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Posts posted by tidge

  1. 4 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    The other half of the thread beyond harder content is looking at how IO's themselves are balanced. The MM pets are a unique case where it is sort of "required" you get all the aura IO's, and then the inter set balance is in question as some MM sets have an extra pet that can mule the auras, etc.

    If no other class can slot Mastermind ATO, I don't know how the discussion about game-balance around IOs is relevant to that question. That is a question about Mastermind balance, and not enhancement sets.


    Full disclosure: if my Dominators could two-slot the Mastermind ATOs (in their pets) they absolutely would... but I don't think such a discussion is valid for whatever this thread is.

  2. This is just my opinion, but I have always thought 4-slotting a defensive power with four LotG to be overkill:

    • Accuracy Bonuses come along from other places (like Very Rare sets)
    • Enhancement Diversification is a thing, such that the 'extra' Defense is usually quite diminished relative to using the slot somewhere else

    If there is some other benefit that you really want (lower Endurance cost, faster Recharge) then I suggest either Boosting the Shield Wall pieces, or franken-slotting (and using fewer slots)


    Obviously: builds for niche content may want/need those specific accuracy bonuses, but I think there are other ways to get Accuracy (or +ToHit)

  3. I would vote "No" on a Thugs build for a first Mastermind... only because the different attack options (and the way they will behave) from the Thugs may be a little more chaotic than a new MM expects. I'd suggest a primary where all the henchmen/henchpets have all-range or all-close, and get used to ordering them around.



  4. 17 minutes ago, Erratic1 said:

    But two things:

    1. I did not suggest taking Mocking Beratement or the T9 for taunt purposes. I noted that it would taunt but the purpose was (for me) the defenses. I noted that it taunting was of minimal consequence because in the situation where you're using a T9 you have something beating on you (otherwise you would not be using the power, you'd be resting).
    2. If you want to taunt things, your primary set gives you that ability (probably in your teens). As you note, you don't take it and outside my Tankers I don't tent to take it either.

    This is the Stalker forum, so the primaries don't offer Confront (or Taunt). I understand your choice for Parasitic Aura... but I feel like I've got better slotting choices in my /Bio than using Mocking Beratement (a set I like, BTW). I'd like to leverage Parasitic Aura more for the -Damage, but:

    • The long recharge time of the power doesn't make it particularly viable (except to possibly "time" it against upcoming attacks from certain GMs and AVs) in most fights
    • Stalkers should concentrate on murderizing enemies... and /Bio offers another PBAoE (DNA Siphon) that helps to that end more effectively
    • The slots for a T9 have to come from somewhere, on my /Bio I have them in the earlier Primary attacks (plus things like Build Up and the Secondaries)

    YMMV, of course. I've enjoyed the discussion, because normally the point of discussion around Stalkers is whether or not to take Placate. 🙂


    As I wrote: I have one stalker with Provoke, but my general opinion is that for non-Tanks and DPS-oriented builds that aren't Brutes trying to take aggro (apart from just doing damage) offers low return on the investment than simply attacking.

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  5. Two good pieces of advice not to be missed:

    12 hours ago, oedipus_tex said:

    The beauty of the Mu APP here is Power Sink restores your blue bar and is autohit, so you can easily just one slot it. Between Power Sink, the end restore in Domination, and Drain Psyche you can underslot Stamina/Health and move those slots to procs.


    (Personally I undershoot Defense by even more than that, aiming for Defense in the 27.5s. 27.5 +5 from Destiny= 32.5. 32.5 +12.5 from one purple Defense inspiration = 45, capped Defense. Since you can eat inspirations for extra Defense but not eat them to add proc damage or endurance draining I prefer that route so I get a stronger overall package.)

    I'm all about not overslotting Recharge and Regeneration on a level 50 build. Almost all level 50 builds should not have the Endurance issues characters often face when leveling.


    I don't play solo at +4x8, but I find that when I join a PUG that does, I find that inspirations, teamwork and strategy generally overcomes lack of defensive softcaps.

  6. 1 minute ago, Erratic1 said:

    38 is too late? Any power before your last can get 6 slots.


    FWIW, on my SS/Bio Brute I stuck 5 slots worth of Mocking Beratement in Parasitic Aura because of the 4 and 5 piece defense bonuses. Yeah, you'll draw aggro. At the point where you're popping a T9 you probably already have it anyway, so no loss there.

    On my build (Spines/Bio), I only have 2 extra slots (beyond the initial slots that come with a power pick) at 38 and above. I've invested all of the other slots in earlier power picks. One of those two 38+ slots is in Hasten, my actual lvl 38 power pick. I could have Hasten earlier if I wanted, but this character has a concept that required Fly as a travel power, and even there I delayed that choice until lvl 14. I don't really miss Hasten at lower levels.


    This is just my opinion, but the tools that a /Bio Stalker needs to excel are all available at-and-before level 32.


    As far as aggro... I enjoy having/taking aggro on many of my characters... but waiting for a T9 secondary for a Taunt effect means (to me):

    • I won't consider it a "core" part of the character, as it won't be available for most content
    • By the time (in levels) I could have it, other PUGmates who actually specialize in Taunts had better have a better Taunt than my Stalker.

    I do have a /SR Stalker with Provoke (Presence pool) at level 20 with 6xMocking Beratement. That character's defenses are high enough (except for AoE) at low levels that I the Taunt can actually help by keeping aggro from other squishies (when other PUGmates don't have Taunts). If I didn't want Unrelenting for the /SR Stalker, I probably would have skipped Provoke, but to be honest I'm not sure what I'd do with that character's 3 extra power picks and 10 extra slots.


  7. I only have /SR and /Bio Stalkers, but I can definitely see Invuln, Shield and EA being strong.


    I enjoy my /Bio slightly more than the /SR, but it is a "tighter" build (as was mentioned)... with the tradeoff that I don't sweat certain things (Recovery, Regeneration) and get some extra offense.

  8. On my /Bio Stalker (primary is Spines), I found that DNA Siphon is a very nice, nasty PBAoE with this slotting. It is an effort to bump up its Accuracy (see also set bonus) while relying on Global Recharge to keep the %proc chances at the ceiling... and also not ignore that it is a key element of Survivability. By itself, it isn't much of a damage dealer, but with the %procs it is quite good at softening up large spawns.


    The following are simply offered as another player's alternate choices: I typically invest fewer slots in Defense powers than other players, and it is rare that I put extra slots in Health & Stamina when a primary or secondary offers Regeneration and/or Recovery options. I also don't solo ITF at +4x8.


    Level 28: DNA Siphon

    • (A) Touch of the Nictus - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    • (39) Touch of the Nictus - Accuracy/Healing: Level 50
    • (40) Touch of the Nictus - Chance for Negative Energy Damage: Level 50
    • (40) Eradication - Chance for Energy Damage: Level 30
    • (40) Obliteration - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 50
    • (42) Scirocco's Dervish - Chance of Damage(Lethal): Level 50


    I should note that my /Bio also has this slotting for Boundless Energy (slotting on Ablative Carapace is 6xPreventive Medicine)


    Level 4: Boundless Energy

    • (A) Panacea - Heal/Endurance: Level 50
    • (11) Panacea - Hea/Recharge: Level 50
    • (13) Panacea - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    • (13) Panacea - Heal: Level 50
    • (15) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance: Level 50
    • (15) Endurance Modification IO: Level 50


    So I only have this slotting in Health & Stamina:


    Level 2: Health

    • (A) Miracle - +Recovery: Level 40

    Level 2: Stamina

    • (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End: Level 50


    While leveling up, I found myself using the Efficient Adaptation, but with the level 50 build I don't use it.


    I'd like to do more with Parasitic Aura than simply a single Recharge, but it comes too late (as a secondary T9) and has (IMO) mediocre slotting opportunities on top of the long inherent recharge.

  9. 5 minutes ago, KaizenSoze said:

    If I am fighting continuously at 50. I will burn through my end slowly and in some end drain and it's a problem. That's with the current slotting.


    Note, Poisonous Ray's range is annoying short, 40. But the good ranged sets don't have any ranged extension.


      Hide contents

    Level 16: Poisonous Ray -- Apc-Dmg(A), Apc-Dmg/Rchg(36), Apc-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(36), Apc-Acc/Rchg(36), Apc-Dam%(37)


    Level 1: Sprint -- Clr-Stlth(A)

    Level 2: Health -- Prv-Absorb%(A), Pnc-Heal/+End(17), NmnCnv-Regen/Rcvry+(17), Mrc-Rcvry+(19)
    Level 2: Stamina -- SynSck-EndMod(A), SynSck-EndMod/+RunSpeed(19), PrfShf-End%(21), PrfShf-EndMod(21)


    You can always add a 6th slot for a common Range IO (boosted to 50+5).


    If you are running with Sprint on all the time, and constantly fighting, and already have the +End accolades, I suggest:

    • Slotting Sprint with an End Reducer
    • Slotting an alternate (prestige) Sprint with the Stealth piece (if you want it)

    I still feel like you are way past the point of diminishing returns of the Recovery slotting. Consider common IOs boosted to 50+5.


    One of my Bane builds also runs hot, but Cardiac took care of it completely at 45+. For lower level content I simply turn off toggles or cycle attacks at a slightly slower pace.


    • Thanks 1
  10. On 11/17/2020 at 10:56 AM, PainX said:

    the fire/ice in hotfeet i would highly recommend superior avalanche obliteration is a horrible slotting for it i think the same for ISC btw but it is rather costly a fix i would do would involve 5 purples 5 WTO and a kinetic combat in brawl likely havent really built it as that takes me a few hours just off the top of my head

    I agree that slotting Obliteration in Hot Feet (at level 8 ) doesn't strike me as a good thing. Perhaps it's there as some sort of compromise? IIRC it has a rather poor %proc rate. It does feel like this build is specifically chasing set bonuses from Obliteration, as it shows up in places I wouldn't expect it.


    I admit: On my concept Fire/Psi/Psi Dom, I have Hot Feet (also at level 8 ) but it is a power I don't really like that much... I often forget that I have it toggled off most of the time. It's only in my build as a place to slot a set bonus and because there wasn't a comparable power (at that level) I felt would help the build more.


    The only other comments I'll make on the Fire/---/--- build;

    • There may be too much focus on +Recovery, YMMV. Blah blah blah Perma-Dom-Endurance-refill fishcakes. I have only the default slots in Health and Stamina.
    • I grok the defense bonus from 6-slotting Fire Imps with Expedient Reinforcement, but I stop with 4-slots of Expedient Reinforcement and add the Soulbound Allegiance %BuildUp
  11. 18 hours ago, Troo said:

    If you could have one game related thing fixed, added, tweaked or changed.. What Would You Wish?

    I don't want much, as I'm pretty happy playing with the game as is, but since you are granting wishes:


    Can I please have some Enhancement sets which scale levels 10-50 (preferably Very Rare, but PVP would be accepted) for Fear and Taunt powers? With some specific suggestions:


    Fear: I'd like to have the set include a %proc similar to Contagious Confusion, so that single-target fears can have the possibility of hitting multiple targets. Single target fears are IMO, not particularly useful so adding such a %proc would increase their utility across more content. Folks that like AoE Fears can also get utility from such a piece.


    Taunt: While I like the set bonuses that come with Mocking Beratement, I feel like a Very Rare set that offers MOAR +HP, +Defenses and +Resists (not S/L) would offer MOAR synergy with the characters that choose to take Taunts and multi-slot them. Taunts can come at odd points in a build, some need accuracy, so a lvl 10-50 set would be appreciated.


    If these are too much to ask for... I'd be happy with the Fear request being filled.

    • Like 1
  12. If you are satisfied with your attacks, I suppose you could do worse than CT: Offensive. It looks like you could slip in a 5th LotG +recharge piece if you wanted by using a different pool power.


    There are some other things in your build that I'm not crazy about. I won't call for a pogrom, but I will mention:

    • I think Hasten is taken too early in the build. If that's where it fits, I understand... it's just that I've found on almost all my builds that it is a net negative (burns too much Endurance) to have Hasten below a certain level, and that it isn't as important for low level content (where most available attacks already have short recharge times)
    • I'm not crazy about the slotting of Stamina and Health. TLDR: My experience has been that if a build is really on the margins such that those choices for both Regeneration and Recovery are truly impactful, there is almost certainly something else I can do with the build to improve performance.
    • Thanks 1
  13. I didn't intend to start a red v. blue debate... decades ago I had a decent card from the company I will no longer buy from, and I was quite disappointed by my last experience. When I am replacing video cards, I rarely go close to the cutting edge... if I had spent more time searching user experiences (and not tech reviews) I could have saved myself a LOT of grief.

    • Like 2
  14. I run (on a PC) with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650, and have no problems during MSR or Hamidon raids. I don't do anything like over-clocking. I don't mess too much with CoH game settings, but I have had no reason to 'gimp' them. My (gaming) experiences are with 'full size' desktop PCs; in my circumstance I also use these machines for what I would describe as the 'high end of casual PC use': lots of office work, a fair amount of audio work, gaming (but nothing really cutting edge), and a smidge of video (re)work. I have some experience with smaller systems (including more 'embedded' variants) but no relevant information for trying to video game with them.


    For a while I was using an AMD Radeon RX 560 and I had nothing but problems with the AMD Radeon. I'm not much of a PC gearhead, but I know how to replace the various guts of my PCs, how to manage drivers, how to pay attention to diagnostics, and how to follow directions. I'll never buy another graphics card from AMD if I have a choice. It didn't play nice with its own drivers (and overly complicated software), it liked to overheat, the default settings were simply stupid. I keep part of the original packaging just to remind me to never let this vendetta slip.


    The Cryptominers using graphics cards are quite problematic for us gamers. This is one area where I try to buy brand new (never refurbished), and on a new machine the video card is the first element that I'd recommend that you go "bleeding edge" with, because (unless you burn it up it) can last you through many generations of both games and video. After the video card, try to make sure you didn't gimp your rig's power supply. A power supply 'on the margins' (or simply 'flaky') can cause issues for your video card.

  15. 2 hours ago, Grindingsucks said:

    I skip taunt on Scrappers, take it on tanks and, on Brutes, well... it just depends on build and concept.  Seriously though, not really worth it on Scrappers IMO.  There's always some other power that will serve me better for scrapping. 


    YMMV, of course.

    For Scrappers, Stalkers, and VEAT: I prefer Provoke (Presence pool) over the single-target Confront variants... the circumstances where I want an auto-hit on a single target, as opposed to grabbing more AoE aggro with the Presence pool attack (albeit with a chance to miss), are extremely narrow. If I really want to pull aggro from a teammate against a single target, I had better be doing more damage to that target.

  16. I was going to write  "The only change Stalkers need with respect to Build Up is that the Gaussian's enhancement set should scale over the full range of level 10 - 50", because I can't imagine NOT taking Build Up and NOT using at least one piece of the Gaussian's set in it. However...


    Even when playing low-level SF/TF where I lose the set bonus (and quite a bit of global +Recharge) I find that the Build Up is still key to DPS, in both solo content and team PUG.

  17. 10 minutes ago, Bopper said:

    It depends on what they want. If it's the healing per second increase, Power Transfer is superior. If they want the endurance recovery, Numina is superior.

    Take a look at the current slotting; Endurance recovery (positive or negative) isn't a factor in my suggestion.

    3 hours ago, FiveDiamondJack said:

    Level 2: Health -- Pnc-Heal/+End(A), NmnCnv-Regen/Rcvry+(40), NmnCnv-Heal(48)


    Level 2: Stamina -- PrfShf-EndMod(A), PrfShf-End%(40)


  18. 3 hours ago, Nemitri2 said:

    Has anybody suggested making domination behave like brute's fury? hear me out....

    >fingers in ears< ....la la la la la... ...not listening.... >fingers in ears<


    To offer some explanation:  The core mechanic that I don't like about Fury is having to maintain it to maximize performance. In a game that includes chatting and travel between missions, I like that it is possible to invest in a Dominator (to maintain perma-Dom) without having to be hyper-active.

    • Like 2
  19. I would defer to @Bopper but I think you will get more mileage from replacing the (second) Numina's Healing piece (in Health) with a single Power Transfer %Heal in (Stamina)... unless that piece is already hiding somewhere in the build. IIRC it is 3 PPM, which may be a better return than the extra regeneration (plus set bonus) from Numina's.

  20. 17 hours ago, Coyote said:

    It depends on the set. Robots attacks are terrible, Mercs are poor, Beasts are very good, Demons are great.

    Is this assessment of Robots based on a sliding scale of some sort?


    'Bots has a slotting problem: in order to make their ranged attacks most effective, their KB needs to be turned into KD (for patch damage) which eats a slot, and the primary doesn't have a "Gang War" power to slot the Aura pieces. But...


    The Soulbound Allegeince is a fine piece, and the KD is a very nice soft control mechanism. These aren't classic "%damage procs" but I leverage them.


    As far as attacks from the MM itself, I think Photon Grenade can have a KB->KD piece and a %resistance debuff, which helps the 'Bots (probably more than a %damage proc would help). IIRC I use the MM attacks (on 'Bots/Traps) primarily as soft control/debuffs.


    Edit: as @Coyote wrote: I wouldn't take MM attacks before lvl 32 unless I had a very specific concept/reason.

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