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Clave Dark 5

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Posts posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I recall a story where someone on Live asked in the help channel how to progress in some mission arc, and someone replied to him with "go talk to [John Smith]."  Turns out that [John Smith] was that player's father's name.  He was freaked, thought he was being stalked or something - understandably of course!  It got all cleared later and everyone was OK, so it had a happy ending.

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  2. 4 hours ago, sykoholic001 said:

    On Torchbearer, the LFG Chat is almost always the same thing: Posi 1, Posi 2, Synapse, and MLTF. Not only is it almost always the same but it is also pretty much constant. So, simply based on that observation, it seems many people prefer Blue Side because its task forces are better "farms" for quick and easy XP.

    I've mentioned it elsewhere, but this is what Excel was like too before the new influx of people, but it still reverts back to that during the overnight hours.


    I'm really starting to bounce off the game because of this narrow focus on grinding out the same few segments of the game endlessly.

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  3. On 2/3/2024 at 4:22 PM, wmtyrance said:

    the enhancement system is really confusing and expensive

    Confusing, possibly.  Take the time to read a guide or two, or the wiki and I think you'd have a good grasp on it.  The game has a lot of complexity in much of its areas, that's what MMOs are, as I understand it.  Unlike say a Mario game or something, they're made to engage you into their complex systems, not to play thru in 12 hours (or a week, or whatever) and be done with.  I've been annoyed by this too, but that's the nature of the beast, you adapt and learn, or just decide the game's not for you.


    Expensive?  No.  The market's been rigged to allow people to have everything they want, unlike Live.*  Everything.  It may feel expensive upon first blush, but keep in mind two things: you don't need all the bells and whistles to play the game well (this "oh no, you need full sets of purples" is nonsense and also leads to people thinking the game is about farming  when it's not).  Secondly, the money will flow the higher level you get to, promise!  And once you get to 50 and keep playing that toon for a bit (not farming, not grinding, just playing), money will flow in.  I am the laziest money maker in this game and even I have enough for everything.


    *My guess is that in this formerly-subscription-based game, we were given a system of gear that's all about the chase: we were never supposed to be able to get everything, but to keep plauing in hopes we could slowly over time, to keep us playing and paying.  Now?  It's all there for us, easily available, it really is.

  4. Cinerea Van Allen

    My latest Dom.  Not in love with the name, but I couldn't make a sillier idea fit this weird looking character.  She's Psi/Rad, and, as all Doms are, a real blast play.  Based somewhat on a stalker I made some time ago, here's a couple of different looks.  As with all toons, she has six costume slots but I only really like a couple of them.Cinerea.thumb.jpg.e9713204632cde12eb3b536f5d85252b.jpg

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  5. 1 hour ago, Zombra said:

    I'm glad to be back in CoX after 15ish years away 🙂


    However I feel really overwhelmed by what's going on with the economy now.  I'm being told "read my newb guide, this is the way you're SUPPOSED to progress.  Farm these task forces for merits, then take the merit rewards to the worktable and turn them into splanges, then sell the splanges for a billion inf each at the auction house, then use that inf to buy shoobadoo enhancements, then break those in half and smear peanut butter on them, then ...."


    Like, I just want to run missions and get a little inf, and buy enhancements appropriate to my level.  But I feel like I'm doing it wrong and the economy is only set up to support billionaires. 

    My take is the players who were here when all the new folk showed up had curdled into speed-run freaks who were here only for the farming, which is offputting for new players (mainly I argue this as it's just flat-out dull and hampers one's play style, but anyway).  And Zombra here is a good example of that.


    Zombra, do whatever the heck you want to.  Your play style is my play style.  Don't farm, it's boring, you'll burn out on the game; I never run the Maria Jenkins arc anymore because of that.  Play whatever you want, however you want.  Slot however you want too. 


    You're best bet for now is to PUG; even a half-slotted character can contribute and help a team, especially in lower levels.  Keep playing, keep playing, keep playing.  By the time you're reaching say 40th level you should have things straightened out well enough for your character, and then keep playing.  When you hit 50, keep playing with that character for a bit and I swear that Inf will roll in pretty quickly. 


    Think of this new cashless toon as a car.  It still runsd and will easily get you get wherever you need to be in, don't let everyone else tell you you need to drive a pimped out Lambo to play the game.  That "received wisdom" is junk.

    • Thanks 2
  6. On 1/31/2024 at 2:58 PM, SaxyGuitar said:

    Another one is bank heist giving good inf. I just rob a bank in a city FILLED with heroes that want to stop me. Lore wise this doesn't successfully happen every day. My name should get a big boost from that.

    In principle I like this idea, as it's one thing unique to redside.  In practice, this means that people will farm banks like they do already for the Invader badge, then swap right back (see also: Aeon). 



    I'm beginning to think the ease of swapping might be part of the problem...

  7. 12 hours ago, Wiseguy said:

    the consensus seemed to be 'feel free to report copyright infringers, just don't do it too much'.

    Some random folk online said don't do it too much?  😃 


    They were wrong, yeah.  Every time you see it.

    • Thumbs Up 5
  8. 7 hours ago, mrdeeds7 said:

    Feels like live again. So cool to see Atlas buzzing all the time. All kinds of pug teams going.

    I find it great because I keep getting reminded what we were like just before they all showed up, whenever I'm on at 4 am: two calls for "farms please", one "speedy Yin!" and "PI radios LFM".  And nothing else for over half an hour, just those.

  9. Even that aside, my question still stands, how would any new content get people over to a side they already don't play on, without that risk it just turns into a swap farming expedition?  New GMs?  Who runs on red side just for GMs? 


    The only idea I can think of, which is already too late and wouldn't fly, would be to re-segregate the ATs: you want a Mastermind?  Play redside up to say level 30.  And yes I know that's a joke!

    • Haha 1
  10. I PUG all the time, it usually goes just fine.  And when it doesn't, one or two players may drop, but when we stick it out and make things work, there's no better feeling.  Steam rolling is dull you yahoo quitters.

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  11. On 9/28/2023 at 7:38 PM, Snarky said:

    You have to get her off track.  They used teleport (I am almost positive) It was a year ago or more lol.  She looks weird on shore, she is just a neck and head after all. 

    Now I'm wondering about the pet recipe version they've announced for Sally, how's that going to work/look?  😃

  12. Not to attack anyone who's proposed it, but how would more co-op content boost villain numbers on red side itself, really?  The Aeon strike force is already "new red side content" and people just farm it and swap right back.  We need ways to get people to start and stay on redside... not that I have any ideas how.

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  13. 2 hours ago, Etched said:

    Heh, the other 800 million must have gotten lost in transit.

    I uh, spent it on a numeracy class which my public schools in the south clearly skimped on!  Yeah, it was 100 million, I regret the error.  Point still stands however!

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  14. 15 hours ago, Doc_Scorpion said:

    Mostly good.  The influx of new players (mostly) haven't been infected (yet) with the nasty "rush to 50" virus that's pandemic on Homecoming, so there's been a lot more low and mid level PUG action.

    Same for me, except during the late late hours when I often get to play, then it reverts to the usual farm-begging, endless Yins and maybe a Tin/Pex (or is it Plex?) if you're lucky - just the like the bad old days!


    Oh, one new thing I've noted too: back when the game was newly returned, one could make a post like "37th Scrapper LFG" and get responses reasonably often, enough to make it worth your time attempting.  That fell by the way side a long while before all these new people showed up.  Now there's a fair amount of that in LFG.  How long before that gets beaten down again, I wonder?

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Captain Fabulous said:

    Now I never said that. ... I'm just saying that if you are into fully kitting out your characters you have to grind, there is no other option. Hell, the majority of players use SOs and/or common IOs. The grinding really is a small but vocal niche group.

    No, you didn't, you're one hundred percent right: I was talking back to the urban legend/"received wisdom" that a lot of the player base (or at least forum base) appears to be laboring under "I must farm and grind to be able to play." 


    To those folks let me say that I just spent a billion to pay @Etched to build my custom base (money well spent too, look him up!) and somehow managed to do that without grinding or running about with empty slots, while leveling up a new Dom.  It can be done! 


    Give up the grinding folks, you have nothing to lose but your pains!8de29f.jpg.384b49bc2f643b503cfe2af65ef46588.jpg

  16. 14 minutes ago, Fingernailgun said:


    You teleport into the blizzard and immediately before you use a pbaoe, a gravity controller teleports everything into a wall where the only thing waiting is singularity. You hit nothing. You spend so long finding where everything went your powers are recharged for the next spawn. 


    Try again.

    I quit a team with such selfish players.  I find these few and far between, thankfully.

  17. 27 minutes ago, Captain Fabulous said:

    Yes, absolutely. When fully kitting out a single character costs 500+ million INF you need to maximize your time and effort. There's a reason it's called grinding. Hell, even a partial IO build (LoTGs, Steadfast and Gladiator +3% def, some procs, Numina/Miracle/Panacea/etc, Power Shifter) will cost over 100 million. How else do you generate that much INF in a timely manner? You're either going to grind TFs, grind farms, grind scanner missions, or grind out the same story arcs you've done 10000x before.

    Now if kitting out with IOs is of no interest to you then you don't have to worry about any of this. And that's OK too.

    I just play the game.  I started with IOs in my first toons (some of whom upon revisiting had empty slots still!) and kept playing them and building up the cash, MSRs, a purple drop or two, etc.  Grinding is for robots, I have fun and still do just fine.  I'm also not a min/maxer, so those things you list while fine aren't necessary - they're really not!  I'm currently running a Dom with Defense numbers in the low teens and having a blast.  I think this idea is getting way, waaaayy lost these days, that the grind is the "only" way to play, and the new arrivals are going to think this is the game now (which yeah is slippery slope thinking).

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