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Everything posted by Abraxus

  1. Not a surprise to me. Just recognition long deserved.
  2. My New Year's goal with regard to CoH, is to hope that it will be here whenever the mood, and the opportunity to play, should strike. I'm not playing as intensely as I was when the game first came back, but it remains the only game I play, or even want to play!
  3. Now, 50 or so votes to surpass Runescape! Come on folks!
  4. There is no game I'd rather play, or community I'd rather play with! I don't suffer from any illusion that there aren't some bad actors in our community. But, for the most part, we are willing to help rather than criticize, and I think there are more examples of those kinds of positive interactions, and is more representative of the kinds of folks who gravitate towards this game, and make it a great place to be!
  5. Voted. I think as more folks see this post, they will vote and we will see our numbers rise. Don't know if we can overcome the Runescape lead, but for a game whose resurrection happened less than a year ago, and still fighting for legal status, we are doing extremely well!
  6. I was able to throw in a few duckets. I am overjoyed every month when I see the donation goals met so quickly. Proof positive that this community wants to see this game live on, and continue to prosper.
  7. Merry Christmas (or whatever you happen to celebrate today) to all the denizens of Paragon City! We already received the best gift most of us could possibly imagine, when we returned to our beloved city earlier this year. So, let's just keep being the heroes, and villains we dreamed about in the dark years, and making Paragon City the place we all want to be, and keeping the spirit alive!
  8. Wasn't the point of the 64-bit client at least partially driven by the El Capitan migration, which took away 32-bit support? Now that the 64-bit client is done, it should allow you to continue to play without interruption.
  9. I think you'll find that many of us feel EXACTLY the same way! I certainly do!
  10. I'd be up for a year-end summation of where we've been, and perhaps a glimpse into the foreseeable future. Nothing specific. Just a 10,000 foot view of things, concentrating more on Homecoming itself, as opposed to specific changes to the game (though a high-level overview there as well would be cool).
  11. Is it the natural slowdown that typically happens around the holidays to a lot of businesses, or is the Homecoming team perhaps saving up some really good news for the new year? I'd like to think it's the latter.
  12. I do recall that trying to save up for that first full set of SOs with my very first character, just seemed agonizing. There were a lot of powers that were running with some DOs, and some SOs into the mid-thirties, until I began to hit that point where I achieved some financial independence.
  13. My routine, and progression/participation plans differ a little, but I agree with all of the above! I love being back, and knowing that even if I'm gone for a few days, my beloved city will be here when I can return.
  14. That's a great tradition! I'll follow suite when I'm around on Torchbearer.
  15. Welcome back! We have all experienced that very same feeling of nostalgia, and joy to be back in Paragon City! We all hope that more folks who haven't yet found their way back, are able to do so ASAP!
  16. Alternatively, it can be the first step on the road to something wonderful.
  17. I've got all of mine tucked away nice and safe. It's been years since I read them, but I remember liking the story.
  18. Yup! Now, as it was then, when I am playing a Blaster, if I'm not dying, I'm not doing my job! If I can't do enough damage to gain the notice of baddies who want to end my existence (even those at +4), then I gotta rethink my build plan! 😎
  19. Yeah, I wish upon a star once in awhile for peace on Earth, goodwill towards man. But, of all things, human nature is the hardest thing to change. Folks are, as they are. The hope is that the nature of the game attracts the majority of folks who are just as you describe. However, we know that reality dictates there will always be those few who can't/won't subscribe to that ideal. It's a micro example, of a macro problem, and we are but humble gamers, making our way in the world. We do what we can, when we can, and hope it's enough. But, we can't solve the entire world's ills. So, I will play, and try to be an example of those higher ideals. If we all do that, things will take care of themselves.
  20. Something tells me if you wanted a textured cat model bad enough, it would happen @Jimmy! 😉
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