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Clave Dark 5

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Posts posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I hate those things too; I usually fret over them during Summer Blockbuster runs.  I don't have a super big screen and they take up too much real estate for my tastes.  I've fiddled about with my resolution but couldn't seem to find one that worked perfectly.

  2. On 10/22/2019 at 7:21 AM, Xeres said:

    I guess the question is how familiar are you with the inner workings of a PC?  Do you think you could replace a hard drive and install Windows on the new HDD yourself?  I ask because the best recommendation I see is getting a SSD hard drive (probably SATA because I don't think your PC will have a M.2 slot).


    Now, if you go that route, like what was previously posted a SATA SSD will run you between $200 - $300 USD for a 2GB.  Is that enough space?  I ask because I am wary of HDDs that seem to be malfunctioning.  Hard drives, to me, are a proactive thing rather than a reactive thing - you want to "fix" it before something happens.  So IMO, the HDD that you're using I would consider on borrowed time and not reusable.  So can you fit what you need on 2 GB?  If not there are different things you can do.


    As far as a new PC, to me it really depends on your level of troubleshooting capability.  You can have one built for you but will that person / company be available to troubleshoot if something goes wrong?  Are you able to do that?  Based on that to me determines from whom you should purchase the PC from IMO.

    I know enough to be able to assemble a computer, I've done that before, and added in an extra HD.  I've no idea if my PC has a M.2 slot or not, is there some way to check?


    2GB is plenty of space.  Unlike a lot of people, I don't store all sorts of music, movies, etc. on my PC.  I'm not sure how much space I currently have, but I'm only using maybe 20% of it for all the cat photos I have, ha ha.  Troubleshooting my own PC is something of a risk to rely on; I'd essentially be doing what I hear a heck of a lot of IT people do, just Googling the symptoms for possible answers.  🙂

  3. On 10/20/2019 at 9:48 PM, kiramon said:

    Like I mean farm ? Looking to do some easy farming without being a fire brute, was wondering if it could be accomplished with some mm 

    Depends on what you consider fun.  Running an MM is a rather fiddly exercise compared to most other ATs. 


    I dunno if you can farm with them, but I do know that when I had my Mercs/Nature MM doing the PI motel trick-or-treating, I was able to get up and get some coffee while running Life-giving Spores patch with my Mercs set in the middle, on a "stay attack" command.  I didn't even have to rush.

  4. The only 50 I've worked up the Incarnate powers on took the force field drones which are also pretty small and therefore subtle (and good in caves).  I've generally heard "take whatever you like, they're all about the same" too, glad to know there's a problem with one of these so I can avoid it (not that I was likely to ever go Tsoo, but...).

    • Thanks 2
  5. 15 hours ago, siolfir said:

    That's the single kill-all that uses up a mission drop.


    Or just go after them: it's annoying having to track them down, but it's just Crey and Arachnoids.

    Oh!  I auto-ed that mish as soon as I saw "kill all" in the description, as had been suggested here.  That was probably a good idea.

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, siolfir said:

    If someone else is running it, you can get the badge just by being on the last mission, too. I had the badge at level 23 on my first character after the servers came back up - I got on a team that was running all of the arcs right at the end of Scirocco's first arc. That character didn't pick a patron until around veteran level 18.

    I ended up finding a team (redside no less!) to come along and we all got the badge, yeah.  I dunno if you can pick any of the powers sooner, but it was nice to share the heavy load, being a Defender, and we all pretty much had a good time.

  7. 8 hours ago, Lines said:

    Folks usually say BS, but there’s an outdoor hunt with arachnoids that can trip me up if I’m not ready for the debuffs.

    I didn't have to go that far to get the badge, so you can avoid that one next time.  Next time for me though, I'll Get Mako and see how that goes.  BS was OK I guess, but facing Malta was annoying.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, SilentAce said:

    Never ever make attuned enhancements you are just throwing away inf. Make a crafted version of what you want and sell it on AH. The AH will sell crafted as attuned to those that buy. Look at the price market of each and their both the same.

    Way ahead of you on this.  I was just wondering what the process was.  😃

  9. On 10/18/2019 at 11:10 PM, Hyperstrike said:

    If that's the only thing stopping you, SCREW the HDD.
    Get yourself a decent sized SSD!

    Funnily enough, I just saw an article about SSDs and was intrigued.  I think I could happily go with one of those, knowing it was less likely to fall apart like a drive with moving parts.

  10. Just now, SmalltalkJava said:

    I bought mine from cyberpower with 16 gigs of ram about 7 years ago.   Still running coh perfect on it. https://www.cyberpowerpc.com/

    That about describes mine.  It too runs just fine, but I'm worried about the HD.  It sometimes won't boot up after it's been running for some hours, then some hours later it's fine for days until it happens again.  I dunno, still also thinking about just getting a new HD and then a copy of Win10 and I might be good.  I'll check that site though, thanks!

  11. My rig's getting old and the hard drive might be starting to fail, so I need a new computer.  But I don't know enough to try and part one together like I did last time (which was only possible thanks to a coworker who's since moved on).  I found the specs for the CoH ultramode listed on the wiki, and obviously most machines I buy now will handily meet those, but on the other hand, looking at them, I have no idea what the usual mix of letters and numbers really means for some things, such at the video card.  Is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 graphics better or worse than a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti?  Just how much, enough to matter, or not? 


    Rather than get into those weeds, I was wondering if anyone could point me towards a decent pre-built tower that will take care of everything just fine.  And yes I realize that can be a tall order!  If it helps, CoH is the only gaming I do and also probably the only "intensive" computing as well; otherwise it's just streaming and maybe some light photoshopping.

  12. By coincidence, my two fifties listed in my sig are respectively, a Rad Corr and and a Nature Mastermind.  Although mowing down crowds of lowbies can be fun ("lookit all them pretty orange numbers streaming up like flames ha ha ha ha ha!!"), I kind of like concentrating on one tough target and seeing them fall at my feet, so sets like these two with some strong debuffs are ones I like playing.  My current up-and-coming build is a Time Defender, too, so, well, more of the same.

  13. 16 hours ago, Oneirohero said:

    So the whole idea is that buildings have a sense of space, depth and purpose and become less of the background boxes they currently are.

    I actually haven't checked this myself, but I've seen people say how most of the buildings really are just backdrops because of their scale, like this one's way too skinny on one side and has a footprint of only 120X20 yards, that sort of thing.  When actually measured out, they really are pretty uselessly-sized structures, but as mere backdrops for us to zoom around, the scale is fine, if "unobtrusively  wrong."  Trying to punch stuff into them like windows you can see in and so on might make their wrongness not so unobtrusive.

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