out to see what goes on outside that sphere. For the record, I have no such issues with Rebirth, or any of the other servers out there, and I am a member of ALL of those Discord channels as well, and I love what they are doing on those servers. I would also point out that when I said "remaining a member", it's because I didn't join these other Discord servers for the purpose of gathering intelligence, and using it to disparage them. I joined them all almost as soon as they became available, because I wanted to see the full breadth of what was going on in the new world of CoH that sprang into existence back in May of this year, because I love this game. The language, behavior, and attitudes I observed, and characterized on the CoxG Discord server reflect what it evolved into very quickly after I joined. So, take that for what it's worth. If someone maintains that playing on the CoxG CoH server, is somehow different from the conversation on the Discord community, I cannot confirm, or deny this. If true, great. However, the concerns I have from their Discord activity would keep me from ever actually playing on their CoH server on principle alone, knowing that some of those same folks are there, and just not showing that behavior in-game. So, if you have problems with me, just remember this. What I post here in the forum, what I post in Discord, or Facebook is all representative of who I am, and I am no different there, than anywhere else in this community. If you question anything, it really shouldn't be my honesty, or sincerity. What you see here, is what you get.
  3. I believe the gist of my post was positive, and much in line with what you said. I had NO complaints about the frequency of the information given, or the content. So, I don't know where this is coming from, but I think you greatly misinterpreted my post.
  4. It's hard not to have doubt when news about something we'd very much like to see finally resolved, is far, and few between. There is no easy answer, but I think all any of us can do is play, enjoy playing, look forward to the next cool update, and somewhere down the line we'll hear something. It will happen when it can, and due to a lot of complicated legal issues, not a moment before that. So, I try not to focus on the destination, but rather to enjoy the journey. The rest will surely take care of itself, and no amount of asking, wishing, anticipation, or anxiety will make it happen any sooner. So, relax and enjoy!
  5. I feel like the Devs should spend time improving, and adding to the game according need (to keep things efficient, and stable), and popularity with the player-base, when possible. I say that, as opposed to wanting them to actively neuter, or making some aspects of the game unplayable in order to discourage people from playing that particular thing. IMHO, if they want to see less of a particular activity, the best way to accomplish that is to make some other aspect of the game MORE attractive, and allow folks naturally gravitate towards it. Facilitating a choice to do something more rewarding, rather than leaving them with only the choice you want them to make is always the better method. 🙂
  6. It's ok. I occasionally borrow a fire scrapper from my son to do a little farming, and I get some weird thrill out of killing me too. I have 4 or 5 other characters of mine in there as well, and it's the same for all of them. 😆 But, on the subject at hand, in re-reading my post, it might come off as a little sanctimonious, but rest assured, I am not preaching to anyone NOT to play there. Simply stating my reasons for feeling the way I do about the place, and why I would never compromise my own values to experience anything they have introduced over there, no matter how compelling, or entertaining they might sound. I think that is representative of the spirit of this game as well. At least on the blue side, which is where all of my characters reside, regardless of their archetype. 😎
  7. Homecoming is the only site that I am aware of, that is making any effort towards alleviating the legal aspect of the game. Yet another reason why I play here, and nowhere else. 😎
  8. I believe I've stated my feelings on the Fourchan/Thunderspy/CoxG server, but I'll restate briefly. I remain a member of their Discord group, just to keep an ear to the ground about what goes on over there. The blatant racist language, their consummate hatred of Homecoming, and it's Devs (not to mention their disparaging attitude for those who play here, like we are all ignorant doofs for doing so), plus their political "discussions". This is all enough to ensure that, no matter what changes they make, I'll never play there. There have been many who come to their defense by saying that what you see in their Discord is not typical of the behavior in-game. To me, once you show who you really are, how you behave in more social settings doesn't alter the fact that you are just suppressing your real character for whatever reason. On the rare instance where someone who just talks that way in their Discord because they are just going along with the vibe, it makes no difference. You have acquiesced to that kind of language, and behavior by participating, so that defense falls flat for me. The community matters. The community over there is nothing I ever wish to associate with, and what their server offers will never get me to sacrifice my own principals by going there, no matter what shiny objects they dangle. If folks don't want to be labeled that way in general because they aren't all like that, then they really need to think about how those one chooses to associate with, implies things about you that might not be how you see yourself, or wish others to perceive you as such. Ultimately, being there is their choice, and more power to them. What they say, and do over there is protected by the Constitution. But, while that means it's legal, it doesn't make it right, and I will never be a part of it, outside of the vigilance of observing silently what happens there, and the lament that this kind of thing still exists in the 21st century. Having said all that, I will also say that the innovation of the Homecoming team, and the pace of their updates, while not as sensational, have been more frequent than even the "live" days, and is much more responsive to issues as well. If the NCSoft deal is successful, it might open the door to much more that might have posed legal issues before that point. It's hard to know, but I truly believe that the best is still yet to come, and I'll be around to see it.
  9. Yup! Always great to hear that a security concern has been addressed.
  10. I can agree with the sentiments expressed here. However, I get that same kind of feed back from Blasters (in the damage I deal out), Healers (saving lives, and making them more effective), and Brutes/Scrappers (taking the opposition out one at a time, with extreme prejudice). So, I think it's fair to say that different folks experience that same feeling you get playing your preferred archetypes, in their own way, with their own preferred archetypes that lend themselves to that process. It's an individual experience, arrived at in many distinct, and unique ways. Sounds like the mark of a good game to me!
  11. Captain America's fight with Thanos in "Endgame", starting with the hammer!
  12. It might have closed just prior to you attempting to contribute. It took longer this month, than past months, mainly due to the large target we were trying to hit. But, the determination of this community to be able to do so before sundown on the same day is nothing short of incredible! This community has always been the best, and that tradition continues in the reborn version of the game. 🙂
  13. I think I'd counter with the concept that the game already offers the choice/opportunity for you to make things more challenging for yourself, and any like-minded individuals that team with you. But, I wouldn't like to see the devs devoting precious time to changing something that need not be changed in order for you to play in your preferred style. I'd rather they bring never before seen features, and content to the game that everyone can enjoy, rather than locking down play styles so that everyone has no choice but to play as a segment of the player base prefers.
  14. In the end, I think it comes down to this. If you enjoy playing the game, and you like playing your fully developed character more than walking a new one through the ranks, then by all means play the heavy hitter Incarnate! The great thing about that is, you can always go back and do any lower level stuff you want, and be just as (if not more) effective as anyone you are teamed with at the lower levels. In the high level content, you are practically unstoppable, and your power just continues to grow with each new T4 your build. I think it gives you the flexibility to fill gaps, or augment your regular powers in different ways, depending on which combination you use. That sounds pretty powerful to me! If we have any idea of more Incarnate powers would be added down the road (originally, there were intended to be 10), it might be more worthwhile to just hold up until those became available. But, as it is, for the foreseeable future, the 6 is all we will have, so make the absolute most of them! It sounds like you are already well on your way!
  15. I would think at minimum, you should warn teammates of this, so that they have the opportunity to go to Null the Gull to do this prior to launching into a TF, or mission, or Trial. Otherwise, your play preferences are affecting their enjoyment of the game, and without fair warning, that's a bit unfair. I'm sure most would be happy to accommodate, but if they are caught in this without warning, I could well understand their frustration.
  16. If only that were so here in the states. With it falling in between Halloween, and Christmas here, it doesn't universally get the attention it should. It's become the carbo-load we do before heading out for Black Friday madness. 😆
  17. I imagine that once the Halloween event is over, we will be looking at the Winter event coming along soon afterward. Much like society in general where, as soon as Halloween is over, our thoughts turn directly to Christmas, looking at Thanksgiving as the meal break in between. 😉
  18. No, I believe they mean "Homecoming" version of free...which is free. 😉
  19. I feel like there are other avenues for casual chatter, and that they should be encouraged to utilize those, and leave the HELP, and LFG channels to be used for that which they were intended. I don't feel like it's a 'bannable" offense, but a matter of respect, and MMO etiquette. If the problem is that prevalent, make a GM aware. But, beyond a simple reminder of the intended use of a channel, getting into a protracted argument on the channel over it's proper use could be viewed in a less than complimentary way in, and of, itself. As for the power-leveling request (for AE farms I'm assuming), AE is a recognized part of the game, and as such is just as entitled to queries about a team as anything else IMHO. I suppose you could suggest that they go to one of the AE buildings, and do a "local" inquiry to reduce server-wide traffic on the LFG channel, but I don't see the harm at this juncture. Again, that's just my take. Your mileage may vary. 🙂
  20. With the donation target almost doubling since last month, I'm thinking there will be ample opportunity for everyone who wishes to do so, to donate this time. 😉 Those legal fees really piled it on, and I don't mind helping pay those at all. I just hope they result in the outcome we are all hoping for when it's all said and done. 😎
  21. Good stuff there. I have a Radiation Melee Brute that I'm learning to play a little better.
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