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Everything posted by Infinitum

  1. I have a slight opinion on this. I think the Council were overtuned but not in terms of unbearable difficulty - because it's not that they are unbearably hard now but more annoying and tedious - more along the lines of when a fake nemesis goes untouchable - or a Paragon protector when they raise their hand because they are sure (hopefully someone old enough will get that reference) and then you just stand there staring at each other for what seems like an eternity with them slapping you ever so often. And yeah yeah I know. Kill them before they do it. Right. Got it. lol With the council something irritating happens every mob - sometimes multiple times every mob. I mean it used to piss me off before when a warwolf would occassionally spawn. Now I just leave the room. lol All in all I get the sentiment for the need for the change but disagree with the effect of making it frustrating rather than ooo better be on my toes here - which really wasn't accomplished by it - well not to the point of this can't be done unless x happens. They are more difficult but with annoying party favors now. At the end of the day it's still only a slight opinion because I quit running radio missions regularly before live sunset. Thats just my opinion - at the end of the day it doesn't stop me from playing or having fun - so meh. lol
  2. That's an awesome combo and theme you built there. Honored that you used my builds also. Palpatine mode on We will watch your career with great interest.
  3. Try this one out - I was able to get within 2% points of my Bio Energy Tanker - which is really good. Hope this helps! Tanker (Bio Armor - Psi Melee).mbd
  4. I just double checked this one - hover is not in that build. So I would drop One with the Shield and redistribute the two uniques to true grit and tough.
  5. This one's always in my head when I'm on a melee - especially a Tanker. Won't back down
  6. I could put something together for you. Never played it but I can see why it could be neat.
  7. Im not near my computer at the moment, but if the build has hover I would probably swap out hover for taunt.
  8. I think it's actually a fair assessment to say 75 is what a brute would average because it's really fast for fury to generate. That is one thing that irks me - that hitting 100 is all but impossible and rare enough that I can't recall having ever hit 100 Fury since the changes.
  9. Yeah, in a pure team environment (by pure team - I mean a team that checks all the boxes and is proficient) the resist sets are probably the easiest to play because they bring a lot of tools to the table the hybrids do not. But all things being equal I think Shield is probably the best.
  10. Try this - the res numbers I have set to illustrate 50% health - this should put you in a good spot - but let me know if you need help with any changes to it - be more than happy to look at it again Tanker (Super Reflexes - Fiery Melee).mbd
  11. Yep, there's no way to make it optimal, lol but it still can be fun - but you have to tune the meta out of your head to go there with KM. Definitely needs a boost.
  12. Here are a couple of in game screenshots to illustrate. First one even with that much defense gets hit and drops health immediately - nothing to worry about here. Second one - Notice the Base defense after a couple of seconds - as well as the positionals. Even with that much Defense it still can bend - but wont break - that's about as low as the health will get with those numbers under crazy duress. Notice this one with Weave CJ and Hover turned off - the base defense isn't showing it there but its after it reached over 5% base lowered as well as the positionals off a few percentages there as well - and the HP bar reflects it. After a few more seconds notice the drop in the positionals as well as the HP Bar - a good burst or unlucky roll here by an EB or several bosses could drop you. That's where I pull my sweet spot of 65-70 from - testing armor break points.
  13. Unfortunately not immune albeit close, but streak breaker and auto hit powers in combination with that 5% gap allows stuff to eventually get through and slowly cascade - not nearly like primaries without ddr though. Easiest way to examine this is to start an ITF solo and watch a group of cims effect on your base defense and then your health shortly after. Even if you are at 70 they will still eventually drop your health to about 10-20%. Any content that does -defense will do this. If your defense is just at the cap going into the encounter it's going to drop faster. I have found at 65-70 there little chance to break even under the most extreme duress the game can throw - outside of hard mode stuff.
  14. Depends on what you are facing here - there are still valid reasons to go above 59. incarnate content that also does -defense even with the ddr SR provides will eventually cause you to go below 45 here which you will start to feel and eventually a lucky burst could overcome the remaining defense and the scaling resists of a SR. That's why I usually build a slight buffer above incarnate softcap 45+14. Usually to 65 - never above 70 however. I haven't encountered anything not excessive by design that can bring one down in that range.
  15. Yeah it really is. You always have a seamless rotation with it. Usually timing into a quick ET every cycle. It's no scrapper stalker or brute - but man it hits hard often and quick.
  16. Any of them would work honestly. But I think EM, Claws, Electric Melee, Fire - basically all of the good sets get better because of the recharge boost in Quickness. I really like my SR/EM. It's really tough and deadly.
  17. Wanted to address this seriously for others that may not realize your post is loaded with errors. 1. Tankers do in fact get SR 2. SR is more than a one trick pony. 3. SR is awesome - especially on Tankers - better than invul. 4. SR easily has the highest DDR in the game. 5. SR has resistances. In fact it's resistances surpass invul once your health drops sufficiently. It's the ultimate D. Once you get to 10-20% health. The enemy will literally run out of end trying to kill you but unable to do so. 6. It has status protection that can't be dropped. 7. It doesn't need a heal or Regen. That's why SR especially on tankers is top shelf. I highly recommend it.
  18. OK someone remind HS it's never a good idea to drink the bong water. lol. Everything you said in this post - I'm going to chalk up to bad LSD. I am beginning to wonder if you have been hacked or sold your account.
  19. I can do that - got ya covered. 😉 Give me about a day and I will pull this together for you.
  20. Darn. Someone already beat me to the stormtrooper accuracy issue. 🤣
  21. You probably need a rest. Those goal posts are getting heavy right about now I'm guessing.
  22. Your words. Not true. You are implying it. Because if that is not the case. Why does any of this matter. Is there a function in game keeping score? The answer to that is no. You are implying and raising the case Brutes don't contribute to a team - but that isn't true. And I don't know of a soul that gives 2 rips about whether a brute does slightly less damage than a scrapper or is slightly less survivable than a tanker. Again whose keeping score? That's a bleeding edge splitting hairs argument that nobody I know cares about. I play plenty of brutes and I play with plenty of Brutes. We don't critique their capabilities against any other AT. Just have fun. They are bringing themselves. That's enough for me - and nobody is keeping score here. They don't have to be anything other than a ravaging Brute. Tankers will get a nerf before brutes get a buff because it's an easier fix. If brutes get a buff it's not going to change a lot from where they currently are. If they get buffed damage wise they will tread on Scrappers or blasters which will be the problem back to square 1 because those to have no chance to approach brute levels. Brutes can currently approach tanker levels and still out damage them in most cases. Adjust their survival higher then what's the point of playing a tanker? So ultimately what you keep complaining about can't ever be the case again. You aren't stating it directly but anyone that can read between the lines can discern what you want. Actually they can, but it just works better on tankers. That's not anything making headlines
  23. You should stop saying things that aren't true everywhere and every time you post about this. It just doesn't happen on a wholesale basis that a brute will be called out day to day in game for not bringing more damage than a blaster or scrapper or be less survivable than a tanker. If it happens I would advise to steer clear of such toxic elitism anyway. That's not the game as a rule. That is the exception. I have personally never seen it and damn sure wouldn't tolerate it on my teams. Tankers will probably get an adjustment, but brutes going back to the days of yor approaching and exceeding damage levels of blasters, scrappers with twice the survivability won't be coming back. Nor should they. There's not too much currently wrong with Brutes the way they are outside of an ATO adjustment. If it weren't for procs tankers would be in an ok spot also, the cases you keep bringing up were Tankers procd to the gills - otherwise they aren't outdamaging a Brute.
  24. Because you obviously have not been paying attention to the situation here - that who I am talking to and attempting to help is for all intents and purposes - brand new to the game. That's why I sincerely hope they ignore everything you are saying. They don't need your 20 year viewpoint on difficulty - because it isn't relevant to the current discussion.
  25. @Tiresias don't listen to this. 🤣 If you look at your chat box - to the right of where you would enter text to chat you will see a chat bubble. Click that and go to notoriety settings. In that menu there are 4 menu options. (just remembered Captain Picard 4 lights here 😁) Anyway 4 menu options: Team size 1-8. the higher this is the more neemy you will face Difficulty. - 1 0 1 2 3 4. The higher this is the higher the enemy level is. AV/EB. Means you can turn the AV option off - even though on some teams I have seen them spawn AVs regardless Boss. You can turn Boss spawning on or off solo Play around with those settings until you have it challenging but not frustrating.
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