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  1. The Mistress of Fate in First Ward is using the Paragon City dialogue. As a Praetorian, she should be referring to the Combat Effectiveness Review Enforcement System (CERES).
  2. Montague Castanella refers to players as "PlayerName". This screenshot is from calling him, but I think I might have seen at least one other instance in his dialogue.
  3. I dream of Swashbuckling Assault: sword in one hand, pistol in the other.
  4. "Wayward" or "Mercurial" fit better with the theme of someone who changes their alignment often. "Uncommitted" -> "Mercurial" -> "Multifaceted" has a nice progression to it. Otherwise, if you want to emphasize the fact that a hero or villain is following lots of tips, you could go for something like "Tipped Off" -> "Well Connected" -> "In the Know" but that doesn't fit the badge icon very well.
  5. Why make it complicated? New Vigilance: Every teammate provides a 3% end discount. It does largely the same thing as current Vigilance, but in a way that is noticeable and that helps Defenders out in lower levels when they don't have the resources for end management.
  6. Combat-wise, the main issue with the Warriors is that they're fairly boring. Their missions are the easiest ones you can pick when doing paper missions in places like Nerva. They're a bunch of melee units, with only single-target moves and a crossbow shot as a single ranged attack in most cases. They deal exclusively crushing/lethal and their only control abilities are the disorients from the Crushers, and some knockback/knockdown. Thematically, they also write themselves into a corner by being a Natural-origin group that refuses to even use basic tech like guns. Suggestions, in no particular order: Add a dedicated Archer subset of units, to at least mix in some ranged combatants. Or a Javelin user. Add some Super Strength moves (Foot Stomp, Hand Clap) to Lieutenants/Bosses to pepper in some AoE and control. These powers are "natural" enough to feature in the MM Thugs Bruiser. Add a support unit. For example, a Dog Trainer that's a Beasts/Pain MM (with only wolves to stand in as dogs and very few pain powers: World of Pain cast on player detection, Anguishing Cry when in melee). Keeping tough, scary dogs would be fairly on-brand for the Warriors.
  7. I had the same bug in the same mission. An untargetable Praetorian Colonel Duray showed up after the Mission Complete, he could pelt me and and minions with attacks but I got the "Invalid Target" error when I tried to attack him.
  8. Typo in The Hetman's dialogue during Nadia's arc in First Ward. Mission: Part II: Hoist the Rag - Defeat D.U.S.T. Rangers "You're best bet" should be "Your best bet".
  9. 🐮-> Cow -> Moo -> Mu Mystic VEAT confirmed A boy can dream.
  10. For the sake of diversity, to not immediately make Fortitude into another Mind Link/Farsight clone, it could also be turned into an AoE toggle that targets an ally: a reverse Radiation Infection. That would keep the gameplay decision of who to target with Fortitude, while still increasing the default number of targets. You'd basically end up buffing only half the team, either the frontline or the backline, but that's still better than the current state.
  11. And yet, he's unable to see you if you're running any stealth powers. Did the arc yesterday and had to turn off Steamy Mist.
  12. I tend to agree with this. The Brute/Scrapper and Defender/Corruptor identities are already blurry enough that I'm not sure more archetypes would help. I have however wondered at times if the fact that Scirocco, nominally the signature Corruptor, so prominently wields a sword means that Corruptors were intended to be Melee/Support at some point in the design process. It's the one combo that I think might feel truly fresh.
  13. What about setting elevators as valid exit points for kidnap/rescue NPCs? At least that would significantly shorten the time and distance spent dragging them along, but still allow for things like ambush waves.
  14. Make the personal attacks from the Ninjas MM set throw shuriken instead of using a bow and arrow, please.
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