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  1. Thank you for explaining that. On the lvl 15 mission, is it because it was a Praetorian mission which apparently doesn't count for the badge?
  2. At the beginning of this thread, he mentions No Enhancements. Hpw is that possible unless you decide to throw away everything you have slotted? Also earlier Tuesday, I did a lvl 15 mission while debuffed but didn't get the Headstrong badge
  3. I tried and can't get this to work at all. Had no problem back in the day when Triton ran CIT. My top character has now 1011 badges but unfortunately I've been keeping my own paper track on all of this. Can't even get him on the Leaderboard.
  4. Yeah I only found Nadia & now it's where I have to go to Parsons so it's already messed up
  5. Actually no time for one to prevent the Paladin from being built. I have done this three times already. Twice with Toper and once with my toon, Grey Ptarmigan. By the time that one has formed a team against the construction, the Paladin is already built and consequently defeating him yields NO defeat badge. Also I have noticed that only one construction site is being used and that being in Hyde Park. The original was never in Hyde Park to begin with. The original was always randomly selected from three different sites in the Gish district. Of course as we know already, there is NO Knight Errant temp power. The Knight Errant Temp as I have found out in the past was any of my toons' strongest partners. I found it stronger even than the Ancestral Spirit Temp. I guess until they totally fix this, the Paladin Event will be a work in progress. Having the site in Hyde Park makes this time around more difficult to begin with as well. With the original version, all three sites were within short distance of the Train Station. You could get to them a lot faster.
  6. I used to have the pop up menu working for Transportation and Badge Tracking. Now it is not working anymore for me. I would need to redownload the pop up menu if you could give it to me. While I was there at City of Badgers, I noticed on the leaderboard that the two of my characters who have over 900 badges aren't even listed there.
  7. To continue with my suggestions. 8: On the belts where they have a Jewel belt, instead of a jewel, they could have a letter, symbol, or number. 9: I would like to see them implement more power pools for the Peacebringer, Warshade, Arachnos Widow, and Arachnos Soldier. Having just one does not give one really the urge to create a character with only one. 10: Expand the parity between the primary and secondary powers as they have done with some powers. Examples include 1st Radiation Emission to 2nd Radiation Blast; 1st Earth Control to 2nd Earth Assault; 1st Energy Melee to 2nd Energy Aura; 1st Ice Blast to 2nd Ice Manipulation; 1st Fire Blast to 2nd Fire Manipulation; etc. A Water to water would be nice, plant to plant, poison to poison.
  8. I was speaking for those that are not quite there at those levels in PI.
  9. If running solo on hunting down the Rikti Monkeys, may I suggest Crey's Folly. It takes a bit of work but nowhere will you quite find the abundance of those that do spawn and with AoE, it is also quite relaxing. 🙂 I just hope eventually that the Paladin Event gets a permanent fix. Still if one wants to get the Paladin Event with his Conduits, one must request it from a GM. The GM will then redraw a second map of KR to produce the Paladin. As far as the option goes to save Twinshot and that bunch, that has not ever been fixed. Most people only care anyway about the Paladin and his Conduits as the Knight Errant you receive I have found to be the strongest partner when soloing against bosses.
  10. TY. That worked out just fine.
  11. I mentioned this years ago when CoH/CoV was in NCSoft's hands. 1: A lot of us want the hat/hair option where when you place a hat on the toon, it does not change the toon's hairstyle. Most hairstyles for female toons end up bald when they wear a hat. It is like they all of a sudden developed cancer or alopecia. I never liked the idea of a hat changing the way the hair looked. 2: Add a Glass or Jewel Texture to costumes. For my character Amalgamite, it would be a perfect addition as I am trying the best that I can to emulate Metamorpho. 3: Add Glass wings. 4: With the recent addition of assymetrical pieces namely the gloves and boots, I hope you expand on this to include the upper and lower body parts. Again in tribute to Metamorpho, a assymetrical chest and pants would be perfect. 5: This has probably been mentioned. More animal body types. With that in mind, I would like to add the fact that more appendages could be added. An octopus with his eight tentacles, a spider with his eight legs, an insect with his six legs, maybe even a snake, a frog with his webbed feet, etc.. 6. More facial types that explore multiple facets such as more than normal amount of eyes, nose, mouth, etc. 7. Multiple heads which of course would include multiple necks as well.
  12. So it's a zip file but I always was used to zip files just being .zip. You did not mention where I should have this. Should this file be under CoH or is there some particular folder of CoH to place this in? I got it unzipped but it says to drop the data into the Tequila Score Game directory. There's no such thing under my CoH. Do I just drop this data file under CoH then?
  13. Okay I downloaded this but where do I place it and how does it open? Apparently the Transportation & Badge Pop Menu.7z file isn't being recognized to be opened.
  14. I still recall you. In the old days, I was there from the very beginning when we were just a forum in 2002 until 2009 when I could not afford to pay anymore. I came back for the ending in 2012. I created The Drunken Gargoyle on those forums which became Cryptic's inspiration to turn Paragon Dance Party into the Pocket D. Was a part of the CoHGurus on those forums as well. Most of my 26 characters back then were on Virtue. I had some on Pinnacle. I had several mains back then and belonged to six groups I believe. The original Knights of Paragon, PAYROLL, TEAM1, The original Outsiders, Justice Force, and the Paragonian Knights on Virtue. Shades of Grey on Pinnacle. Only villains I had were with Justice Force and the Paragonian Knights. With Homecoming, I brought back all of my characters plus added quite a few more. I'm up to 77 now. Only use two of them for main heroes and two for main villains. Familiar names of mine were Amalgamite, Boomer, Traveller, Icebreaker, Wild Fury, Ravensword, and Supermole. This time around, I had to add periods to the end of Boomer, Traveller, and Icebreaker because someone else grabbed the names before I could. The Paragonian Knights are back in action as is Justice Force but this time around, we had to add International to Justice Force because someone else grabbed our SG name before we could.
  15. We still exist. Shad0hawk and Pendragon plus some others are still here with the Paragonian Knights.
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