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Golden Azrael

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Everything posted by Golden Azrael

  1. Cheers, Troo. I've re-rolled an En Invul Tank. And tried testing it just as 'a tank' (seeing how those Tank changes feel on it.) And it's not bad. Not the final solution. But debate on En Melee is good. Esepcially if it gets HC to give the Power Set a 'pass over.' I'm interested to see where it goes. Azrael.
  2. Lol. HC will do what they must. And I invite them to give Energy Melee the shot in the arm it needs to make it more compelling. Energy Melee. I can see why it was popular in the early days. But it's a bit plodding and plain compared to Titan Weapons or Dual Blades where you have that compelling mechanic. The Tank patch was a much needed base re-alignment. (Upping the damage. Radiating the footprint. Removing the unstoppable crashes made a big difference.) It seems the power patch passes are next on the list. No drastic overhauls..? (I think the Energy Mechanic from the Dominator Energy Melee is the way to go. And in keeping.) The stun is single target 'meh.' That needs looking at. But leaving the old school tanker melee sets untouched isn't an option in the face of Titan Weapons. Stuff like Energy melee. Doesn't seem that popular compared to it. I wonder why? (I guess the old school sets weren't flavour of the month and the latest hot set had to impress to draw people in.) Stuff gets old. Sometimes it needs a tweak or a re(total)focus to get it doing again. Oh, and Taboo. You didn't say what you're suggestion(S) were. 🙂 Azrael.
  3. 3 and 4 are sounding good to me. 🙂 I used the Modding App and put the 'original' (or pre 'free to play' ) 'Ahhh….' into CoH. Sounds great. No more 'HuR!' (violent sick bucket.) I asked my duo partner to listen to it. He said, 'Hur?' Then I realised he'd have to download it to to his client as the mods are local. I remember his 'Giant body' Fire Tanker having 'Ahhh...' and latterly wondering why all my tanks sounded 'Hur!' (Which I just didn't like...along with the bent over animation for some taunts...) Well done you two heroes. You have done well. Hashtag Grandstanding 'Ahhh...' *winks to camera. The mystery of the 'Ahh...' vs the 'Hur..!' is solved. It seems there was a 'Taunt' tidy up and some of the Male taunts were decommissioned? Azrael.
  4. ha ha! Twinkie Cakes!!! The CoH Modder Tool. Nice. I'm on it!!! Ta Muchly. Azrael.
  5. Right all the time? It comes easily to me. 😉 Plenty more options too. It just takes a little imagination. Energy Melee. If I was back in 2004? I'd see it's mono-steam-piston damage as a bright light. In the reforged HC and the later live patches eg Titan Weapons? It seems old fashioned. I do understand the reverse the nerf cat calls. I do understand the Domi Energy Melee mechanism calls. (Good job on that, HC!!! Home run! Later power sets were offering chain mechanics eg. In dual blades to add more sizzle to the power sets. So this is in keeping.) I do understand the calls to make it the single biggest hitter. Does anything actually take the stun? Energy hands in the ground. BzzzBOOM. Mob go up...then fall down. So...wuzzat. A reverse nerf, mechanism, big hitter? Fortunately, the HC team have this in hand. And so far. Much of what they've done has shown an intimate understanding of what the game and the player need. Power with restraint. I'm really looking forward to power passes for Tanks. Energy Melee has a lot of potency to harness it's past whilst moving forward. That might require a 'few' changes. Azrael.
  6. 🙂 I'm hopeful of an energy mech' ala Dom's energy melee. So cool. Build it up...then POW! The stun (Single Target) in Tank's energy melee? I'd like the energy hands in the ground...BZZZZZZZZ BOOMMMMM! Stun AOE. And some nice dam ta boot. As for the single hitting bushakka? Double those damage numbers and we have a deal. See? Easily fixed. Azrael.
  7. I've rolled a few tanks. And I always seem to get the 'Hurrr!' taunt vs the more grand standing 'Arrrh!' Think it's related to 'Body Type' ie Giant Size body type gets the 'Ahhh' and standard gets the 'Hurrr.' (I don't like the latter. It sounds like the alt is being sick.) Any chance of a mod to specify which Taunt I can use? Thanks. Azrael.
  8. I like the idea of this app. Great idea. Any Taunt mods yet that let me pick Ahhhh vs huuur. Azrael.
  9. There is one terrific emote (not sure what it's called...) where the avatar puts their hands in the ground...and energy erupts. That's what I want from stun...a AoE stun shockwave that does some 'premier' tank damage. Giving Energy a much needed 2nd AoE attack. Azrael.
  10. Yes it does. Yes it does. Yes it does. Azrael.
  11. I like the Domi' En Melee charge mechanic. Be nice to have that on the En' Melee tank. I'd change the single target stun to a an AoE target stun. I like the Pom Poms on ET. If it did revert to previous animation, keep the poms. More stuns all round. Up the stun rate. Give Energy Punch more bite. Whirling hands. Another AoE dam attack would be nice. Whirling 'stun'? Turn the stun into a damaging stun that is AoE? So that it stacks with Whirling hands. I like the super tanker intention of Energy Melee. Plodding piston like devastation. But I want more damage MOAR devastation. Azrael.
  12. That's a sound idea. A zone editor to go with it perhaps. I'd also like to raise the limit on Story Arcs to 10 x5 (is the current limit 8 x 5?) to match the 'arc' contacts in the game. So you could have a 'base' or zone that you can privately 'GM' and a zone editor to make it unique. (The Zone/Map editor just needs that 'friendly' AE shop front on it..?) This way. You'd have a GM. A zone you've designed. And you're own content path through the game. Azrael.
  13. I remember the old. My duo partner had it on his En' Melee tank. I like the new. But it can seem on the posey long side. I don't mind that much. I like its theatre. Maybe even more crippling damage for it? Azrael.
  14. Giving the Council the 'burn' and debuffing Maestro was a lot of fun. A defender Trick/Arrows Duo has been a Debuff revelation in terms of strategic battlefield control. Flash. Gas. Glue. Acid. Oil. Earned our 3rd AT Defender 'Bastion' IO which has increased range by 7.5%. (Following Natural Origin arc via Oro'. Easier to keep in sync and has a pseudo 'pact' system whereby we share merits etc.) We have unfinished business with the Wolves (for the Accolade.) Looking forward to testing Tath99's AE mission. Never really got to grips with AE on live. But having put together one mission the other day...it wasn't that difficult and reasonably quick. Whilst I understand Farming for stress testing builds etc. Putting together a story Arc in AE has always been a creative challenge that intrigued and it has potential (which I suspect was the dev's original purpose. To add 'select' narrative content to the game.) Azrael.
  15. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Stature_Levels No. Not a 'bad' angle. Taking it from here. From the game itself. It offers Origin types. So, rather than it being 'mere window dressing...' it would be nice to follow this path without getting blown off course. Luckily, after a bit of frustration with this idea my Duo Partner put to me... I said, 'Why don't we just use Oro'?' (As the we'd often get out of sync with contacts. I'd complete an arc but they wouldn't get the merits. Better to just do Oro' as TFs and we both get the Merits. It's working a treat. We've just earned our 3rd AT IO at L27. (The only IOs we're allowing ourselves 1-50 as we're playing with some 'old school' limitations like non-Oro travel in general and using SOs.) Thankfully, after reading the Wiki on contacts and missions I have a clearer idea of how it all works. Due to their being no Pact system now(?) we've decided to go Oro. It's the closest thing to it. That way the Duo keep in sync. So we can look at the picture of a contact in Oro and see if it matches the natural contact name for our Arc range (natural.). (Geeze...but having to cross reference a Wiki to find out the picture's name...bit of an oversight by the original dev's there. Name and Origin...shouldn't be that hard to put in the Oro data base?) Yes. We know about 'bit of magic' here and there trappings of the mobs. ie. Hard to call any absolutes with 100% purity at times. But the game offers a natural path. We're natural heroes. And we've hit upon a formula (after some frustration with how the level system works...) of just using Oro. And how it's 'all art' definitions of origin types. *Nods. PB/WS are 'natural.' We 'get it.' Just not in terms of what people tend to think of natural aka Batman. A well trained guy with street smarts. (Or street smart **** as he is these days...) If we need more than our Natural origin contact to help us level. We just pick some of the closely related to Natural old favourites arcs. And we've had a lot of fun doing that. It's nice to use our knowledge of the game with Tricks/Arrows and to finally wrap our head around how the mission levelling system (and the various other types of arcs/contacts/Oro) works. It's nice that a 16 year old game still have the ability to surprise you and learn something new. 🙂 Azrael.
  16. I would like an 'offline' mode which acts like a 'single player' game. Azrael.
  17. It sounds like the PB arcs. I think the devs showed a tantalising promise of what 'could have been' with the PB/WS arcs. With a specific arc. It felt tailed to the AT. And it was. IT played to the strengths and weaknesses of the PB/WS AT. AT arcs for 1-50 would be cool. Azrael.
  18. RP is good. It just a case of how you can construct that arc. Or package up the content. A lot is by-passed and wasted because of the current design. My duo partner and I have taken to doing the Oro so we can share the merits and do the same contact. I don't think it would be 'that hard' to put the names and origin type to the picture of each Oro mission. Jeeze. You have to look at the HC wiki to find out who they are... '...uh...mm...this face...is...looks...tabs back and forwards...is it him...no...him?' Unless I'm missing something. Having an Origin patch to package up the mission content is an option. Just like the random choices that can be made from the game 'seemingly' randomly given you contacts. It's telling that you need a wiki to understand all the different types of contacts and their arcs. Is it part of your origin? Or is it a zone specific contact. Having an extra option doesn't have to break the current choice. It can add to it. Like following someone's build. Or just making the build as you play along. Yes. You can argue that Superman is 'natural' (don't let my Duo Partner here you say that...) but to all intents and purposes he's a 'Superhero' and 'Batman' is just a naturally trained guy with a halloween suit on. And we know what mean by Magic, Science, Tech' (yeah...Iron Man is 'natural...' he's just a guy in a suit...) etc. Having explicit Origin paths would smarten things up abit. I find the 'same' random experience can seem 'same.' I'll take your point about Praetoria. My duo partner and I have done it a bit and enjoyed it. Play testing on the missions by the original devs could have been better here and there. But it's interesting if somewhat 1 dimensional. I prefer the CoH setting, if I'm honest. I miss the Pact system. But now I've finally wrapped my head around Oro' and how the mission system actually works. The nearest thing to a Pact system is just dong the Oro content (and use the Wiki system to decode who the contacts are to follow your 'Origin.' Just a shame the Oro' stuff doesn't have a contact name and origin status under their picture. (Really? Who is this guy...he looks familiar...goes hunting through the wiki...) Azrael.
  19. Certainly, giving the HC wiki contacts info page a read gave me an understanding of the different types of contacts and how the progression and mission content is organised. (Though this wasn't ever explicitly apparent. Just...'oh...I can't speak to this contact any more...uh...ok...guess I've out levelled him...) So, I can see the merit of shutting off xp if you want to finish the contact without out levelling them. A touch frustrating. Hey...it won't let me finish the contact arc...and I had one mission to go...etc. Azrael.
  20. "A hero can not get more than one contact from an origin's stature level group." So...you can't get more than one origin contact per level range? So you have to pad it out with 'other' eg. zone mission arcs like Wilcott in the Hollows? Or Tremlor in Faultline? Or with TFs? As one 'Origin' contact wouldn't be enough to get you through a 5 level bracket. Azrael.
  21. Option 1. I think sticking the Name of the contact and the origin type 😛 would be a simple but effective solution. *Programmer. Opens up the Dev Tools. Opens up the Oro text field for missions. Types name under picture of contact and the origin type. Simple? Option 2. (Probably a bit of coding?) Player opens Oro window. Selects Origin tab. Natural...Magic...Tech' etc. Select one. It then only shows mission level range (contact NAMES!) arcs for your origin. Content is there. Just needs to be packaged better. Azrael.
  22. I see what you're saying. And the 'this is how we roll' teams is certainly a 'choice.' (I prefer DUO-ing myself...) But currently, a lot of content is wasted or bypassed. At the least the content needs to be packaged better to allow progression via Origin, AT or Mob type. We have the 'find contact' system. But it seems rather random to me at the moment. If I select Natural Origin. It would be nice to have that more tailored route through the game. So if I roll say, a Magic Origin next time? I can follow 'that' route through the game. The content is there. But I think a lot of it gets bypassed. Azrael.
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