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Everything posted by Abraxus

  1. Crey's Folly is pretty long, if you get caught out in the far south end, which is where my SG base transport beacon happens to be.
  2. Perhaps "We are with you, and we got your back", or even "There are more of us, than of them. Seek us out, and play with us. Just block them altogether". It doesn't resolve the problem, of course, because as long as there are large groups of people that come together for any reason, there will be a small percentage that stand out because of their bad behavior. You can't change them, and you really can't make sense of why they do, what they do. If you give them any inkling that you care about what they say, or do, they will do it even more intensely. So, my .02 of a dollars worth is always, set your bar high. Anyone who doesn't meet your comfort level of behavior, kick 'em to the curb, and keep seeking out the majority who will always meet those standards.
  3. I know. I was just blown away by last month's time, which admittedly set the mark pretty high. Plenty of mitigating factors as to why that wasn't matched, or beaten. It's still plenty cool that this community, as relatively small as it is when compared to other active MMOs, is able to get it done even as quickly as we do month to month.
  4. I remember in the early days, before VOIP was so ubiquitous, having two 3-way phone calls, bridged together so that we could talk to each other during our playtime.
  5. Didn't beat last month's record of 3 minutes 30 seconds (I think it was), but done is done. 😉
  6. According to the calendar, today is donation day, so watch closely! The opening of donations happens without too much advanced warning, and typically closes in minutes!
  7. Well, the Halloween event is up, on the Beta Server anyway! That along with a few other changes, including the new Willpower Power Pool choice. I'd imagine it'll all be on the Live servers fairly soon. Next week if I were making a bet. 😎
  8. You had me a Halloween Event! But, I'm reading on anyway! 😎
  9. In the 7 years that this game was gone, I came to realize that, even though I had moved on to other games, this was the only one I REALLY wanted to play. Everything else was a pale substitute in my world. Last year, I found out about the SEGs effort to basically re-code the game, expunging it of anything actionable for doing so, and working towards bringing it back to life. After the previous failed attempts at talks with NCSoft that sparked hope, then failed, it sounded like the best opportunity to play my beloved game again. At that point (and I don't believe too much progress has been made since), the game was in a very early stage of functionality. Not much more than what was in Paragon Chat, except that this version was based on the Issue 0, or Issue 1 version of the game, so there was a lot missing. It was very rough, but you could see where they had made some progress. At the time, I still believed that in a year, perhaps two, there would be a playable version of the game to play once more. Then...the SCORE revelation hit like a bomb in mid-April, and within a week of that happening, there was a live, playable server up and running. My world was rocked, and in a good way for a change! I have been here ever since. The game I was playing occasionally at the time, out. Playing/experimenting with SEGs builds, not once since Homecoming went online. CoH has once again become the only game I play, the only game I want to play, and the community that I support in any way I can. I have been able to successfully donate twice to the Homecoming effort, so far, and will keep trying every month. When I play, I try to savor every moment, remembering what it was like to only dream of playing again. Watching Youtube videos of Task Force runs from days gone by, and wishing I could do that once again. Well, now I am, and I can only hope that will be the case for years to come!
  10. True, but fiddling with the settings I talked about (FSAA, and Ansiotropic Filtering) do make a noticeable difference. The higher you can run them, the better things look. It can only get so good, considering it's age. But, these things help. 🙂
  11. I realize it's not uncommon. But, in most cases, if we stop a moment, and take stock of what the OP was really getting at, I think in most cases we'd find that the topic was actually addressed many posts before, and things are just going in circles, ever spiraling towards being locked for conduct, or being deemed resolved by a GM. IMHO, this thread has reached that point.
  12. I've missed a lot of this conversation, but what I have caught begs the question of whether, or not, what needed to be said, has already been said numerous times. The points have been made, vigorously debated back and forth, and warnings about civility have been given at various points along the way by the GMs/Devs. At first glance, it no longer seems that there is anything constructive served by further discussion. Only folks arguing back, and forth.
  13. I typically run at 1920x1080. I have all graphics at ultra, and I make sure that FSAA, and Ansiotropic Filtering are turned up as far as they will go. FSAA is really important, as it rounds off the "jaggies" in pretty much everything. If you have even a middle of the road graphics card, it should be able to handle it under normal circumstances. But, if you are in a Rikti Invasion, large TF, Mothership Raid, or Hammi Raid, things could get a little choppy unless you have one that's a little more than middle of the road. All that said, those settings make a world of difference, and make our little world in Paragon City much nicer to look at.
  14. The reply would be "But, my mom's name is Martha too!". Takes the steam right out of him.
  15. Absolute bottom line...the world is not a perfect place, and is typically made even less so by it's (supposedly) most intelligent/sentient occupants. All we can do is deal the best way we can, without making our issues, and concerns more important than the next guys. We will disagree, debate, even argue. But, try not to make it personal. If we are doing that, it's about as good as it will get, on the whole.
  16. I don't believe financial support of those servers was even hinted at. Just cooperation, which is what everyone in the community has been clamoring for. Let's not create controversy where none exists. 🙂
  17. I'm an old geek too, just sans the cranky...well, most of the time. Hold on a moment.... *Shouts out the door* Hey you! Get the heck off my lawn!!! Sorry, had to be done. Even more pathetic when I remember, I don't have a front lawn anymore. Really gonna have to reign it in about that I guess. 😆
  18. Fantastic things always seem like magic, until they can be explained by science, or natural phenomena. So, you could go a lot of ways with it. 🙂
  19. Unless there was a ring involved to focus that will, and harness it and....oh wait. We don't want to go there! 😉
  20. For those of us on the first iteration of the SCORE server in mid-April, the download of the game, and load screens, queues, and lag/rubber banding were still a real thing. The second iteration in late April, or early May, about the same. Took weeks for enough shards to be put out there to balance the load, and get things running smoothly. But, once done, it has been like a dream come true.
  21. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion, baby!
  22. I love everything you just said, but I see what you did there! Bravo folks!
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