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Everything posted by Abraxus

  1. Once again, my pleasure to contribute!
  2. Missed out on this one. But, I'll be waiting for the next opportunity!
  3. Oh come on folks! I've seen this community punch a hole in this thing within 2 hours, with scads of folks lamenting on how they didn't get there in time. Here we are 7 hours later, and less than 70%?
  4. It's still open! Get in there and push it over the top!
  5. It is my pleasure to continue to help out for the cause!
  6. You guys are awesome! I saw this notice while I was away from the house, and figured I'd get my donation in before it closed. But, the window closed before I got home, which is faster than I have seen in awhile. So, while I didn't get my monthly contribution in, so many of you did, and so quickly that I feel our community is not only alive, but thriving.
  7. Did my monthly contribution to the cause. I get a lot of value for that contribution, so I consider it entirely worth it.
  8. The current method allows them to meet their goals, usually in pretty short order. So, it works pretty well for them. Outside of special occasions like the last event, it's always on the last Saturday of the month, and they announce it here in the forum, on Discord, and even in-game. So, it is not only predictable, but announced pretty loudly by all means available to them. The only that varies is the actual time on that last Saturday when the window opens. But, following any of the aforementioned sources will tell you exactly when that happens. Hope that helps. 😎
  9. You guys deserve the time with friends, and family. We will be just fine for a few days. Enjoy!
  10. I am always conflicted when I miss a donation windows. Sad that I didn't get to contribute to the cause, but also happy because there are so many out there that are still so enthusiastic about this game, that the window closes this quickly. I will get back on track next month, but for now, thanks to all those that make this game great, and to those that help provide the resources to keep it going!
  11. Always happy to donate to a worthwhile cause. In this case, it's my way of saying "Thank you!" to the folks that resurrected the only game I have wanted to play consistently for 15+ years. The 8 that it was gone only made me want to play it even more, and now that it's back, I will always do what I can to ensure it stays around as long as there are Heroes, and Villains who want to play.
  12. My sincere thanks to the Dev team for their continued efforts. There is something here for just about any player. And, while not everyone will be happy with everything in it, the game just continues to get better than the live version, with every new update! After 15 years, I'm still playing CoH, and I couldn't be happier about that!
  13. ...and DONE! Another month of doing my part to keep playing the only game I want to play!
  14. Interesting. I would have thought the architectural differences would have required some major coding changes, or a backwards-compatibilty shell of some kind to be in place. Kind of like when Apple went from the PowerPC chip, to Intel archtecture.
  15. I was reading about the power that Apple's internally developed processor (M1 Pro, and M1 Max) brings to their new MacBooks, and, no doubt, soon to be included in their desktop offerings as well. As connected as I am to CoH, I guess it's should have come as no surprise to myself when the first thing that came to mind is how this would affect the ability of CoH to run natively on the MAC OS. Anybody got any information in this area?
  16. I certainly understand the concern. However, when compared with the more personal information that the large internet, and media providers gather on you every day, essentially just by using the internet, and their products; it is not quite as scary a prospect.
  17. You do have a right to be disappointed. But, that doesn't necessarily mean you are right. And, it's how you respond to that disappointment that defines you. So, before you articulate the reasons for your disappointment publicly, you might consider carefully first, the possibility that you could be wrong. An inability more, and more prevalent in our society in general these days. So, while you are certainly in good company in that regard, it does nothing to further prove your point. I will leave it there, as I'm sure any further comment would be futile.
  18. Tastes, and preferences are subjective. There is no accounting what will appeal to someone, and what won't. That said, assuming that your costume design is SO awesome, that if it doesn't get some kind of recognition, that it must be the judges fault, errs on the side of presumption, and arrogance. I was a GM for a time, and I can assure you that how you framed the process, is not correct. So, try to assume good intentions, and give them credit for being a little more engaged than that.
  19. Glad you were able to find you way home! Now, get out there and do some good!
  20. We all want to know all the salacious details of what's been going on with the legal stuff. But, I've always figured they'd tell us when they could, and not a moment sooner. So, in the meantime, I'll play, and enjoy the fact that the game is back, against all odds. Anything else is a bonus.
  21. I'd chalk it up to the cost of doing business, especially in a situation like the one we find ourselves. I mean, technically this shouldn't exist, and yet it does. That doesn't come without some legal vulnerability that HC is attempting to deal with. I can't speak for the other servers out there, as I don't play on them. But, they too are in a legal situation that they are likely just not prepared to deal with, should it become necessary. Frankly, I feel better about the continuity of this place knowing that what can be done, is being done, even if I don't know exactly what that is.
  22. Show me a lawyer who doesn't charge exorbitant amounts of money for services, and I'll show you a lawyer you don't want to be dealing with on anything important.
  23. If you have misgivings about it, feel free not to donate. It's totally your prerogative. They are upfront about the portion of donations that goes towards this, so nobody goes into this blind.
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