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Ghost last won the day on December 3 2024

Ghost had the most liked content!


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  1. Yeah but whine, cry and something or other
  2. Drive badge hunters crazy. Add 2 new badges. One for quitting 10 TFs and one for never quitting a TF that you lose if you quit 10 😈😈
  3. I propose it be named……..The Snarky 😳😳
  4. Ummm, isn’t that griefing? Once can be blamed on ignorance. More than that is intentional. Why hasn’t the player been dealt with?
  5. I don’t arrest them for the reward. I do it because it’s the right thing for a hero to do 😊
  6. It appears as if the BO run for this has come to an end. Pulling in a whopping 60mill on a 110mill dollar budget, plus whatever the final advertising costs were. How people haven’t lost their jobs over the decisions Sony has made with its “Spiderverse” is beyond me. Oh yeah. That’s right. It’s not their faults. It’s the fans and the critics fault.
  7. When will the mods put this thread out of its misery
  8. Ooh, I never knew the actual reason for long logouts in the game before. I can’t answer your question, but you did teach me something
  9. An easier solution for anyone who has been kicked/bullied, or thinks they may be kicked/bullied for KB…….. Form your own team! No Devs required!
  10. Only if all the pets have massive amounts of KB in all their powers, that can’t be suppressed.
  11. I don’t think it’s true only for new players. There are still powers in this game Ive never played. If I suddenly decide to try one for the first time, it’s gonna take a little time to figure out a play style. Remember, not all vets are altaholics.
  12. Lol I just had visions of having a team built by Alt1234, and then before starting the leader going “I’m gonna switch real quick” and poof!!! Diantane appears!
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