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  1. Redside does have some nice neighborhoods. Port Oakes has some decent looking areas (and some bad ones). Cap Au Diable looks all nice, just ignore the constant burglaries going on. Nerva is also pretty chill if you don't go to the northern part of the zone. St. Martial also looks okay barring that one area that was destroyed by the Wailers. Mercy Island, Sharkhead and Grandville definitely have a lot of slums and impoverished areas though. Grandville's setup is pretty bizarre to me as you'd think it'd be less slummy in certain places and more just a big techno city with a high tech looking slum at the bottom. I guess they didn't want to go for Arachnos architecture for most of the zone.
  2. Dark isn't a bad stand in for an Eldritch set but one thing I have noticed whilst playing around with Bio Armor is it does have an already more ''eldritch'' feel if you color it right. Bio is also pretty versatile as you can use it to represent coral, flesh, and hell even weird looking stone or greenery. If Bio got a support set I imagine it would be popular and it could go with a lot of different character ideas. I do agree though that a Fishman lovecraft kinda set in general would be nice. The Coralax were always one of my favorite enemy groups and it would be nice to have a MM set or some kind of set related to them but I sadly doubt it will ever happen. Me wishing for Bio to be adapted to a support set (which isn't impossible considering we already have it in-game as Armor) is partially cause I want to color it like coral to kind have something similar to the Coralax. I wouldn't mind a blast set for it either.
  3. One set that I would like and it would probably be easier to develop considering we already have a set of it in-game is Bio Support. I want to play an eldritch horror themed support. It'd be pretty fun I think on Mastermind or Controller.
  4. This thread just comes across to me as a bunch of people trying to piss on successors despite their being no real reason too considering you can like both Homecoming CoH and the successors or just Homecoming if you so please. I genuinely do not get why we have to be so nasty towards the successors considering Homecoming is still a thing and I don't see the successors somehow taking it away anytime soon. I personally think the whole question is pointless as the successors are still running and are still having people working on them. I am not sure about Ship of Heroes or Valiance but I do know City of Titans team is made of volunteer CoH players and they are actively still working on the game.
  5. Oh boi I have so many. First things first I think my by far favorites are The Broken Teeth OST in Croatoa as its really eerie and serene, Aeon City for being oddly beautiful, Eastgate Heights, and the Sewer Entrance Music. Beyond that Haven in Cap, the Flop in St. Martial, and Jackpot are all pretty good.
  6. It depends on the level for me and which side I am playing. Most of the incarnate and Goldside enemies hurt though. If I am playing Goldside I absolutely despise fighting the Destroyer and Ghouls. Ghouls because they can easily mez you at a level were most ATs don't have anti-mez, they swarm you in numbers (the Painted Ones have a power that widens up your aggro range), and heal eachother on death. Destroyers also can mez you with Blast Masters and Rocket Girls. On Blueside low levels, the new Skull Soldiers. I don't know what it is about them but they tear my low level characters to shreds generally in the 15-19 level range.
  7. https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/5th_Column The 5th Column are described as being literally superpowered nazis that were working for Hitler. Of course they'd be racist considering they are nazis, I am not sure why you are even trying to argue that they aren't. In regards to the black 5th Column traitor NPC it is likely the random NPC generator doing something silly or it's pointing towards the rare Uncle Tom/Uncle Ruckus.
  8. Oh I hate that Ashfall ability as a MM, it wipes out all my pets usually.
  9. I always liked the Talon's Sirens and Banshees powers, so much more pleasant sounding than Sonic.
  10. Decided to come up with a backstory for Unseelie. Heavily inspired by the whole premise of Changeling: The Lost.
  11. Not to mention the Dredges whom hit like trucks (I am sure that they have -res powers up the wazoo), the Talons whom can wipe you if you don't not kill the Sirens immediately, and the Black Knights whom have this extremely annoying taunt mechanic which can really trip you up at times. Honestly the only enemy group in Night Ward that doesn't hurt that much is Spirit Stalkers. First Ward, Awakened already being hard aside, is also pretty hard with the other enemy groups. The Carnival bosses hit extremely hard and the other enemies that follow them are no joke either. The Shephards stack Vengeance on eachother which can easily get you killed depending on your AT, if not it will take you a year to wittle them down. The Resistance gets Mystic Soldiers if you fight them in First Ward and they at that level have this one ability that hits pretty damn hard. The Forlorn if you do fight them also hit like trucks. T.E.S.T is easy to deal with my experiences and the Dregs are just super annoying.
  12. I am not how to help your brute with the psi damage, maybe some pool powers perhaps? With MMs though the general tactic I used go bodyguard, pull her out of the group and have your bets beat solely on her and any seers she pulls out so she doesn't eat them. You have to kill her fast tho because of that confuse you mentioned in your post being especially dangerous to MMs if it catches you at the wrong time. I have survived it a few times but that was because I was healing myself constantly. Subjugators are definitely the most dangerous Awakened mob I'd say for sure since they have unique mechanics and an ultra-rare confuse mez to send at you.
  13. You can argue for both, report and ignore them so they'll hopefully scream into the void until they get banned. I have seen a small few people make a show out of ignoring people but its usually pretty rare and the small few times I have seen it the person being ignored was being a dick or perhaps not articulating themselves well. I have ignored people over political arguments or turned of general chat temporarily simply because politics is pretty much everywhere else. I play countless other games along with this one, am active on other forums and branches of social media and I always see it going bad when someone drudges up political discourse and it happens pretty often these days. I like coming to this game to relax, not to see yet another bunch of people being obnoxious and in some cases arguing in bad faith. On the other hand most MMOs have general/global chats are an absolute hellholes that you want to turn off forever. I have run into assholes in this games General chat (mentioned one occurrence of it earlier on in this thread) but it's been smol beans compared to what I see everywhere else. This isn't to say it should not be reported and ignored though when it does pop up.
  14. Its a subforum were you can post threads advertising that your looking to reconnect with old friends or SGs.
  15. I personally still like the first one more even if its your oldest costume.
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