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Posts posted by tidge

  1. I haven't had much time to play the toon in question, but here is something weird that happened during "World Wide Red" on a "tech lab" map facing Malta (at +0/x8).


    One of my T2 Enforcers got separated from the group (I couldn't tell if it was AI mis-behavior as described in the OP or just getting stuck because of a path), but the offending hench did port to me after I went through an elevator (I had targeted him, so was watching) ... but then the hench immediately dashed through the walls of the map (this was like no-clipping, not porting!) to go back to whatever his new preferred hidey-hole he had found.


    Very odd.

  2. 1 hour ago, Icono04 said:

    Total Domination has too long a downtime to be relied on IMHO. Having said that, however, it is an easy source for an additional 7.5% +recharge if you can spare the slots to put 4 x Basilisk's Gaze in there. 

    I respeced out of Total Domination, despite the opportunity to slot multiple %damage procs or the chance to acquire more Global +Recharge (as suggested above). Despite my deep distaste for enemies that run away, I found that my mission clear times were improved by using Aura of Confusion instead. On my pure ranged Fortunata slots were tight, so it is slotted only with 2 pieces of Malaise's Illusions: Accuracy/Recharge and %damage. If I could spare a 3rd slot I would add the other %damage proc.


    It looks as if the OP build is very deliberately chasing particular set bonuses. I encourage you to explore (using Unslotters) how your build plays without some of the set bonuses, because I feel like there may be some opportunities for alternate slotting to improve Offensive output:


    Psychic Wail: IMO, this deserves a 6th slot with an additional %damage proc. I know that 5-slotting Armageddon works against the %proc rate, but the radius is large enough that I think it is worthwhile to roll the dice for extra damage.


    Psychic Scream: If you find you can live with slightly less Global +Recharge (and Accuracy), it is my experience that ranged cone attacks are very good candidates for franken-slotting. My pure ranged Fortunata runs with

    • 2x HO Centriole (Damage / Range)
    • ATO Superior Dominion of Arachnos (Recharge / %-Damage / %Terrorize)
    • %Lethal (Javelin Volley)
    • %Energy (Positron's Blast)
    • %Fire (Bombardment)

    On paper, this slotting looks to be only a slight improvement in damage (relying on RNGesus), but I found that the increased size of the cone improves the utility of it as an attack... again, the enemy AI will have them all-over-the-place, so the larger 30° cone (80+ feet versus 60 feet) helps once I'm in missions.

    • Like 2
  3. As I've written in the Market sub-forum, I consider the "300+ Minf" builds to be a corner case that is bordered by the walls of stubbornness and ignorance. I use the term stubbornness for thoughts along the lines of "I can only get enhancements for my build a specific way" (e.g. buy-it-now on the market) and ignorance to cover the those circumstances where a player is unaware and uninformed about alternate ways to get pieces for their builds.


    Within Homecoming, there is a very small amount of enhancement space that requires market participation, but the Homecoming market  and merit system, in addition to drop-rates (catalysts, recipes, converters) and conversion rules makes it incredibly easy to play (multiple, per-character) builds that would have been out-of-reach for a huge majority of players on Live.  The Homecoming Auction House fees are demonstrably NOT standing in the way of this.

    • Like 6
  4. 21 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    In a world of make believe moneys which fall from the sky when you punch a Hellion in the face, nothing has to make sense.


    Some strategies are better than others at maximizing make believe moneys, though.


    I wouldn't recommend converting an ATO until it is exactly the one you want though.  You might get it in one conversion at the cost of one converter, but the expected cost in terms of converters and time spent are pretty high.  IMO you would be better off selling the ATO you have, buying the one you want, and selling converters to make up any difference in price.


    I generally try to have ATO available for use by a new character around lvl 12, unless leftover attuned PVP pieces will serve better for the character.

    As an aside of what I will typically do to meet the needs of a new character:

    1. Buy/open packs
    2. Play Converter roulette, stopping when either
    • I get an ATO of the type I want, or
    • I get an ATO that I can dump on the market for BIG/QUICK INF

    I never try to get 'complete' ATO sets this way; I almost always stop when I am 'within one' and then buy the missing piece I need.


    I find the roulette approach to be be slightly more efficient when I am looking from pieces from both ATO sets.


    • Like 2
  5. There is some discussion elsewhere on this topic, so I apologize for any perceived thread-necromancy.


    On this point:

    On 6/7/2020 at 5:13 PM, Floride said:

    I'm now seeing the exact opposite effect of this. When I oneshot an enemy with Moonbeam, whether sniping or not, they die immediately when i hit the button, at the start of the animation. It almost looks like they are getting one-shotted by someone else before my attack animation even has a chance to play out. I tested this on the longest range snipe I could get with a full set of Sting of the Manticore. Sniping a flying enemy, they die while the shot is only halfway to them, and as they fall from the sky, the shot curves and follows them down.

    I have observed this behavior of Moonbeam on a "No Redraw" War Mace Scrapper. It is definitely my toon defeating the enemy, but it somewhat breaking of the immersion, as the animation completes normally. This appears to be an issue with the animations, and a separate bug than the one not applying damage from Assassin's Strike.

  6. 4 hours ago, Mr. Vee said:

    That's not what the OP meant. There's a weird failed animation thing with slow AS that's not based on being interrupted or a failed hit. It just takes your endurance and derps. But then again I'd advise anyone giving up on stalker based on that to try the no slow AS playstyle, which I find a million times more fun anyway.

    We've had various threads here is one:



    My own reply on that thread does include the observation that (for /Bio) Offensive Adaptation will still put damage on the target, even if all of the other possible sources of damage are not applied (when the bug occurs).

  7. It's been a long time since I felt the need to question/scratch-my-head-over the AI behavior of certain henchmen (Thanks HC team!), but having a new Mastermind at level 50 (Thugs/Thermal) has me trying more challenging content and I have encountered two elements of Thugs' behavior that seem peculiar to me. I'd prefer some understanding, but I will also appreciate other players' observations as well.


    For background: I noticed the following situations when playing Crimson's "World Wide Red" arc at +0/x8. The behavior was most pronounced when facing Knives of Artemis on wide-open maps. Aside from KoA being the primary enemy, the only other item of note is that the missions where this was most obvious included those which have KoA spawns which move across the map to engage the player. Note that my Mastermind is also applying (non-incarnate) debuffs to enemy spawns, which I know causes the enemy AI to flee for the hills. The behavior described below is not necessarily observed for the T3 Bruiser henchmen.


    The henchmen are set to follow, with a defensive stance, putting them in Bodyguard mode.


    1st odd situation: Every once in a while, one or more of my T1 and T2 will madly dash very far away from me. I initially thought that they were pursuing a specific enemy (as we known, enemy mobs will run very far away from a player) but I am positive that I have observed circumstances where they were not pursuing an (activated, aggroed) enemy. As near as I can tell, the henchmen were defending me against one-or-more enemies but had some sort of debuff applied to them (certainly Caltrops) at some point. I really don't like this AI behavior, as I want them acting as my bodyguards!


    2nd odd situation: As an outcome of the first situation: one or more of my T1 and T2 won't rejoin my group, even if ordering the entire cadre to "Go to" a specific location. The disobedient hench will 'verbalize' receipt of commands, but essentially goes into 'walk mode' without actually rejoining the cadre. It doesn't matter if I change their stances, or even if I order the hench to attack a specific enemy... they've essentially defaulted to NPC status. The areas where this happened did not present the sorts of terrain that I associate with 'problematic path choices' for AI.


    In neither case, would a very distant henchmen "warp" to me, no matter how far apart we were.


    Obviously I make an example of the disloyal Thug by dismissing and summoning a replacement... but I never previously observed this sort of behavior with Robots.

  8. 34 minutes ago, aethereal said:


    Correct, the P2W runs detoggle Combat Jumping.  Do you actually play in any scenario where you care about accuracy/damage with CJ turned off?


    I get that it's not a huge deal to lose Kismet at low levels, but it also seems like it's not a huge deal to toggle CJ on when you're fighting.

    For most content I play, I can take-or-leave the defensive bonuses from Combat Jumping. I like to keep Beast Run active on this particular character for cosmetic/theme reasons; CJ is perfectly fine as a LotG mule for this build.  I suppose I could try to turn around and make a similar "take-it-or-leave-it" argument about the ToHit bonus from Kismet, but to more directly answer your question: I don't often care about Combat Jumping, but I always care about ToHit and Damage.


    I'm not ignorant about +Defense, I'm just not an evangelist.

  9. You may find some utility in setting up macros to help with targeted AoE powers. For example, one of my characters has a macro to drop Bonfire a short fixed distance in front of him. All I have to do is look in the direction I want and then trigger it.


    /macro_image "BanishedPantheon_Pain_WorldOfPain" "Bbbonfire" "powexec_location forward:5 bonfire"


    The downside is that macros will not show the recharge state of the power, but I keep the default power in the tray above the macro as an indicator.


    You can set up similar macros for powers which target specific (or targeted) enemies.

  10. I could, but as I wrote, it primarily assists (my playstyle) with Moonbeam damage. IIRC Combat Jumping detoggles with Ninja/Beast/Athletic Run.


    I also expected the Kismet bonus to be a true Global, but it isn't. Stalkers can slot it into Hide, which they will almost always have toggled on, so it is far less of an issue for them. This can benefit Stalkers over their entire level ranges, and they get the same Snipes as Scrappers. Other ATs usually have to make some compromises if they want to leverage it.

  11. 10 hours ago, Outrider_01 said:

    They were meant to pull enhancements out period, an oddball single lower slot or a full IO set. It saves time so you don't have to respec twice.

    I use unslotters for a couple of other reasons:

    • Testing how builds play (breaking/removing set bonuses)... again avoiding a complete respec, usually just testing how well a build will play without a certain piece
    • Attuning an enhancement (typically a non lvl-50 PVP) for another character (when I really don't want to bother with the market, but I have the raw materials). Not the most cost-effective, but also not really necessary now that the SG base has the commonly used old recycled/attuned PVP enhancements.
    • Like 1
  12. A quick on-point comment about 'failed respecs', and then an observation about a different type of failure (that is given a similar 'avoidance solution')


    The quickie observation: I've only ever had failed respecs messages when I had levels I had not yet trained into.


    A completely unrelated 'problem' I've encountered is the 'sometimes the catalyst doesn't apply to an enhancement'. Perhaps the most common 'avoidance solution' I've seen on this topic is 'Don't apply catalysts in your base'. (sound familiar to the respec issue yet?) Anyhow:


    EVERY time I've had a catalyst fail to 'take' it is because I was in a SG base and I had storage device window open (AFAIK, it has always been a storage rack) and the Catalyst went back into the storage rack instead of being applied to whatever Enhancement. The UI is resolving things, just not in the way that was expected. (I believe this is why sometimes you get another error/warning in a SG base when messing around with open Enhancement tables, even though you don't intend to be using the table.)


    Is it possible that (aside from the untrained levels) that some of the failures being observed are due to having an unclosed/unresolved UI window?

  13. The Blaster /Time has the "Time Crawl" effect (boosting the effect of /Time powers) that gets triggered by application of more than one of the secondary powers.


    My /Time build only has a single slot in Time Wall, but ultimately this comes down to where you invest slots. Accuracy is preferred because this will help trigger the "Time Crawl" on a target.


    I have no in-depth build critiques, but I can make a few comments:


    I have Time Stop, and I have it 6-slotted with PVP Gladiator's Net. I find those set bonuses to be very good for my Blaster.


    I agree with your slotting of Chronos. I keep Chronos on auto; It fires roughly every 21 seconds, for the first 10 of those seconds I have a 90% chance of the extra %Build Up.


    I don't fault you for not taking either End of Time or Future Pain if you plan to exclusively be at range. I don't have Aging Touch, so I use Future Pain as the melee option. I don't think you need both. End of Time is a nice attack chain filler when you are up close and don't necessarily want to target; it is where I have a Blaster ATO set.


    Temporal Healing is a toggle, recharge slotting is of minimal help. I have this 6-slotted for the Preventive Medicine set bonuses, but there are plenty of other good options.


    I played around with Time Shift, but I found that the Disorient wasn't working well in my attack chain/strategy. I almost always gives Stuns a chance to pleasantly surprise me and this one did not.


    The only power choices that jumps out at me that I'd like to read your thoughts on are:


    Aim (level 6): I have Aim in my build, but with Chronos (at level 10) I don't really need it for most content, so I put it off until much later (level 47!)


    Hover (level 16): I seek that this is a mule for LotG, but it looks (to me) like it may be coming too early in the build (for the little bit of extra defense). YMMV.


    • Thanks 1
  14. I have a very specific reason to slot the Cacophony %damage proc, and since it tangetially relates to the Market I'll mention it here: I prefer to slot (PB)AoE Confuse powers with both available %damage procs, because getting any damage on a mob gets you on the list for a potential drop.


    I am well aware of some folks preference to avoid %damage on the PBAoE in an effort to avoid aggro, but: I'm always going to be swinging at enemies without caring about their particular confused state, and I want to have inflicted as much damage as possible. An enemy defeated by 100% damage from a confused (former) ally is depriving me of potential market madness!


    My assumption about Common IOs on the market is that at least 90% of them were crafted for badge purposes.

    • Like 3
  15. The PVP sets will work in PVE, but they have additional set bonuses in PVP zones. The Global effects of a PVP enhancement will work everywhere. PVP recipe drops are rarer than most other recipe drops.


    Henchmen need to either have the Defensive stance (Blue) or the Passive stance (Green) to take part of the damage dealt to you. When they are "aggressive" (red) they won't take damage for you. Henchmen in the Defensive stance will eventually attack the mobs attacking you, but it takes a short period of time.

    • Like 1
  16. 40 minutes ago, Ukase said:

    I think you are underestimating the value of a rare (orange) recipe. 
    Sure, they vend/sell for only 10k at level 50, and they cost 490,400k to craft. But they are worth far more than the piddly 100k you get for a common. They are worth essentially as much as someone is willing to pay for them. 
    In my experience, once I convert them from uncommon to rare, then to a better selling one. 
    (Thunderstrike: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge successfully converted to Devastation: Damage/Recharge) and then from
     Devastation: Damage/Recharge successfully converted to Performance Shifter: Endurance Modification
    Performance Shifter: Endurance Modification successfully converted to Performance Shifter: Chance for +Endurance. (sells for about 3m)

    Thunderstrike is an Uncommon recipe, so I don't think your example is proving that it was worth consuming Rare Salvage to craft Rare recipes.

  17. I have never joined an AE farm to get XP, but here are my thoughts:

    • Lvl 50 Orange (rare) recipes have relatively little value compared to Common recipes. There are very few Rare recipes that are worth crafting, as opposed to crafting Uncommon recipes and converting. Presumably the request is being made about PVP recipes, see next bullet.
    • The request for PVP/Purple recipe drops I could almost understand, but I don't have much sympathy.

    My observed odds of these pieces dropping (for lvl 50+ characters) are approximately 1 per hour (either PVP or Purple) of near-constant x8 content. It feels like PVP recipe drops are slightly more frequent than Purple recipe drops, but that could just be personal observation bias. Increasing the level of enemy mobs above 50 does not increase the chance of drops.


    I have gotten Purple drops on characters below level 50, but this has only happened on characters where I could turn up the number of enemies prior to level 50 and I was running (solo) a lot of arc missions relatively close to each other (basically, Portal Corp missions from Unai Kemen or Maria Jenkins)... and running such content usually ends up with a level 50 character PDQ, so there aren't many hours of this activity below level 50.


    So.... since AE missions aren't going to get more spawns, I can sort of understand why a farmer would "beg" for any PVP or Purple drops, because the "one lucky drop" might go to a different player. The reasons that I'm not so sympathetic are:

    • "Purple drops are not guaranteed"
    • Any level 50 player can run non-AE content for merits and/or a (better personal) chance a "lucky" drop
    • I expect that typical AFK farmer builds are unlikely to be doing that much in an AE farm mission anyway, so just how much reward is expected for so little effort?

    If the farm build is fully kitted with enhancements, why even ask for a PVP/Purple recipe drop as payment? It's not as if there is supposed to be an arbitrary limit on the amount of "paying it forward" there is by letting people door-sit for XP and/or Influence. If a newly leveling toon gets a good drop, let 'em keep it.

  18. 1 minute ago, Uun said:

    I've got similar slotting on Tenebrous Tentacles (1 acc IO, 1 range IO, 4 procs). Between the IO and set bonuses, I've got the range out to 55 feet.

    Yep: even if the MaxTargets doesn't increase, lengthening the cones seems to improve performance. I've debated swapping out a high-level, under-utilized pool attack (which is essential a mule for a set bonus) to add the Tentacles to the build but I can't bring myself to do it. "Come to me you beautiful sources of XP / Inf / Drops!"


    My playstyle on PUGs (for good or ill) is to cast the long-range Umbral Torrent against the NEXT group of enemies to draw them towards the team. Typically a PUG Tank/Brute has got the local aggro, so no matter what attacks I cast I won't get the nearby aggro myself. I don't know how much aggro the PUGs really want, but if the team isn't falling I usually feel like we can handle it.

  19. On 1/20/2021 at 3:20 AM, Ultimo said:

    The reason for this is simply a matter of personal preference and RP.  For example, I have a character who is a "street level" hero, based in King's Row.  It's like Batman being in the dingy, grungy Gotham City.  The problem is that not only has he outleveled the street thugs, but he can't even do RADIO missions, which would scale to his level.

    I suggest this character "roleplay" himself to get an apartment in Brickstown, and then he can fight the "street level" prisoners breaking out from the Zig (almost) anytime he feels like it.

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