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Posts posted by tidge

  1. The 'post-respec disappointment' is usually in one of these categories:


    1) The minor improvement I was seeking is barely noticeable or otherwise conditional. The disappointment is in the wasted time doing the respec more than anything else.


    2) I give up a power that I'd grown used to having but felt like I could do better with an alternate choice. I'll experience a form of 'Phantom Limb' syndrome as I go to click a power I no longer have.


    3) I'll try a radically different build. Often I'll use a separate build on the same character, but if I don't feel like spending lots of inf I'll try a respec instead. Occasionally the rebuild merits keeping, but often not.


    And the biggest regrets relating to respecs:


    4) Not recording my Power Tray configurations and trying to remember the configuration for all the trays.


    5) Not emptying my enhancement trays before the respec.

    • Like 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Troo said:

    Seems to be fairly consistent feedback with little argument at this point.

    • Consensus: Something should be done.
    • Many Energy Melee enthusiasts would be okay with something simple.
    • Some have more something more in mind but would be okay with simple.
    • a few would like a revamped power set named Energy Melee (I think these provide important feedback. just toward future power sets)

    Then again, this topic may have previously exhausted folks.



    We've had several long-running threads that have all essentially landed just as outlined by Troo.

    • Like 2
  3. My Stalker (and Scrapper) opted for Moonbeam (Soul Mastery). Those characters weren't going to have a pet, and weren't going to take another (non-primary) attack or a control... and each build felt that Shadow Meld (Soul Mastery) was the better choice. One wanted it as an IO mule, the other wanted it as and insurance policy for Defense debuffs.


    I like having the Snipe available, both fast and slow. I'll use the snipe (slow) when the opening Assassin's Strike misses; Streakbreaker will guarantee it hits. I'll toss it in my attack chain when I have a runner or otherwise the next target I've tabbed to is one that I don't want to move towards. Both Epic snipes are very proc-friendly as well.

  4. 26 minutes ago, FoulVileTerror said:

     While strictly speaking; these problems could be addressed in other ways, there's also a "coolness factor" for a lot of people to get to experience "life on the other side, on the same side."

    So... radically overhauling the perception of players (who feel like they are missing out on content, but unwilling to experience that content or simply unwilling to accept that there is content they don't enjoy) is off the table? 🙂

    • Haha 1
  5. On 9/11/2020 at 4:48 PM, Sovera said:

    You can't add more other than the base empowerments so you have to live with what you have.

    There has been great advice, I just wanted to add some advice about Endurance and Recovery:


    Increasing your Max Endurance helps by giving you a higher base to play with, which in turn helps with Recovery. Max Endurance can be increased with Accolades, Day Jobs (Duelist?) as well as what was mentioned already in this thread. Be aware that some of the +Recovery Day jobs effects are 'outside of combat' I can't recall if there is an IO set bonus that increases MaxEnd; typically IO sets either provide Endurance Discounts (yay!) or Recovery bonuses (every little bit helps).


    In terms of play-style, be aware of what you are spending Endurance on. I like to keep Sprint & Ninja Run toggled for almost all of my toons... but before I can get my Endurance situation under control I will often toggle these off. For Tankers, there is no reason not to slot Endurance reduction in Sprint. If for some reason you want a Sprint with a Stealth enhancement, you can use one of the Prestige Sprints. You may also have to slow down your attack chain. Fights can be frustrating for Tanks, but that's a common issue especially at low levels.


    Recovery is like Regeneration in that a higher number decreases the amount of time between ticks to refill the blue/green bar. It should be noted that because of the actual formula, adding a more Recovery/Regeneration is a game of diminishing returns, especially considering that the Fitness Pool is inherent. Even so, since all AT 'spend the blue', I value Recovery more than Regeneration... but as this is the Tanker subforum, I should note that Regeneration considerations are important for Tankers (and their higher base HP).

    • Like 2
  6. From the PoV of an Invuln/EM tank from launch day of live:


    What I miss is a set that delivers top-notch single-target damage. I don't want (or need) anything more than this.


    The one existing PBAoE (Whirling Hands) is fine for my tank. I find that it compliments other taunting activity.


    The Stun secondary effect has been fine since the original game modified the behavior of Stunned enemies; they used to wildly sprint-stagger away from the attacker. If PVP requires a change the secondary, I would accept this.


    Stun is not a particularly useful power on the ATs with resists/defenses, especially considering how late it comes in the power sets. My own first (simplest) idea would be to straight-up replace it with a passive power that conserves Endurance.


    I definitely think the animations need to be revisited: including the 'target is already defeated' aspect of Energy Transfer.

  7. I'm happy with the game as a whole, even if I think some power sets and specific missions could use some love. For RADICAL overhauls, my mind goes to:


    The Praetoria storyline - My sense is that Praetoria was basically sacrificed on the alter of Incarnate Content. I find it difficult to enjoy Praetorian story arcs when 'I know' how the story ends for that world. CoH worked best for me because it was an open-ended world with the classic super-hero 'resets' back to the status quo. No matter how much (or how little) Incarnate (or post-issue 21) content I take a character through, the story for that world has been written. I don't mind the trials themselves, I just don't like that they feel like I'm watching somebody else's story and not my own.

    • Like 3
  8. I'm sympathetic to role-players, but I must admit that I don't understand why anyone ask that the world change to provide more 'content options' for a preferred style of role-play, when the option to get to that content is already part of the world.


    Writing only for myself: I have a couple of 'heroes' that I would prefer to think of as pure goodhearts, but I imagined a role-play reason to take them red-side. I have a few villains who find themselves on the blue-side for their own reasons. I have other characters with slightly less role-play investment who will change alignments on a whim. Full disclosure: I haven't yet rolled up a gold character on Homecoming (I had done so on Live) because I personally haven't thought of an initial RP concept that I want to start there (I have the germ of an idea, but I have to decide on the AT). I have run quite a lot of Gold missions with at least one of my other characters via the Pillar.

    • Like 1
  9. 20 hours ago, MTeague said:

    I'm not necessarily opposed to allowing anyone to go anywhere anytime.

    But I have zero expectation that this would increase people coming to redside, and I say this as a redside enthusiast.


    Unless you completely rewrite all redside mission text, you will have a sizeable fraction of the player base who just don't ever want to set foot in the Rogue Isles.  

    They just don't want to be the Bad Guy. Full stop. Not even in a game.  Those players, no incentive or lowering of mechanical barriers will ever budge, not one iota.


    You also have X people who would try it, but who are immediately turned off by being treated like a lackey at low levels. They want to be Doctor Doom right out of the gate at level one, and don't like the idea of having to build up Street Cred before the missions treat you like a Big Bad.



    I am another redside enthusiast; there are no shortage of sincere explanations by players why they don't like to play the red side. In addition to their complaints about the mission structures (i.e. feeling like a lackey, or even just "being a bad guy") there are also folks who don't like the maps or atmospherics.


    Even though I and others don't agree with those complaints (or at least, don't treat them as show-stoppers) and enjoy playing redside, there is no reason to believe that (further, beyond Null the Gull) 'opening' of redside would lead to an increase in players there.

  10. 5 hours ago, Sovera said:

    I try to stay off these Suggestion forums because we get a bunch of non devs piping in arguing against the changes for this or that reason.


    I'm not even sure why? They are not devs. Their arguing will make no impact. We already know the devs instate things based off their own metrics and decisions.



    I participate (read, reply, occasionally initiate) primarily because I like to see how other players think about the game. Occasionally I see some good advice about how to approach XXX. Every once in a while I will proselytize (Energy Melee improvement, hmmm....kay?) or dogpile on something that strikes me like a poorly-motivated idea.


    Specific to this thread, as I play my /SR stalker I agree with this core observation:

    6 hours ago, Bopper said:

    Super Reflexes is mostly a one-trick pony, but it does that trick REALLY WELL. You get Defense and you get DDR. That's great. You also get a scaling resistance to most damage types which can be nice, but when you need it most it's usually too late. There are no other layers of survivability in the set. No additional HP, no additional regeneration, no heal, no absorb, and no enhanceable resistance (just the scaling resistance that kicks in at 60% health). Also keep in mind, that scaling resistance does not include psionic damage nor toxic damage.

    Not included in the above quote is the observation that positional AoE Defense comes REALLY late in the set.


    If I get my Stalker to 50 and reconfigure the build with all that tricks available to a lvl 50, I'm sure it will play better in low-level content. As I level this character up (primarily solo, but fooling around with difficulty settings) I'm finding it to be much more of a challenge to survive content with this high DPS toon than I have with others. I can afford to apply IO sets to this character, but the nature of the powers in the secondary aren't allowing me to smooth out the experience like I have using different power sets. I can adjust to the different expectations, but they are much more different for this power set than others I have played.

  11. I'm playing a /SR Stalker through the game content (normal pace, currently lvl 24) as a remix of a /WP Scrapper, and I wanted to compare against a Widow (in terms of survivability). This character feels Endurance hungry, more than the Scrapper but about the same as the Widow. The current build plan is to take all of SR except Elude (I'm not a fan of powers with recharge times longer than many missions).


    The main thing that irks me about SR in the build planning is not being able to slot the Resistance pieces which provide Global defense bonuses (until the build can fit Tough). I grok the core of SR, but when other power sets can casually drop in a global +6% Defense in a Resistance power (toggle or not) for just 1 extra slot it does feel to me that SR is being 'held back'.  I'd be thrilled if one of the DDR powers (Dodge?) also accepted Resistance IOs.

    • Thanks 1
  12. I have avoided Trick arrow, but as with similar secondary sets (Traps) I don't like single-target immobilizes as being the mandatory choice for a secondary set. Single-target immobilizes have such limited uses across the entire game that to me it always feels like a punishment when I have to take one.


    The simplest, no-think option to satisfy me would be to simply swap the positions of Entangling Arrow and Flash Arrow.  However...


    On 9/3/2020 at 2:01 AM, Bopper said:

    I'd like to see Entangling Arrow be replaced with Weakening Arrow, making it an arrow version of Weaken Resolve. It would help with early levels as the -ToHit and -Defense will help offset the lack of accuracy and defense you have early on. And the -Resistance would become desired for late game (and early game as well, sure).

    This would be a more useful option, even if it would feel different in play.


    Alternatively, perhaps just replace the power with a damaging 'control-like' effect that can ignite the Oil Slick?


    • Like 1
  13. 15 hours ago, Sir Myshkin said:

    Edit to add: Also... a bit to Tidge's point, having multiple of a given -Res proc in the same character build may not--generally speaking--be worth the inclusion. There are very few circumstances I've seen where consistency of having a second one has made a worthwhile addition into a build. Whether it be something like a proc in a toggle, plus an attack, or having the same one in two different AoE/Cone abilities for better saturation across a group.

    Just to further demonstrate how simple-minded I can be on the topic of -Res from single (IO set, specifically Annihilation) sources: Once I have a semi-reliable %proc for the -Res, I generally feel that rather than slotting the same proc in another similar power is inferior to making a different choice for that slot (if procs are your thing, there are plenty of other Targeted AoE proc choices), or just moving the slot somewhere else.  If I can add a different -Res proc (with reliable chances) to a second power that will be considered.


    The considerations for teammates are good ones, especially if you are not playing a high-DPS class and can affect multiple mobs at once.

    • Like 1
  14. On 8/31/2020 at 12:47 PM, Yomo Kimyata said:

    2.  Some procs just need to be in every power they'll fit.  Force Feedback +rech, Annihilation -res, and especially the Overwhelming Force proc.  That last one just transforms "meh" powers into something that is frequently hysterically amusing.  

    Word on the street is that an opponent can only have one source of -res applied to it at a time, so unless the proc chances (from all the powers being used) are low-ish, you wouldn't necessarily be getting as much out of multiple Annihilation procs (aside from set bonuses, I suppose).


    I often wish I could use the Overwhelming Force KB->KD piece in more than one power.

  15. I don't know where we stand on getting new 'mission' content, but I think it might be fun to have Mayhem (and Safeguard I suppose) missions set in the Rogue Isles. We'd need to have some instanced maps based on Rogue Isle zones, and the maps would have to be populated with objects... but for the most part the core ideas of the existing Safeguard/Mayhem missions could be ported over.


    Personally my Villains just want to blow up stuff in the Rogue Isles, but if they had to do some minor 'heroic' stuff I guess it would be ok... for a price! I'm not sure the Heroes should commit to destroying things....

    • Like 2
  16. 11 hours ago, RageusQuitus2 said:

    No pets, damage is meh and no kd in my build and it only dies when i dip into a second large daiquiri.  Seriously considering taking provoke and reworking as a "tank".

    I've fooled around with a Soldier build that mimics a Tank: aggro-grabber, high resists+, team buffs... but I didn't enjoy playing that version of the character at all. This was an alternate build used on a Crab that I already had at lvl 50. Even taking this toon through lower level content I found it unsatisfactory. The damage output was terrible, and it wasn't particularly good at 'tanking'. I found that the original other builds I had were better at protecting squishy teammates and clearing rooms solo.


    Full disclosure so folks can understand what the 'last straw' was for that particular build: It was a Citadel TF. From my PoV, there are two ways a 'tank' (exemplared) can work those missions on a team of 8. The first is more 'classic': advance with the slow-moving part of the team, keep aggro in those multi-spawn rooms. The second is that full-kit tank can survive dashing past all the spawns to get to the objectives, and either defeat the spawns near the objectives or hold off those spawns so that another stealthy character can complete them. I found that my build was far inferior to other ATs at each of those approaches.

  17. While I miss the days of bringing islands of Rikti Monkeys to Portal Court, I am fine with the aggro cap as is. I will note that I am an 'active tanker', relying more on Taunts and changing targets than relying on Auras to control aggro.


    I admit to have a personality flaw where I don't understand if a tank 'leaving bosses behind' to be cleaned up is a good thing or a bad thing. Generally I'm of the mind that for 90%+ of the content the DPS classes should be able to take care of the bosses. If a team doesn't have DPS, by all means a Tank should stay close to the team. Otherwise a Tank collecting a group of enemies for AoE (not a whole map, just a spawn) and holding aggro for that spawn seems like a better use of a Tank's time. Eventually a teammate is going to throw an AoE (attack, control) that will draw more attention than desired.


    I will also admit I don't see why I'd want a game that had a different aggro cap for Tankers than for other ATs, unless the job of the tank is to be the panic button for other ATs that get in over their head.

  18. Good luck! There are a lot of different options for fun builds.


    I have both Confuse and Aura of Confusion in one of my builds. Taking potential set bonuses out of the picture: I am not sure that the Coercive Persuasion Contagious Confusion proc in the PBAoE is as important as simply emphasizing Recharge or alternate %Damage procs. You can invest a lot in recharge and not have it affect %Proc chances. Personally, because it is PBAoE I would slot at least one of the Confuse %Damage procs (Malaise's Illusions for Psi or Cacophony for Energy) over Contagious Confusion for two reasons:

    1. MOAR AoE Damage!
    2. Getting a 'hit' with damage on targets of an PBAoE confuse puts you in the running to score a drop when a damaged opponent is defeated, even if it is defeated by a confused ally.

    With added damage from procs, Aura of Confusion becomes an extra attack, as opposed to simply being a method of control. You can even use it to 'nuke' objects in mayhem missions!


    Confuse becomes less relevant (than just dealing damage) for some content at high levels, although I find myself occasionally casting it when I want some 'help', or to slow down a particularly tough opponent. I have the Contagious Confusion proc in the single-target Confuse.

    • Like 1
  19. 17 hours ago, Machariel said:

    I like how you slotted Electrifying Fences and I'd copy that slotting onto Ball Lightning.  (also I'd swap the PVP proc for the Bombardment proc as it's cheaper and a more exotic damage type)

    If I have the option, I try to mix up damage types (from procs), but don't PVP procs use the same scale as the Purple procs? The damage from a Purple proc is 1.49 greater than a regular %damage proc.

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