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Everything posted by Infinitum

  1. Try this one, I went for resistance values on this one - while keeping the powers at a good damage point. Feel free to play around with this to make it your own - I think its a good starting point for a sturdy damaging build. Hope you enjoy! Tanker (Fiery Aura - Ice Melee).mbd
  2. Try this out - If you needed to swap powers around in Axe you could, just try to keep the survival numbers where this build has them and you will do a lot of damage and be nigh unkillable also. Hope this helps and that you enjoy! Tanker (Super Reflexes - Battle Axe).mbd
  3. Yep, never stop learning - and be open to being wrong. lol. Wish I had learned that 20 years ago. Might be a way to make it work, you could run similar numbers as my Ice/Ice - which is the only experience I have with ice on either side. The main concern would be losing the - recharge and slow from Frost and the KD from ice patch. But you do gain a magnitude of damage higher from Fire and still have slows and - recharge in Chilling Embrace. I will take a look at it soon, if you wanted to get a head start - take Absolute Infinitum build save it and a copy and on one save it as fire melee and duplicate the slotting from the ice melee and you should be golden. Fire Sword, Combustion, Greater Fire Sword, Fire Sword Circle, buildup and incierate are the key powers to take. Thanks for following also!
  4. I would say yes to both. 😜
  5. I just noticed this. 1000 apologies I missed that. I will craft one together for this also for ya.
  6. All Tanker Builds are now up to date and uploaded. I will add the other AT categories as I get time to respec, and make sure they are solid still.
  7. I could combine two of my builds and make one for ya - Give me about a day or two and I will put one together. SR is one of my go-to builds currently.
  8. Try this - should do pretty good - it checks all the boxes for being a tanker. Tanker (Stone Armor - Psionic Melee).mbd
  9. I could, but 100% transparency and honesty - You would be better served posting in the corruptor forum - I would defer to their expertise.
  10. It's awesome - ST damage is extremely good. Slightly better on Stalkers still but worth taking on Scrappers IMO.
  11. I would think it would be more Ninjitsu Increased speed, jumping Healing power Endurance power Defenses - avoidance dodging Perception Could even go dark jedi or sith with the mu epic pool - force lightning Then paired with either katana or dual Blades with any of the energy swords at the tailor.
  12. Are you planning to use teleport/combat teleport/foldspace?
  13. Like my dad used to say "this is going to hurt you more than it hurts me"
  14. There isn't but I can make you some. I'm not a huge fan of stone but I am familiar with it. Are you looking for a granite based build or non granite?
  15. True that, homage but own it.
  16. Mechanics would rule out willpower, leaving invul. I think EA is a better fit, but you are right there were never auras. Maybe chalk it up to low budget television and use EA anyway? 😅
  17. I would think Energy Aura - like - the suit is the energy powered armor.
  18. Absolutely. I do it all the time. Maria is avail by contact search and teleport or just going to her location on PI For the ITF you need to grant yourself midnighter club access then you can lfg to Cimerora.
  19. Start with +4/8 Maria Jenkins first mission - infernal. Don't try to solo the AV, just see how it does with 1 or 2 mobs agroed. Then try +4/8 ITF. Don't let this one freak you out when your HP starts dropping. It will drop fairly fast then hang around 10-20%left and not be in any danger at that point. If it weathers those two tests it's in pretty good shape.
  20. try the post again - build should be good now - sorry about that.
  21. This part is true, but I will expand that the ATs exist for a reason. This is all my opinion and how I play this game. Not saying what you said is wrong - just different from my approach. But for me - I don't think there is any comparison for what a blaster is supposed to do vs what a tanker/brute is supposed to do. If I am a blaster I want a durable tanker or brute on the team to grab the agro before during and after I set the world on fire. To that point you won't be bereft of damage if you play within the damage sets strengths while at the same time building for making this character more durable for absorbing that incoming damage for whatever your team makeup might be - one team may not need or know you are there while another may not be able to function without you. So while the ultimate goal is make the enemy unalived - from a team perspective the tanker or brute that can absorb that damage from the mob while not dying alleviates the situation for the blaster scrapper or stalker to do their thing. The controller/dominator to lock down the mob and buff/debuff. The defender/corruptor to support the team and attack buff or debuff the mob. And masterminds to just get in the way-kidding. All of the above is still possible - having a extremely durable build while still outputting great damage all the while experiencing powers that fall outside the meta that are honestly fun to play. Furthermore there is nothing wrong with playing outside of the ATs role, and another way of looking at it - this game is flexible enough for anyone to make it what you want it to be. I just think the game has gotten too cookie cutter for a lot of people to chase the meta instead of what is potentially fun and approaching each team like a puzzle of what would I need to bring to make this team function more efficiently. Sometimes the answer for me to that is not more damage.
  22. I didn't know there was an upload size cap - I went through all my image attachments through the years and deleted them all to make space and must have accidently picked off the build too. I will upload again when I get home from work. I didn't know we had a cap of roughly 108 mb - too many high quality memes for me. lol
  23. Try this out - this will be a solid build Tanker (Super Reflexes - Dark Melee) Invention.mbd
  24. It was actually fun putting together and easily illustrates why SR is one of the best - because it gets well above the regular soft cap - on its way to the incarnate softcap with just common IOs. I will dig deeper for you tonight after work with some heavy hitting set bonuses.
  25. I misunderstood your request. I thought you were requesting no set IOs only the basic crafted generics. 😁 I will give you another alternative with full sets later which will be a few measures stronger, quicker and more deadly.
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