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Posts posted by tidge

  1. A point about /Bots: Unless you want to lean heavily into Knockback...




    ...I have found that the DPS from Bots improves with KB->KD slotting, as the enemies will stay in the Assault Bot's AoE attacks.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, Chrome said:

     if they took the time to actually redesign them and make them more functional and better looking then i would be happy but after so many times of being told that "that would take too much dev time" i wonder if just removing them would be the only answer or ignoring it and i just grumble about it when i get those maps randomly.


    i am more than a little irritated when "too much dev time" is a valid argument against ideas being put forward.

    Folks may not feel this way, but I think the 'pancake' cave rooms are actually well designed, and a clever game element. Here's my reasons:

    1. Those rooms have means of moving between levels for grounded toons.
    2. I can't recall (at least not since the level limit for a travel power was lowered) ever not having a travel power by the time I was given a mission with such a room.
    3. The spawns are pretty much always in the same spots in the room.

    On point 3, I agree that (like many other maps) if the spawns 'wander' it can be annoying to track them down. I believe that the glowing objectives are often in similar places in that room, but (thankfully) there are not that many missions I can think of which place objectives in such a room.


    As a very long time player, I feel like these rooms are just one of those things a player can eventually come to understand. In life, not everything that frustrates you requires that you 'speak to the manager'.

    • Like 3
  3. 12 minutes ago, Zeraphia said:

     I haven't even taken the entire Force of Will power pool on any of my characters nor Presence nor Teleportation nor Flight nor Concealment. The only one who has taken Sorcery or Medicine has been my Fortunata, who can actually make use of these. I think maybe just making the powers themselves truly accessible, giving worthwhile self-buff powers early on in the pool instead of something weird would be a step in the right direction for making the later options more attractive!

    I generally agree that long recharge times on powers is the primary reason for taking Hasten (although I believe that the Endurance refill on PermaDoms is at least as important as fast-cycling through high-MAG powers) I wanted to chime in that I've made toons with deep investment in the Presence, Teleportation, Flight, Concealment, Sorcery and Medicine pools. Obviously not all at once on a single toon, but my Mastermind went deep in Flight, Teleportation and Concealment (while the 4th pool was a shallow dip in Medicine).


    If there is any common theme among my characters with deep power pool investment it's this: For those characters I placed character concept over raw numbers.


    One of the things that always makes me happy about a (travel) power pool is if the attack (a) isn't terrible and (b) fits the character's theme. For example: my blaster is a magic-user and with slotting Arcane Bolt is roughly equivalent to the T1 blast. I don't always slow down my attack chain to use it, but if it is going to be a finishing move I enjoy tossing it in for flavor.

  4. 6 minutes ago, gromartwo said:

    Leadership – I have tried Maneuvers but respecced out of it as the END use was too high for the defence benefits I got. This was on a Blaster on live. Unless you play a Defender or team a lot Maneuvers seems a weak pick. I used Assault on Controllers and it was a help but it’s not one my of “must have” powers.


    Just one small expansion on a well-written post: Homecoming Tankers now get Defender level buffs in the Leadership pool, so for both AT Maneuvers is an excellent single-power pick, especially for team-oriented tanks.

    • Thanks 1
  5. If you are only dropping the Absorb proc in place, it won't matter where it goes. If I was only slotting Healing procs, I would go in this order:


    1) Panacea (always)

    2) Preventive Medicine (as @SuperPlyx wrote, getting an Absorb buffer can be a lifesaver.  I actually use it more to tell when I am taking damage!)

    3) Miracle +Recovery (assuming I have the Performance Shifter %+End proc in Stamina)


    I usually caution players about the diminishing returns from slotting Regeneration procs. IIRC, just having the inherent Health (unslotted) is a big boost to Regeneration. I think slotting an extra 10% Regeneration only reduces the time between healing ticks from something like 8.5 seconds to 7.5 seconds , assuming no other Regeneration bonuses except inherent Health. You are generally better chasing fractional Defense boosts. Diminishing returns applies to Endurance/Recovery as well, but increasing your Endurance spending is (generally) something you WANT to do... especially as a Blaster.


    EDIT: I updated my numbers on the time between ticks for healing. My original numbers were from my memory of a toon with already high regen.

  6. Preventive Medicine's %+Absorb will proc even if it is in a power that is not active (or automatic) as long as the toon is lvl 17+. It will proc only after you have taken some amount of damage, so don't expect to idle around with an extra Absorb barrier.


    Writing only for myself: I typically chase Endurance and Global Recharge bonuses, and since Preventive Medicine gives both at 6-pieces, I prefer to put that set in a power (that accepts Healing sets) other than Health.


  7. 38 minutes ago, RageusQuitus2 said:

    Since there is a forward 5, i wonder if there is a right 5, back 5 and left 5?


    Basically id like to use TP team on my W, A , S, and D keys for movement (or something simliar).


    I had read on one of the guides that for 'direction:distance', that direction was supposed to accept degrees (of a circle), but I never got it to work with a number. I believe the intent of 'forward' was to make it relative to the 'camera', but my experimentation was limited:

    • Bonfire, as shown
    • Pet Summoning, which I never quite got to do what I wanted to do.
  8. 1 hour ago, Lost Deep said:

    Please do not make tough or weave inherent. This will homogenize builds in a great hurry, it isn't like if someone wanted to improve brawl or the like: Literally everyone having two defensive toggles with no investment would change the feel of the ENTIRE GAME. At MOST add a passive ability to fitness that increases defense a tiny amount (2.5% TOPS), but even that would be entirely needless power creep. If you want easy and cheap defense, you can get combat jumping at 4 and it costs next to no endurance.

    My opinion: making Tough and/or Weave inherent would (for many players) would simply become places to drop Global IOs. I have several toons for which I (greedily) would accept three more power picks (dropping the entire Fighting Pool)... and on a significant number of those toons I'd FIRST be looking at how to min-max another stat (Defense? Global Recharge?) with a different power pool.




    Certainly not every player is going to slot every Global IO, but asking for an inherent Defense boost power (even as a toggle) is basically just asking to lower the ToHit of enemy mobs. With the investment of a second slot in an (inherent) Tough, it is possible to get +6% Global Defense without even toggling a power on by using IOs.


    No inherent Tough or Weave. The slope is simply too slippery.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  9. 22 hours ago, Bopper said:

    Request #2) Remove the Requirement of the T4 powers in a pool needing 2 sub powers before selection. Only have the T5 power require 2 previous powers. As a compromise, move the minimum level for slotting a T4 pool power to level 20.


    I'm with Bopper on request 2 (and 3): There are a few pools where the first 3 powers simply don't synergize (enough) to require FOUR picks to get both the final two powers. Keep reading...


    1 hour ago, Lost Deep said:

    Presence: Presence I have complicated views on. The taunt effect is well-liked by tankerminds, and as said above I can see someone getting good use out of a passify effect EXCEPT that this version of it is single-target and if you're having trouble against a single target it's likely a Boss that will ignore your passify effect. Otherwise, you'll have to ask someone who's actually played the set: I admit I haven't yet. I can see Invoke Panic and Intimidate being situationally useful, but not to the point that I've grabbed the set yet. Unrelenting makes me want to grab the pool, but I don't want to invest in two other powers in it. However, the biggest bee in my bonnet is that this is the perfect place for Confront.

    I really like the Presence pool. Provoke is superior (if you accept the ToHit requirement) to Confront. With the ability to 'soft-cap' defenses, this is a great tool to help out teammates in trouble. Invoke Panic is one of the few PBAoE controls available to all ATs. Unrelenting is an awesome panic/self-heal button (I use it mostly as an offensive boost with high Recharge characters).


    My only complaint with the Presence pool is that Pacify and Intimidate are strategically orthogonal to Provoke, and that Pacify and Intimidate are not really strategically different enough. Pacify has uses (albeit very limited ones)... that it can't duplicate Placate I understand, but shake my head as this would be an easy way to improve utility. The single-target fear of Intimidate can be useful while leveling up, but like many single-target T1 'controls' its utility is severely limited... and quite frankly it is outclassed by the PBAOE.



    Some extra text to try to explain my issues with the first three choices of the Presence pool:


    1) Provoke: I want aggro (from multiple targets).

    2) Pacify: I don't want aggro (from a single target, which I hope doesn't notice me) while I deal with this other stuff.

    3) Intimidate: I don't want aggro (from a single target) for a little bit of time.


    Any of these could be the right choice for a given situation... but #2 is pretty much limited to solo play (I've only found it useful against AVs) and the utility of #3 falls away when the size of spawns increases (from teaming, or difficulty changes) unless you are actively trying to stack the magnitude of Fear on a mob.


    I don't agree with @Zepp suggested changes to Presence, but I think the Teleport pool suggested changes should be considered. My opinion: Teleport is far-and-away the stinker of the Power pools.

  10. Here is an example of the powexec_location in a macro:


    /macro_image "BanishedPantheon_Pain_WorldOfPain" "Burn" "powexec_location forward:5 bonfire"


    This is the macro I use to drop a Bonfire patch 5 (units? feet? quatloos?) in front of me. "Burn" is the 'hover over' name of the macro image. You should be able to adjust it to your taste for your power.



  11. 11 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    I do notice streaks when the same set or even particular IO in the set shows up two or three times in a 5-10 convert shuffle, but I'm chalking that one off to observer bias.


  12. I posted most of my thoughts on /Bio above. The one comment I make about the enjoyable Street Justice set is based on my Scrapper: I don't worry about the 'combo' effect of Street Justice attacks. I suppose it's nice to have secondary effects on the 'finishers', but when I started playing the character I found myself distracted by trying to maximize the utility of the finishers. I eventually stopped caring about them and focus more on pure damage; the control that comes from my attacks is more from my slotting choices than the combos.

  13. 2 hours ago, Veelectric Boogaloo said:

    Well after my post I noticed this was in the market forum and was thus probably asking about seed money for marketeering, which i don't even do anymore. Derp.


    1 hour ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

    No no, not just for marketeering.  For example, I'm learning that some people (like me) work every character and some like to jump start them to various levels of comfort.

    For the past five months or so, none of my seeded toons have really been "marketeering". Blame the peculiar rise in uncommon salvage (now reversed, presumably whatever the individual(s) behind it were trying didn't really have an effect they feel like gloating about), but I simply didn't feel like more crafting/converting once the family fortune had been made.


    Now my toons tend to convert recipe drops along the way, but it is rare that they've recovered their costs/gifts from the initial investment (for me 200M Inf) until the 30s. It all depends on the content I'm playing. In the 40s when the characters have significantly more slots to use and nearly complete power choices, is usually when I start turning up the spawn size (for more drops). This still isn't strict marketeering, but it funds purchases of odd needs and second (or third) builds.

  14. I have gotten Very Rare (lvl 50) drops while facing sub-50 level enemies with a sub-50 level character that didn't have the con difficulty turned up, but did have the spawn size turned up. I think the lowest level I had this happen with was a level 48, so there shouldn't have been any +2 enemies in the mission. I was extremely disappointed I couldn't slot the crafted drop right away!


    EDIT: I generally don't care about the level of recipe drops. Even PVPs can go onto the market and be pooled.

  15. 12 hours ago, drdread said:

    Personally, it depends on who the opponents are. I'll do +4/8 against Council or CoT, but not against Malta or Carnies.  Shifting to +4/8 gives a better chance for drops, but loot is not always the end goal.

    For recipes:

    • I believe that there is no change in drop rates for enemy levels, just rank... except that if enemies con low enough, there are no drops.
    • Spawn size will increase the number of higher rank enemies, which will increase drop rates.


    5 hours ago, MTeague said:

    Honestly, I find lvl 44 and below content (where Incarnates are disabled) to be VASTLY more challenging and entertaining.


    Being overpowered and stomping Council at +4x8 is not a challenge.  It may be fun, but it's NOT a challenge.

    Going against Rularuu +4x8, or Night Ward +3x8, now we're getting into challenge territory.

    /agree. I had a lot of fun on a mixed (level) team in Brickstown... nothing too thrilling, but even that was enjoyable watching the team adapt to higher (and higher) con enemies. Rularuu...*SHUDDER*

    • Like 1
  16. 200 MInf. The new toon buys the P2W powers (minimum: Envenomed Daggers, Mission TP, Team TP, Assemble the Team, Portable Workbench) and puts in bids for ATOs and converters on the AH. Whatever is left pays crafting fees and the like (such as buying other players the Team TP power). I used to start with transferring much less, but I found that this was the 'right amount' to support wild spending and still be able to amass more Inf without trouble.


    I don't have the new toons dedicate themselves to "playing the market' as much as I did previously. Prices have generally come down; the existing wealth is more than enough... for now! I've adopted a slightly different approach to the market that builds bank a little slower than previous methods but also allows me to build up the sets I'll want for a given character.

  17. Brutes.


    I don't mind Melee. I prefer being in the thick of things. I don't like the Fury mechanic... I don't know if its having one more thing to watch, or if it is just that I easily distract myself in game (Auction House, reading dialog, chatting) but I just don't enjoy the Brute.

  18. (the post as edited may be a little weird... trying to fix the spoiler boxes)


    I have a /Bio stalker...

    My slotting for DNA siphon is somewhat similar, but I felt that inherent Damage boosts (from a damage set) were doing less than trying to boost the Healing/Absorb effects. This also let me get more global Accuracy (at the expense of E/N defense (typed Defenses are better on my build than Ranged/AoE positional Defenses)

    I also took the power somewhat late in this build; I think my build might be a little better served if I had swapped it with my pick at lvl 32, but I haven't really noticed when playing at lower levels.


    Level 38: DNA Siphon

    [*] (A) Touch of the Nictus - Healing: Level 50
    [*] (46) Touch of the Nictus - Accuracy/Healing: Level 30
    [*] (48) Eradication - Chance for Energy Damage: Level 30
    [*] (48) Obliteration - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 50
    [*] (48) Scirocco's Dervish - Chance of Damage(Lethal): Level 50
    [*] (50) Touch of the Nictus - Chance for Negative Energy Damage: Level 50



    I completely agree with the 6-slotting of Concentration: The defense bonuses are far too useful from the Gaussian's set.


    EDIT: I didn't see a Kismet +ToHit in the build. If a build includes a Snipe, I usually try to squeeze this Global in to increase the damage of the Snipe. I have found that a 95% 'final chance to hit' Snipe is a wonderful 'Plan B' if the Assassin's Strike attack misses, the extra ToHit is gravy.


    I never had more than the default slot in Health (Panacea proc).  With Stamina (Performance Shifter proc) I did have a second slot for and EndMod, but I just moved it to Boundless Energy (as a lvl 50+5 IO). I could be wrong about the final numbers, but with Adaptation as an option on top of the other Bio powers, I don't think the little bit of extra +Regeneration from Healing Globals (or +HP from Power Transfer) is really doing that much. My build does end up using more slots; I chose to get set bonuses from:



    Level 4: Boundless Energy

    • (A) Panacea - Heal/Endurance: Level 50
    • (9) Panacea - Hea/Recharge: Level 50
    • (11) Panacea - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    • (11) Panacea - Heal: Level 50
    • (13) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance: Level 50
    • (50) Endurance Modification IO: Level 50

    Level 20: Ablative Carapace

    • (A) Preventive Medicine - Heal: Level 50
    • (33) Preventive Medicine - Heal/Endurance: Level 50
    • (33) Preventive Medicine - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 50
    • (34) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime: Level 50
    • (34) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime/Endurance: Level 50
    • (34) Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb: Level 50

    Level 2: Health

    • (A) Miracle - +Recovery: Level 40

    Level 2: Stamina

    • (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End: Level 50     
  19. My guess is that there isn't 'pooling' of them because they lack a unique attribute which allows them to be pooled (& converted). I'd love the ability to convert them (a la other IOs) within the "Hami-O set", but I'd accept it if I could break them down into something else. My own use of HOs are so very rare. I only use them for 'one-slot' power picks, although I know some folks use them for franken-slotting.

  20. 3 hours ago, Solarverse said:

    Which kind of was my point. The chance for very rare drops is not high enough for players to justify killing mobs. So we put a worm on the end of the hook by having a higher chance for a merit to drop...a chance high enough that players feel killing mobs is worth it. Clearly right now, players just feel it isn't worth their time. I would like to see that changed at some point in the future. Having aggro would offer rewards if there were rewards to be had.

    Why ask for an across-the-board increase to reward drop rates (except for being selfish, I suppose, asks the kettle) as part of an ask for a change of the aggro cap?


    This is a completely different ask. I'm certain that most players would be perfectly happy with even easier rewards independent of any increase to the aggro cap... because improved rewards are not going to have any effect on players that don't team or don't turn up the number of mobs.


    Players already get more experience from larger spawns (assuming they KO) , and they get an XP boost from teams. All of this is independent of the aggro cap.

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