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15 Good
  1. I recall making an AR blaster (think I went with Energy Melee which was good for getting people out of my face) back in antiquity, for purposes of pretending to be Doomguy. IIRC it wasn't horrible but not fun enough to keep at it. If I did it today I figure I'd go plasma gun with BR and Ninja if I can customize the sword as a chainsaw.
  2. I haven't bruted much since I came back so I'll share my n00by perspective. I like my SS/SR and my Energy/Bio a lot, though if I had to make one brute I'd make a SS/SD for MAXIMUM ANGER and the extra nuke. I love EM but I'm always a bit leery of the self-damage (will using the good attack chain cost me enough survivability to faceplant?) on a set that doesn't have heals. SS comes with its own survivability issues though to be honest it hasn't been that much of an issue. Brutes do come with a death penalty in the form of losing Fury but if you stay pure villain your alignment power will sort that out. (Horrible isn't it? Nerf death penalties!) I'm not sure there are many outright bad choices but I strongly recommend going through the powersets in character creation so you don't end up hating them. You can suppress most Bio Armor effects for instance if you don't want your character to look like an ambulatory tumor like my Bio/Claws tank. In any case you can easily ride the brute's Fury high for long enough to make up your mind on the powersets.
  3. I made a Fire/Ninja recently because flaming swords are nice, but I'm not at all sure /Ninja is very useful. I'm especially wondering what's up with Shinobi since it shows as granting a damage bonus in the powers window but not in the abbreviated display. Still looks good and I can live with being slightly less OP.
  4. I'm not 100% sure what I like best about sentinels but I recently started a Beam Rifle/Super Reflexes one and it's some of the most fun I've had in City of Heroes. Not my first 50, but this character quickly became the closest thing to a main I've had. I have played a Water/Bio sentinel previously but that vharacter never really took off. First I like Beam Rifle, but I like BR on my BR/Temp blaster as well, and that character is fun but not this fun. The survivability of sentinel /SR is a big part of it. Toggle status protection and a clicky absorb is nice, even though I am that guy that likes clicky status protection. I really like that absorb heal combined with defensive opportunity. Opportunity might not work great with some secondaries but an extra 40-ish hp/sec plus endurance boost on a /SR toon is nothing to sneeze at. It's nice to hit a big target with it but just having it active is pretty huge. Round out with the psi melee attack and the psi PBAoE and I'm happy, and I even took those for concept reasons with no idea if they were good. I guess it boils down to being hardy enough not to have to set things up or anything. Nuke is up every 22 seconds or so and that's usually enough to mop up if I'm not on +4. It's not quite the melee experience, but it's close and I get to shoot people with an FGMP-15 and mind bullets.
  5. Is flipping and reversing it an option?
  6. Heck yes! Well, at least cut down the activation time.
  7. Makes sense to me, it's a long range AOE with a long cast time but it doesn't get any sniper mechanics... though it would be hilarious if it did. It does have a long cast time though, making it potentially relevant.
  8. A question, will you be taking a look at powers like Munitions Mastery's LRM missile? Asking for GI Joe related purposes.
  9. Been there, done that, did not work for me either. Random/random then fiddling around with the character creator has, however. At worst I learn a bit about the AT, at best I get a new main.
  10. How do you feel about lesbian Skuls?
  11. That time I first took off over Steel Canyon, sweeping high above the city with the Invulnerability sound and visual effects going. Then I detoggled because I hadn't realized Fly ate all my endurance and got my face smashed in by Outcasts or Fifth or whoever.
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